DokuWiki: Automatic keyword detection and linking to existing pages - plugins

I have a portable DokuWiki set up on my computer. Release 2014-09-29d "Hrun".
I have range of pages already created on multiple topics. I wanted to know whether it is possible for the Wiki/Plugin to automatically detect keywords and link them to existing pages.
For example: If I have a page name "cat" then if I mention "cat" anywhere on a new page I would like it to link the keyword to that page. Is this possible?
I have tried to use AutoLink3 however I was unsuccessful as it doesn't seem to work as described.

Maybe CamelCase links is what you are looking for.


mediawiki category links are redlinked?

category links for which i haven't created custom pages are displaying as red links. i was under the impression that actually creating a page is optional for category pages.
a typical situation can be :
an article is called up.
one of the category links at the bottom of the page will be red.
clicking on the link will take me to a valid category summary.
clicking on another category link at the bottom of the article (a white one) will
also take me to a valid category summary.
returning to the article, the second category link is now also red.
is there a way to tweak the wiki so category pages are displayed in white, regardless of whether they have a custom page created for them ?
the wiki is running MediaWiki 1.29.1.
as it turns out, the problem was that the styling for and appeared with a higher precedence than that for catlinks. unless the desire is to require every single wiki to have every single category be fully defined [i.e., providing a landing page for each category], this isn't a good approach.
one of the great powerful features of mediawiki is its capability that allows admins and maintainers to categorise articles as they wish without requiring them to create a landing page for every single category. however, if this is your goal, the styling won't support it as-is, due to this precedence problem. you can insist on precedence for catlinks however, by appending !important. although many people detract from the use of !important, this use case is pretty much textbook for the reason it was designed in the first place.
if your need is more in line w/that envisioned by the maintainers of the current mediawiki release [i.e., you want to have a hand-designed landing page for every single category and have no need for truly automatically-generated categories], this is a non-issue.
The colors are set using CSS, you should create new CSS and add it to MediaWiki:Common.css to apply it to ask skins. If this page does not yet exist just create it.
The ‘.catlinks’ class controls the formatting of links to categories, and the colors for wanted pages are defined by the ‘.new’ class, eg, a:new:visited.
The original code can be found in the mediawiki/resources/src/mediawiki.skinning/interface.css file.
Just add CSS to fix the font colors to those you choose to Common.css, eg
.catlinks {
color: #0645ad;

internal links in Lektor's markdown blocks

I want to build a website, maybe similar to a movie database, where every page has, say, actors, director, year (it seems that Lektor can deal very well with such structured metadata), and I am thinking about how to realize internal links between pages on that site.
Say I have a text such as
just like in [his previous movie](link), he shows again ...
then I guess I could use the absolute path of the linked page as link target, but that makes me very inflexible with respect to changing URL structure. Can I somehow just use the ID of the target content?
Or, better yet, can I somehow automatically obtain the title of the linked page?
just like in his previous movie <<link:title>>, he shows again ...
Can I use the standard Markdown blocks for that or would I have to add some handcrafted database lookup logic?
if some contents will be changed in future. I think you can use the databag feature to implement it. you just modify the databg in case changed is need.

jekyll github page multiple post type connection

Recently building my github page with Jekyll.
I wanted to have a few types of post, mainly blog and study note.
I found a way to make the url the way I want them to be, however the connection is way off.
I used 2 methods, first I tried with create subfolder under _post folder
I also tried create _post folder as subfolder:
but no matter how I put them, they only show up in
however their url is correct.
What should I look into to gain better understanding to Jekyll's syntax? Ruby?
Instead of putting your posts in subfolders, use categories. From the jekyll docs:
Instead of placing posts inside of folders, you can specify one or more categories that the post belongs to. When the site is generated the post will act as though it had been set with these categories normally. Categories (plural key) can be specified as a YAML list or a space-separated string.
This way, you can write a post in the _posts folder, set its category to either blog or studynote (or whatever you want it to be) and then that post will show up at
Also make sure that baseurl in your config file isn't set to /blog, because then everything on your site will appear under /blog. Hopefully this helps!

Does a what-links-here report for Gollum exist?

Is there any existing way to generate a what-links-here report for a gollum wiki? In other words, a list of the pages within the same wiki that link to the current page: a list of the local inbound links.
I wasn't able to spot any feature like this, nor find anything suitable in the API, but I may have missed it. Is there a third party add-on for it?
I do understand the reason it probably doesn't exist in the core: as these are plain text files, there isn't any table of links maintained anywhere. For the same reason, when a page is renamed it breaks all the inbound links to that page from other pages.
A function for this could use the API to read the generated source of each page (so that only html with normalized names needs to be parsed), producing a list of the local links from each page and the page they are on. Cache the results at page level until the next commit of that page.
This could be used to enhance the existing page rename feature as well. Has anybody already done this?

joomla multiple site content distribution

I'm just starting to evaluate joomla CMS as a tool to build out my personal site. I'd like to manage multiple sites/domains with one copy of joomla on one host. so I'll own and, which will both point to the same host/joomla code. If I do this I need to be able to set which domain/site the content I add shows up on. For some sites the content will be on both for others it will be on only one. What would be ideal it to have some kind of filtering mechanism so I don't have to manually set where the content goes.
What would be ideal is for me to set tags on the content and each site can specify which taged content to show.
My last requirement is that I be able to have different pages on each site.
Is this possible or am I asking too much from a "free" CMS?
Thanks all
I don't know if there's a component that achieves what you're describing here. I use a multi-language component in some of my sites that shows translations, but it doesn't "suppress" articles that doesn't have references to a translation: it just says "No translations to this article". I know you're not asking for translations methods, but I think the Joomfish way of selecting content based in a chosen language would be what you wanted, but not based in languages, just domains.
The only component I know it would be able to suppress articles based in pre defined parameters (in its case the language), is the Joomfish's "Table Localization Plugin", but you need to be a Joomfish silver member paying $60 to Joomfish's developers.
You could write a component(see here for plugin documentation), that analyzing the domain, would suppress articles that shouldn't appear in that specific domain. But I think it's going yo be a lot of work. You would learn a lot of Joomla's architecture, though.
How Joomla displays its content (output) is controlled entirely by parameters. So if you can control what parameters are loading, you can create multiple displays per host
However, that may be overkill in this case. You can just easily hack your template. Just make it load a different menu for siteA and siteB. (The host is set in $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])
The menu on siteA could have a tagging component item, set to display articles tagged The siteB will have the same for its domain.
While there are extensions that will do what you describe (, Joomla is really designed for one site at a time. I've done setups where I use the same codebase for Joomla and manage it with version control, but I always end up launching multiple sites with individual databases.
However, I don't know of any CMS that inherently allows you to share articles across instances while keeping the data centralized. You may be looking at an extension (or your own customization) regardless of which platform you pick.
We had a similar problem with needing to share content across multiple Joomla! sites so we developed this extension:
It is not very robust in terms of what it can share but it does let you share Articles across multiple sites and choose which sites and categories those articles get published into. I hope it works for you.