Inline if condition with nil in swift - swift

I am trying to use inline if condition as follows:
topDisplay.text = topDisplay.text!.rangeOfString(".") ? "Sth for true" : "Sth for false"
The idea here is if there is "." in the topDisplay.text! then do something, if not, do something else. The method, rangeOfString, returns nil if no "." is found. So I am wondering is it possible to check nil within inline condition expression.
((btw, you might find out that I am trying to add "." button for calculator assignment in Stanford's online course, and to use only one line to implement this function as the hint describes))

So I am wondering is it possible to check nil within inline condition expression.
Sure. rangeOfString(".") != nil is a boolean expression which can
be used as the condition in the conditional expression:
topDisplay.text = topDisplay.text!.rangeOfString(".") != nil ? "Sth for true" : "Sth for false"


how to prevent logging warning in a .get(true , false) statement to appear even though it is true and not false

I am making an application which rarely uses the terminal for output. So, I found that the logging library was a great way to help debug faulty code as supposed to the print statement.
But, for this code, specifically the .get() statement at the bottom...
def process_variables(self, argument):
data = pd.read_excel(self.url, sheet_name=self.sheet)
data = pd.concat([data.iloc[2:102], data.iloc[107:157]]).reset_index()
fb = data.loc[0:99, :].reset_index()
nfb = data.loc[100:155, :].reset_index()
return {'fb': data.loc[0:99, :].reset_index(),
'nfb': data.loc[100:155, :].reset_index(),
'bi': data.loc[np.where(data['Unnamed: 24'] != ' ')],
'uni': data.loc[np.where(data['Unnamed: 25'] != ' ')],
'fb_bi': fb.loc[np.where(fb['Unnamed: 24'] != ' ')],
'fb_uni': fb.loc[np.where(fb['Unnamed: 25'] != ' ')],
'nfb_bi': nfb.loc[np.where(nfb['Unnamed: 24'] != ' ')],
'nfb_uni': nfb.loc[np.where(nfb['Unnamed: 25'] != ' ')],
}.get(argument, f"{logging.warning(f'{argument} not found in specified variables')}")
...returns this...
The output returns the default argument even though the switch-case argument was successful, given that it did return the pandas Data frame.
So how can I make it so it only appears when it wasn't found, as it should if it were just a string and not a logging-string method.
Thank you for your help in advance :)
Python evaluates the arguments for the arguments to a function before it calls the function. That's why your logging function will get called regardless of the result of get(). Another thing is your f-string is probably going to evaluate to "None" every time since logging.warning() doesn't return anything, which doesn't seem like what you intended. You should just handle this with a regular if statement like
variables = {
'fb': data.loc[0:99, :].reset_index(),
if argument in variables:
return variables[argument]
logging.warning(f'{argument} not found in specified variables')

SystemVerilog $test$plusargs matches substring

We usually write testcases with VCS plusargs as follows
else if($test$plusargs("Hello1"))
But I found out $test$plusargs match even the substring. Even if we pass Hello1, it will call do_hello_stimulus(). Can anyone help me out how I should use to match exact string?
Thanks in advance
this is exactly the behavior defined in the standard. The $test$plusargs matches the prefix of an arg.
You can use the $value$plusargs instead to check the remainder of the string. Something like this:
if ($value$plusargs("hello%s", rest)) begin
if (rest == "")
$display("hello: %s", rest);

Drools MVEL Dialect - Semi-Colon Requirement

I am just curious as to why my Eclipse Drools compiler (6.5.0) requires semi-colons at the end of statements in the For loop, as below:
Map businessRulesRequest = $root.containsKey("BusinessRulesRequest") ? $root.get("BusinessRulesRequest") : null
Map quoteRequest = businessRulesRequest!=null && businessRulesRequest.containsKey("QuoteRequest") ? businessRulesRequest.get("QuoteRequest") : null
List resultsByKey = quoteRequest!=null && quoteRequest.containsKey("resultsByKey") ? quoteRequest.get("resultsByKey") : new ArrayList()
for (Map search : resultsByKey) {
Map searchInfo = (search.containsKey("searchInfo") ? search.get("searchInfo") : null);
String searchName = searchInfo!=null && searchInfo.containsKey("searchName") ? searchInfo.get("searchName").toString() : "";
List results = (searchName=="quotesMotor" && search.containsKey("results") ? search.get("results") : new ArrayList());
If I remove the semi-colons from the first or second lines in the For loop, I get an "unexpected token" error, but not if I remove it from the last line in the loop.
Is it due to Drools evaluating RHS lines as a single statement and so they must be separated inside any loops?
Note: I understand it is not best practice to code assuming semi-colons are not required, however I came across this issue while experimenting and am just interested to know the reason for the compiler error. Thanks.
I guess the answer is because of MVEL itself. Drools may be delegating the entire chunk of code to MVEL to evaluate and execute.
According to this guide, in MVEL the use of a semi-colon is not mandatory in cases where you have 1 statement, or in the last statement of a script.
Hope it helps,

Why does my ternary operator give a different result to an if else?

The problem I am having is I am trying to use ternary operators over if else for smaller code but when using it in my case it is returning a different result than if I use an if else.
The problem code is below;
If Else
pm.ItemLeftArm = null;
pm.ItemLeftArm = jn["LARM"];
pm.ItemLeftArm = string.IsNullOrEmpty(jn["LARM"].Value) ? null : jn["LARM"];
The jn["LARM"] is a json node from simpleJSON and it is either a number e.g. "0" or nothing e.g. "".
It returns null form the if else but it returns the jn object which transforms from "" into 0.
Im not sure why Im getting this issue.
The code is ok, the problem must be in the JSON. Have you tried logging the jn["LARM"].Value just before the terniary operator in order to be sure that the value is null/empty or not?
BTW, why are you using simpleJSON instead of the new Unity integrated JsonUtility?

Can i have 2 conditions in protractor expect function? Also give me expect statement to verify whether the getText() has the expected value?

Here i want to combine the below 2 expectations into one.
expect(button.getText()).toEqual('Process Successful');
expect(button.getText().indexOf('- code 3001')).toBeGreaterThan(0);
Also whether the below statement is correct or not. I am trying to verify in the getText() whether expected value is present in the text.
expect(button.getText().indexOf('- code 3001')).toBeGreaterThan(0);
You can use expect().toContain() to verify text contained in string.
expect(button.getText()).toContain('Process Successful');
expect(button.getText()).toContain('- code 3001');
You can also do it in another way,
var buttonContainsText = button.getText().then(function(text){
return (text.indexOf('Process Successful') > -1) && (text.indexOf('- code 3001') > -1)