Simulink: Creating a repeating irregular square wave - matlab

I want to genereate a square wave to represent different uptimes for a lightning installation over a year.
The schedule over a week is the following:
Mon-Thu: 06.00-20.00
Fri: 06.00-18.00
Sat: no uptime
Sun: no uptime
So my wave should repeat every 168 hours (one week) and look like this:
Time Signal
0-6 0
6-20 1
20-30 0
30-44 1
44-54 0
54-68 1
68-78 0
78-94 1
94-104 0
104-116 1
116-168 0
I've tried some with the repeating sequence block using the following:
Time values:[0 6 6.001 20 20.001 30 30.001 44 44.001 54 54.001 68 68.001 78 78.001 94 94.001 104 104.001 116 116.001 168]
Output values: [0 repmat([0 1 1 0],1,5) 0]
But since I'm simulating over 8760 (a year in hours) it seems that the step is f*cking things up.
Is there any better way or good way to make this work?
Thanks a bunch.


KDB/Q How to implement moving rank efficiently?

I am trying to implement a moving rank function, taking parameters of n, the number of items, and m, the column name. Here is how I implement it:
mwindow: k){[y;x]$[y>0;x#(!#x)+\:!y;x#(!#x)+\:(!-y)+y+1]};
mrank: {[n;x] sum each x > prev mwindow[neg n;x]};
But this seems to take quite some time if n is moderately large, say 100.
I figure it is because it has to calculate from scratch, unlike msum, which keeps a running variable and only calculate the difference between the newly added and the dropped.
There's a number of general sliding window functions here that you can use to generate rolling lists on which to apply your rank:
Those approaches seem to fill the lists out with zeros/nulls however which I think won't really suit your use of rank. Here's another possible approach which might be more suitable to rank (though I haven't tested this for performance on the large scale):
q)mwin:{x each (),/:{neg[x]sublist y,z}[y]\[z]}
q)update r:mwin[rank;4;c] from ([]c:10?100)
c r
84 ,0
25 1 0
31 2 0 1
0 3 1 2 0
51 1 2 0 3
29 2 0 3 1
25 0 3 2 1
73 2 1 0 3
0 2 1 3 0
6 2 3 0 1
q)update r:last each mwin[rank;4;c] from ([]c:10?100)
c r
38 0
72 1
13 0
77 3
64 1
9 0
37 1
79 3
97 3
63 1

Read a big data file with headlines into a matrix

I have a file that looks like this (with real data and much bigger):
1 105.28 1 22 84 2 10.55 21 2
2 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
3 150.23 3 78 22 0 12.02 11 0
4 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
5 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
6 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
17000 357.01 0 32 34 1 11.43 28 1
I want to import all the numerical value into a matrix, skipping the headlines. For that purpose I use this code:
Filename = 'test.txt';
A = dlmread(Filename,' ',1,0); %Imports the whole data into a matrix
The problem with this is just that A is a 17 000 * 1 vector instead of a matrix with several columns. If I manual edit the data file, remove the headlines and just run this it works:
A = dlmread(Filename); %Imports the whole data into a matrix
But I would prefer not to do this since the headlines are used later on in the code. Any advice how to get this work?
edit: solved by using
' '
instead of just
' '
Use the import tool.
Make sure you choose the data.
Generate script.

How to set an indexed value in a matrix based on another matrix's values

Say I have a matrix A
A =
0 1 2
2 1 1
3 1 2
and another matrix B
B =
0 42
1 24
2 32
3 12
I want to replace each value in A by the one associated to it in B.
I would obtain
A =
42 24 32
32 24 24
12 24 32
How can I do that without loops?
There are several ways to accomplish this, but here is an short one:
Anew = reshape(B(ind,2),size(A))
If you can assume that the first column of B is always 0:size(B,1)-1, then it is easier, becoming just reshape(B(A+1,2),size(A)).

Matlab, Image compression

i am unsure about what this is asking me to do in matlab? what does it mean to encode? what format should the answer be? can anyone help me to work it out please?
Encode the 8x8 image patch and print out the results
I have got an 8X8 image
symbols=[0 20 50 99];
p=[32 8 16 8];
p = p/sum(p);
[dict, avglen] = huffmandict(symbols, p);
A = ...
[99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ...
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
Do you understand the principle of Huffman coding?
To put it simply, it is an algorithm used to compress data (like images in your case). This means that the input of the algorithm is an image and the output is a numeric code that is smaller in size than the input: hence the compression.
The principle of Huffman coding is (roughly) to replace symbols in the original data (in your case the value of each pixel of the image) by a numeric code that is attributed according to the probability of the symbol. The most probable (i.e. the most common) symbol will be replaced by shorter codes in order to realize a compression of the data.
To solve your problem, Matlab has two functions in the Communications Toolbox: huffmandict and huffmanenco.
huffmandict: this function build a dictionary that is used to translate symbols from the original data to their numeric Huffman codewords. To build this dictionary, huffmandict needs the list of symbols used in the data and their probability of appearance which is the number of time they are used divided by the total number of symbols in your data.
huffmanenco: this function is used to translate your original data by using the dictionary built by huffmandict. Each symbol in the original data is translated to a numeric Huffman code. To measure the gain in size of this compression method, you can compute the compression ration, which is the ratio between the number of bits used to describe your original data and the number of bits of the Huffman corresponding code. In your case, infering from your computation of the compression ratio, you have an 8 by 8 image using 8 bits integer to describe each pixel, and the Huffman corresponding code uses length(comp) bits.
With all this in mind, you could read your code in this way:
% Original image
A = ...
[99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ...
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 50 50 50 50 0 0 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
% First step: extract the symbols used in the original image
% and their probability (number of occurences / number of total symbols)
symbols=[0 20 50 99];
p=[32 8 16 8];
% To do this you could also use the following which automatically extracts
% the symbols and their probability
% Second step: build the Huffman dictionary
% Third step: encode your original image with the dictionary you just built
% Finally you can compute the compression ratio

sorting a timer in matlab

ok it seems like a simple problem, but i am having problem
I have a timer for each data set which resets improperly and as a result my timing gets mixed.
Any ideas to correct it? without losing any data.
timer col ideally should be
timer , mine reads
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 6
5 1
6 2
how do i change the colum 2 or make a new colum which reads like colum 1 without changing the order of ther rows which have data
this is just a example as my file lengths are 86000 long , also i have missing timers which i do not want to miss , this imples no data for that period of time.
EDIT: I do not want to change the other columns. The coulm 1 is the gps counter and so it does not sync with the comp timer due to some other issues. I just want to change the row one such that it goes from high to low without effecting other rows. also take care of missing pts ( if i did not care for missing pts simple n=1: max would work.
missing data in this case is indicated by missing timer. for example i have 4,5,8,9 with missing 6,7
Ok let me try to edit agian
its a 8600x 80 matrix of data:
timer is one row which should go from 0 to 8600
but timer starts at odd times , so i have start of data from middle , lets say 3400, so in the middle of day my timer goes to 0 and then back to 1.
but my other rows are fine. I just need 2 plot other sets based on timer as time.
i cannot use T= 1:length(file) as then it ignores missed time stamps ( timers )
for example my data reads like
timer , mine reads
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 8
5 9
8 1
9 2
so u can see time stamps 6,7 are missing.
if i used n=1:length(file)
i would have got
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
which is wrong
i want
1 2 3 4 5 8 9
without changing the order of other rows , so i cannot use sort for the whole file.
I assume the following problem
data says
3 100
4 101
5 102
NaN 0
1 104
2 105
You want
1 100
2 101
3 102
NaN 0
4 104
5 105
I'd solve the problem like this:
%# create test data
data = [3 100
4 101
5 102
NaN 0
1 104
2 105];
%# find good rows (if missing data are indicated by zeros, use
%# goodRows = data(:,1) > 0;
goodRows = isfinite(data(:,1));
%# count good rows
nGoodRows = sum(goodRows);
%# replace the first column with sequential numbers, but only in good rows
data(goodRows,1) = 1:nGoodRows;
data =
1 100
2 101
3 102
NaN 0
4 104
5 105
Maybe I understand your question this time
data says
4 101
5 102
1 104
2 105
You want
1 4 101
2 5 102
4 1 104
5 2 105
This can be achieved the following way
%# test data
data = [4 101
5 102
1 104
2 105];
%# use sort to get the correct order of the numbers and add it to the left of data
out = [sort(data(:,1)),data]
out =
1 4 101
2 5 102
4 1 104
5 2 105
Note that out is the result from the solution in EDIT 1
It seems you want to plot the data so that there is no entry for missing values. One way to do this is to make a plot with dots - there won't be a dot for missing data.
If you want to plot a line that is interrupted, you have to insert NaNs into out
%# create outNaN, that has NaN-rows for missing entries
outNaN = NaN(max(out(:,1)),size(out,2));
outNaN(out(:,1),:) = out;
%# plot