Compiling perl for AIX - perl

I have a Perl script I wrote for Linux. Now I'd like run it on AIX and Solaris (each one separately). Will I have to compile them (I prefer not to provide my users the uncompiled script).
Do I necessarily need AIX or Solaris machines to compile them?

If you have written your script such that it isn't using any platform specific features or commands, it should be fully portable. Refer to perlport for some more detail. Within Unix you're generally OK, but AIX is a bit of an odd Unix.
But in terms of compiling? Perl doesn't usually "compile" in the conventional sense. If you are compiling it into a binary executable, then this will be platform specific - you can occasionally 'get away' with a binary from Solaris/x86 running on Linux/x86, but it's better to assume not.
So yes, you will need to "compile" it on your specific architecture.
I would suggest that you don't actually need to though - perl is a scripting language, and script are plain text. Let their local installations of perl deal with the 'compiling' bit, and stop worrying about it. You honestly don't gain very much trying to compile perl anyway - at best it's an crude and trivial form of obfuscation.
Have a look at perlcompile to get a better understanding of this process.


Executing TCL (expect script) using perl on windows

I'm running the tcl(which has expect script) using perl with,
system("C:/Tcl/bin/tclsh86 C:/Users/sysadmin/desktop/expect.tcl");
It's not executing the all commands in the script, but its working fine on ubuntu.
What command should i use to run this completely using perl on Windows?
On Unix Expect works using virtual terminals. By contrast, Expect on Windows uses the debugging subsystem. (There's nothing like virtual terminals on Windows.) This has the down-side that programs that are marked as being impossible to debug (i.e., some system programs, notably including telnet.exe though ftp.exe might also be on that list) cannot be automated by Expect at all. The OS just refuses to let Expect connect to the process.
Is this what is happening to you? I can't tell from the minimal information you've given, but it is by far the most common reason for problems with porting an Expect script between platforms (once you've taken into account mundane things like different paths and programs that just aren't there on all platforms).
The up-side is that both Tcl and Perl are quite capable of talking directly to anything that you'd use telnet or ftp to talk to (as both are entirely proficient at TCP/IP). In fact, both are probably better at doing it natively than anything you'd likely achieve through use of Expect.

How does PAR::Packer work?

I was using PAR::Packer and this question popped up in my mind. How does PAR::Packer work in Perl? Does it actually compile the Perl script to .exe like g++ compiles C++ Sources to .exe or does it work like py2exe in Python that packs the interpreter and the script into an .exe?
To make this absolutely clear:
Tools like PAR::Packer do not “compile” your Perl script. They bundle the perl interpreter together with your source files and any required modules into a big fat executable file. When it is run, the original sources are extracted and fed to the enclosed perl.
This works reasonably well, but does not yield a speed improvement (on the contrary…). The only advantage is that you can distribute your programs as a single (albeit quite large) file, without dependencies.
There is a very experimental tool called perlcc that is able to translate some Perl programs to C or a Perl bytecode serialization. As the docs put it:
The code generated in this way is not guaranteed to work. The whole codegen suite (perlcc included) should be considered very experimental. Use for production purposes is strongly discouraged.
This is because the Perl language does not support static compilation. It needs to be able to execute code during parsing for some dynamic features during the same session where the main execution phase takes place.
There are other, commercial tools, that usually fall in the same category as PAR::Packer (creating fat executables).
Summary: If you want a single executable, use PAR::Packer. If you want speed, inline some C (or use XS). There is no tool that can compile all Perl scripts to machine code.
I was using PAR::Packer and this question popped up in my mind. How
does PAR::Packer work in Perl?
Does it actually compile the Perl
script to .exe like g++ compiles C++ Sources to .exe
no pp and perl2exe doesn't. (though pp is free).
but it looks like perlcc does
or does it work
like py2exe in Python that packs the interpreter and the script into
an .exe?
pp and perl2exe, yes
As an example- sendemail.exe that looks like something done in PAR Packer or Perl2exe
It packs the interpreter into the exe.
You can open sendemail.exe in 7-zip! There are some folders there but one can't really see it actual files.
I suppose it's some form of self extracting executable, but, that executes code.
You can monitor it with process monitor, and you see.
Or with, process explorer and see if it uses any dll from the temp directory that it creates..
It creates a temp directory e.g.
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\pdk-user <--- Win7
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\pdk-user <-- WinXP
The temporary directory it creates contains a bunch of strange named DLLs and a DLL called perl58.dll which is no doubt, the perl interpreter
I'm sure at one point I saw it had a dll there with a normal name. SSLEAY32.DLL and interestingly when I ran the pl file it used a dll with a similar name from my c:\perl64 directory. So the EXE looks like a bit of a hack really. It's more reliable to run the pl file directly.
DIR /s/b within that directory, shows-
6145f78a34d5ced8200800f1455d578a <-- the directory with the perl58. dll
no normal named DLLs showing other than perl58.dll (though I have seen a normal one there in the past).
if you look in process explorer, you see it using perl58.dll and other normal named dlls
If you look at the PAR website, a page describes perl2exe
Perl2Exe is commercial, command-line application that can build
standalone executables from perl sources. It works by creating an
executable that contains
A standalone perl interpreter (that is capable of grokking perl 5.8.x)
Your perl script and All perl modules that are referenced by your perl
pp - PAR Packager provides that same functionality, but is free.
And if you look here
...the perl2exe tool is not a way to hide your source code.
Now it's even come to the attention of the security community (reported in bugtraq, for example).
For details, see the report from net-security's page.
Please stop supporting perl2exe. Please use PAR for a complete installation package, or perlcc to simply compile the top-level program.
-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
So, PP and perl2exe combine the interpreter into the EXE, And you can get an idea that there's something funny atypical about the EXE when it opens in 7zip!
perlcc compiles properly.
it appears to have been unmaintained for a while , people said it was buggy, but some work was done on it as recently as June 2014 It gets better performance than interpreted perl. (unlike the EXEs that pack an interpreter, which are slower than running a perl script normally).

Is there a Standard or Best Practice for Perl Programs, as opposed to Perl Modules?

I've written any number of perl modules in the past, and more than a few stand-alone perl programs, but I've never released a multi-file perl program into the wild before.
I have a perl program that is almost at the beta stage and is going to be released open source. It requires a number of data files, as well as some external perl modules -- some I've written myself, and some from CPAN -- that I'll have to bundle with it so as to ensure that someone can just download my program and install it without worrying about hunting for obscure modules.
So, it sounds to me like I need to write an installer to copy all the files to standard locations so that a user can easily install everything. The trouble is, I have no idea what the standard practice would be for this. I have found lots of tutorials on perl module standards, but none on perl program standards.
Does anyone have any pointers to standard paths, installation proceedures, etc, for perl programs? This is going to be complicated by the fact that the program is multi-platform. I've been testing it in Linux, but its designed to work equally well in Windows.
Take a look at PAR and PAR::Packer. You can bundle all of your requirements (even non-Perl requirements) into one file. With PAR::Packer, the user doesn't even need to have Perl installed for it to work.
You might also look at how the various App::* distributions are setup.
The standard installers for modules (ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build, Module::Install) also work the same way for scripts.
Using such a standard Perl tool will help you to:
distribute your application on the
CPAN (and you'll benefit from
automated tests on various platforms
by CPAN Testers), and so your app
will be installable (with all its dependencies) from the CPAN
help packagers of Linux/BSD distributions to make packages for your product

Why can't I simply copy installed Perl modules to other machines?

Being very new to Perl but not to dynamic languages, I'm a bit surprised at how not straight forward the manage of modules is.
Sure, cpan X does theoretically work, but I'm working on the same project from three different machines and OSs (at work, at home, testing in an external environment).
At work (Windows 7) I have problem using cpan because of our firewall that makes ftp unusable
At home (Mac OS X) it does work
In the external environment (Linux CentOs) it worked after hours because I don't have root access and I had to configure cpan to operate as a non-root user
I've tried on another server where I have an access. If the previous external environment is a VPS and so I have a shell access, this other one is a cheap shared hosting where I have no way to install new modules other than the ones pre-installed
At the moment I still can't install Template under Windows. I've seen that as an alternative I could compile it and I've also tried ActiveState's PPM but the module is not existent there.
Now, my perplexity is about Perl being a dynamic language. I've had all these kind of problems while working, for example, with C where I had to compile all the libraries for all the platform, but I thought that with Perl the approach would have been very similar to Python's or PHP's where in 90% of the cases copying the module in a directory and importing it simply works.
So, my question: if Perl's modules are written in Perl, why the copy/paste approach will not work? If some (or some part) of the modules have to be compiled, how to see in CPAN if a module is Perl-only or it relies upon compiled libraries? Isn't there a way to download the module (tar, zip...) and use cpan to deploy it? This would solve my problem under Windows.
Now, Perl is a dynamic language, but that doesn't imply that everything that people write is portable across platforms. That's not the fault of the language. It's not even the fault of the programmer. Some things, like Win32::OLE shouldn't work on Unix. :)
Other dynamic languages will have some of the same problems. If you have to compile C code, you won't be able to merely copy files to another machine. Some distributions configure the code slightly differently depending on your operating system, etc.
Even if you could copy files, you have to ensure that you copy all of the files that you need. Do you know everything that you need for a particular module? Remember, many of them have dependencies.
Most of the problems you're having aren't anything to do with the language. You're having trouble with the tools. If you want a zero conf CPAN tool that makes all the decisions for you, try cpanminus. It's mostly the same thing that you'd get out of cpan (although different code), but it makes all of the decisions for you. It doesn't run any of the distribution tests, and it installs into your user directory. When you need something that gives you control, come back to cpan.
In the external environment (Linux CentOs) it worked after hours because I don't have root access and I had to configure cpan to operate as a non-root user
This is one of those times when it helps to know The Trick. In this case local::lib, which lets you configure a non-root install area and all the ENV variables in about three minutes.
if perl's modules are written in perl, why the copy/past approach will not work?
Some are written in Pure Perl, but many are written partially in C (using Perl's XS API) for efficiency.
Sometimes you end up with situations like JSON::XS, JSON::PP and JSON::Any to autoselect the best one that is installed.
Isn't there a way to download the module (tar, zip...) and use cpan to deploy it?
The cpan program is all about getting things from the Internet. You can download the package (there will be a link along the lines of "Download:" on the right hand side of the CPAN page), untar it, then
perl Makefile.PL
make install
You would probably be better off configuring your cpan installation to use only HTTP sources (in the urllist config option). Possibly going to far as to create a mini CPAN mirror inside your network.

Is there a way to package my unit tests with PAR or PerlApp?

I have an app that I pack into "binary" form using PerlApp for distribution. Since my clients want a simple install for their Win32 systems, this works very nicely.
Now a client has decided that they need to run all unit tests, like in a standard install. However, they still will not install a normal Perl.
So, I find myself in need of a way to package my unit tests for operation on my client's systems.
My first thought was that I could pack up prove in one file and pack each of my tests separately. Then ship a zip file with the appropriate structure.
A bit of research showed that Test::Harness::Straps invokes perl from the command line.
Is there an existing tool that helps with this process?
Perhaps I could use PAR::Packer's parl tool to handle invocation of my test scripts.
I'm interested in thoughts on how to apply either PAR or PerlApp, as well as any thoughts on how to approach overriding Test::Harness and friends.
Update: I don't have my heart set on PAR or PerlApp. Those are just the tools I am familiar with. If you have an idea or a solution that requires a different packager (such as Cava Packager), I would love to hear about it.
Update 2: tsee pointed out a great new feature in PAR that gets me close. Are there any TAP experts out there that can supply some ideas or pointers on where to look in the new Test::Harness distribution?
I'm probably not breaking big news if I tell you that PAR (and probably also perlapp) aren't meant to package the whole test suite and plethora of CPAN-module build byproducts. They're intended to package stand-alone applications or binary JAR-like module libraries.
This being said, you can add arbitrary files to a PAR archive (both to .par libraries and stand-alone .exe's) using pp's -a switch. In case of the stand-alone executable, the contents will be extracted to $ENV{PAR_TEMP}."/inc" at run-time.
That leaves you with the problem of reusing the PAR-packaged executable to run the test harness (and letting that run your executable as a "perl"). Now, I have no ready and done solution for that, but I've recently worked on making PAR-packaged executables re-useable as more-or-less general purpose perl interpreters. Two gotchas before I explain how you can use that:
Your application isn't going to magically be called "perl" and add itself to your $PATH.
The "reuse" of the application as a general purpose perl requires special options and does not currently support the normal perl options (those in perlrun). It can simply run an external perl script of your choice.
Unfortunately, the latter problem is what may kill this approach for you. Support for perl command line options is something I've been thinking about, but won't implement any time soon.
Here's the recipe how you get PAR with "reusable exe" support:
Install the newest version of PAR from CPAN.
Install the newest, developer version of PAR::Packer from CPAN (0.992_02 or 03).
Add the "--reusable" option to your pp command line.
Run your executable with the following options to run an external script "":
./myapp --par-options --reuse FOO-PL-OPTIONS-HERE
Unfortunately, how you're going to teach Test::Harness that "./myapp --par-options --reuse" is a perl interpreter is beyond me.
Cava Packager allows you to package test scripts with your packaged executables. This is primarily to allow you to run tests against the packaged code before distribution. However the option is there to also distribute the tests and test capability to your end users.
Note: As indicated by my name, I am affiliated with Cava Packager.