I have this function:
def getTime() : ArrayBuffer[Timestamp] = {
val offset = Timestamp.valueOf("2015-01-01 00:00:00").getTime()
val end = Timestamp.valueOf("2015-01-02 00:00:00").getTime()
val diff = end - offset + 1
val mList = ArrayBuffer[Timestamp]()
val numRecords = 3
var i = 0
while (i < numRecords) {
val rand = new Timestamp(offset + (Math.random() * diff).toLong)
mList += rand
i += 1
// mList.toList.sortWith(_ < _);
// scala.util.Sorting.quickSort(mList.toArray);
I have tried to sort the array but could not. I get this error:
No implicit Ordering defined for java.sql.Timestamp.
I know I need to define how the ordering would be done. Is there a way to sort it easily as in Java: Collections.sort(list);
or there is a better approach using Scala?
Alternatively, define it somewhere in your class and you're good to go:
implicit def ordered: Ordering[Timestamp] = new Ordering[Timestamp] {
def compare(x: Timestamp, y: Timestamp): Int = x compareTo y
getTime().sorted // now this will work just fine
mList.sortWith(_.compareTo(_) < 1)
Note that's with an anonymous function, you could pass an explicit function, which would look like this:
def comparator(first: Timestamp, second: Timestamp) = first.compareTo(second) < 1
There's no implicit ordering on Timestamp itself, here we're just sorting using the compareTo method.
Thanks to #Nick for pointing out sorting on getTime() wasn't suffient in all scenarios. I also looked at the before method which you would expect to work, but this only compares using the epoch value as well.
I have been trying to code some scalacheck property to verify the Codility TapeEquilibrium problem. For those who do not know the problem, see the following link: https://app.codility.com/programmers/lessons/3-time_complexity/tape_equilibrium/.
I coded the following yet incomplete code.
test("Lesson 3 property"){
val left = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get
val right = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get
val expectedSum = Math.abs(left - right)
val leftArray = Gen.listOfN(???, left) retryUntil (_.sum == left)
val rightArray = Gen.listOfN(???, right) retryUntil (_.sum == right)
val property = forAll(leftArray, rightArray){ (r: List[Int], l: List[Int]) =>
val array = (r ++ l).toArray
Lesson3.solution3(array) == expectedSum
The idea is as follows. I choose two random numbers (values left and right) and calculate its absolute difference. Then, my idea is to generate two arrays. Each array will be random numbers whose sum will be either "left" or "right". Then by concatenating these array, I should be able to verify this property.
My issue is then generating the leftArray and rightArray. This itself is a complex problem and I would have to code a solution for this. Therefore, writing this property seems over-complicated.
Is there any way to code this? Is coding this property an overkill?
My issue is then generating the leftArray and rightArray
One way to generate these arrays or (lists), is to provide a generator of nonEmptyList whose elements sum is equal to a given number, in other word, something defined by method like this:
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Properties}
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
def listOfSumGen(expectedSum: Int): Gen[List[Int]] = ???
That verifies the property:
forAll(Gen.choose(-1000, 1000)){ sum: Int =>
forAll(listOfSumGen(sum)){ listOfSum: List[Int] =>
(listOfSum.sum == sum) && listOfSum.nonEmpty
To build such a list only poses a constraint on one element of the list, so basically here is a way to generate:
Generate list
The extra constrained element, will be given by the expectedSum - the sum of list
Insert the constrained element into a random index of the list (because obviously any permutation of the list would work)
So we get:
def listOfSumGen(expectedSum: Int): Gen[List[Int]] =
for {
list <- Gen.listOf(Gen.choose(-1000,1000))
constrainedElement = expectedSum - list.sum
index <- Gen.oneOf(0 to list.length)
} yield list.patch(index, List(constrainedElement), 0)
Now we the above generator, leftArray and rightArray could be define as follows:
val leftArray = listOfSumGen(left)
val rightArray = listOfSumGen(right)
However, I think that the overall approach of the property described is incorrect, as it builds an array where a specific partition of the array equals the expectedSum but this doesn't ensure that another partition of the array would produce a smaller sum.
Here is a counter-example run-through:
val left = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get // --> 4
val right = Gen.choose(-1000, 1000).sample.get // --> 9
val expectedSum = Math.abs(left - right) // --> |4 - 9| = 5
val leftArray = listOfSumGen(left) // Let's assume one of its sample would provide List(3,1) (whose sum equals 4)
val rightArray = listOfSumGen(right)// Let's assume one of its sample would provide List(2,4,3) (whose sum equals 9)
val property = forAll(leftArray, rightArray){ (l: List[Int], r: List[Int]) =>
// l = List(3,1)
// r = List(2,4,3)
val array = (l ++ r).toArray // --> Array(3,1,2,4,3) which is the array from the given example in the exercise
Lesson3.solution3(array) == expectedSum
// According to the example Lesson3.solution3(array) equals 1 which is different from 5
Here is an example of a correct property that essentially applies the definition:
def tapeDifference(index: Int, array: Array[Int]): Int = {
val (left, right) = array.splitAt(index)
Math.abs(left.sum - right.sum)
forAll(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.choose(-1000,1000))) { list: List[Int] =>
val array = list.toArray
forAll(Gen.oneOf(array.indices)) { index =>
Lesson3.solution3(array) <= tapeDifference(index, array)
This property definition might collides with the way the actual solution has been implemented (which is one of the potential pitfall of scalacheck), however, that would be a slow / inefficient solution hence this would be more a way to check an optimized and fast implementation against slow and correct implementation (see this presentation)
Try this with c# :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
private static int TapeEquilibrium(int[] A)
var sumA = A.Sum();
var size = A.Length;
var take = 0;
var res = new List<int>();
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
take = take + A[i-1];
var resp = Math.Abs((sumA - take) - take);
if (resp == 0) return resp;
return res.Min();
I have one method which generate UUID and code as below :
def generate(number : Int): List[String] = {
and I called this as below :
for(i <-0 to 100) {
val a = generate(1000000)
But for running the above for loop it take almost 8-9 minutes for execution, is there any other way to minimised execution time ?
Note: Here for understanding I added for loop but in real situation the generate method will call thousand of times from other request at same time.
The problem is the List. Filling a List with 1,000,000 generated and processed elements is going to take time (and memory) because every one of those elements has to be materialized.
You can generate an infinite number of processed UUID strings instantly if you don't have to materialize them until they are actually needed.
def genUUID :Stream[String] = Stream.continually {
Generators.randomBasedGenerator().generate().toString.filterNot(_ == '-')
val next5 = genUUID.take(5) //only the 1st (head) is materialized
next5.length //now all 5 are materialized
You can use Stream or Iterator for the infinite collection, whichever you find most conducive (or least annoying) to your work flow.
Basically you used not the fastest implementation. You should use that one when you pass Random to the constructor Generators.randomBasedGenerator(new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())). I did next things:
Use Array instead of List (Array is faster)
Removed string replacing, let's measure pure performance of generation
Dependency: "com.fasterxml.uuid" % "java-uuid-generator" % "3.1.5"
Generators.randomBasedGenerator(). Per iteration: 1579.6 ms
Generators.randomBasedGenerator() with passing Random Per iteration: 59.2 ms
import java.util.{Random, UUID}
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.RandomBasedGenerator
import com.fasterxml.uuid.{Generators, NoArgGenerator}
import org.scalatest.{FunSuiteLike, Matchers}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Deadline
class GeneratorTest extends FunSuiteLike
with Matchers {
val nTimes = 10
// Let use Array instead of List - Array is faster!
// and use pure UUID generators
def generate(uuidGen: NoArgGenerator, number: Int): Seq[UUID] = {
test("Generators.randomBasedGenerator() without passed Random (secure one)") {
// Slow generator
val uuidGen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator()
// Warm up JVM
benchGeneration(uuidGen, 3)
val startTime = Deadline.now
benchGeneration(uuidGen, nTimes)
val endTime = Deadline.now
val perItermTimeMs = (endTime - startTime).toMillis / nTimes.toDouble
println(s"Generators.randomBasedGenerator(). Per iteration: $perItermTimeMs ms")
test("Generators.randomBasedGenerator() with passing Random (not secure)") {
// Fast generator
val uuidGen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator(new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()))
// Warm up JVM
benchGeneration(uuidGen, 3)
val startTime = Deadline.now
benchGeneration(uuidGen, nTimes)
val endTime = Deadline.now
val perItermTimeMs = (endTime - startTime).toMillis / nTimes.toDouble
println(s"Generators.randomBasedGenerator() with passing Random Per iteration: $perItermTimeMs ms")
private def benchGeneration(uuidGen: RandomBasedGenerator, nTimes: Int) = {
var r: Long = 0
for (i <- 1 to nTimes) {
val a = generate(uuidGen, 1000000)
r += a.length
You could use scala's parallel collections to split the load on multiple cores/threads.
You could also avoid creating a new generator every time:
class Generator {
val gen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator()
def generate(number : Int): List[String] = {
Below is an implementation of Selection sort written in Scala.
The line ss.sort(arr) causes this error :
type mismatch; found : Array[String] required: Array[Ordered[Any]]
Since the type Ordered is inherited by StringOps should this type not be inferred ?
How can I add the array of Strings to sort() method ?
Here is the complete code :
object SelectionSortTest {
def main(args: Array[String]){
val arr = Array("Hello","World")
val ss = new SelectionSort()
class SelectionSort {
def sort(a : Array[Ordered[Any]]) = {
var N = a.length
for (i <- 0 until N) {
var min = i
for(j <- i + 1 until N){
if( less(a(j) , a(min))){
min = j
exchange(a , i , min)
def less(v : Ordered[Any] , w : Ordered[Any]) = {
v.compareTo(w) < 0
def exchange(a : Array[Ordered[Any]] , i : Integer , j : Integer) = {
var swap : Ordered[Any] = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = swap
Array is invariant. You cannot use an Array[A] as an Array[B] even if A is subtype of B. See here why: Why are Arrays invariant, but Lists covariant?
Neither is Ordered, so your implementation of less will not work either.
You should make your implementation generic the following way:
object SelectionSortTest {
def main(args: Array[String]){
val arr = Array("Hello","World")
val ss = new SelectionSort()
class SelectionSort {
def sort[T <% Ordered[T]](a : Array[T]) = {
var N = a.length
for (i <- 0 until N) {
var min = i
for(j <- i + 1 until N){
if(a(j) < a(min)){ // call less directly on Ordered[T]
min = j
exchange(a , i , min)
def exchange[T](a : Array[T] , i : Integer , j : Integer) = {
var swap = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = swap
The somewhat bizarre statement T <% Ordered[T] means "any type T that can be implicitly converted to Ordered[T]". This ensures that you can still use the less-than operator.
See this for details:
What are Scala context and view bounds?
The answer by #gzm0 (with some very nice links) suggests Ordered. I'm going to complement with an answer covering Ordering, which provides equivalent functionality without imposing on your classes as much.
Let's adjust the sort method to accept an array of type 'T' for which an Ordering implicit instance is defined.
def sort[T : Ordering](a: Array[T]) = {
val ord = implicitly[Ordering[T]]
import ord._ // now comparison operations such as '<' are available for 'T'
// ...
if (a(j) < a(min))
// ...
The [T : Ordering] and implicitly[Ordering[T]] combo is equivalent to an implicit parameter of type Ordering[T]:
def sort[T](a: Array[T])(implicit ord: Ordering[T]) = {
import ord._
// ...
Why is this useful?
Imagine you are provided with a case class Account(balance: Int) by some third party. You can now add an Ordering for it like so:
// somewhere in scope
implicit val accountOrdering = new Ordering[Account] {
def compare(x: Account, y: Account) = x.balance - y.balance
// or, more simply
implicit val accountOrdering: Ordering[Account] = Ordering by (_.balance)
As long as that instance is in scope, you should be able to use sort(accounts).
If you want to use some different ordering, you can also provide it explicitly, like so: sort(accounts)(otherOrdering).
Note that this isn't very different from providing an implicit conversion to Ordering (at least not within the context of this question).
Even though, when coding Scala, I'm used to prefer functional programming style (via combinators or recursion) over imperative style (via variables and iterations), THIS TIME, for this specific problem, old school imperative nested loops result in simpler and performant code.
I don't think falling back to imperative style is a mistake for certain classes of problems, such as sorting algorithms which usually transform the input buffer (more like a procedure) rather than resulting to a new sorted collection.
Here it is my solution:
package bitspoke.algo
import scala.math.Ordered
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
abstract class Sorter[T <% Ordered[T]] {
// algorithm provided by subclasses
def sort(buffer : Buffer[T]) : Unit
// check if the buffer is sorted
def sorted(buffer : Buffer[T]) = buffer.isEmpty || buffer.view.zip(buffer.tail).forall { t => t._2 > t._1 }
// swap elements in buffer
def swap(buffer : Buffer[T], i:Int, j:Int) {
val temp = buffer(i)
buffer(i) = buffer(j)
buffer(j) = temp
class SelectionSorter[T <% Ordered[T]] extends Sorter[T] {
def sort(buffer : Buffer[T]) : Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until buffer.length) {
var min = i
for (j <- i until buffer.length) {
if (buffer(j) < buffer(min))
min = j
swap(buffer, i, min)
As you can see, to achieve parametric polymorphism, rather than using java.lang.Comparable, I preferred scala.math.Ordered and Scala View Bounds rather than Upper Bounds. That's certainly works thanks to Scala Implicit Conversions of primitive types to Rich Wrappers.
You can write a client program as follows:
import bitspoke.algo._
import scala.collection.mutable._
val sorter = new SelectionSorter[Int]
val buffer = ArrayBuffer(3, 0, 4, 2, 1)
Consider the following code that counts the frequency of each string in the list and stores the results in the mutable map. This works great, but I don't understand where the += method is defined?! Is this some weird implicit conversion thing or what? I saw this code somewhere but it didn't include an explanation for the +=.
val list = List("a", "b", "a")
val counts = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
list.foreach(counts(_) += 1)
//> res7: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(a -> 2, b -> 1)
The apply of map returns an Int, but Int doesn't have a += and this method updates the map with a new value, so it looks as if the apply returns a mutable integer that has a += method...
This is not an implicit conversion - it is a desugaring.
x += 1
desugars to:
x = x + 1
if the class of x does not have a += method defined on it.
In the same way:
counts("a") += 1
desugars to:
counts("a") = counts("a") + 1
because counts("a") is an Int, and Int does not have a += method defined.
On the other hand, writing:
x(expression1) = expression2
desugars to a call to the update method in Scala:
x.update(expression1, expression2)
Every mutable Map has an update method defined - it allows setting keys in the map.
So the entire expression is desugared to:
list.foreach(x => counts.update(x, counts(x) + 1))
This += is not to be confused with the += method on mutable.Maps in Scala. That method updates the entry in the map if that key already existed, or adds a new key-value pair. It returns the this reference, that is, the same map, so you can chain += calls. See ScalaDoc or the source code.
For these moments where you wonder what compiler magic is happening in a part of your code, scalac -print is your best friend (see this question).
If you do a scalac -print C.scala where C.scala is
package test
class C {
def myMethod() {
val counts = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
counts("a") += 1
you get
package test {
class C extends Object {
def myMethod(): Unit = {
val counts: collection.mutable.Map = new collection.mutable.HashMap().withDefaultValue(scala.Int.box(0));
counts.update("a", scala.Int.box(scala.Int.unbox(counts.apply("a")).+(1)))
def <init>(): test.C = {
It came as a surprise for me also, but apparently scalac will transform
map(key) =<op> rhs
map.update(key, map.apply(key) <op> rhs)
Is there any reason for Scala not support the ++ operator to increment primitive types by default?
For example, you can not write:
var i=0
My guess is this was omitted because it would only work for mutable variables, and it would not make sense for immutable values. Perhaps it was decided that the ++ operator doesn't scream assignment, so including it may lead to mistakes with regard to whether or not you are mutating the variable.
I feel that something like this is safe to do (on one line):
but this would be a bad practice (in any language):
var x = i++
You don't want to mix assignment statements and side effects/mutation.
I like Craig's answer, but I think the point has to be more strongly made.
There are no "primitives" -- if Int can do it, then so can a user-made Complex (for example).
Basic usage of ++ would be like this:
var x = 1 // or Complex(1, 0)
How do you implement ++ in class Complex? Assuming that, like Int, the object is immutable, then the ++ method needs to return a new object, but that new object has to be assigned.
It would require a new language feature. For instance, let's say we create an assign keyword. The type signature would need to be changed as well, to indicate that ++ is not returning a Complex, but assigning it to whatever field is holding the present object. In Scala spirit of not intruding in the programmers namespace, let's say we do that by prefixing the type with #.
Then it could be like this:
case class Complex(real: Double = 0, imaginary: Double = 0) {
def ++: #Complex = {
assign copy(real = real + 1)
// instead of return copy(real = real + 1)
The next problem is that postfix operators suck with Scala rules. For instance:
def inc(x: Int) = {
Because of Scala rules, that is the same thing as:
def inc(x: Int) = { x ++ x }
Which wasn't the intent. Now, Scala privileges a flowing style: obj method param method param method param .... That mixes well C++/Java traditional syntax of object method parameter with functional programming concept of pipelining an input through multiple functions to get the end result. This style has been recently called "fluent interfaces" as well.
The problem is that, by privileging that style, it cripples postfix operators (and prefix ones, but Scala barely has them anyway). So, in the end, Scala would have to make big changes, and it would be able to measure up to the elegance of C/Java's increment and decrement operators anyway -- unless it really departed from the kind of thing it does support.
In Scala, ++ is a valid method, and no method implies assignment. Only = can do that.
A longer answer is that languages like C++ and Java treat ++ specially, and Scala treats = specially, and in an inconsistent way.
In Scala when you write i += 1 the compiler first looks for a method called += on the Int. It's not there so next it does it's magic on = and tries to compile the line as if it read i = i + 1. If you write i++ then Scala will call the method ++ on i and assign the result to... nothing. Because only = means assignment. You could write i ++= 1 but that kind of defeats the purpose.
The fact that Scala supports method names like += is already controversial and some people think it's operator overloading. They could have added special behavior for ++ but then it would no longer be a valid method name (like =) and it would be one more thing to remember.
I think the reasoning in part is that +=1 is only one more character, and ++ is used pretty heavily in the collections code for concatenation. So it keeps the code cleaner.
Also, Scala encourages immutable variables, and ++ is intrinsically a mutating operation. If you require +=, at least you can force all your mutations to go through a common assignment procedure (e.g. def a_=).
The primary reason is that there is not the need in Scala, as in C. In C you are constantly:
for(i = 0, i < 10; i++)
//Do stuff
C++ has added higher level methods for avoiding for explicit loops, but Scala has much gone further providing foreach, map, flatMap foldLeft etc. Even if you actually want to operate on a sequence of Integers rather than just cycling though a collection of non integer objects, you can use Scala range.
(1 to 5) map (_ * 3) //Vector(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
(1 to 10 by 3) map (_ + 5)//Vector(6, 9, 12, 15)
Because the ++ operator is used by the collection library, I feel its better to avoid its use in non collection classes. I used to use ++ as a value returning method in my Util package package object as so:
implicit class RichInt2(n: Int)
def isOdd: Boolean = if (n % 2 == 1) true else false
def isEven: Boolean = if (n % 2 == 0) true else false
def ++ : Int = n + 1
def -- : Int = n - 1
But I removed it. Most of the times when I have used ++ or + 1 on an integer, I have later found a better way, which doesn't require it.
It is possible if you define you own class which can simulate the desired output however it may be a pain if you want to use normal "Int" methods as well since you would have to always use *()
import scala.language.postfixOps //otherwise it will throw warning when trying to do num++
* my custom int class which can do ++ and --
class int(value: Int) {
var mValue = value
def ++(): int = {
val toReturn = new int(mValue)
mValue += 1
return toReturn
def --(): int = {
val toReturn = new int(mValue)
mValue -= 1
return toReturn
//a readable toString
override def toString(): String = {
return mValue.toString
def ++(n: int): int = {
n.mValue += 1
return n;
def --(n: int): int = {
n.mValue -= 1
return n;
//Something to get normal Int
def *(n: int): Int = {
return n.mValue
Some possible test cases
scala>var num = new int(4)
num: int = 4
res0: int = 4
res1: int = 5 // it works although scala always makes new resources
scala>++(num) //parentheses are required
res2: int = 6
res3: int = 6
scala>++(num)++ //complex function
res4: int = 7
res5: int = 8
scala>*(num) + *(num) //testing operator_*
res6: Int = 16
Of course you can have that in Scala, if you really want:
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
case class IncLens[S,N](lens: Lens[S,N], num : Numeric[N]) {
def ++ = lens.mods(num.plus(_, num.one))
implicit def incLens[S,N:Numeric](lens: Lens[S,N]) =
IncLens[S,N](lens, implicitly[Numeric[N]])
val i = Lens[Int,Int](identity, (x, y) => y)
val imperativeProgram = for {
_ <- i := 0;
_ <- i++;
_ <- i++;
x <- i++
} yield x
def runProgram = imperativeProgram ! 0
And here you go:
scala> runProgram
runProgram: Int = 3
It isn't included because Scala developers thought it make the specification more complex while achieving only negligible benefits and because Scala doesn't have operators at all.
You could write your own one like this:
class PlusPlusInt(i: Int){
def ++ = i+1
implicit def int2PlusPlusInt(i: Int) = new PlusPlusInt(i)
val a = 5++
// a is 6
But I'm sure you will get into some trouble with precedence not working as you expect. Additionally if i++ would be added, people would ask for ++i too, which doesn't really fit into Scala's syntax.
Lets define a var:
var i = 0
++i is already short enough:
Now i++ can look like this:
To use above syntax, define somewhere inside a package object, and then import:
class IntPostOp(val i: Int) { def apply(op: Unit) = { op; i } }
implicit def int2IntPostOp(i: Int): IntPostOp = new IntPostOp(i)
Operators chaining is also possible:
The above example is similar to this Java (C++?) code:
i=(i=i++ %array.length)&3;
The style could depend, of course.