Export links, defects and test results from Excel to QC - import-from-excel

I have a question about HPQC. I have the Excel add-in but it doesn't seem like I can export the links between defects and Test cases. Is there a way to export the links between defects and Test cases from Excel?
Also, I would like to know if I can export the pass/fail status of test cases using the add in? If not, I'm not a coder but I could a colleague. Is it possible to bypass the add-in and load data from code instead?

Excel Add-in will not support uploading test results into QC from Excel. Excel add-in can be used to upload tests, requirement and defects.
You have to write your own code using Open Test Architecture (OTA) API's to upload test results to QC. You can bypass the add-in if you have your own code to upload test results. OTA API documentation is available in the QC documentation library.


I need to integrate junit-report results back to x-ray jira based on the ticket number on jira

I'm trying to generate a custom XML report for my cypress tests so they can map directly to a specific issue type in Xray for Jira upon import. I've read through a lot of the documentation on reporters and I've set up the configuration to generate XML files for tests/test runs so currently I can generate a combined report of my whole test suite, but when I import the file into Xray it creates new issuekeys. I already have created the test cases in Xray and I want my XML file to contain specific information on which cypress test should go to each Xray test case. Does anyone have advice or know how to do this?

SSRS - Rendering to PDF and reupload

is it possible to render/save a SSRS report as a PDF and upload the PDF-file on the server in a second step? I would prefer Powershell webservices?
Thank you in advance.
You are not showing your code, or what you've even searched for. Folks here don't like it when you don't show any effort, and will quickly downvote your post or vote to close and point you here: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask. Closing by telling you that StackOverflow is not a free script writing service.
However, since you are very new here, I'll provide you this, this time.
I am not sure what this is... 'Powershell webservices', but maybe you meant PowerShell Web Access, and if so, that is not what it is for. Saving output to PDF using PowerShell is a real common thing, and well documented all over the web and that just requires a simple search for that content/samples:
See the PowerShell cmdlet
Just choose a PDF printer installed on the target.
Sending PowerShell Results to PDF (Part 1 - 3)
The author provides samples in each post listed...
Snippet from part 3:
function Out-PDFFile
$Path = "$env:temp\results.pdf",
Creating PDF files using PowerShell
Sometimes, you may want your scripts to produce output for management
in a format other than plain text or Excel files (CSV). Thanks to
various .NET PDF creation libraries, it is relatively simple to create
PDF reports using PowerShell.
Directly from Microsoft Docs site.
Automate SSRS Report Generation using PowerShell
This blog post is tested on SQL Server 2014 and PowerShell V5.
In this blog post I will focus on generating PDF reports via scripting. Let's tackle this piece by piece first, and we'll put
everything in a nice little script at the end of the post.
As far as uploading files, that is what the PowerShell web cmdlets are for.
or the native .Net namespace
WebClient.UploadFile Method
... so as for this... 'Powershell webservices', I am going to assume this is what you meant.

Automate the process of sending Postman Requests and save the responses in a file

I want to automate the process of sending get requests to an API and save the responses in a JSON file. I have researched a lot online and haven't found anything. I have created a collection and run it, but how do I automate it.
When you have your tests collection built in Postman, you shall run it with newman (see useful options here, this link helped me a lot !).
If your collection can be run with Postman runner, it should work perfectly. I haven't tried to generate reports in JSON but it works fine for HTML and JUnit style reports ... and you can set a specific reporting parameter to have results set in a JSON file.

Exporting in Netsuite

One of our customer's uses Netsuite ERP. We would like to be able accept pick tickets(orders) from them in a format that would allow us to import the pick tickets into our custom built ERP system. Naturally, I asked them if they could export the pick tickets as CSV to us.
They are attempting to build a custom report with all the fields we need and export it into csv. Aside from them having issues exporting the report only to HTML... Im curious as to why they cant just export the pick ticket they have been sending us, which is in pdf format.
On top of that. Ive noticed via SuitesScript you could modify the on click event to generate a csv of the data. So when they click generate print ticket, why could it not easily generate a csv at that time?
Basically, due to me not havign hands on to their NetSuite system - or any insight to the inner working of NetSuite, im looking to the community to explain to me, what they are doing wrong - or what the best solution is to attain the goal of: exporting a pick ticket(im assuming this is based from the sales order in netsuite...) in a friendly format, allowing me to automate the order entry into my company's system.
I am sure Netsuite provides CSV option for exporting Reports. Please refer to this doc.
To export a report:
On the Reports page, click the name of the report you want to see.
In the footer of the report, select Export-CSV, Export-Microsoft® Word, Export-Microsoft® Excel, or Export-PDF.
One possible problem may be the Role Permissions. Please refer to this.
If your search results pages do not include an Export button, your account administrator may not have assigned you the Full level for the Perform Search permission. This level is required for exporting search results. The Export Lists permission also is required. See Permissions for Searches.
you should be able to export pdf. Please refer to https://github.com/eliseobeltran/NSProject/blob/314c5a03c4251cd06d451527103b7b85bb63f130/GOP/Innov.GOP.GeneratePDF.js
Once you create the saved search, NetSuite has the option to export the saved search as the CSV, MS EXCEL, or PDF. But it's a manual approach. You can do it automatically by writing a JavaScript script in the Suite Script.

Report generation in web applications

As part of my web application, i am using iReport tool to generate reports and its working fine but my doubt is, is it possible to generate xls type report in browser like pdf (we can show the pdf file in the browser)? Means I need to show reports in xls file or word document in the client machine, is it possible? Can anybody clear my doubt?
Although it is a bit late, I'll try to give a generic answer
you can fetch your data to your local Jasper Reports server via JSON.
There is a sample of JsonDataSource in the 4.5.0 version of jasperreports at *\demo\samples\jsondatasource
to run report and receive output pdf, etc. you can use REST API for Jasper Server
then you send output to end user