Ionic platform install error [duplicate] - ionic-framework

This question already has an answer here:
npm install not work
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am new in Ionic platform, just had to test an app developed in Ionic platform. But I just am not able to install Ionic. Anybody who experienced the same issue please help me out from this.

npm config set proxy http://myproxyblabla:myport
npm config set https-proxy http://myproxyblabla:myport
npm config set registry
Reference question


Why does my Pygame not download even when I follow the tutorial [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to install pygame?
(4 answers)
Unable to install Pygame using pip
(27 answers)
Closed 24 days ago.
Hello I am trying to download Py game with the python version 3.11.1 and all of the tutorials of downloading Py game are really outdated and use older versions and i have tried using them but it won't work so can somebody help me with this version!
I expected for it to go as smooth as the tutorial with pip but it didn't work

How to use ionic4 manually> [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to install a previous exact version of a NPM package?
(10 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to use ionic4 for my project;
but, by installing ionic using npm, I get ionic 5 as default;
How can I get specific version of ionic using npm?
npm install ionic
You can use:
npm install -g ionic#3.20.0
Or change it for the version you want like 3.0.0 if available.

CLI still asking to try Ionic 4 beta

On 23/01/2019 ionic 4 released. Today I updated the cli through npm install -g ionic But cli still asking to try ionic 4 beta. I am starting a new project and I don't want any beta bug. Help me. Thanks in advance

Ionic 2 app not installing #ionic-native/network

I'm trying to use cordova-plugin-network-information and #ionic-native/network in my ionic 2 app. However, I get the following error when trying to execute npm install --save #ionic-native/network.
npm WARN #ionic-native/network#3.8.1 requires a peer of #ionic-native/core#^3.6.0 but none was installed.
npm WARN #ionic-native/network#3.8.1 requires a peer of rxjs#^5.0.1 but none was installed.
How do I fix this? Do I need to upgrade to ionic 3?
You need to install ionic native 3.x. Seems you are using ionic native 2.x. please update your package.json. It should work. if I am not mistaken, the latest version is 3.6.1. please follow below guide for more details. Kindly note that it require quite some changes to migrate to ionic native 3.x but thing is you get to mock them which is supported in the browser.
Most of the time we see warnings in our projects. However, these should not affect your application. But, as Ashley suggested, update your application to the latest version to ensure everything is working as it should.
Please use as root/admin if on ubuntu try this
sudo npm install
if on windows
open cmd as administrator

Migration from ionic beta 13 to beta 14

What are the best possible ways to migrate my project developed in ionic beta 13 version to the latest release of ionic beta 14?
I recommend to review the changelog of ionic and the migration guide from AngularJS 1.2 to 1.3 (since the underlying AngularJS version was bumped with beta14 of ionic).
The Angular migration guide is located here:
For most projects, the two commands that you'd want to use to get Ionic up to date are:
First, make sure your CLI is up to date:
sudo npm install -g ionic
Second, update the project libraries:
ionic lib update
For advanced users, the links shared in other answers will be of great help.