unity3d - Clamp rotation value - unity3d

I have an object that rotates according to mouse position, but I want to clamp it so it doesn't get further or lower than certain value. Here is my code:
void LookAt () {
float distance = transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z;
Vector3 position = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, distance);
position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(position);
position.x = Mathf.Clamp(position.x, -70, 70);
position.z = Mathf.Clamp(position.z, -70, 70);
Vector3 target = new Vector3 (position.x, transform.position.y, position.z); // Use current object positin.y
But unfortunately it doesn't work, it keeps rotating 360.
This is a 3D top-down game, I have a tank and I want to rotate it's upper half. The code I wrote above works perfect for the job, but now I don't know how to limit it so the barrel( the part I'm rotating) always facing upwards where the enemies will come from. 70 or whatever are just random values I was testing, first I want to figure what exactly the proper code is, then determining the values is the easy part.

Actually, the problem is that you're clamping a position, not a rotation. You're having it look at a certain point, but limiting that point rather than the angle that it will need to rotate to meet it. You'll have to use trigonometry to calculate the angle it wants to point in (more specifically, the atan2 function), clamp that value to (-70, 70), and then apply that rotation to the object (using euler angles). Do you require further clarification on any of these steps?
P.S. Note that atan2 returns a value in radians, but your range and euler angles use degrees.

You limit your target position by 70 units in world space, which is usually a lot, but depends on your game scale. What I think you wanted to do is to limit mouse position by 70 pixels around the screen center. (Please, provide this remarks in the question itself, so we won't have to guess). However, because you used the same variable both for screen space and world space position of the target, you likely got confused and clamped the position after converting it to world space.
Also, you made the y coordinate of the target to be the same as the object. But this means that the object would have to rotate 360 degrees every time the target passed it. I assume that what you wanted to do instead is to assume that the target location is located on camera place.
void LookAt () {
var cursorPosition = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, camera.main.nearClipPlane);
cursorPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(position.x, -70, 70);
cursorPosition.z = Mathf.Clamp(position.z, -70, 70);
var targetPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(cursorPosition);
Please, provide details about your reasoning and desired behavior when you ask to find errors in your code.


Moving camera to proper position in Zoom function in Unity

Hi I have a question that I'm hoping someone can help me work through. I've asked elsewhere to no avail but it seems like a standard problem so I'm not sure why I haven't been getting answers.
Its basically setting up a zoom function that mirrors Google Maps zoom. Like, the camera zooms in/out onto where your mouse is. I know this probably gets asked a lot but I think Unity's new Input System changed things up a bit since the 4-6 year old questions that I've found in my own research.
In any case, I've set up an parent GameObject that holds all 2D sprites that will be in my scene and an orthographic camera. I can set the orthographic size through code to change to zoom, but its moving the camera to the proper place that I am having trouble with.
This was my 1st attempt:
public Zoom(float direction, Vector2 mousePosition) {
// zoom calcs
float rate 1 + direction * Time.deltaTime;
float targetOrtho = Mathf.MoveTowards(mainCam.orthographicSize, mainCam.orthoGraphicSize/rate, 0.1f);
// move calcs
mousePosition = mainCam.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePosition);
Vector2 deltaPosition = previousPosition - mousePosition;
// move and zoom
transform.position += new Vector3(deltaPosition.x, deltaPosition.y, 0);
// zoomLevels are a generic struct that holds the max/min values.
SetZoomLevel(Mathf.Clamp(targetOrthoSize, zoomLevels.min, zoomLevels.max));
previousPosition = mousePosition;
This function gets called through my input controller, activated through Unity's Input System events. When the mouse wheel scrolls, the Zoom function is given a normalized value as direction (1 or -1) and the current mousePosition. When its finished its calculation, the mousePosition is stored in previousPosition.
The code actually works -- except it is extremely jittery. This, of course happens because there is no Time.deltaTime applied to the camera movement, nor is this in LateUpdate; both of which helps to smooth the movements. Except, in the former case, multiplying Time.deltaTime to new Vector3(deltaPosition.x, deltaPosition.y, 0) seems to cause the zoom occur at the camera's centre rather than the mouse position. When i put zoom into LateUpdate, it creates a cool but unwanted vibration effect when the camera moves.
So, after doing some thinking and reading, I thought it may be best to calculate the difference between the mouse position and the camera's center point, then multiply it by a scale factor, which is the camera's orthographic size * 2 (maybe...??). Hence my updated code here:
public void Zoom(float direction, Vector2 mousePosition)
// zoom
float rate = 1 + direction * Time.unscaledDeltaTime * zoomSpeed;
float orthoTarget = Mathf.MoveTowards(mainCam.orthographicSize, mainCam.orthographicSize * rate, maxZoomDelta);
SetZoomLevel(Mathf.Clamp(orthoTarget, zoomLevels.min, zoomLevels.max));
// movement
if (mainCam.orthographicSize < zoomLevels.max && mainCam.orthographicSize > zoomLevels.min)
mousePosition = mainCam.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePosition);
Vector2 offset = (mousePosition - new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y)) / (mainCam.orthographicSize * 2);
// panPositions are the same generic struct holding min/max values
offset.x = Mathf.Clamp(offset.x, panPositions.min.x, panPositions.max.x);
offset.y = Mathf.Clamp(offset.y, panPositions.min.y, panPositions.max.y);
transform.position += new Vector3(offset.x, offset.y, 0) * Time.deltaTime;
This seems a little closer to what I'm trying to achieve but the camera still zooms in near its center point and zooms out on some point... I'm a bit lost as to what I am missing out here.
Is anyone able to help guide my thinking about what I need to do to create a smooth zoom in/out on the point where the mouse currently is? Much appreciated & thanks for reading through this.
Ok I figured it out for if anyone ever comes across the same problem. it is a standard problem that is easily solved once you know the math.
Basically, its a matter of scaling and translating the camera. You can do one or the other first - it does not matter; the outcome is the same. Imagine your screen looks like this:
The green box is your camera viewport, the arrow is your cursor. When you zoom in, the orthographic size gets smaller and shrinks around its anchor point (usually P1(0,0)). This is the scaling aspect of the problem and the following image explains it well:
So, now we want to move the camera position to the new position:
So how do we do this? Its just a matter of getting distance from the old camera position (P1(0, 0)) to the new camera position (P2(x,y)). Basically, we only want this:
My solution to find the length of the arrow in the picture above was to basically subtract the length of the cursor position from the old camera position (oldLength) from the length of the cursor position to the new camera position (newLength).
But how do you find newLength? Well, since we know the length will be scaled accordingly to the size of the camera viewport, newLength will be either oldLength / scaleFactor or oldLength * scaleFactor, depending on whether you want to zoom in or out, respectively. The scale factor can be whatever you want (zoom in/out by 2, 4, 1.4... whatever).
From there, its just a matter of subtracting newLength from oldLength and adding that difference from the current camera position. The psuedo code is below:
(Note that i changed 'newLength' to 'length' and 'oldLength' to 'scaledLength')
// make sure you're working in world space
mousePosition = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePosition);
length = mousePosition - currentCameraPosition;
scaledLength = length / scaleFactor // to zoom in, otherwise its length * scaleFactor
deltaLength = length - scaledLength;
// change position
cameraPosition = currentCameraPosition - deltaLength;
// do zoom
camera.orthographicSize /= scaleFactor // to zoom in, otherwise orthographic size *= scaleFactor
Works perfectly for me. Thanks to those who helped me in a discord coding community!

Unintended player movement from transform.InverseTransformDirection

this is my first time posting on here. I'm working on a game using the new Unity multiplayer networking solution.
In summary, the issue is that the player is not moving as intended.
I am trying to take player input as follows:
Vector3 worldSpaceDir = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"));
then convert it to the object space coordinates of the player character:
_inputDirection = transform.InverseTransformDirection(worldSpaceDir);
The issue I'm having is with a rotation of 0 or 180 the player moves as expected with the WASD inputs, however, at 90 or 270 all the inputs are flipped(A = right, D = left, W = backward, S = forward).
I found a question that is exactly my question but no one responded with an answer. The question is quite old now so I wanted to ask it again for more visibility.
Here's a link to the original question.
Firstly, you are taking the worldSpaceDir wrong, it should be as follow
Vector3 worldSpaceDir = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));
here we take horizontal input as X and vertical input as Z, because in Unity Forward is pointed as Z and not Y.
Secondly, we do not need to use InverseTransformDirection() we just need TransformDirection() something like following
Vector3 inputDirection = transform.TransformDirection(worldSpaceDir);
here we are telling unity to convert the worldSpaceDir that is relative to transform (local direction) into a world space direction, so we might actually give a proper name to worldSpaceDir.
The following would work for you.
private void Update() {
private void Move() {
Vector3 directionToMove = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));
Vector3 inputDirection = transform.TransformDirection(directionToMove);
transform.position += inputDirection * Time.deltaTime;
I think you want to go the other way round actually!
Transform.InverseTransformDirection converts a vector from world space into local space.
What you get as input however is a local vector on the XZ plane. You want to apply this direction according to your player objects orientation, if e.g. pressing right (your input is 1,0,0) the object shall move towards its transform.right vector.
So you rather want to convert in the opposite direction into world space to move the object in the Unity world space.
You should rather be using Transform.TransformDirection!
var worldMove = transform.TransformDirection(input);
Or alternatively you can also just multiply by the rotation like
var worldMove = transform.rotation * input;
Note that if you are also using a Rigidbody like the question you linked there is also Rigidbody.AddRelativeForce which basically works the same way and expects a local space vector which is then internally converted into a world space force.

Getting a Linecast to pass through a point but continue onwards infinitley

I am having an issue with linecasting in Unity 2D. What I am trying to do is have a linecast go from the player, through the cursor on screen, and then indefinitely (or for a large time, say times 10). I have made successful attempts at having a Debug.Drawline pass from the player and stop at the location of the mouse. It looks like this:
Do note that the location of my cursor is on the upper left corner of that block. below is the code I use to accomplish this:
mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (new Vector2 (Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y));
Debug.DrawLine(new Vector2 (player.transform.position.x, player.transform.position.y+32), new Vector2 (mousePos.x, mousePos.y), Color.green);
Do note that the +32 is used to center the drawline to my characte. However, if I were to multiply the mousePos vector by 2, I get this offset in the drawcast (and also linecast).
Once again my cursor is on the upper left corner of the block. Why is this offset behaving so oddly?
Linecast means from one point to another point. You seem to describe raycast which goes from one point in a direction.
So in your case you'd take the direction from the player to the mouse pointer, normalize that and use infinity as distance.
Don't know exactly what you want to achieve, but as it has already been pointed out I think you should use raycast instead. For example:
var mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint((Vector2)Input.mousePosition);
var playerPos = (Vector2)player.transform.position;
var direction = (playerPos - mousePos).normalized;
Debug.DrawRay(new Vector2(playerPos.x, playerPos.y + 32), direction, Color.green);

Raycast in angle direction

In unity3d I raycast from player forward. But I want also raycast some angle from forward.
I try this
var dir = this.transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(angle), 0, Mathf.Cos(angle)));
Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, -dir, out hit, 9999);
But get wrong result.
Take in mind that by using TransformDirection value of direction that will be raycasted in is compared to transform the script is attached to. If you set angle to zero it will shoot raycast in forward direction of transform the script is attached to. If you want to make the raycast independent of where the transform is facing just do dir like this:
var dir = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(angle), 0, Mathf.Cos(angle));
Also take in mind in what unit your angle is? Mathf.Sin and Mathf.Cos take in angle value in radians, if you want use angles in degrees (0, 90, 180, 270) you need to convert them to radians before calculating Sin and Cos. To do this just multiply if with Rad/Deg value like this:
angle = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
And do the rest like before. To help you more I need you to provide more info (test results, what you want more specific...).

Determining if quarternion rotation is clockwise or counter clockwise

I am using the following code to handle rotating my player model to the position of my mouse.
void Update() {
// Generate a plane that intersects the transform's position with an upwards normal.
Plane playerPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, transform.position);
// Generate a ray from the cursor position
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
// Determine the point where the cursor ray intersects the plane.
// This will be the point that the object must look towards to be looking at the mouse.
// Raycasting to a Plane object only gives us a distance, so we'll have to take the distance,
// then find the point along that ray that meets that distance. This will be the point
// to look at.
float hitdist = 0f;
// If the ray is parallel to the plane, Raycast will return false.
if (playerPlane.Raycast(ray, out hitdist)) {
// Get the point along the ray that hits the calculated distance.
var targetPoint = ray.GetPoint(hitdist);
// Determine the target rotation. This is the rotation if the transform looks at the target point.
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetPoint - transform.position);
// Smoothly rotate towards the target point.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, speed * Time.deltaTime); // WITH SPEED
//transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, 1); // WITHOUT SPEED!!!
I would like to be able to determine if the rotation is clockwise or counter-clockwise for animation purposes. What would be the best way of handling this? I'm fairly unfamiliar with quaternions so I'm not really sure how to approach this.
Angles between quaternions are unsigned. You will always get the shortest distance, and there's no way of defining "counter-clockwise" or "clockwise" unless you actively specify an axis (a point of view).
What you CAN do, however, is to take the axis that you're interested in (I assume it's the normal to your base plane.. perhaps the vertical of your world?) and take the flat 2D components of your quaternions, map them there and compute a simple 2D angle between those.
Quaternion A; //first Quaternion - this is your desired rotation
Quaternion B; //second Quaternion - this is your current rotation
// define an axis, usually just up
Vector3 axis = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// mock rotate the axis with each quaternion
Vector3 vecA = A * axis;
Vector3 vecB = B * axis;
// now we need to compute the actual 2D rotation projections on the base plane
float angleA = Mathf.Atan2(vecA.x, vecA.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
float angleB = Mathf.Atan2(vecB.x, vecB.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
// get the signed difference in these angles
var angleDiff = Mathf.DeltaAngle( angleA, angleB );
This should be it. I never had to do it myself and the code above is not tested. Similar to: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/26783/how-to-get-the-signed-angle-between-two-quaternion.html
This should work even if A or B are not Quaternions, but one of them is an euler-angle rotation.
Two dimensional quaternions (complex numbers) have a signed angle. But, the more correct way to think about complex numbers is with an unsigned angle which is relative to either the XY oriented plane or the YX oriented plane. I.E. a combination of an unsigned angle an an oriented plane of rotation.
In 2D there are only two oriented planes of rotation so the idea of a "signed angle" is really just a trick to get both the unsigned angle and the oriented plane of rotation packed into a single number.
For a quaternion the "signed angle" trick cannot be used because in 3D you have an infinite number of oriented planes you can rotate in, so a single signed angle cannot encode all the rotation information like it can in the 2D case.
The only way for a signed angle to make sense in 3D is with reference to a particular oriented plane, such as the XY oriented plane.
-- UPDATE --
This is pretty easy to solve as a method on a quaternion class. If all you want to know is "is this counter clockwise", then since we know the rotation angle is from 0 to 180, a positive dot product between the quat's axis of rotation and the surface normal should indicate that we're rotating counter clockwise from the perspective of that surface. And a negative dot product indicates the opposite. Ignoring the zero case, this should do the trick with much less work:
public bool IsCounterClockwise( in Vector3 normal ) => I*normal.X + J*normal.Y + K*normal.Z >= 0;