In matlab, I want to change comment, uncomment, and wrap comments all using ctrl+/, like in most IDEs. How can I do that?
I can change Matlab's shortcut for comment to ctrl+/
But shortcut for uncomment and wrap comments require different key combinations.
When I open a new file, VsCode generally expands everything by default. When there is a large amount of code in a single file, I usually use ctrl+k, ctrl+ number to quickly collapse the specified level.
I love this feature, but it always collapses jsDoc comments, aka block comments or multiline comments.This makes the code unreadable, since a big part of the comment is for me to read.
For example:
VsCode's existing folding effects:
When I fold the code with ctrl+k, ctrl+ number, the jsDoc comment is folded like this.
The effect I want:
I want the comment code never to be folded when I fold the code.
All the articles on Google talk about folding comments, but I don't want to fold comments.
How can VsCode be set up so that it does not collapse multiple lines of comment code? Or it can be solved by a plug-in.
I did a lot of searches on Google and they all talked about how to fold comments, using //region to create a custom fold area, different from my question.
In VsCode, I found the "Collapse all block comments" shortcut, but not the "expand all block comments" shortcut
I want to use full viewport while coding in VS Code. But the lines are not expanding when i expand my VS Code window.
Any Fix ?
The correct configuration to use:
In order to configure V.S. Code so that the lines of code in
your editor will only wrap at the end of the view port, and
never before, you need to assign the correct value to the
setting: editor.wordWrap
There are 4 different values that can be assigned to the
editor.wordWrap setting. There is one that I believe
is exactly what you are asking for, however; 2 of the other
three could work too, so I will list them all, and suggest
the one I think will work best for you. The following are
the only "out-of-the-box" line-wrapping configurations that
VSCode supports, and they are as follows:
01| "editor.wordWrap": "off"_
— Assigning off to the wordWrap setting will make it
so that your editors lines will never auto-wrap. The only
way a line will ever be moved to the next line is if you add
a line break — by pressing the [ENTER] key. — and
proceed to continue typeing text on the next line. This way
could work for you, because you get 100% control over when
the lines break.
02| "editor.wordWrap": "on"
Assigning on to the editor.wordWrap setting makes it
so that that the lines of code in your editor will wrap
exactly where the viewport ends. No matter how big, or how
small the editor's viewport width is, the lines always
extend the entirety of the viewport, and never before.
NOTE: "on" sounds to me like what you were asking for
in your question
03| "editor.wordWrap": "wordWrapColumn"
When you assign wordWrapColumn —to— "editor.wordWrap" the lines of code inside your editors view-port will wrap at what ever you set the setting editor.wordWrapColumn to. To be more specific, I'll give you an example.
if you configure wordWrapColumn so that it looks like the code-snippet below:
"editor.wordWrapColumn": 80
...then your lines will all wrap at 80.
This is by far the most popular configuration, as it is frequently coupled with 3rd party formatters, and linters, such as ESLint & Prettier. Prettier's printWidth setting, coupled with "editor.wordWrap": "wordWrapColumn", is an extremely reliable and consistent configuration.
4| "editor.wordWrap": "bounded"
— Last is "bounded", bounded is a mix between on, and print width. In a nutshell, lines will wrap if either of two conditions are true.
- First lines will wrap at what ever "editor.wordWrapColumn" is set to, just like the configuration example #3.
- Secondly, lines will wrap at the end of the view port.
To reiterate through what I just typed, lines wrap at _"editor.wordWrapColumn"'_s value, unless the view-port is smaller than the value of "editor.wordWrapColumn", in that case lines wrap at the view-port.
That's all...
You can add any extension in you VS code such as Beautify or Prettier. Or if you want to format the document you can simply use shortcut Shift+Alt+F.
If you want to merge multiline code into single.Follow the steps
1.Select all line you want to merge in single.
2.Press F1 and search for join lines.
3.Select join lines and press enter.
You can also create a keyboard shortcut for this command editor.action.joinLines
"editor.mouseWheelZoom": true
Adding this setting to your settings.json will enable zooming in when holding CTRL and scrolling. After you save settings.json with this setting, you can hold the ctrl key and scroll with your mouse or trackpad to zoom in which will make your code cover the full screen. If you want more focus, you can enter Zen Mode. It is a nice feature built into Visual Studio Code, which helps you to focus more on your code than the activity bar or other files. You can toggle zen mode with shortcut keys CTRL + K Z, Command palette, or View menu.
When using "change all occurences" in VS Code, it will just search the whole file for matches and change them. Is there a similar feature doing the same thing, but limiting it to function or block scope?
Let's take an example where I would need that: I'm having a React file with several components and want to refactor a class component to a functional component, so I'm changing all occurences of this.props to props. However, I obviously don't want to change all the other class components as well that are supposed to stay class components. :-)
This seems like such a standard use case, but I'm not able to find it anywhere in VS Code. If it's not possible (yet, or for some good reasons) is there another way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
Check out the 'Add Selection To Next Find Match' functionality. It allows you to highlight the first occurrence you'd like to change, then using a keyboard shortcut, highlight the next occurrence and so on until you've selected all the instances you want to change. When all to-be-changed occurrences are selected, you can edit the selected text normally. Just remember to hit the escape key a couple times after editing to return to a single cursor!
Here are the keybindings for the command, it's Cmd+d on Mac:
I find it very useful when renaming variables, there's also a shortcut to skip occurrences (Cmd+k Cmd+d) in case there is text you don't want to change in between.
Contrary to many other text editors that I use when I select the text in Emacs and type over it, the text does not get replaced by. How can I change this behavior in Emacs?
Instead of removing the question I decided to answer it. The answer is explained in here.
(delete-selection-mode 1)
I am trying to document certain sections of my code using Doxygen. I want to use the javadoc
style of comments viz
* My Documentation goes here
Now in Emacs I can comment out a certain block of text by selecting it and by pressing Meta+;. This comments out the lines by placing a // in front of all the lines selected.
Since most of the time I will be writing comments in my code which will be documented using Doxygen, I want to rebind the Meta+; to give me a javadoc style of comments.
How do I do that?
Use doxymacs. You'll have to rebind keys to your taste, but the bindings it comes with are pretty good.
Code is not documentation. Wouldn't you want to use javadoc style comments only for documentation?
It sounds like you actually want a snippet/skeleton system to insert a java-doc template that you can flesh out. If so I recommend yasnippet.