Getting most listened to tracks by country using Deezer api - deezer

I am trying to get the top 5 listened to (trending) tracks in deezer via the api. I do not see anything on the api exploration tool;
Is it actually possible to retrieve trending tracks by country?

You have to call /chart in the API to retrieve the top songs. <-- everything <-- only tracks <-- only albums
I think you can't choose a specific country.

There is a way to make it you only have to search the top chart playlist for each country using the method
curl --location --request GET France.
In that query, you can change the country name with all the countries.
To get the top chart of the country you only have to get the first playlist and in that you will find the correct list of top chart songs following the link in the firsts track list item


How to add `custom_keys` for a particular zoom meeting?

So I am using below API to fetch details of a meeting
In the response of above API I can see a field custom_keys, which is some sort of identifier fo a particular meeting.
Any idea how to set these custom_keys when creating a meeting?

API for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

I am looking to build a simple application that could search for specific # in a specific GEO location.
For example:
{#cupcakes #sweets ---- in Dallas TX}
So when a user types in the hashtags only result they will see will be results within 100 miles of desired location. Are there parameters like that within APIs for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter? Thank you.
Check out the twitter search api:
Geolocalization: the search operator “near” isn’t available in the API, but there is a more precise way to restrict your query by a given location using the geocode parameter specified with the template “latitude,longitude,radius”, for example, “37.781157,-122.398720,1mi”. When conducting geo searches, the search API will first attempt to find Tweets which have lat/long within the queried geocode, and in case of not having success, it will attempt to find Tweets created by users whose profile location can be reverse geocoded into a lat/long within the queried geocode, meaning that is possible to receive Tweets which do not include lat/long information.

Facebook API Post Impressions Unique (reach)

I'm after the impression uniques for our posts and ideally we would like one server call and it would bring back the last 100 posts with the reach (post_impressions_unique).
To get reach, I can currently do this using:,message,full_picture,created_time,shares,likes.limit(1).summary(true),comments.limit(1).summary(true)&access_token=USER_TOKEN
and getting the post ID, then calling:
Is there a way where I can make one call to get all recent posts and their reach in one API call?
You could simply call,message,full_picture,created_time,shares,likes.limit(1).summary(true),comments.limit(1).summary(true),insights&access_token=USER_TOKEN
NOTE: extra field "insights".
However, as far as I can tell you cannot limit the insights to just Post_impressions_Unique so it would bring back some data you do not necessarily want/need. I.e. I don't think you can perform a search/filter on a "second level"/child/nested type.
To give an update on this:
In facebook Graph API 2.10, you can (and have to) specify the metrics you are interested in via insights.metric(...). Possible metrics are documented here:
For your example:
curl -i -X GET ",message,full_picture,created_time,shares,likes.limit(1).summary(true),comments.limit(1).summary(true),insights.metric(post_impressions_unique)&access_token=USER_TOKEN"

User specific tracks search using soundcloud api

Is there a way to make user specific track search using the soundcloud api? This is a sample api call url that returns various track results from other all of soundcloud, which is not the desired result.
You can use SC.get to return all of a particular user's tracks, e.g.
SC.get('/users/id/tracks', function(tracks){
// Do stuff
To get the user id, you can use resolve:
No you cannot search a specific user's tracks. The documentation is wrong in this case.

Accessing the Yelp Api

In my application I have to add a button, and display the number of stars received from YELP as shown in this image: , and upon clicking it I should navigate to a new View that will show the Yelp reviews.
1.) I have read the Yelp API, and was unable to find a way to append the Store Name to get its ratings in Yelp.
For example: I need to get the YELP ratings of Agra Indian Restaurant, so how should I get the JSON return values pertaining to Agra Indian Restaurant?
Is there any tutorial or sample code that illustrates how I could get this done?
You can get some examples form here: .I used php examples.Since the Search Parameters doesn`t contain the store name, you can using the business name as the "term" query parameter and the full business address as the "location"
It's worth noting that if you know the business you're looking for specifically, you're
better off using the Phone API to look up info directly.