JMETER - 2.13 - Parametrize Post Body Data using CSV Data File - rest

I am trying to do a performance test with a REST Webservice. I added a HTTP Request, Header Manager, HTTP Request defaults, View Results Tree, CSV data config file.
This is how i parametrized my Post Message
{ "groupList": [ {"group":"newgroup"} ], "user": "${user}",
"password": "test", "email": "", "role": "USER", "ui": false}
This is my CSV Data Set Config
The Problem i face is "<EOF>" is getting added instead of the values.
POST data:
{ "groupList": [ {"group":"newgroup"} ], "user": "<EOF>",
"password": "test", "email": "", "role": "USER", "ui": false}
kindly excuse me for my ignorance.

The most common problems are:
Using incorrect relative path to CSV file
Using incorrect value of "Recycle on EOF" dropdown
Incorrect placement of CSV Data Set Config element (sampler out of its scope)
In the majority of cases the answer is in either jmeter.log file or in Debug Sampler / View Results Tree listener combination
See Using CSV DATA SET CONFIG for detailed end-to-end instructions. If you still experience problems please update your question with first few lines of CSV file and Test Plan screenshot showing CSV Data Set Config location and configuration.


How to send dataset in Web Activity? ADF

I want to publish data into a Service Bus, from my Storage Account.
I already tried send a simple body and it works fine. But i dont know how should set a data set.
Web Activity Setting
When i run this activity into a pipeline, this send
"myMessage": "Sample",
"datasets": [{
"name": "MyDataset",
"properties": {
"linkedServices": [{
"name": "MyStorageLinkedService1",
"properties": {
and i want send data from the file in dataset. Anyone know how i should set web activity?
You can achieve that by using "Copy Activity".
Here is a quick demo that I made :
I used JsonPlaceHolder API , I want to modify the array and add a custom value by doing a PUT request.
check it out here :
please read carefully "Updating a resource"
Here is a Json that I want to modify , I added it as a Dataset in ADF.
The main idea is to set the Dataset as a source and the sink is a REST API method so we are sending the Dataset as an input to the POST request in Copy activity.
Copy activity:
You can read more about it here:
Here is the output of the Copy Activity:

Azure Data Factory: Whitespace in object name for hierarchial schema mapping

I am using a Copy Data activity to copy data from a REST service to an Azure SQL Server. The REST service is returning a hierarchical JSON response and I am using schema mapping to push it into the SQL table. This is working as expected except for a few attributes that have whitespace in their name. Here is an example schema mapping with the last attribute defined the one in question:
"translator": {
"type": "TabularTranslator",
"schemaMapping": {
"id": "id",
"type": "type",
"lead_verb": "lead_verb",
"lead_action_performed": "lead_action_performed",
"created_at": "created_at",
"lead_id": "lead_id",
"selected_action": "selected_action",
"rate_type": "rate_type",
"channel_rate_id": "channel_rate_id",
"tenant_id": "tenant_id",
"unit_id": "unit_id",
"created_by_id": "created_by_id",
"source_id": "source_id",
"lead_changes_humanized.Quoted Rate[1]": "lead_changes_humanized"
"collectionReference": "$.lead_events"
This results in the following error:
"errorCode": "2200",
"message": "ErrorCode=UserErrorInvalidJsonArrayPathDefinition,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Error occurred when deserializing source JSON data. Please check whether the JsonPath in JsonNodeReference and JsonPathDefintion is valid.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common,''Type=Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException,Message=Unexpected character while parsing path: ,Source=Newtonsoft.Json,'",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "cpyCompaniesLeadEvents"
I have tried quoting path as follows:
"lead_changes_humanized.\"Quoted Rate\"[1]": "lead_changes_humanized"
And, with single quotes:
"lead_changes_humanized.'Quoted Rate'[1]": "lead_changes_humanized"
These all result in the same error. I have validated the JSON path using path validator.
Question: how can I deal with this whitespace?
Tried but failed to skip the copy activity validator. Please consider a workaround as below.
1.If you could totally control the rest api (named A)output,try to return lead_changes_humanized.Quoted Rate[1] as lead_changes_humanized.Quoted_Rate[1].If you can't,create another your own rest api(named B) and invoke the A rest api inside B rest api,then process the output as lead_changes_humanized.Quoted_Rate[1].
2.Then you could skip the validator with this trick.If you do concern the original format of the json key,please do the next step.
3.On the sql db side,you could copy the data from source data to the temporary table.And restore the original format in the stored procedure so that you could store the original format into the exact destination table.There are very detailed steps i did in my previous case: Azure Data Factory mapping 2 columns in one column refer to it.

Google Fit REST API "Unable to fetch DataSource for Dataset: xyz"

I'm testing out a few things in the OAuth 2.0 Playground and trying to get data in and out of Google Fit using their REST API
I have done this previously with success, I just didn't write down what I did.. now I've come back to make it a proper thing and can't get it working again.
I have access to Google Fit datasources via the dashboard. I can get a list of the dataSources that exist from:
And that is successful. I have also created my own stream which has a single floating point weight value on it called
It already has data in it, I put it there last time I used it. I can select all that data by requesting a GET on the following
It returns me all the data points I entered last time as JSON
I then try to PATCH the data adding my own data to the folliwng URL
With this as a the request body
"minStartTimeNs": "1421912895000000000",
"maxEndTimeNs": "1432193482000000000",
"dataSourceId": "",
"point": [
"startTimeNanos": "1421912895000000000",
"modifiedTimeMillis": "1421912895000",
"endTimeNanos": "1421912895000000000",
"value": [
"fPVal": 89.1
"dataTypeName": ""
But I get back
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Unable to fetch DataSource for Dataset:",
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "Unable to fetch DataSource for Dataset:",
"reason": "invalidArgument"
I can't find any one referencing a similar anywhere soo I'm here
Also note if I miss spell my source it tells me off because they don't match the URL, if i include an empty list of data points I get the same error. I'm quite lost so I'm throwing it out there to see if anyone knows what that means
Thanks in advance
edit: i tried changing the hex code for my project's integer code and got an error about untrusted source. so i tried making a new test data source which works as expected. Slightly annoyed but guess I'll just start over..
OK I was stupid and didn't set up my own credentials in the OAuth settings in top right of the dashboard as it said to here. I forgot that bit -_- now I can access my own stream again and it shows my integer project id in the stream id not the hex one
Now I get invalid argument, but.. whatever >_<
edit 2:
invalid argument was because I have fPVal instead of fpVal and modifiedTimeMillis mills is not supposed to be submitted, obviously

Marketo "Import Lead" fails with error 610 Requested resource not found

I'm trying to batch update a bunch of existing records through Marketo's REST API. According to the documentation, the Import Lead function seems to be ideal for this.
In short, I'm getting the error "610 Resource Not Found" upon using the curl sample from the documentation. Here are some steps I've taken.
Fetching the auth_token is not a problem:
$ curl "https://<identity_path>/identity/oauth/token?
Proving the token is valid, fetching a single lead isn't a problem as well:
# Fetch the record - outputs just fine
$ curl "https://<rest_path>/rest/v1/lead/1.json?access_token=<access_token>"
# output:
"requestId": "ab9d#12345abc45",
"result": [
"id": 1,
"updatedAt": "2014-09-18T13:00:00+0000",
"lastName": "Potter",
"email": "",
"createdAt": "2014-09-18T12:00:00+0000",
"firstName": "Harry"
"success": true
Now here's the pain, when I try to upload a CSV file using the Import Lead function. Like so:
# "Import Lead" function
$ curl -i -F format=csv -F file=#test.csv -F access_token=<access_token>
# results in the following error
"requestId": "f2b6#14888a7385a",
"success": false,
"errors": [
"code": "610",
"message": "Requested resource not found"
The error codes documentation only states Requested resource not found, nothing else. So my question is: what is causing the 610 error code - and how can I fix it?
Further steps I've tried, with no success:
Placing the access_token as url parameter (e.g. appending '?access_token=xxx' to the url), with no effect.
Stripping down the CSV (yes, it's comma seperated) to a bare minimum (e.g. only fields 'id' and 'lastName')
Looked at the question Marketo API and Python, Post request failing
Verified that the CSV doesn't have some funky line endings
I have no idea if there are specific requirements for the CSV file, like column orders, though...
Any tips or suggestions?
Error code 610 can represent something akin to a '404' for urls under the REST endpoint, i.e. your rest_path. I'm guessing this is why you are getting that '404': Marketo's docs show REST paths as starting with '/rest', yet their rest endpoint ends with /rest, so if you follow their directions you get an url like,, i.e. with '/rest' twice. This is not correct. Your url must have only one 'rest/'.
I went through the same trouble, just want to share some points that help resolve my problem.
Bulk API endpoints are not prefixed with ‘/rest’ like other endpoints.
Bulk Import uses the same permissions model as the Marketo REST API and does not require any additional special permissions in order to use, though specific permissions are required for each set of endpoints.
As #Ethan Herdrick suggested, the endpoints in the documentation are sometimes prefixed with an extra /rest, make sure to remove that.
If you're a beginner and need step-by-step instructions to set up permissions for Marketo REST API: Quick Start Guide for Marketo REST API

SharePoint 2013 - Associating Site Columns With Content Types Using the REST API

I'm trying to use the REST API to programatically create site columns and content types. Everything works fine until I try to associate my site columns with my content types.
By this point in my code the site columns and content types already exist...
I am sending a POST to the following URL...
Here is the information I am sending in the request body...
"__metadata": {
"type": "SP.FieldLink"
"Id": "9400d057-ba2c-4ab4-9ce0-671b858fd849",
"Name": "BusinessCategory",
"Hidden": false,
"Required": false
Here is the error I get back in response...
{"error":{"code":"-2147467261, System.ArgumentNullException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: parameters"}}}
I have tried several other options without success. For example, I have tried using "__metadata" : { "type": "SP.FieldLinkCreationInformation"} but everything I try with this __metadata type result in this error...
{"error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.InvalidClientQueryException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"A type named 'SP.FieldLinkCreationInformation' could not be resolved by the model. When a model is available, each type name must resolve to a valid type."}}}
It sounds like SharePoint is telling me that this "type" is invalid. It seems like this should be possible with SharePoint 2013 since the documentation seems to imply that its possible...
If anyone has any ideas I would be greatful for the suggestions. Thanks!
Based on the documentation, I would try that:
Endpoint (note the /add at the end):
Body (wrap your properties in a parameters property):
"__metadata": {"type": "SP.FieldLink"},
"Id": "9400d057-ba2c-4ab4-9ce0-671b858fd849",
"Name": "BusinessCategory",
"Hidden": false,
"Required": false