WicketTester for page update: assert locale change - wicket

I'm changing the sites locale with an AjaxLink:
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// Add whole page to update instead of single components
It does work as i expect, every i18n string on the entire page gets updated while form contents are kept. Splendid.
But testing with WicketTester won't work out. Both methods, clickLink and executeAjaxBehavior, do trigger the AjaxLink, but WicketTester doesn't detect any changes for the model value.
public void check() {
tester.clickLink("link", true);
tester.assertModelValue("link:label", "English");
Am I missing something importent here?
(Wicket 6.19)
Edit: Gist with a simplified panel


Is it possible/how to display a message on the FeedbackPanel more than one time

I have a org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel in my panelA class. The feedback panel is instantiated in a panelA constructor with one message to display -> feedbackPanel.info("displayFirstTime"). I am navigating to a new page and later to the previous panelA with a command
but the message "displayFirstTime" won't be displayed on the feedback panel again.
I have made it with overriding a panel onBeforeRender method
public void onBeforeRender() {
if (again_displayCondition) {
but it's not a clean solution.
Is it possible or how to make it, that when moving to a panelA page for the 2nd time the feedback message will be also displayed ?
Wicket uses application.getApplicationSettings().getFeedbackMessageCleanupFilter() to delete the feedback messages at the end of the request cycle.
By default it will delete all already rendered messages.
You can setup a custom cleanup filter that may leave some of the messages, e.g. if they implement some interface. For example:
component.info(new DoNotDeleteMe("The actual message here."));
and your filter will have to check:
public boolean accept(FeedbackMessage message)
if (message.getMessage() instanceOf DoNotDeleteMe) {
return false;
return message.isRendered();
Make sure you implement DoNotDeleteMe#toString() so that it renders properly. Or you will have to use a custom FeedbackPanel too.
DoNotDeleteMe must implement java.io.Serializable!

How do I clear a wicket AutoCompleteTextField after a choice is selected?

I'm using an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to do some stuff when a choice is selected from an AutoCompleteTextField. After that stuff is done I want to clear the field but it's not behaving the way I expected it to.
Here're the relevant bits of code:
final AutoCompleteTextField<String> searchField =
new AutoCompleteTextField<String>(id, model);
searchField.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange")
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target)
// Do stuff with the selected value here
I'm putting the value in a ListView and adding that to the target also. It gets updated correctly but the AutoCompleteTextField doesn't.
I think your example doesn't work, because you rerender the component on the client side using the model on the server side. If you reset the model value and repaint the component it has to work.
However it is not neccessary to render the whole component, just clear the value on server and client side is enough.
The following example clears the model object and reset the field value by javascript (jQuery).
final AutoCompleteTextField<String> searchField =
new AutoCompleteTextField<String>(id, model);
searchField.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange")
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target)
// Do stuff with the selected value here
target.appendJavascript("$('#" + searchField.getMarkupId() + "').val('');");
If you are using Wicket prior 6.x then the jQuery is not included. You can use the following JS:
target.appendJavascript("document.getElementById('" + searchField.getMarkupId() + "').value = '';");

upgrade from wicket 1.4.9 to wicket 1.4.22 causes button to not be triggered

We are using 1.4.9 for our current webapp. But we want to upgrade to higher 1.4.x version preferably 1.4.22(latest 1.4). The problem is that the page won't submit if AjaxButton is clicked. This is working in 1.4.9. I put breakpoint on the onSubmit of that button but it is not going there. Any insights on this? Thanks!
Here is the code:
For the button:
public abstract class SXIButton extends AjaxButton {
public SXIButton(String id, Form form) {
super(id, form);
add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("validating", "false"));
In the java:
searchForm.add(new SXIButton("searchButton", searchForm) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4366670520053224476L;
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
LOG.info("Searching Users");
UserDataProvider udp = new UserDataProvider(userSearchModel,isForSearch);
udp.setSort("cd", true);
in html
<input type = "submit" wicket:id = "searchButton" wicket:message="value:button.search" />
Without any code it's hard to help you out. I would first check the changelog to see if anything was changed in a later version that might causes you trouble (e.g. this ticket). If you cannot find anything obvious you might want to update first to another version which is not the latest one, to narrow down in which version your code breaks for the first time.
But those are just shots in the dark.

Possible bug with GWT gwtquery .live() method

I'm trying to do the following:
I want to add a specific handler for some links, denoted by a class.
$("a.link_list").live("click", new ListLinkHandler());
I need .live() instead of .bind() because new such links will be generated. (I know jQuery's .live() is deprecated in favor of .on(), but gwt-query doesn't have a .on() yet.)
I defined the handler like this (just as the gwtquery example does):
public class ListLinkHandler extends Function {
public boolean f(Event e) { [...] }
However, the handler method is never called when I click the links.
I can see the event listener in Chrome Dev Tools: http://screencloud.net/v/bV5V. I think it's on the body because it's a .live().
I tried using .bind() and it worked fine. The body event listener changed in a a.link_list and the handler does what it's supposed to do, but (as documented, I didn't test) not for newly created links.
I filed a bug for the .live() method, but maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Also, I have no idea how to do it without gwtquery, GWT doesn't seem to have a method for selecting elements by class, neither to continually add the listener to new elements.
It seems you are doing something wrong, but I need more code to be sure. Could you send the complete onModuleLoad code which demonstrates this wrong behavior?
I have written a quick example using live, and it works either when adding new gwt widgets or dom elements with gquery, in both Chrome and FF
public void onModuleLoad() {
$("a.link_list").live("click", new ListLinkHandler());
// Add a new link via gquery
$("<a class='link_list' href=javascript:alert('href') onClick=alert('onClick')>Click </a>").appendTo(document);
// Add a new link via gwt widgets
Anchor a = new Anchor("click");
a.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
public class ListLinkHandler extends Function {
public boolean f(Event e) {
return true;

GWT - Code Splitting - How can GWT know which data load first time?

Im curios about this. I have for example this code :
button_article.addClickListener(new ClickListener(){
public void onClick(Widget w) {
GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
public void onFailure(Throwable reason) {
// somethings
public void onSuccess() {
public final void designArticles() {
this.add(new ProfileArticles(this.rpcService, this));
I see that until i click on button_article, the elements on ProfileArticles() (that is a FlowPanel) arent loaded when i start the application. So, how can GWT know that element on that class shouldnt loaded when the application start? It check each methods under GWT.runAsync() and their correspondents Class?
I also see that when i leave that "context" they arent released (in fact, if i change context and i return there, when i click again on that method it doesnt call the server. So it use the previous loaded code). Is it right? :)
The GWT compiler analyzes the flow of your program to figure out what chunks it can load later. If you want to visually understand what it's done, check out http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCompileReport.html .
Once code is loaded, most of it can be cached, so even if the user navigates off the page and then back to yours, the code will not need to be reloaded.