Proper use of Scala traits and case objects - scala

Trying to get the hang of Scala classes and traits, here's a simple example. I want to define a class which specifies a variety of operations, that could be implemented in lots of ways. I might start with,
sealed trait Operations{
def add
def multiply
So for example, I might instantiate this class with an object does that add and multiply very sensibly,
case object CorrectOperations extends Operations{
def add(a:Double,b:Double)= a+b
def multiply(a:Double,b:Double)= a*b
And also, there could be other ways of defining those operations, such as this obviously wrong way,
case object SillyOperations extends Operations{
def add(a:Double,b:Double)= a + b - 10
def multiply(a:Double,b:Double)= a/b
I would like to pass such an instance into a function that will execute the operations in a particular way.
def doOperations(a:Double,b:Double, op:operations) = {
op.multiply(a,b) - op.add(a,b)
I would like doOperations to take any object of type operations so that I can make use of the add and multiply, whatever they may be.
What do I need to change about doOperations, and what am I misunderstanding here? Thanks

Haven't ran your code, but I suppose you got a compilation error.
If you don't define the signature of the methods in the Operations trait, then by default it will be interpreted as () => Unit.
This means that the methods in the inheriting objects are not really overriding the methods in the trait, but define overloads instead. See more about that here. You can verify this by writing override in front of the method definitions in the object methods. That will force the compiler to explicitly warn you that the methods are not overriding anything from the ancestor trait, and works as a "safety net" against similar mistakes.
To fix the bug, spell out the signature of the trait like the following:
sealed trait Operations{
def add(a:Double,b:Double):Double
def multiply(a:Double,b:Double):Double
In fact, the output parameter types are not even necessary in the methods of the inheriting objects (but note the added override attributes):
case object CorrectOperations extends Operations{
override def add(a:Double,b:Double) = a+b
override def multiply(a:Double,b:Double) = a*b


In Scala, How to perform compile-time type check on companion object?

An easy thing to do in many languages but not in Scala is:
Define archetype 'Super', such that all implementations of 'Super' has to define a constructor 'create()'.
I found this constraint very important and is able to identify a lot of problems before runtime. However this feature is only partially enforced in Java (by defining an 'abstract' static method that always throws an error) and completely missing in Scala (companion object is completely detached from class and cannot be enforced in archetype).
is there a macro or tool that allows me to do this?
UPDATE Sorry my question was missing context and examples. Here is a formal use case in scala:
In project A, we define an interface that can be extended by all subprojects:
trait AbstractFoo {}
This interface should always have a default 0-parameter builder/constructor, so project A can initialize it on-demand, however, the implementation of each constructor is unknown to project A:
object AbstractFoo {
def default[T <: AbstractFoo: ClassTag](): T
So the problem becomes: How to rigorously define AbstractFoo, such that for all subprojects of A, any implementation(s) of AbstractFoo:
case class Foo(...) extends AbstractFoo
must satisfy:
'Foo' must have a 0-parameter builder/constructor defined (presumably in its companion object)
calling AbstractFoo.defaultFoo can invoke this 0-parameter builder/constructor
It should be noted that in an alternative conditions, a solution exists which is to define every companion object as an implicit type class:
trait FooBuilder[T <: AbstractFoo] {
def default(): T
object AbstractFoo {
implicit object Foo extends FooBuilder[Foo] {
def default() = {...}
def default[T <: AbstractFoo: FooBuilder](): T = {
Such that if the implicit object is undefined the compiler will give an implicit not found error (my code snippet may have some syntax error, the idea is from
Unfortunately it's not always convenient, because this subproject of A is usually unknown to project A. Yet the default implicit builder cannot be redefined, this makes every invocation of default() more covoluted.
I believe scala is a very extendable language, so there should be at least 1 way to enforce it whether if using macro, annotation or other metaprogramming techniques. Is my question clear enough now?
UPDATE2: I believe I found the solution after carefully study Scaladoc, there is a comment hidden in a corner:
if there are several eligible arguments which match the implicit parameter’s type, a most specific one will be chosen using the rules of static overloading resolution (see Scala Specification §6.26.4):
Implicit scope of type arguments (2.8.0)
So all I need is to write an implicit function in FooBuilder:
trait FooBuilder[T <: AbstractFoo] {
def default(): T
implicit def self = this
object Foo extends FooBuilder[Foo]
So everytime someone call:
scala will refer to the scope of class Foo, which include object Foo, which contains the implicit value Foo, and eventually find the 0-parameter constructor.
I think this definition is better than defining it under object FooBuilder, since you can only define FooBuilder once, thus its not quite extendable. Would you agree with me? If so, could you please revise your answer so I can award you point?
I don't understand why an abstract class or even a Trait won't allow this to be done?
abstract class DefineCreate{
def create(): Unit
case class Foo(one: Int)
object Foo extends DefineCreate{
def create(): Unit = { Console.out.println("side-effect") }
Thus I force a user to make a create method on the object in question because all implementations of DefineCreate must do so in order to compile.
Update Following Comments
Well, without having to resort to macros and the like, you could achieve the same sort of thing with type classes:
trait Constructor[A]{
def create(): A
object Construct{
def create[A](implicit cr: Constructor[A]): A = cr.create()
Which doesn't explicitly force the companion object to sprout methods but it does force a user to make the type class if they want to use the Constructor.create[Foo] pattern.

Overriding the method of a generic trait in Scala

I defined a generic Environment trait:
trait Environment[T]
For which I provide this implementation:
class MyEnvironment extends Environment[Integer] {
val specific: Integer = 0
Furthermore, I defined a generic Event trait that has one method that accepts a generic Environment as parameter:
trait Event[T] {
def exec(e: Environment[T])
For this Event trait, I provided the following implementation, where the exec() method accepts a parameter of the type MyEnvironment, to enable me to access the specific value of MyEnvironment.
class MyEvent extends Event[Integer] {
override def exec(e: MyEnvironment): Unit = {
However, the Scala compilers outputs an error, from where it seems that
MyEnvironment is not recognized as an Environment[Integer]:
Error: method exec overrides nothing.
Note: the super classes of class MyEvent contain the following, non final members named exec: def exec(t: main.vub.lidibm.test.Environment[Integer]): Unit
Is it possible to make this work, or are there patterns to circumvent this problem.
You can't narrow down the signature of a method; it's not the same method any more. In your case, you can't override
def exec(e: Environment[T]): Unit
override def exec(e: MyEnvironment): Unit
Second method is more specific than the first one. It's conceptually the same as e.g. overriding def foo(a: Any) with def foo(s: String).
If you want it to work, you need to use the same type in both signatures (note that if you use an upper bound such as T <: Environment[_], that means that a method that accepts T actually accepts any subclass of Environment, so overriding using MyEnvironment will work OK in that case).
Because overriding is not polymorphic in the method's parameter types. It works the same way as in Java. In the example what you have done is overloaded the method in reality.That is they are treated as different methods.
For overriding the method names ie. the name , signature , types has to be the same.

In Scala is there a way to reference the Companion Object from within an instance of a Case Class?

In my specific case I have a (growing) library of case classes with a base trait (TKModel)
Then I have an abstract class (TKModelFactory[T <: TKModel]) which is extended by all companion objects.
So my companion objects all inherently know the type ('T') of "answers" they need to provide as well as the type of objects they "normally" accept for commonly implemented methods. (If I get lazy and cut and paste chunks of code to search and destroy this save my bacon a lot!) I do see warnings on the Internet at large however that any form of CompanionObject.method(caseClassInstance: CaseClass) is rife with "code smell" however. Not sure if they actually apply to Scala or not?
There does not however seem to be any way to declare anything in the abstract case class (TKModel) that would refer to (at runtime) the proper companion object for a particular instance of a case class. This results in my having to write (and edit) a few method calls that I want standard in each and every case class.
case class Track(id: Long, name: String, statusID: Long) extends TKModel
object Track extends TKModelFactory[Track]
How would I write something in TKModel such that new Track(1, "x", 1).someMethod() could actually call Track.objectMethod()
Yes I can write val CO = MyCompanionObject along with something like implicit val CO: ??? in the TKModel abstract class and make all the calls hang off of that value. Trying to find any incantation that makes the compiler happy for that however seems to be mission impossible. And since I can't declare that I can't reference it in any placeholder methods in the abstract class either.
Is there a more elegant way to simply get a reference to a case classes companion object?
My specific question, as the above has been asked before (but not yet answered it seems), is there a way to handle the inheritance of both the companion object and the case classes and find the reference such that I can code common method calls in the abstract class?
Or is there a completely different and better model?
If you change TKModel a bit, you can do
abstract class TKModel[T <: TKModel] {
def companion: TKModelFactory[T]
def someMethod() = companion.objectMethod()
case class Track(id: Long, name: String, statusID: Long) extends TKModel[Track] {
def companion = Track
object Track extends TKModelFactory[Track] {
def objectMethod() = ...
This way you do need to implement companion in each class. You can avoid this by implementing companion using reflection, something like (untested)
lazy val companion: TKModelFactory[T] = {
Class.forName(getClass.getName + "$").getField("MODULE$").
val is to avoid repeated reflection calls.
A companion object does not have access to the instance, but there is no reason the case class can't have a method that calls the companion object.
case class Data(value: Int) {
def add(data: Data) = Data.add(this,data)
object Data {
def add(d1: Data, d2: Data): Data = Data(d1.value + d2.value)
It's difficult. However you can create an implicit method in companion object. whenever you want to invoke your logic from instance, just trigger implicit rules and the implicit method will instantiate another class which will invoke whatever logic you desired.
I believe it's also possible to do this in generic ways.
You can implement this syntax as an extension method by defining an implicit class in the top-level abstract class that the companion objects extend:
abstract class TKModelFactory[T <: TKModel] {
def objectMethod(t: T)
implicit class Syntax(t: T) {
def someMethod() = objectMethod(t)
A call to new Track(1, "x", 1).someMethod() will then be equivalent to Track.objectMethod(new Track(1, "x", 1)).

Where would "abstract override" in subtrait with no implementation be useful, if any?

Given the following example of two traits with one extending another with no implementation of def a in each:
scala> trait A { def a: String }
defined trait A
scala> trait B extends A { abstract override def a: String }
defined trait B
Is the construct useful at all? What are the use cases?
I think the answer is essentially the same as the one linked in your comment. In Scala, the abstract keyword for methods isn't required, since the compiler can figure out whether it's abstract or not based on whether or not it has an implementation. So it's usage here is superfluous.
The override keyword is also not required for methods that are implementing an abstract method (or I guess not doing anything at all, in this case). So really, B is equivalent to:
trait B extends A { def a: String }
Or really just (since B will be assumed to be abstract):
trait B extends A
Similarly to the linked answer, I can imagine once scenario where using override might be useful for readability. If I were making the return type of a in B more specific than A, I could use override as a hint that I'm modifying the behavior in some way:
trait A {
def a: Any
trait B extends A {
override def a: String
In this case, I'm hinting that a in B might be slightly different than the inherited signature from A. Of course, this is only useful if it's known to the reader and used in a consistent manner. But I could still do the same thing without the override.
Short answer: abstract override is not useful in this case. It's basically like giving a type annotation where none would be needed.
The value added use of abstract override is for decorating an implementation that will be mixed in later, sometimes known as the "stackable trait pattern". See Why is "abstract override" required not "override" alone in subtrait?.
Abstract override indicates that you wish to override an 'abstract' method. Others address why it's useless here, so I'll focus on an example. Abstract override is best used for mixins. A simple example would be a Pollable trait:
trait Pollable{def poll:Double}
Lets say we want to weight this pollable. This trait will be a mixin for our trait. Our weighted pollable will have a weight field, which it will multiply a poll by to get a result. For example:
class OnePollable extends Pollable{
def poll:Double=1
val myWeightedOne=new OnePollable with WeightedPollable;
Lets try and write this trait:
//Does not compile
trait WeightedPollable extends Pollable{
var weight=1
def poll:Double=super.poll*weight
If you look, you'll see clearly why this doesn't work. Our trait tries to call a super type method that isn't implemented! One solution is to add a default to the super trait, Pollable:
//Don't do this!
trait Pollable{def poll:Double=1}
This sorta works here, but is sorta dumb in a lot of real world applications. The better way is this:
trait WeightedPollable extends Pollable{
var weight=1
abstract override def poll:Double=super.poll*weight
It's our friend the abstract override modifier! This tells the compiler that we are overriding an abstract method, but we want to use super to refer to an object we are being mixed into. This also disallows the trait being used as an interface.

How to design immutable model classes when using inheritance

I'm having trouble finding an elegant way of designing a some simple classes to represent HTTP messages in Scala.
Say I have something like this:
abstract class HttpMessage(headers: List[String]) {
def addHeader(header: String) = ???
class HttpRequest(path: String, headers: List[String])
extends HttpMessage(headers)
new HttpRequest("/", List("foo")).addHeader("bar")
How can I make the addHeader method return a copy of itself with the new header added? (and keep the current value of path as well)
It is annoying but the solution to implement your required pattern is not trivial.
The first point to notice is that if you want to preserve your subclass type, you need to add a type parameter. Without this, you are not able to specify an unknown return type in HttpMessage
abstract class HttpMessage(headers: List[String]) {
type X <: HttpMessage
def addHeader(header: String):X
Then you can implement the method in your concrete subclasses where you will have to specify the value of X:
class HttpRequest(path: String, headers: List[String])
extends HttpMessage(headers){
type X = HttpRequest
def addHeader(header: String):HttpRequest = new HttpRequest(path, headers :+header)
A better, more scalable solution is to use implicit for the purpose.
trait HeaderAdder[T<:HttpMessage]{
def addHeader(httpMessage:T, header:String):T
and now you can define your method on the HttpMessage class like the following:
abstract class HttpMessage(headers: List[String]) {
type X <: HttpMessage
def addHeader(header: String)(implicit headerAdder:HeaderAdder[X]):X = headerAdder.add(this,header) }
This latest approach is based on the typeclass concept and scales much better than inheritance. The idea is that you are not forced to have a valid HeaderAdder[T] for every T in your hierarchy, and if you try to call the method on a class for which no implicit is available in scope, you will get a compile time error.
This is great, because it prevents you to have to implement addHeader = sys.error("This is not supported")
for certain classes in the hierarchy when it becomes "dirty" or to refactor it to avoid it becomes "dirty".
The best way to manage implicit is to put them in a trait like the following:
trait HeaderAdders {
implicit val httpRequestHeaderAdder:HeaderAdder[HttpRequest] = new HeaderAdder[HttpRequest] { ... }
implicit val httpRequestHeaderAdder:HeaderAdder[HttpWhat] = new HeaderAdder[HttpWhat] { ... }
and then you provide also an object, in case user can't mix it (for example if you have frameworks that investigate through reflection properties of the object, you don't want extra properties to be added to your current instance) (
object HeaderAdders extends HeaderAdders
So for example you can write things such as
// mixing example
class MyTest extends HeaderAdders // who cares about having two extra value in the object
// import example
import HeaderAdders._
class MyDomainClass // implicits are in scope, but not mixed inside MyDomainClass, so reflection from Hiberante will still work correctly
By the way, this design problem is the same of Scala collections, with the only difference that your HttpMessage is TraversableLike. Have a look to this question Calling map on a parallel collection via a reference to an ancestor type