How to keep a specific set of characters from a string using regular expression in PERL [closed] - perl

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have this string
$eq= "ew';##rfhnbgsu.,/><hdjsdedokk";
By Perl I want to extract just the characters w, h, n, s, and f from the string.
The output should be like this
Could you help me?

say $s =~ /[whnsf]/g;


Find and replace multiple string in MATLAB [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a1 in the following form in MATLAB.
a1{1,1} = {'x1','x2','x3'}
a1{1,2} = {'x1','x2','x3','x4'}
a1{1,3} = {'x4'}
I need to replace
'x1' with 'Text1'
'x2' with 'Text2'
'x3' with 'Text3'
'x4' with 'Text4'
I have tried a couple of things with no success and I am a bit lost, does anyone have any ideas.
Regular Expressions might be a way to go with this
a1{1,1} = {'x1','x2','x3','x4'};
a1{1,1} = regexprep(a1{1,1},'x([0-9])','text$1');
Will result in a1{1,1} containing
{'text1'} {'text2'} {'text3'} {'text4'}
This will work for any single digit numerical value (0-9) that is prefixed with the letter x.

How to handle the bug in Maple latex command? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In Windows 7, I need to use Maple to export the Tex code into a text file.
In Command-line Maple, I type latex(LambertW(x), "C:/Users/Bravo/Desktop/out.txt"); to do this, but the result is:
{\rm W} \left(x\right)
That is not right, why does it happen ? Is there any method to solve this problem ?
Yeah, that is a bug in Maple. You can try latex(subs(LambertW=lambertW,erf=Erf,arctanh=Artanh,LambertW(x)));

Could you please tell me what this line do: sed 's/^.*-svn\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/' [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Could you please tell me what this line do of sed
the expression is on the title
Thank you
Best regards
It replaces everything on the line with the number immediately following "-svn".
is replaced by:
It's matching a string of [anything]-svn[numbers][anything], and replacing the line with the [numbers].
For example:
Gets replaced with

Need Regular expression [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can some one tell me the regular expression for below file :
Input string
Exp :
Desired Strings(o/p)
I tried like : $line =~ /*/ but its not working the way i wanted to be :(
I assume you're looking for a regular expression to match anything that begins with
If that is the case, try something like this:
Tested using RegexPlanet

Is this a vaild variable name? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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For those that have experience in PowerShell, is this considered to be a valid variable name?
$[?#+-stuff] is a valid variable name in PowerShell.
It's a valid? Yes, if you wrap it inside curly brackets. This is required because of the special characters.
${[?#+-stuff]} = "foo"
Is it a good name? No. You should keep it simple..
If you made an effort to research it you would have figured it out yourself.
Check of the help documentation the #mjolinor suggested. Especially the part called:
We're all here to help each other, so please show us some respect and behave like a grown-up.