Can Start-Process be used in Azure Automation? - powershell

When I try to start a process using Start-Process on Azure Automation, it doesn't run and remains Idle. Is it possible to run processes on Azure Automation?

There are 2 ways to run Azure Automation jobs - in Azure workers and in Hybrid workers on your premises. I suppose you are trying to run a job on a Hybrid worker, so you should be able to start a process on the machine. There are some security restrictions on the processes with GUI, so you will not be able to see GUI for your process, but for the process per-se - it will be created, I just tried it myself:
To get more information on running jobs in Azure, please refer to
Detailed article about running jobs on Hybrid Workers is here:


Add Jobs in Background using Powershell (For Upgrading PowerBI Gateways)

I need help from PowerShell Expert to achieve the requirement which I have.
We are using PowerShell Automation Script to upgrade Power BI Gateways and we have around 160 VMs. And the Process is performed sequentially meaning next machine cannot be upgraded until the first Gateway upgrade is completed.
And looking for enhancing the script to upgrade all the Gateway Machines Parallelly.
I did some high level research and came across background job cmdlets that adds the task/job in background. And Currently, I have 2 VMs that can be used for testing to see if we can achieve the requirement.
Appreciate if any lead on the same, and I only have high-level of knowledge on Powershell.
I was trying to test with two Gateways to upgrade with March Version.
So First Gateway should get executed and the other should be added in the background.
In PowerShell - we have background Job cmdlets like Start-Job & Receive-Job that Add Jobs in Background and Display the status of Jobs added.
Can any PowerShell Expert help me tackle this requirement.

Running a Node.js server in Azure Release Pipeline

I have a Node.js web server which, as part of a CD process, I want to deploy to a staging server using Azure Release Pipeline. The problem is, that if I just run a Powershell script:
# Run-Server.ps1
node my-server.js
The Pipeline will hold since the node process blocks the Powershell session.
What I want is to be able to launch the service, and then in the next deployment just kill the node process and run it again with the new code.
So I figured I'll use Start-Process. If I run it locally:
> Start-Process node -ArgumentList ./server.js
I can now exit the Powershell session and the server will continue running. So I thought I can implement it the same way in my Release Pipeline.
But it turns out that once the Release Pipeline ends running, the server is no longer available - the node process is gone.
Can you help me figure out why is that? Is there another way of achieving this? I suppose it's a pretty common use case so there must be best-practices out there regarding to how this should be done.
Another way to achieve this is to use a full-blown web server to host andmanage node process. I.e. on Windows you could use IIS with iisnode module. This is more reliable and gives you a few other benefits:
process management (automatic start, restart on failure, etc.)
security - you can configure the user that node process will run as
scalability on multi-core CPUs
Then the process of app deployment would be just copying files to the right directory - the web server should pick up the change automatically.
By default, A pipeline job cleans up all of the child processes it spins up when it exits. This is killing your node server.
Set Process.Clean variable to false to override the default behavior.

What are the best tools to schedule Snowflake tasks or python scripts in Ec2 to load data into snowflake?

Please share your experiences wrt orchestrating jobs run through various tools and programmatic interfaces to load data to Snowflake-
python scripts in Ec2 instances. currently scheduled using crontab.
tasks in snowflake
Alteryx workflows
Are there any tools with sophisticated UI to create job workflows with dependencies?
The workflow can have -
python script followed by a task
Alteryx workflow followed by a python script and then a task
If any job fails then it should send emails to the team.
We have used both CONTROL-M and Apache Airflow to schedule and orchestrate data load to snowflake

How to run a group of PowerShell scripts in Azure

I have a group of interdependent .ps1 scripts I want to run in Azure (trying to set up continuous deployment with git, Pester unit tests, etc., as outlined in this blog). How can I run these scripts in azure without needing to manage a server on which those scripts can run? E.g., can I put them in a storage account and execute them there, or do something similar?
Using an Azure automation account/runbook seems to be limited to a single script per runbook (granted, you can use modules, which is insufficient in my case).
Note that I need to use PowerShell version 5+ (I noticed Azure web apps and functions only have 4.x.)
Thanks in advance!
You were on the right track with Azure Functions. However, given that you need v5+ of PowerShell, you may want to look at Azure Container Instances (ACI) instead. It's a little different approach (via containers), but should not impose any limitations and will free you from having to manage a virtual machine.
Note: At this time ACI is in preview. Documentation is available here.
There is a PowerShell container image available on Docker Hub that you could start with. To execute multiple scripts in the container, you can override CMD in the docker file.

create multiple Azure VMs in single powershell script parallely

I am able to create Azure VM using powershell.
I have to create 4 VM's parallel.
Does any feature in powershell to do create multiple VMs parallel ? Something like background jobs or call the same function for all different VMs using threads kind of ?
Have you considered VM Scale Sets? They automatically deploy VMs in parallel in a highly available configuration and make managing those VMs much easier (overview doc here: You can of course deploy a scale set or a bunch of VMs from powershell (doc for deploying a scale set via powershell here:, but the Powershell commandlets require you to specify lots of related properties (e.g. virtual network, subnet, load balancer configs, etc.). The Azure CLI 2.0 (which you can use on both Windows and Linux!) gives lots of good defaults. For instance, in Azure CLI 2.0 you can do this single command to create all of your VMs in parallel:
az vmss create --resource-group vmss-test-1 --name MyScaleSet --image UbuntuLTS --authentication-type password --admin-username azureuser --admin-password P#ssw0rd! --instance-count 4
(taken from the documentation here:
Hope this helps! :)
No, there is no built-in Azure powershell cmdlets or features enabling you to do so. You can create your own routine for that. I'm using PS jobs for that.
You need to use Save-AzureRmContext and Import-AzureRmContext to authenticate powershell inside jobs or use any form of automated login.
Thanks all, I have solved my issue using PS workflow parallel and sequence features. Achieved it.