Creating macros in netbeans - netbeans

I wish to create macro in Netbeans to put block comment over function. I have preference of code formatting over file save. So When I close file it saves code automatically and format it.
Issue is when I create function and comment it. It unformatted my whole block of code like this.
*function abc(){
*var a, b = 50;
I wish to create comment like this. so it keep my coding properly formatted as well.
| function abc(){
| var a, b = 50;
| }

You can add your own macro by Following this instructions:
Edit->Start Macro Recording
Edit->Stop Macro Recirding
It Will pop-up one Box For Editor Macros->Add Your Choice of Macro Name
In code area add Your custom comment code in " your code "; Like,
| function abc(){
| var a, b = 50;
| }
Assign a Short Cut Key to your Custom Macro.
That's It

Though I couldn't find macro for the same. But I found alternative. Use Ctrl+Shift+R toggle, for multiple line action at same time & add pipeline sign. But it take extra effort for starting and ending comment.


How do I get a snippet to insert a character only if the user typed something?

I have this snippet.
SELECT 'SELECT * FROM ' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(o.object_id, DB_ID(${20:})) + '.' + name,
FROM ${20/$/./}sys.all_objects o
WHERE name LIKE '%${10:hadr}%'
And this is how it works:
When the user types something in the function DB_ID(), I hope the content the user typed appears before sys.all_objects AND append an additional .. It already works like this as it shown in the above gif. However, I also hope if the user types nothing in the function DB_ID(), don't add . before sys.all_objects. Is this possible?
No need to add the : in field 2:
Use field 2
capture all the typed text: (.*)
replace it with all the typed text: $1
followed by a . if the typed text is not empty: ${1:+.}
You can use lookbehind to assert that there's something in that field: (?<=.)$. For a minimal example, let's say this is the original snippet:
foo($1); ${1/$/./}bar()
Change it to:
foo($1); ${1/(?<=.)$/./}bar()
If I type something, e.g. x, then press Tab, I get:
If I don't type anything then press Tab, I get:
foo(); bar()

Is it possible to have a snippet that considers the length of my input?

I would like to define a snippet for comments like
//* foo A1 *
where I enter foo A1 and it would create a line with (6+ len(${1}) asterisks etc. - is that doable and if so, how?
While I am a big proponent of HyperSnips (see
[VSCODE]: Is there a way to insert N times the same characters,
VS Code: how to make a python snippet that after string or expression hitting tab will transform it and
VSCode Advanced Custom Snippets for how to use it),
it is instructive to see how to do this with just the built-in snippet functionality in vscode. Here is a snippet that does what you want:
"Custom Comment": {
"prefix": ["cc2"], // whatever trigger you want, then tab, write your info and tab again
"body": [
"//* $1 *",
That just adds 3 asterisks to the beginning and 3 to the end of your added comment, each character of which is replaced by an asterisk as well.
You can use the extension HyperSnips
snippet comment "Comment" A
``rv = '//' + '*'.repeat(t[0].length + 6)``
//* $1 *
``rv = '//' + '*'.repeat(t[0].length + 6)``

Julia macros: #__FILE__ #__LINE__ in macro

This code:
macro FL(message)
return #sprintf("%s:%d | %s", #__FILE__, #__LINE__, message) # line 2
println(#FL("m")) # line 4
prints fl.jl:2 | m. How can I make it print fl.jl:4 | m?
The following will work in the current Julia nightly:
macro FL(message)
return :(#sprintf("%s:%d | %s", $(string(__source__.file)), $(__source__.line), $(esc(message)))) # line 2
println(#FL("m")) # line 4
This was made possible by the following implementation pull request. It is not possible in any officially released version, unfortunately.
Though there may be more elegant ways to do this, if you don't want this to block your progress on other fronts, why not just pass the line number to the macro...
macro FL(message, line)
return #sprintf("%s:%d | %s", #__FILE__, line, message)
println(#FL("m", #__LINE__))

Showing D Coverage Results as Overlays in Source Buffer

The D language compiler DMD outputs its coverage analysis in a file containing the original source as
| inout(Ix)[] prefix() inout
| {
2037| assert(!keys.empty);
2037| final switch (keys.length)
| {
000000000| case 1:
000000000| return!0[];
2037| case 2:
| import std.algorithm.searching : commonPrefix;
2037| return commonPrefix(!0[],!1[]);
| }
| }
that is, the original source where each line has been prefixed by a 10-character column containing the execution count (if relevant).
When opened in Emacs I would like this file to be presented as a read-only version of the original source buffer with an green overlay for the lines exercised at least once and with red overlay for the lines never exercised.
How is this most conveniently implemented in Emacs-Lisp? For instance is there a way to efficiently hide the first 10 characters of each line in a buffer?
See also:

xText Variable/Attribute Assignment

I built a grammar in xText to recognize formal expressions of a specific format
and to use the generated object tree in Java.
This is what it looks like:
grammar eu.gemtec.device.espa.texpr.Texpr with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate texpr ""
MatcherExpression | Assignment;
TerminalMatcher ({Operation.left=current} operator='or' right= MatcherExpression)?
TerminalMatcher returns MatcherExpression:
'(' MatcherExpression ')' | {MatcherLiteral} value=Literal
CharMatcher | ExactMatcher
type=('text'|'number'|'symbol'|'whitespace') ('(' cardinality=Cardinality ')')?
/* Kardinalitäten für CharMatcher*/
CardinalityMin | CardinalityMinMax | CardinalityMax| CardinalityExact
CardinalityMin: min=INT '->';
CardinalityMinMax: min=INT '->' max=INT;
CardinalityMax: '->' max=INT;
CardinalityExact: exact=INT;
(ignoreCase='ignoreCase''(' expected=STRING ')') | expected=STRING
/* Variablenzuweisung
* z.B. $myVar=number
* */
'$' name=ID '=' expression=MatcherExpression
Everything works fine except for the 'cardinality' assignment.
The Expressions look like this:
text number(3) - (an arbitrary amount of letters followed by exactly 3 numbers)
symbol number(2->) - (an arbitrary amount of special characters followed by at least 2 numbers)
whitespace number(->4) - (an arbitrary amount of whitespaces followed by a maximum of 4 numbers)
number(3->6) - (at least 3 numbers but not more than 6)
When I run Eclipse with this grammar (so that my language is recognized and has code completion and so on), everything I type is shown in the "Outline"-tab as a tree-structure as it should, except for the cardinality values.
When I add a cardinality statement to a CharMatcher, the little plus appears before it, but when I click on it it just disappears.
Can anyone tell me why this does not work?
I found the solution myself, I think the problem was that the compiler could not decide which class to create at this point:
CardinalityMin | CardinalityMinMax | CardinalityMax| CardinalityExact
CardinalityMin: min=INT '->';
CardinalityMinMax: min=INT '->' max=INT;
CardinalityMax: '->' max=INT;
CardinalityExact: exact=INT;
So I simplified the whole thing a little, it now looks like this:
CardinalityMinMax | CardinalityExact
CardinalityMinMax: (min=INT '..' max=INT) | (min=INT '..') | ('..' max=INT);
CardinalityExact: exact=INT;
It is still not shown in the "Outline"-Tab, but I suppose that is a problem of the visualisation.
The generated classes now work as intended.