I'm trying to build a CNN but I get this error:
---> 52 x = x.view(x.size(0), 5 * 5 * 16)
RuntimeError: shape '[16, 400]' is invalid for input of size 9600
It's not clear for me what the inputs of the 'x.view' line should be. Also, I don't really understand how many times I should have this 'x.view' function in my code. Is it only once, after the 3 convolutional layers and 2 linear layers? Or is it 5 times, one after every layer?
Here's my code:
import torch.nn.functional as F
# Convolutional neural network
class ConvNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_classes=10):
super(ConvNet, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(
self.dropout = nn.Dropout2d(p=0.3)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 10)
self.final = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, x):
print('shape 0 ' + str(x.shape))
x = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(self.conv1(x)), 2)
x = self.dropout(x)
print('shape 1 ' + str(x.shape))
x = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(self.conv2(x)), 2)
x = self.dropout(x)
print('shape 2 ' + str(x.shape))
# x = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(self.conv3(x)), 2)
# x = self.dropout(x)
x = F.interpolate(x, size=(5, 5))
x = x.view(x.size(0), 5 * 5 * 16)
x = self.fc1(x)
return x
net = ConvNet()
Can someone help me understand the problem?
The output of 'x.shape' is:
shape 0 torch.Size([16, 3, 256, 256])
shape 1 torch.Size([16, 16, 127, 127])
shape 2 torch.Size([16, 24, 62, 62])
This means that instead the product of the channel and spatial dimensions is not 5*5*16. To flatten the tensor, replace x = x.view(x.size(0), 5 * 5 * 16) with:
x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
And self.fc1 = nn.Linear(600, 120) with:
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(600, 120)
I'm writing a program to optimize a packing problem using Robert Lang's algorithm from his webpage: https://langorigami.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ODS1e_Algorithms.pdf
This is used to design origami models and it's a problem from circle packing with constraints and different radius.
I have created an example with 5 nodes, where 4 of them are terminal.
Looking at these definitions included in the previous algorithm, I want to work with the Scale Optimization (A.3).
According to the notation, in my example I have:
E = {e1, e2, e3, e4,} ---> Edges
U = {u1, u2. u3, u4, u5} ---> Vertices (Each one with x and y coordinates)
Ut = {u2, u3, u4, u5} ---> Terminal Vertices
P = {[u1, u2], [u1, u3], [u1, u4], [u1, u5],
[u2, u3], [u2, u4], [u2, u5],
[u3, u4], [u4, u5]} ---> All paths between vertices from U
Pt = {[u2, u3], [u2, u4], [u2, u5],
[u3, u4], [u3, u5],
[u4, u5]} ---> All paths between terminal vertices Ut
And if I assume that σ is equal to 0:
L = {100, 50, 100, 100,
150, 200, 200,
150, 150,
200} --> Length of the paths P
Note that the length of each path is in the same position of P.
So now, with all this defined, I have to optimize the scale.
For that, I should:
Minimize (-m) over {m,ui ∈ Ut} s.t.: (A-2)
1.- 0 ≤ ui,x ≤ w for all ui ∈Ut (A-3)
2.- 0 ≤ ui,y ≤ h for all ui ∈Ut (A-4)
3.- (A-5) from webpage I provided.
So, in the example, merging (A-3) and (A-4) we can set the Lb and Ub for the fmincon function such as:
Lb = zeros(1,8)
Ub = [ones(1,4)*w, ones(1,4)*h]
The input x for the fmincon function, due to refusing matrix, I'm using it like:
X = [x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 y2 y3 y4], that's why Lb and Ub has that form.
About the (A-5), we get this set of inequalities:
m*150 - sqrt((x(2)-x(3))^2 + (y(2)-y(3))^2) <= 0
m*200 - sqrt((x(2)-x(4))^2 + (y(2)-y(4))^2) <= 0
m*200 - sqrt((x(2)-x(5))^2 + (y(2)-y(5))^2) <= 0
m*150 - sqrt((x(3)-x(4))^2 + (y(3)-y(4))^2) <= 0
m*150 - sqrt((x(3)-x(5))^2 + (y(3)-y(5))^2) <= 0
m*200 - sqrt((x(4)-x(5))^2 + (y(4)-y(5))^2) <= 0
My main program is testFmincon.m:
[x,fval,exitflag] = Solver(zeros(1,10),zeros(1,10),ones(1,10)*700);
%% w = h = 700
I implemented the optimizer in the file Solver.m:
function [x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = Solver(x0, lb, ub)
%% This is an auto generated MATLAB file from Optimization Tool.
%% Start with the default options
options = optimoptions('fmincon');
%% Modify options setting
options = optimoptions(options,'Display', 'off');
options = optimoptions(options,'Algorithm', 'sqp');
[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = ...
Where Objs2.m is:
function [c, ceq] = Objs2(xy)
length = size(xy);
length = length(2);
x = xy(1,1:length/2);
y = xy(1,(length/2)+1:length);
c(1) = sqrt((x(2) - x(3))^2 + (y(2)-y(3))^2) - m*150;
c(2) = sqrt((x(2) - x(4))^2 + (y(2)-y(4))^2) - m*200;
c(3) = sqrt((x(2) - x(5))^2 + (y(2)-y(5))^2) - m*200;
c(4) = sqrt((x(3) - x(4))^2 + (y(3)-y(4))^2) - m*150;
c(5) = sqrt((x(3) - x(5))^2 + (y(3)-y(5))^2) - m*150;
c(6) = sqrt((x(4) - x(5))^2 + (y(4)-y(5))^2) - m*200;
ceq=[x(1) y(1)]; %% x1 and y1 are 0.
And Objs.m file is:
function c = Objs(xy)
length = size(xy);
length = length(2);
x = xy(1,1:length/2);
y = xy(1,(length/2)+1:length);
c(1) = sqrt((x(2) - x(3))^2 + (y(2)-y(3))^2) - m*150;
c(2) = sqrt((x(2) - x(4))^2 + (y(2)-y(4))^2) - m*200;
c(3) = sqrt((x(2) - x(5))^2 + (y(2)-y(5))^2) - m*200;
c(4) = sqrt((x(3) - x(4))^2 + (y(3)-y(4))^2) - m*150;
c(5) = sqrt((x(3) - x(5))^2 + (y(3)-y(5))^2) - m*150;
c(6) = sqrt((x(4) - x(5))^2 + (y(4)-y(5))^2) - m*200;
c = m*sum(c);
But I doesn't work correctly, I think I'm using wrong the fmincon function.
I don't know neither how to optimize (-m) ... should I use syms m or something like that?
edit: The output like this is always [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] when it shouldn't. See the output here.
Thank you so much in advice.
Some more observations.
We can simplify things a little bit by getting rid of the square root. So the constraints look like:
set c = {x,y}
maximize m2
m2 * sqrpathlen(ut,vt) <= sum(c, sqr(pos(ut,c)-pos(vt,c))) for all paths ut->vt
where m2 is the square of m.
This is indeed non-convex. With a global solver I get as solution:
---- 83 VARIABLE m2.L = 12.900 m^2, with m=scale
PARAMETER m = 3.592
---- 83 VARIABLE pos.L positions
x y
u3 700.000 700.000
u4 700.000 161.251
u5 161.251 700.000
(pos(u2,x) and pos(u2,y) are zero).
With a local solver using 0 as starting point, we see we don't move at all:
---- 83 VARIABLE m2.L = 0.000 m^2, with m=scale
PARAMETER m = 0.000
---- 83 VARIABLE pos.L positions
( ALL 0.000 )
Good day
I want to convert PT=47dbm to watts,how can i do that conversion on matlab?
On my code I have it as PT=50,12watts, but i want to do the proper conversion from dbm to watts using Matlab.
The watt to dBm conversion follows the following rule:
dBW = 10 * log10(P[w])
dBm = 10 * log10(1000 * P[w])
= 10 * log10(P[w]) + 10 * log10(1000)
= 10 * log10(P[w]) + 10 * 3
= 10 * log10(P[w]) + 30
= dBW + 30
Hence, the inverse path will be:
P[w] = 10 ^ ((P[dBm] - 30) / 10);
Thus, in Matlab:
P_w = 47;
P_dBm = 10 ^ ((P_w - 30) / 10); % 50.12
The tr. functions describing the system.
G11= 1 / (29s^3 + 40s^2 + 30s +20), G12= 1 / (50s^3 + 10s^2 + 70s +2),
G21= 1 / (80s^3 + 10s^2 + 90s +5), G22= 1 / (11s^3 + 4s^2 + 66s +7),
Can I consider it as an uncertain plants given by Gij= 1/ (a s^3 + bs^2 + c s + d ) where,
a min = 11, a max = 80; b min =4 , b max = 40,
c min = 30, c max = 90, d min = 2, d max = 20.
How can we apply Kharitonov theorem to design a PID controller for an uncertain system described transfer functions and plot the interval stable region?
I have following code that was given to me, but I am not sure at all as to what the logic here is. The idea, I believe, is that this will histogram/quantize my data. Here is the code:
The input:
x = 180.*rand(1,1000); %1000 points from 0 to 180 degrees.
binWidth = 20; %I want the binWidth to be 20 degrees.
The main function:
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Compute the closest bin center x1 that is less than or equal to x
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [x1, b1] = computeLowerHistBin(x, binWidth)
% Bin index
bin = floor(x./binWidth - 0.5);
% Bin center x1
x1 = binWidth * (bin + 0.5);
% add 2 to get to 1-based indexing
b1 = bin + 2;
Finally, the final 'quantized' data:
w = 1 - (x - x1)./binWidth
Here is what I do not get: I do not understand - at all - just why exactly x1 is computed the way it is, and also why/how w is computed the way it is. In fact, of all the things, w confuses me the most. I literally cannot understand the logic here, or what is really intended. Would appreciate a detailed elucidation of this logic. Thanks.
He is binning with lb <= x < up and splitting the interval [0,180] in [-10,10), [10, 30), [30,40) ..., [150,170), [170,190).
Suppose x = 180, then:
bin = floor(180/20-0.5) = floor(9-0.5) = floor(8.5) = 8;
while if x = 0:
bin = floor(`0/20-0.5) = floor(-0.5) = floor(-1) = -1;
which respectively translate into x1 = 20 * (8+0.5) = 170 and x1 = -10 which seems like what the function suggests lowerHistBin().
In the end, w simply measures how far the point x is from the corresponding lower bin x1. Notice that w is in (0,1], with w being 1 when x = x1 and approaching 0 when x -> x1+binWidth. So, if x say approaches 170, then w will approach 1 - (170-150)/20 = 0.