Find issues as of certain date in JIRA - filtering

I am not sure if this is possible - I would like to know which issues were in which state on certain date. I tried but did not find anything. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: To make it clear, I would like to see status of the project e.g. a week ago, such as:
PROJECT=A AND issueType=Bug ON 2015/04/04 //something like that

Yes you can !!
Jira has advanced search feature,where you can provide different query and you can also get all bugs for one or more projects at particular data.
For more details go through
To get bugs created,resolved or updated on particular date there are custom fields created at , resolved at and updated at and then you need pass date in yyyy-mm-dd format


How can I make query for specific time in AzureDevOps?

I need to make a query in AzureDevOps. I need to search every bug that was created in the same specific time (for example in one sprint). The bugs are not important status today but when was create.
Can you help me, please? Thank you.
How can I make query for specific time in AzureDevOps?
For this issue ,you can make query like below, using Created Date field in the query:
Or using Iteration path field to query the bugs in a specific spirit:

In Azure devops, how to query task that was not close in the same day it was activated/ when the state was changed?

Im a bit new at azure devops and I am trying to view task that was not close in the same day it was activated/ when its state was changed using query. My point of confusion is that I dont know how compare the state change date with the close date.
the output should be tasks that are still active and task that are closed but not in the same date it state was change
So I was wondering if my approach was wrong so I tried different approach.
here I try using the []<> to compare completed date with activation date, it should have sorted to show only task that the activation date are different from the close date but here I still got shown tasks which have close date and activation date in the same date.
Since I cant use the '[]<>', I decided to use the not so smart way to compare the task close date, active date, and create date as seen in the screenshot below, it is ugly but it works. If anyone knows a smarter way to do this, please do tell.
My current solution
I still got shown tasks which have close date and activation date in the same date.
The reason for this problem you met is that when you use the condition “Closed Date <>[Field] Activated Date”, the values of these two fields are actually datetime format which means it contains hours, minutes and seconds like below:
That’s why you can still see the records shown with same date.
As for the requirement you mentioned, there’s no directly available solution you can use in Azure DevOps Query as far as I know.
In addition, please refer to Group clauses where you can see how to set conditions for “not close in the same day it was activated/ when its state was changed”, like below:

Zend Gdata calendar retrieve events in a date range

I am attempting to retrieve events from my calendar, the below function works to a degree but only pulls the events over the first week or so (specifically until the 24th of the first month). I was hoping to find someone to help me figure out why.
Here is my code
$query = $service->newEventQuery();
$eventFeed = $service->getCalendarEventFeed($query)
In the end I had to set max-results as in $query->setMaxResults('1000'); the reason is because apparently Google limits results to 25.
Here is the documentation:
Note: The max-results query parameter for Calendar is set to 25 by
default, so that you won't receive an entire calendar feed by
accident. If you want to receive the entire feed, you can specify a
very large number for max-results.
Found Here ->
After figuring out the problem I further searched this forum with the known answer and found another similar question with the same answer, I'm listing this because honestly finding help for the Zend Framework and Google Calendar Api is not the easiest thing to do. It would be benificial to us all if there were a more stardardize way of refferencing these two libraries-> Google calendar query returns at most 25 entries

Options for Importing a Database & Displaying a Daily Tip

I am new to iOS programming and looking for advise for an iPhone app that I am creating.
I have an excel database of about 100 daily tips (which will continue to grow) that I want to import into the app, and have one tip display each day. The user will have access to the current daily tip, plus any prior tips from prior days in the database.
I would like to keep it as a closed app, so if a user feels they want to skip ahead to see new tips by changing their current date - I am not worried about the few who might do that.
From my searches so far, CoreData seems to be the way to go but I was looking for suggestions.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'll try to give you some advice to achieve what you want.
First of all, what do you mean with
I would like to keep it as a closed app, so if a user feels they want
to skip ahead to see new tips by changing their current date - I am
not worried about the few who might do that.
I'm not sure about its meaning.
Said this, based on my experience (someone else could give you other advice) I suggest you the following.
About your model you need to create an entity, say Tip, that could have the following attributes:
guid: an identifier that works as an identifier, the type could be a NSString
creation date: the creation date for your tip, the type is a NSDate
text to present: the text to present to the user, the type is a NSString
In addition you can also set a title, etc.
The date has two objectives.
First, it allows you to filter tips based on the current date. To filter you need to create a NSFetchRequest and set a NSPredicate. For example:
[NSPredicate perdicateWithFormat:#"creationDate <= %#", currentDate];
In addition it allows to sync with your service to download data. Based on the max date you find in the core data sql lite file, you could ask a service (if you use one) to give you the tips that are greater than that date.
The guid allows to have only one tip for that identifier (you could just use the date for that but I think is easier to have a guid, say 12345). This could be useful if you decide to download each time the whole data and you don't want to insert the same tips. In addition, you don't want to ricreate the db when you have new tips, but you would add only the new ones. So, you need an identifier that let you to verify if a tip is already there.
Finally, about your service (if you want to set up one) you could download data in JSON format. I think it's simply to set up.
If you are interested, here some links that could make your life easier:
Take a look at importing-and-displaying-large-data-sets-in-core-data in the case the data amount of downloaded data is huge. With iOS 5 new APIs are there, but the concepts you find in the post still remain valid.
A simple intro on Core Data (a question I answered in a previous post)
If you want to know something else, let me know.
Hope it helps.

Orchard CMS BlogML old entries

I want to import old blog posts into Orchard CMS's blog module.
These are not contained in any xml format, if I try to add them manually then my posts display by creation date which ruins the order of original creation date of my blog. I noticed with Windows Live Writer I can set the Publish date but this still does not effect the Creation date.
There is a module called BlogML, but my blogs are not in RSS format. I see the BlogML.xsd is here, but is there some software I can use to generate the correct XML which I can then import into Orchard? And will this fix the creation date at all? I think I may be left in creating a custom type say 'imported blog' and add extra fields on which I can sort by.
If you are so worried about the creation date, you could just go into the database manually and change the creation date for each blog entry. Would take a lot less time than anything else.