how to hide overlay help datapoints outside range in grafana2 - grafana
I have been using grafana2 this days and it is a wonderful tool for visualization, thanks for the creator, and I wonder if I can remove the guide/help in graph "Datapoints outside time range"
query for querying all series, base from the examples. I'm not pro in influxdb yet, so my query could be wrong.
select temperature from /.*/ group by time(7d)
I had a similar issue which was caused by incorrect query:
Filtering Options on PySpark
I have a dataframe and I am trying to find the countries with the highest covid cases. I thought this would be an easy function but my code does not seem to work (Please see screenshot attached).How can I find the top 3 countries with the highest number of cases?Error Screenshot
you can try: df_covid_3.orderBy(col("total_count").desc()).head(3) hope it helps
Sisense continuous timeline until today(without value from data)
is there a possiblity to create continuous timeline until today, even if today has no values? I see in documentation we can fill missing gaps, but if there are no values, lets say last 3 days, there is nothing showed on the graph. I would need to see the zeros also until the last day, not only for zero values between. Is it possible? Thanks
Edit: The documentation you linked is for v 7.1 which is quite old. Below is a similar topic for the latest version, but make sure you're looking at documentation for a version that is at least close to what you're running. If you're really on v 7.1, upgrading would be highly recommended. This may be something to report to Sisense, it seems like the 'show null as zero' feature would do exactly what you want it to. A workaround could be to change the nulls to 0 in the data model. Implement this as a custom column if preferred.
Another possibility: Create a date dimension table that has all the dates and left join your data to this (matching date to date). That way you won't have any gaps in days, and have 0s for the days where there are no entries. This article from Sisense talks about when date dimension tables are useful (the example you provided with non-consecutive data but wanting to graph consecutively) and provides and excel file you can upload to create your date dim table.
Tableau Using Filter Action to change Parameter value
Is it possible in a Dashboard to apply a date range filter to a field, let's call it Date, to get min(Date) and max(Date) values and pass them to two parameters, respectively called Start Date and End Date? I've searched online but I couldn't find anything. Any help would be much appreciated. Link to Tableau community with attached Tableau example:
It is not possible. This is a long-standing feature request that for some reason is not being implemented yet. They refer to it as Dynamic parameters. The idea is currently under review, since 2012. In my case I ended up removing the time range filter completely and using the parameters controller directly as user date inputs.
How to display one result each for max, min, avg using Aggregation in MongoDB with one query
So here are some questions from my homework that I'm struggling to understand: Find out the average, maximum and minimum h and er per team_id. Find out the average, maximum and minimum h and er per team_id and year. Both are very similar however the second question also asks for the year. Im not sure how exactly to set up my query to solve these questions using aggregations. If anyone can show me a solution to one question that would greatly help as I learn from examples rather than working around it. The data I use has the following structure; the first line being the header: player_id,year,stint,team_id,league_id,w,l,g,gs,cg,sho,sv,ipouts,h,er,hr,bb,so,baopp,era,ibb,wp,hbp,bk,bfp,gf,r,sh,sf,g_idp bechtge01,1871,1,PH1,,1,2,3,3,2,0,0,78.0,43,23,0,11,1,,7.96,,,,0,,,42,,, brainas01,1871,1,WS3,,12,15,30,30,30,0,0,792.0,361,132,4,37,13,,4.5,,,,0,,,292,,, fergubo01,1871,1,NY2,,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,3.0,8,3,0,0,0,,27.0,,,,0,,,9,,, fishech01,1871,1,RC1,,4,16,24,24,22,1,0,639.0,295,103,3,31,15,,4.35,,,,0,,,257,,, fleetfr01,1871,1,NY2,,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,27.0,20,10,0,3,0,,10.0,,,,0,,,21,,, flowedi01,1871,1,TRO,,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,3.0,1,0,0,0,0,,0.0,,,,0,,,0,,, mackde01,1871,1,RC1,,0,1,3,1,1,0,0,39.0,20,5,0,3,1,,3.46,,,,0,,,30,,, mathebo01,1871,1,FW1,,6,11,19,19,19,1,0,507.0,261,97,5,21,17,,5.17,,,,2,,,243,,, mcbridi01,1871,1,PH1,,18,5,25,25,25,0,0,666.0,285,113,3,40,15,,4.58,,,,0,,,223,,, mcmuljo01,1871,1,TRO,,12,15,29,29,28,0,0,747.0,430,153,4,75,12,,5.53,,,,0,,,362,,, The complete file can be found here. Thanks to anyone that reads and helps!
Eclipse BIRT Timeline for one Day in minutes
I am building reports with Eclipse BIRT and got to a problem with the scales of the x-axis. I am getting my input with a select-string out of a database table. There I have events from a Nagios-log-file, with timestamps for every events begin and end. Out of them I create a time like hh:mm, this is enough, it doesn't have to have the seconds or the date (These I select somewhere else). For every event I get a 1 or a 0, representing up- and downtimes. Now I want to built the report so that I have the scaling of the x-axis for all 1440 Minutes of the day, just changing the state (to 0) when there is a downtime. I've already tried to format the scale, but it doesn't work at all. After days of searching and 'try and error' I am now asking for help. Is there a way to format the chart the way I need and how could it be done? The last idea of mine was to have another table with every minute inculded from which I select the data and to update this table with the event-data from the nagios-log-table, but this doens't seem to be an adequate solution. Maybe there is something simple I am just not able to see right now. P.S.: I am fairly new in this and the eclipse manual did not help me with this specific problem. I also know that there are easy, simply and amazing ways to get those kinds of report out of nagios, but I have to do it with BIRT...
I finally found a way to get the report the way I needed. I am joining my data_table with "generate_series" to get the missing data for every minute. The postgresql statement looks like: select *, coalesce(updown, 1) from generate_series ('19.12.2015 00:00'::timestamp, '19.12.2015 23:59', '1 minute') left join data_table on date_trunc('minute',to_timestamp(date_ts)) = generate_series and host like '%host%'; This may not be the best way to do it, but it worked for me and maybe it is also helpful for others. To usw this with BIRT I just replaced the host and the dates with the parameter-sgn "?".