Equation for determining average data transfer speed when day/night throttling limit is different - average

this may be better posted in Mathematics, but figured someone in StackOverflow may have seen this before. I am trying to devise an equation for determining the average data transfer speed for backup appliances that offsite their data to a data center.
On weekdays during the 8:00a-5:00p hours (1/3 of the day), the connection is throttled to 20% of the measured bandwidth. The remaining 2/3 of the weekday (5:00p-8:00a), the connection is throttled to 80% of the measured bandwidth. On the weekend from Friday 5:00p until Monday 8:00a, the connection is a constant 80% of the measured bandwidth.
The reason behind this is deciding whether to seed the data onto a hard drive versus letting the data transfer over the internet. Making this decision is based on getting a somewhat accurate bandwidth average so that I can calculate the transfer time
I had issues coming up with an equation, so I reverse engineered a few real world occurrences using just the weekday 80%/20% average. I came up with 57.5% of the measured bandwidth, but could not extrapolate an equation from it. Now I want to write a program to determine this. I am thinking factoring in the weekend being 80% the whole time would use a similar equation.
This would be similar scenario to a car travelling at 20% of speed limit for 1/3 of the day and then 80% of speed limit for the rest of that day, and then determine average car speed for the day. I searched online and could not find any reference to an equation for this. Any ideas?

Using the idea you provided, is direct the equation:
Average = (1/3) * bandwith_1 + (2/3) * bandwith_2
If bandwith_1 = 20 and bandwith_2 = 80, the equation gives a maximumm value of 59,99999%.


How to determine costs for the service time and idle time in a queuing problem in anylogic?

I need to simulate a simple M/M/1 problem in Anylogic. So far, I created the model and calculated all performance measures like the average time in queue and system and the average number in queue and system. Now I need to calculate the Total Costs. The painting time for a car would be 6 hours and costs $70 per hour. The cost of idle time per car is $100 per hour. The cars arrive according to a Poisson process with a mean rate of 1 every 5 hours. Can someone help me how I can calculate the total costs in this model in annylogic?
enter image description here
Refer to this question about measuring time:
Method the measure the time an agent is not in use during a simulation
You need to create an agent type that has variables for time and cost. Then on the On Enter and On Exit fields, record time and cost for individual agents. Once you have measured time, cost is simply time multiplied by the hourly cost.
If you want to measure total cost, you can create variables in main such as totalCost and the code of the sink's On Enter would be:
totalCost += agent.totalCost
Where the second totalCost variable would be the variable inside the agent type.
Anyway, the above should give you a good idea on how to proceed...

Anylogic - How to measure work in process inventory (WIP) within simulation

I am currently working on a simple simulation that consists of 4 manufacturing workstations with different processing times and I would like to measure the WIP inside the system. The model is PennyFab2 in case anybody knows it.
So far, I have measured throughput and cycle time and I am calculating WIP using Little's law, however the results don't match he expectations. The cycle time is measured by using the time measure start and time measure end agents and the throughput by simply counting how many pieces flow through the end of the simulation.
Any ideas on how to directly measure WIP without using Little's law?
Thank you!
For little's law you count the arrivals, not the exits... but maybe it doesn't make a difference...
Otherwise.. There are so many ways
you can count the number of agents inside your system using a RestrictedAreaStart block and use the entitiesInside() function
You can just have a variable that adds +1 if something enters and -1 if something exits
No matter what, you need to add the information into a dataset or a statistics object and you get the mean of agents in your system
Little's Law defines the relationship between:
Work in Process =(WIP)
Throughput (or Flow rate)
Lead Time (or Flow Time)
This means that if you have 2 of the three you can calculate the third.
Since you have a simulation model you can record all three items explicitly and this would be my advice.
Little's Law should then be used to validate if you are recording the 3 values correctly.
You can record them as follows.
WIP = Record the average number of items in your system
Simplest way would be to count the number of items that entered the system and subtract the number of items that left the system. You simply do this calculation every time unit that makes sense for the resolution of your model (hourly, daily, weekly etc) and save the values to a DataSet or Statistics Object
Lead Time = The time a unit takes from entering the system to leaving the system
If you are using the Process Modelling Library (PML) simply use the timeMeasureStart and timeMeasureEnd Blocks, see the example model in the help file.
Throughput = the number of units out of the system per time unit
If you run the model and your average WIP is 10 units and on average a unit takes 5 days to exit the system, your throughput will be 10 units/5 days = 2 units/day
You can validate this by taking the total units that exited your system at the end of the simulation and dividing it by the number of time units your model ran
if you run a model with the above characteristics for 10 days you would expect 20 units to have exited the system.

Alert in RAM/CPU Usage Detection in e-Commerce Server

Currently I'm building my monitoring services for my e-commerce Server, which mostly focus on CPU/RAM usage. It's likely Anomaly Detection on Timeseries data.
My approach is building LSTM Neural Network to predict next CPU/RAM value on chart trending and compare with STD (standard deviation) value multiply with some number (currently is 10)
But in real life conditions, it depends on many differents conditions, such as:
1- Maintainance Time (in this time "anomaly" is not "anomaly")
2- Sales time in day-off events, holidays, etc., RAM/CPU usages increase is normal, of courses
3- If percentages of CPU/RAM decrement are the same over 3 observations: 5 mins, 10 mins & 15 mins -> Anomaly. But if 5 mins decreased 50%, but 10 mins it didn't decrease too much (-5% ~ +5%) -> Not an "anomaly".
Currently I detect anomaly on formular likes this:
isAlert = (Diff5m >= 10 && Diff10m >= 15 && Diff30m >= 40)
where Diff is Different Percentage in Absolute value.
Unfortunately I don't save my "pure" data for building neural network, for example, when it detects anomaly, I modified that it is not an anomaly anymore.
I would like to add some attributes to my input for model, such as isMaintenance, isPromotion, isHoliday, etc. but sometimes it leads to overfitting.
I also want to my NN can adjust baseline over the time, for example, when my Service is more popular, etc.
There are any hints on these aims?
I would say that an anomaly is an unusual outcome, i.e. a outcome that's not expected given the inputs. As you've figured out, there are a few variables that are expected to influence CPU and RAM usage. So why not feed those to the network? That's the whole point of Machine Learning. Your network will make a prediction of CPU usage, taking into account the sales volume, whether there is (or was) a maintenance window, etc.
Note that you probably don't need an isPromotion input if you include actual sales volumes. The former is a discrete input, and only captures a fraction of the information present in the totalSales input
Machine Learning definitely needs data. If you threw that away, you'll have to restart capturing it. As for adjusting the baseline, you can achieve that by overweighting recent input data.

How to calculate cache miss rate

I'm trying to answer computer architecture past paper question (NOT a Homework).
My question is how to calculate the miss rate.(complete question ask to calculate the average memory access time) The complete question is,
For a given application, 30% of the instructions require memory access. Miss rate is 3%. An instruction can be executed in 1 clock cycle. L1 cache access time is approximately 3 clock cycles while L1 miss penalty is 72 clock cycles. Calculate the average memory access time.
Needed equations,
Average memory access time = Hit time + Miss rate x Miss penalty
Miss rate = no. of misses / total no. of accesses (This was found from stackoverflow)
As I mentioned above I found how to calculate miss rate from stackoverflow ( I checked that question but it does not answer my question) but the problem is I cannot imagine how to find Miss rate from given values in the question.
What I have done up to now
Average memory access time = 30% * (1 + 3% * 72) + 100% * (1 + M*72)
M - miss rate
what I need to find is M. (If I am correct up to now if not please tell me what I've messed up)

Calculate time of script execution previously with Matlab

Good morning,
I have a question about the time execution of a script on Matlab. Is it possible to know previously how long spend the execution of a script before running it (an estimated time, for example)? I know that with tic and toc command, among others, is it possible to know the time at the end but I don't know if it's possible to know it before.
Thanks in advance,
It is not too hard to make an estimate of how long your calculation will take.
You already know how to record calculation times with tic and toc, so now you can do this:
Start with a small scale test (example, n=1) and record the calculation time
Multiply n with a constant k (I usually choose 2 or 10 for easy calculations), record the calculation time
Keep multiplying with n untill you find a consistent relation: 'If I multiply my input size with k, my calculation time changes like so ...'
Now you can extrapolate your estimated calculation time by:
calculating how many times you need to multiply input size of the biggest small scale example to get your real data size
Applying the consistent relation that you found exactly that many times to the calculation time of your biggest small scale example
Of course this combines well with some common sense, like if you do certain things t times they will take about t times as long. This can easily be used when you have to perform a certain calculation a million times. Just interrupt the loop after a minute or so, if it is still in the first ten calculations you may want to give up!