MongoDB "j must be numeric or a boolean value" - mongodb

I've set up my own local mongodb (v. 3.0.2) instance on a local ubuntu version (14.10) and I'm using genghis(v. 2.3.11) to visualize it. My programm is able to create new documents in the database, but when I try to save a newly created document or delete a document in genghis it always returns "j must be numeric or a boolean value" but it still creates/deletes the document. The error doesn't show up when I edit a document. The only thing I could find when I tried to find a solution on google was this: which makes me think that it's a problem with my mongodb setup (and has nothing to do with genghis), but I do not know how to resolve this.

Have you tried running the code against Mongo 2?
I ran into this same error when I tried connecting to Mongo 3 from a service that was using client libraries intended for Mongo 2.


MongoDB. Studio3T. Mongoose. Hyper returns empty array. Pluralization in naming most likely not the issue

I ran mongod in Hyper Terminal.
I established connection with Studio3T and MongoDB. And created collection and documents in Studio3T. The database, collection, and documents appear in Studio3T and MongoDB. In Hyper the database and collection exist, but the documents are not there. Any idea why?
I have consulted stackoverflow and could not find the answer in the resources listed (sorry if I missed something):
Mongoose always returning an empty array NodeJS
Model.find() returns empty in mongoose
Mongoose always return empty array?
What are naming conventions for MongoDB?
Mongosh in Hyper:
Code in Atom:
Run code and result in Hyper:
I started mongod and connected to the MongoDB server locally. My application code pointed to the following:
The above is local. But my data is on the cloud-based MongoDB Atlas Cluster. I shouldn't need to run mongod. So, I changed my application code:
where yourname AND password AND blahblahblah are specific to the coder.
Now my application code points to the Atlas Cluster where my data is.
My data is on the cloud-based Atlas Cluster.
To see my data on the Atlas Cluster from the command line, I "Connect with the MongoDB Shell" and run the connection string that MongoDB provides in the command line. Now I see my data in the command line.
To see my data on the Atlas Cluster when I run my code, I use "Connect your application" and place the connection string that MongoDB provides in my code (the mongoose.connect(....) ). Now when I run my code, I can see my data in my browser or command line if I console.log it.
If you are in the command line and run mongod in one tab, and mongosh in another, and use db.articles.find(), then nothing will appear but an empty array. That's because the data is on the cloud-based Atlas cluster. In this instance, you are viewing things locally.
If your application code points to your local MongoDB server (ran mongod in one tab, mongosh in another), then when you run the code you will see nothing but an empty array because the data is on the cloud-based Atlas cluster. In this instance, you are viewing things locally.

Mongo update to 3.2 gives error 'GridFS: Index with name: files_id_1_n_1 already exists with different options'

After updating mongo from 3.0 to 3.2, I get the following error when trying to put a new file in my gridFS with mongofiles:
2016-10-25T15:23:10.765+0200 Failed: error while storing '' intoGridFS: Index with name: files_id_1_n_1 already exists with different options
As a result the files are partially inserted in the GridFS. I can see the entries in the collections .chunks and .files but I cannot get the stored files with mongofiles or Java driver.
The solution was to drop the .file collection index files_id_1_n_1.
I did it with robomongo but you can do it also directly with mongo console
Then I just put a new file with mongofiles and it has recreated the index.
I have re-indexed by security but maybe it was not necessary.
I did not see any difference between the two indexes and maybe my solution is not the best one but it worked.

How can I query an FS collection in Meteor from the command line?

It is very useful to run meteor mongo and query collections from the command line, for debugging purposes, etc.
Recently, I have added the collectionFS package to enable image storage in the database. However, I am unable to query the database from the command line.
db.fs.collection_name.find() is not doing the trick, and I can't seem to find the correct command anywhere.
Go to the Meteor Mongo console: meteor mongo
See all the collections that are available: show collections
Look for the one that has cfs.collection_name.files
Choose the one that has your collection name. For example, I'm using collectionFS with gridFS for images. When I type show collections, I see cfs_gridfs.images.files so I just do: db.cfs_gridfs.images.files.find() to see those files.
Hope that helps.
If you find it difficult to use the command line or terminal, you have a UI for MongoDB called Robomongo which is easy to install and use. I use Meteor with its default port number and then in Robomongo it is used as 3001.
And the query to view collection here is same as db.collection_name.find().

Where to set mongodb start parameter in a meteor application on

I'm studying meteor and trying some examples on, but the available disk space was soon consumed by the big mongo data files (including the prealloc journal files).
Unfortunately MongoDB is also new to me. I googled around and found that I can start mongoDB with some parameters like --nojournal, but I have no idea where in the app I can pass this parameter to mongodb at startup?
I also can't find any mongodb.conf (even *db.conf) to use the storage.smallFiles setting.
Any help would be appreciated!
Instead of using Meteor's builtin MongoDB instance, you can specify a custom instance (which you can configure the way you want).
To do this Nitrous.IO, you can follow these steps:
Create a box with Meteor template.
Install MongoDB, by running parts install mongodb (Autoparts is Nitrous.IO specific package manager)
Open the MongoDB config located at /home/action/.parts/etc/mongodb.conf
Tweak it to your liking.
Start MongoDB instance by running parts start mongodb
Now you can create a new meteor project - meteor create projectname
Finally, when you're starting meteor on your project specify the MONGO_URL environment variable. eg: MONGO_URL=mongodb:// meteor.
Hope this would be good enough to get started. You can also upgrade your Nitrous.IO account to increase the storage of your box.
UPDATE: I just noticed that Meteor runs its MongoDB instance with --smallfiles flag set.

When using a separate MongoDB with meteor, meteor reset stopped working

I have my MONGO_URL set to mongodb://localhost:27017/meteor and have the MongoDB run as a service.
When running my project it seems OK to store data to the separate MongoDB until I tried to run meteor reset.
My assumption is it tried to remove its default database. The error complained that myproject.meteor\local is not empty and pointed to fs.js:456 which goes to files.js:256 (rm_recursive) and so on.
any idea what and how I can fix this?
$ meteor reset only resets the bundled MongoDB. It won't reset an external Mongo database.
(That's something we should explain better in the documentation.)
In your case, try connecting to the Mongo database directly (with the mongo command line shell) and running > db.dropDatabase()