A different method to check if an element is even in matlab? - matlab

This was the original question:
Write a script that asks the user for two positive numbers a and b and calculates the sum of the even numbers in the range [a,b]. The script should print a message with the range and the sum values as shown in the example below.
Enter the first number of the range: 3
Enter the last number of the range: 12
The sum of the even numbers in the range [3,12] is 40
I was able to solve it using the Rem function
a=input('Enter the first number of the range: ',d);
b=input('Enter the last number of the range: ',d);
For i=a:b;
If rem(i,2)=0
fprintf('The sum of the even numbers in the range [%d,%d] is %d\n',a,b,m)
My question is, since I knew about the Rem function I was able to solve it. How does one do this without knowing the Rem function, and this brought up another question. What if they wanted me to list the prime numbers, what is the method of check in that case?

How about just
if ~mod(a,2)
m = sum(a:2:b)
m = sum(a+1:2:b)
In this case mod is only used to check only a. This is the only check that is needed

There are many ways to check if a number is even or not
here is one alternative:
round(number/2) == (number/2)
Sample 1
>> number
number =
>> ans
ans =
Sample 2
>> number
number =
>> ans
ans =
There is also an inbuilt function ( isprime ) for checking if a number is prime or not
Example from mathworks:
>> isprime([2 3 0 6 10])
ans =
1 1 0 0 0

For the sum of even numbers, you could use:
numbers = 2*(ceil(a/2):floor(b/2)); %// even numbers in the given range
result = sum(numbers);
To save operations, you can multiply by 2 only at the end:
result = 2*sum((ceil(a/2):floor(b/2)));
Or compute the result directly:
x = ceil(a/2);
y = floor(b/2);
result = (y+x)*(y-x+1);


Find all numbers which are equal to the sum of the factorial of their digits

How can Find all numbers (e.g. 145= 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145.)
which are equal to the sum of the factorial of their digits, by MATLAB?
I want to chop off digits, add the factorial of the digits together and compare it with the original number. If factorial summation be equal to original number, this numbers is on of the solution and must be keep. I can't code my idea, How can I code it? Is this true?
The main reason that I post this answer is that I can't leave the use of eval in the previous answer without a decent alternative
Here is a small function to check this for any given (integer) n:
isFact = #(n) n==sum(factorial(int2str(n)-'0'));
int2str(n)-'0': "chop off digits"
sum(factorial(...)): "add the factorial of the digits together"
n==...: "compare it with the original number"
You can now plug it in a loop to find all the numbers between 1 to maxInt:
maxInt = 100000; % just for the example
solution = false(1,maxInt); % preallocating memory
for k = 1:maxInt
solution(k) = isFact(k);
find(solution) % find all the TRUE indices
The result:
ans =
1 2 145 40585
The loop above was written to be simple. If you look for further efficiency and flexibility (like not checking all the numbers between 1 to maxInt and checking array in any shape), you can change it to:
% generating a set of random numbers with no repetitions:
Vec2Check = unique(randi(1000,1,1000)); % you can change that to any array
for k = 1:numel(Vec2Check)
if isFact(Vec2Check(k))
Vec2Check(k) = Vec2Check(k)+0.1;
solution = Vec2Check(Vec2Check>round(Vec2Check))-0.1
The addition of 0.1 serves as a 'flag' that marks the numbers that isFact returns true for them. We then extract them by comparing the vector to it's rounded vertsion.
You can even go with a one-line solution:
solution = nonzeros(arrayfun(#(n) n.*(n==sum(factorial(int2str(n)-'0'))),Vec2Check))
The following snippet finds the numbers up to 1000 satisfying this condition.
numbers = [];
for i=1:1000
number_char = int2str(i);
sum = 0;
for j=1:length(number_char)
sum = sum+ factorial(eval(number_char(j)));
if (sum == i)
numbers(end+1) = i;
This should yield:
1 2 145
Note that if (log10(n)+1)*9! is less than n, then there is no number satisfying the condition larger than n.

Add 1 to the least significant digit of a number in MATLAB

Example: 6.321: I need it to be 6.322.
5.14875: I need it to be 5.14876.
How can I do this?
If you represent numbers as floating point or double precision floating point, this problem is a disaster.
If you can read in a number as a string (you mentioned get the number with the input command), you could do:
x = input('ENTER A NUMBER: ','s');
decimal_place = find(fliplr(x)=='.',1) - 1;
x_val = str2double(x);
y = x_val + 10 ^ -decimal_place;
else % if there is no decimal place, find first non-zero digit to get sigfig
warning('ambiguous number of significant digits');
first_nonzero_digit = find(fliplr(x)~='0',1);
y = x_val + 10 ^ (first_nonzero_digit - 1);
y = x_val + 1;
disp('your new number is');
Example test runs:
your new number is
your new number is
ENTER A NUMBER: 323.4374
your number is
your number is
#AndrasDeak - I think you're right the first time. The hard part is not the rounding - it's defining the "last" decimal.
Since floating point numbers aren't exact, I can't think of a reliable way to find that "last" decimal place - in any language.
There is a very hacky way that comes to mind, though. You could "print" the number to a string, with 31 numbers after the decimal point, then working right from the dot, find the first place with 15 0s. (Since double precision numbers can only stably represent the first 14 decimal places and you get a 15th that varies, 31 decimal place will ALWAYS give you at least 15 0s after the last sig digit.)
>> a = 1.34568700030041234556
a =
>> str = sprintf('%1.31', a)
str =
Empty string: 1-by-0
>> str = sprintf('%1.31f', a)
str =
>> idx = strfind(str, '000000000000000')
idx =
>> b = a*10^(idx(1)-3)
b =
>> sprintf('%10.20f', b)
ans =
>> c = b+1
c =
>> sprintf('%10.20f', c)
ans =
>> final = floor(c)/10^(idx(1)-3)
final =
>> sprintf('%10.31f', final)
ans =
I think that's a relatively reliable implementation.
assuming your just trying to do regular rounding:
i'd use the round function built into matlab.
let's do your example above..
5.14875 has 5 decimal places and you want it to be converterd to 5.14876.
Lets assume you that the 6th decimal place was 9 (so your number is 5.148759)
%Step 1:changethe format so that your going to be able to see all of the
%decimal places
format long
%step2:now enter the original number
%step 3 take the original number and round it to your new number
this solution will not work if the 6th number (that you did not show) was a <5 because the computer will not know to round up
assuming your just trying to cut the numbers off...
You cannot do this in regular default matlab floating point numbers. To keep my explination simple I'll just state that without an explination. I'd do some review on the different ways matlab stores # (int vs floating point) on the matlab website. They have excellent documentation.

What does it mean to use logical indexing/masking to extract data from a matrix? (MATLAB)

I am new to matlab and I was wondering what it meant to use logical indexing/masking to extract data from a matrix.
I am trying to write a function that accepts a matrix and a user-inputted value to compute and display the total number of values in column 2 of the matrix that match with the user input.
The function itself should have no return value and will be called on later in another loop.
But besides all that hubbub, someone suggested that I use logical indexing/masking in this situation but never told me exactly what it was or how I could use it in my particular situation.
EDIT: since you updated the question, I am updating this answer a little.
Logical indexing is explained really well in this and this. In general, I doubt, if I can do a better job, given available time. However, I would try to connect your problem and logical indexing.
Lets declare an array A which has 2 columns. First column is index (as 1,2,3,...) and second column is its corresponding value, a random number.
A(:,2)=randi(5,[10 1]); //declares a 10x1 array and puts it into second column of A
userInputtedValue=3; //self-explanatory
You want to check what values in second column of A are equal to 3. Imagine as if you are making a query and MATLAB is giving you binary response, YES (1) or NO (0).
q=A(:,2)==3 //the query, what values in second column of A equal 3?
Now, for the indices where answer is YES, you want to extract the numbers in the first column of A. Then do some processing.
values=A(q,2); //only those elements will be extracted: 1. which lie in the
//second column of A AND where q takes value 1.
Now, if you want to count total number of values, just do:
I hope now logical indexing is clear to you. However, do read the Mathworks posts which I have mentioned earlier.
I over simplified the code, and wrote more code than required in order to explain things. It can be achieved in a single-liner:
I'll give you an example that may illustrate what logical indexing is about:
array = [1 2 3 0 4 2];
array > 2
ans: [0 0 1 0 1 0]
using logical indexing you could filter elements that fullfil a certain condition
array(array>2) will give: [3 4]
you could also perform alterations to only those elements:
array(array>2) = 100;
array(array<=2) = 0;
will result in "array" equal to
[0 0 100 0 100 0]
Logical indexing means to have a logical / Boolean matrix that is the same size as the matrix that you are considering. You would use this as input into the matrix you're considering, and any locations that are true would be part of the output. Any locations that are false are not part of the output. To perform logical indexing, you would need to use logical / Boolean operators or conditions to facilitate the selection of elements in your matrix.
Let's concentrate on vectors as it's the easiest to deal with. Let's say we had the following vector:
>> A = 1:9
A =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Let's say I wanted to retrieve all values that are 5 or more. The logical condition for this would be A >= 5. We want to retrieve all values in A that are greater than or equal to 5. Therefore, if we did A >= 5, we get a logical vector which tells us which values in A satisfy the above condition:
>> A >= 5
ans =
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
This certainly tells us where in A the condition is satisfied. The last step would be to use this as input into A:
>> B = A(A >= 5)
B =
5 6 7 8 9
Cool! As you can see, there isn't a need for a for loop to help us select out elements that satisfy a condition. Let's go a step further. What if I want to find all even values of A? This would mean that if we divide by 2, the remainder would be zero, or mod(A,2) == 0. Let's extract out those elements:
>> C = A(mod(A,2) == 0)
C =
2 4 6 8
Nice! So let's go back to your question. Given your matrix A, let's extract out column 2.
>> col = A(:,2)
Now, we want to check to see if any of column #2 is equal to a certain value. Well we can generate a logical indexing array for that. Let's try with the value of 3:
>> ind = col == 3;
Now you'll have a logical vector that tells you which locations are equal to 3. If you want to determine how many are equal to 3, you just have to sum up the values:
>> s = sum(ind);
That's it! s contains how many values were equal to 3. Now, if you wanted to write a function that only displayed how many values were equal to some user defined input and displayed this event, you can do something like this:
function checkVal(A, val)
disp(sum(A(:,2) == val));
Quite simply, we extract the second column of A and see how many values are equal to val. This produces a logical array, and we simply sum up how many 1s there are. This would give you the total number of elements that are equal to val.
Troy Haskin pointed you to a very nice link that talks about logical indexing in more detail: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/math/matrix-indexing.html?refresh=true#bq7eg38. Read that for more details on how to master logical indexing.
Good luck!
%% M is your Matrix
M = randi(10,4)
%% Val is the value that you are seeking to find
Val = 6
%% Col is the value of the matrix column that you wish to find it in
Col = 2
%% r is a vector that has zeros in all positions except when the Matrix value equals the user input it equals 1
r = M(:,Col)==Val
%% We can now sum all the non-zero values in r to get the number of matches
n = sum(r)
M =
4 2 2 5
3 6 7 1
4 4 1 6
5 8 7 8
Val =
Col =
r =
n =

Stability (Numerical analysis)

I'm trying to find the max machine number x that satisfies the following equation: x+a=a, where a is a given integer. (I'm not allowed to use eps.)
Here's my code (which is not really working):
function [] = Largest_x()
while (x+a)~=a
fprintf('The biggest value of x in order that x+a=a \n (where a is equal to %g) is : %g \n',a,x);
Any help would be much appreciated.
The answer is eps(a)/2.
eps is the difference to the next floating point number, so if you add half or less than that to a float, it won't change. For example:
ans =
%# divide by less than two
ans =
%# what is that number x?
ans =
If you don't want to rely on eps, you can calculate the number as
You're small algorithm is certainly not correct. The only conditions where A = X + A are when X is equal to 0. By default matlab data types are doubles with 64 bits.
Lets pretend that matlab were instead using 8 bit integers. The only way to satisfy the equation A = X + A is for X to have the binary representation of [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]. So any number between 1 and 0 would work as decimal points are truncated from integers. So again if you were using integers A = A + X would resolve to true if you were to set the value of X to any value between [0,1). However this value is meaningless because X would not take on this value but rather it would take on the value of 0.
It sounds like you are trying to find the resolution of matlab data types. See this: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/floating-point-numbers.html
The correct answer is that, provided by Jonas: 0.5 * eps(a)
Here is an alternative for the empirical and approximate solution:
>> a = 2184;
>> e = 2 .^ (-100 : 100); % logarithmic scale
>> idx = find(a + e == a, 1, 'last')
idx =
>> e(idx)
ans =

haltonset: understanding skip and leap

If i read the doc of how to construct a Halton quasi-random point set and it mentions that it's possible to 'skip' the first values and then retain the 'leap' values.
Don't understand what the 'skip' and 'leap' really mean.
Have tried the following:
>> p = haltonset(1,'Skip',50,'Leap',10); d = haltonset(1,'Skip',51,'Leap',9);
>> p(2:10), d(1:9)
ans =
ans =
>> p(2:10) == d(1:9)
ans =
Thought that it might be that that this would save 10 values to p and 9 to d. Also thought that d would have the same values as p. But this was not the case.
I then tested if the 'leap' would be the same as a normal way to make a vector
- ex: (1:leap:10)
>> p = haltonset(1,'Skip',50,'Leap',1); d = haltonset(1,'Skip',50,'Leap',2);
>> p(1:2:10)==d(1:5)
ans =
>> p = haltonset(1,'Skip',0,'Leap',1); d = haltonset(1,'Skip',0,'Leap',2);
>> p(1:2:10)==d(1:5)
ans =
but this seemed not to be the case..
Can anybody give a plain English explanation of how to interpreted the 'skip' and 'leap' variables.
I find the following description to be very clear [quoting this documentation page]:
Imagine a simple 1-D sequence that produces the integers from 1 to 10.
This is the basic sequence and the first three points are [1,2,3]:
Now look at how Scramble, Leap, and Skip work together:
Scramble: Scrambling shuffles the points in one of several
different ways. In this example, assume a scramble turns the sequence
into 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10. The first three points are now [1,3,5]:
Skip: A Skip value specifies the number of initial points to
ignore. In this example, set the Skip value to 2. The sequence is now
5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10 and the first three points are [5,7,9]:
Leap: A Leap value specifies the number of points to ignore for
each one you take. Continuing the example with the Skip set to 2, if
you set the Leap to 1, the sequence uses every other point. In this
example, the sequence is now 5,9,4,8 and the first three points are
Let me show with an example:
%# create 1D sequences (x: picked, .: ignored)
p00 = haltonset(1,'Skip',0,'Leap',0); %# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p50 = haltonset(1,'Skip',5,'Leap',0); %# .....xxxxxxxxxx
p02 = haltonset(1,'Skip',0,'Leap',2); %# x..x..x..x..x..
p52 = haltonset(1,'Skip',5,'Leap',2); %# .....x..x..x..x
%# each pair of these are equal
[p50(1:10) p00(6:15)] %# skip vs. noskip
[p02(1:5) p00(1:3:13)] %# leap vs. noleap
[p52(1:4) p00(6:3:15)] %# skip+leap vs. noskip+noleap
In general:
skip = 50;
leap = 10;
p00 = haltonset(1,'Skip',0,'Leap',0);
p = haltonset(1,'Skip',skip,'Leap',leap);
num = 9;
[p(1:num) p00(skip+1:leap+1:num*leap+num-leap+skip)]