How do I prevent org-mode from executing all of the babel source blocks? - emacs

I have an org file with lots of babel source blocks in it that only need to be re-executed when the code is changed.
How do I prevent org from executing all of the blocks during export? In other words, set them all to manual execution only?
I would prefer a single global option rather than having to edit each block individually.

The variable org-export-babel-evaluate, if set to nil, will prevent any code from being evaluated as part of the export process. This way, only the results inserted by way of manual execution will be exported.
You can define it, and others, as a file variable by placing the following comment line at the top of your org file:
# -*- org-export-babel-evaluate: nil -*-

Setting the variable org-export-babel-evaluate to nil will avoid code evaluation, but it will also cause all source block header arguments to be ignored This means that code blocks with the argument :exports none or :exports results will end up in the export. This caught me off guard.
The alternative is to use the header argument :eval never-export on a file basis and then remove that line when re-running the source code:
#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export
See the docstring for org-babel-evaluate:
Switch controlling code evaluation and header processing during export.
When set to nil no code will be evaluated as part of the export
process and no header arguments will be obeyed. Users who wish
to avoid evaluating code on export should use the header argument
‘:eval never-export’.

You can set the cache to yes (see This can also be set a property line in the file to act globally.
#+Property: header-args :cache yes just make sure to C-c C-c on that line to activate the property.

After placing the following:
# -*- org-export-use-babel: nil;-*-
at the top of the file, and executing C-c C-c, It didn't work for me. The variable's value is not set accordingly.
But the following:
#+BIND: org-export-use-babel nil
with an application of C-c C-c works as expected.
I found the answer here:
There are probably some changes in emacs 26, which I'm using.


Shell script mode automatically at each emacs start

Each time when I edit bash script I type a command M-x shell-script-mode. And then I get nice shell code higlighting. How to get it automatically each time I start emacs so I do not have to type the command. When I added (shell-script-mode) to init.el it did not help.
You can set the default major mode to be whatever you want by adding
(setq-default major-mode 'shell-script-mode)
to your init file. That will ensure that any newly created buffer will be in shell-script-mode unless its mode is specified otherwise (e.g. through auto-mode-alist). Whether it's a good idea or not, I don't know: I probably would not want that to be my default setting - but to each her/his own.
One of the simplest ways to have Emacs set the desired mode for a buffer editing a file is to include a special comment in the first line of that file, e.g. for a shell script your first line might be:
# -*-sh-*-
For scripts it is also common, or and often even required, to have an interpreter file comment on the very first line of the file, which of course would preclude having an Emacs mode comment, so Emacs also looks for interpreter file comments and associates those with a major mode, so the first line of your shell script might be:
There are a number of other ways to tell Emacs how to set the buffer mode when visiting a file. See, for example, Emacs Manual: Choosing File Modes

Stop execution of .emacs

Is there anyway to use a command in .emacs that tells Emacs to ignore anything that comes after it?
I am trying to isolate the source of problem in my .emacs file, and commenting in and out code is quite cumbersome.
Put an (error "Done") in your .emacs file at the point where you're bisecting it. You'll get the error that you signaled upon startup, but it will stop emacs from processing the rest of the .emacs file.
#Tom's suggestion about comment-dwim (and #Drew's comment about comment-region) are good ones, but the (error "Done") option has the advantage that you only need to move one line to various points in your .emacs file without commenting/uncommenting other bits of it -- which could get tedious and error-prone.
Commenting and uncommenting is pretty easy if you use M-;, aka comment-dwim. Just mark the region and type it -- it will comment or uncomment as appropriate.
Alternatively, sure, you can use the trick of wrapping the remainder of the file by putting (quote at the beginning and ) at the end. This will make the rest of the file appear as a constant, and it will just be discarded.
Why not just highlight half of the file and execute 'eval-region?

When using magic %paste in ipython, how can i get it to just paste the copied code, rather than paste and execute, so that it can be edited

When using magic %paste in ipython, it executes pasted code, rather than just pasting. How can i get it to just paste the copied code so that it can be edited?
You have two options:
To edit it by hand, run %cpaste. Then you can paste it in with standard terminal options (try Ctrl-Shift-V), and edit it. Enter -- on a line to finish.
To change it as text in your code, run %paste foo. It will store the clipboard contents in foo.
Adding to Thomas K's answer (quoted below), if you have stored statements to a string variable foo by using %paste foo, you can later run that string (or any python statements in string form) using the exec(foo [, globals, locals]).
You have two options:
To edit it by hand, run %cpaste. Then you can paste it in with standard terminal options (try Ctrl-Shift-V), and edit it. Enter --
on a line to finish.
To change it as text in your code, run %paste foo. It will store the clipboard contents in foo.
There is a solution for this issue in ipython, if you are not concerned with indentation,
Just run %autoindent to Automatic indentation OFF.

How can I script vim to run perltidy on a buffer?

At my current job, we have coding-style standards that are different from the ones I normally follow. Fortunately, we have a canned RC file for perltidy that I can apply to reformat files before I submit them to our review process.
I have code for emacs that I use to run a command over a buffer and replace the buffer with the output, which I have adapted for this. But I sometimes alternate between emacs and vim, and would like to have the same capabilities there. I'm sure that this or something similar is simple and had been done and re-done many times over. But I've not had much luck finding any examples of vim-script that seem to do what I need. Which is, in essence, to be able to hit a key combo (like Ctrl-F6, what I use in emacs) and have the buffer be reformatted in-place by perltidy. While I'm a comfortable vim-user, I'm completely clueless at writing this sort of thing for vim.
After trying #hobbs answer I noticed that when filtering the entire buffer through perltidy the cursor returned to byte 1, and I had to make a mental note of the original line number so I could go back after :Tidy completed.
So building on #hobbs' and #Ignacio's answers, I added the following to my .vimrc:
"define :Tidy command to run perltidy on visual selection || entire buffer"
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy
"run :Tidy on entire buffer and return cursor to (approximate) original position"
fun DoTidy()
let l = line(".")
let c = col(".")
call cursor(l, c)
"shortcut for normal mode to run on entire buffer then return to current line"
au Filetype perl nmap <F2> :call DoTidy()<CR>
"shortcut for visual mode to run on the current visual selection"
au Filetype perl vmap <F2> :Tidy<CR>
(closing " added to comments for SO syntax highlighting purposes (not required, but valid vim syntax))
DoTidy() will return the cursor to its original position plus or minus at most X bytes, where X is the number of bytes added/removed by perltidy relative to the original cursor position. But this is fairly trivial as long as you keep things tidy :).
[Vim version: 7.2]
EDIT: Updated DoTidy() to incorporate #mikew's comment for readability and for compatibility with Vim 7.0
My tidy command:
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!
\perltidy (your default options go here) <args>
If you use a visual selection or provide a range then it will tidy the selected range, otherwise it will use the whole file. You can put a set of default options (if you have any) at the point where I wrote (your default options go here), but any arguments that you provide to :Tidy will be appended to the perltidy commandline, overriding your defaults. (If you use a .perltidyrc you might not have default args -- that's fine -- but then again you might want to have a default like --profile=vim that sets up defaults only for when you're working in vim. Whatever works.)
The command to filter the entire buffer through an external program is:
Put the following in ~/.vimrc to bind it to Ctrl-F6 in normal mode:
:nmap <C-F6> :%!command<CR>
For added fun:
:au Filetype perl nmap <C-F6> :%!command<CR>
This will only map the filter if editing a Perl file.
Taking hobbs' answer a step further, you can map that command to a shortcut key:
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy -q
noremap <C-F6> :Tidy<CR>
And another step further: Only map the command when you're in a Perl buffer (since you probably wouldn't want to run perltidy on any other language):
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl,*.plx,*.pm command! -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy -q
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl,*.plx,*.pm noremap <C-F6> :Tidy<CR>
Now you can press Ctrl-F6 without an active selection to format the whole file, or with an active selection to format just that section.
Instead of creating a new keyboard shortcut, how about replacing the meaning of the = command which is already in people's finger memory for indenting stuff? Yes, perlcritic does more than just indent but when you use perlcritic anyways, then you probably don't want to go back to the inferior "just indent" = command. So lets overwrite it!
filetype plugin indent on
autocmd FileType perl setlocal equalprg=perltidy
And now we can use = just like before but with the added functionality of perlcritic that goes beyond just indenting lines:
== run perlcritic on the current line
5== run perlcritic on five lines
=i{ Re-indent the 'inner block', i.e. the contents of the block
=a{ Re-indent 'a block', i.e. block and containing braces
=2a{ Re-indent '2 blocks', i.e. this block and containing block
gg=G run perlcritic on the entire buffer
And the best part is, that you don't have to learn any new shortcuts but can continue using the ones you already used with more power. :)
I'm used to select text using line oriented visual Shift+V and then I press : an I have !perltidy -pbp -et4 somewhere in history so I hit once or more up arrow ⇧.

How can I filter compilation output only for a specific mode or buffer in Emacs?

I have a HTML page, with html-mode enabled. I call function sgml-validate to check for any markup errors. It's based on compilation-mode. I want to remove some warnings from the compilation output, so I wrote a function and hooked it to compilation-filter-hook (this variable is not documented, but compilation-filter invokes it). Everything works. My problem is that how can I ensure my filter function only gets called when I started the compilation process on a HTML page (via sgml-validate)?
I see two methods, but none of them worked:
First, I can check the value of major-mode. But it always returns compilation-mode, since that is enabled on the *compilation* buffer. (I found a filter function in the source code of grep+, and they did check the value of major-mode. I can't figure out how can it work correctly.)
The other idea was than to only hook my filter function to the HTML file's buffer, but for similar reasons it couldn't work as the output of compilation process goes to a seperate buffer.
It sounds like you can advise smgl-validate so that it performs the filtering before it performs all it's other operations. For example:
(defadvice sgml-validate (around fix-filtering command activate)
(let ((return-value ad-do-it))
(filter-function return-value))))
Meanwhile, I found that compilation-start accepts an optional argument mode, which will be the major mode for the compilation buffer. So I can create a major mode derived from compilation-mode, and define there my filter function now hooked to the proper buffer.
The only problem is now that sgml-validate does not allow me to set the mode argument on compilation-start, but that's another question.
(I don't consider this the ultimate solution, of course.)