how to check who and when clicked facebook like button - facebook

I using this to check how many likes are on my website
My Question is:
How to check who and when clicked facebook like button on my website?

There is no way to identify users who clicked a Like Button on your external Website, for privacy reasons. You can only see friends who liked the same URL by setting the "data-show-faces" flag in the Like Button Plugin.
You can subscribe to the edge.create event if you want to know when it gets clicked, but this still does not return WHO clicked it:


Facebook like button disappeared

Please help.
I want to add a facebook like button for my facebook page on my website, but I cannot do it because the fb like button does not show up.
When I go to the like button configurator , and enter the url of my fb page in the 'URL to like', the like button does not show up. Even if I copy & paste the code generated from the like button configurator to my website, the like button does not show up on my website.
But if I enter a different facebook page in the 'URL to like', the like button shows up and everything works as expected.
I noticed this issue about 10 days ago.
Before that, there were no issues and the like button for my fb page was visible on my website and also in the like button configurator
I contacted facebook about this issue many time but they don't answer.
Why is my like button not visible anymore?
We had the same issue today. We recognized that the og:url didn´t match the data-href of the like button and so the button wasn´t shown at all (even though it was rendered) - This is also mentioned in the official documentation.
Maybe this helps someone else.
I'm currently investigating the capabilities of Facebook API, like/share/comment of public posts from a public pages, for a client. I also noticed this problem. I think that this is related to a fact that Facebook removed the option to like page posts without the page access token that must be granted to your app by a page owner. If you try to do it from the Facebook API you will get the following error:
"(#3) Publishing comments through the API is only available for page access tokens"
I was able to get like button for my page itself, but as soon as I enter the url to some of the page's posts, the button disappears. You shouldn't suppose to have problem with the share button, but if you try to use an integrated version of like+share button, if the like doesn't work, you will lose the share button too.
Here is (only) the share button Configurator:

Facebook Like Button as Share Button

I need use a facebook like button on my site. But this site have a dinamicall data.
Exists any thing to use a facebook like as facebook share whit metadata params:
Eaxmple :
I use a share button like this:[title]=titulo&p[summary]=descripcion&p[url]=[images][0]=
The is being deprecated. You should use the new Like button (
If you have your OG tags specified correctly, the user who clicks the like button will be presented with a "share" dialog which will post a link to the site onto the user's feed. Anyone subscribed to that feed will see the link.

Facebook tab like button not working

I am developing a Facebook page for fans only. When a user lands on my page I am able to determine if it is a fan or not and display content appropriately. In the last few days I have noticed that non fans that land on my page and click on the native tab like button the page doesn't refresh to display the fan content.
What do I do about it? I haven't changed anything on my code to cause this. It just stopped working.
I didn't encounter such problems, but if you need a solution, try to subscribe to the edge.create event:
This way, you will be able to detect if someone clicks a like button and, if the like button for your page is clicked, you can redirect the users back on your tab, like a sort of refresh
Sounds like it might be a Facebook bug, nothing in your code should have any affect on the native like button.
Try submitting the bug at

Facebook validation for like button

I have created Facebook registration page, What i want to do is user can register once they have clicked the like button otherwise it should say like "Click on the Like Button" something like system should check whether the button has been clicked or not.any one aware of it?
Check that your site appears in the user's likes feed:
It it does then proceed with registration, else redirect their attention to the like button

Facebook: Get when user clicks like button on fan page

I have created an app that will be used as a tab on my company facebook fan page. I have a new requirement to capture when the user clicks the like button on the facebook fan page and hide a portion of the app page (within the iframe) when the event fires. Although the like button is on facebook's page, is there a way to capture the click event of the like button (ie: javascript sdk) within my app iframe so I can hide appropriate elements?
Like this ....
Thanks for any and all advice,
I found the answer...
How to detect Facebook Like button pressed and trigger event?
I checked the incoming request for fb_sig_is_fan.
I am afraid that this is not possible. Also it makes no sense! because Facebook will reload the page once you click on the like button!