Start a review submission for an app without facebook login - facebook

I have a web app from which users can schedule messages to be posted to their social networks. My app doesn't use Facebook as a login mechanism to access it, you login using a regular user. Facebook Login is done inside the app when users explicitly ask to, so they can select where (wall, list, group, etc.) their messages would get posted.
Is Login with Facebook required for my app review to be successful?


Link facebook messenger with facebook login on app

I have a facebook messenger bot that sends a webhook to my web app. People can login to my app via facebook login.
The first user contact is normally with my facebook bot on which they can create a profile. When they make contact I take their facebook id, name, profile pic, etc.
Users can then login with facebook to my web app to enhance their profile.
My problem is facebook uses different scoped ids for messenger and their login.
How can I recognise if a user has already been on my facebook bot if they use my web app, and vice verca.
I think it has something to do with the business mapping api: but I'm struggling to understand how it works.
I am sending a get request using:
GET /me?fields=token_for_business
But the docs do not specify the full url to use. I'm also unsure if you can use this in developer mode.
facebook provides an id-matching api
for the app and pages owned by the same business manager. More informations:

Is it possible to log users out of my web app but keep them logged in with Facebook using Javascript sdk?

API page is here:
As far as I know,
If users have already authorized a web app(a website), then invoking FB.login() and FB.logout() in the web app is essentially logging user in or out of Facebook and return the web app with some data(of course you need access token to do this). Assume you have two pages opened, one is your web app, the other is Both logged out initially. Now if you log in with your Facebook account in the web app page, and then if you refresh the other page, you will find that both are logged in. It's similar for the case of logging out.
Well, correct me if my understanding is wrong. I totally understand there are reasons for the logic.
Is there a way to log out users from by web app but keep them logged in with the Facebook and without revoking permission?
I've tried with Google+ OAuth. It seems that using Google+ API is able to log out users from the web app and keep them logged in with Google+.
Well it is how it should be. You want your app to be an interface for the "Facebook app" login, why is that? Consider the scenarios from the user's point of view-
User is logged-in and browsing facebook. He found the useful application of yours and login to your app(providing required permissions). Before leaving your app, he logouts from the app. He then gets back to the Facebook and continue browsing there. All good!
User in NOT logged-in to the facebook. He logs into your app, browse your app then logs out of it. Then, when he open the why will he expect that he should be looged-in to facebook automatically? I think he wont think that and he'll login to facebook and continue.
The point is simple here-
if user logs into facebook, he'll be logged-in until and unless he logs out from facebook.
if user is not logged into facebook but logs into your app, he will be logged-in to the facebook until he logs out from your app.

Facebook app - Do i need those permissions?

I created an app for my clients. They uses this app from their website to post on their Facebook Page (and as the Facebook Page).
they use a Facebook Login button to connect to Facebook (with an account that can publish post on the page) from their website,
they complete a form
when the form is submitted, an article is created on the website AND a post is created on the FaceBook Page.
I ask for publish_action permission and manage_page permission when the user connects.
Those permissions need a review from Facebook, so I ask for it but the FB team says that I "only need those permissions when I use a public-facing Login". Is that not the case?
Currently, my app only work when I connect with the account that created the app.
You do need those permissions, but if the App is for your client only you donĀ“t need to get them reviewed. Just add your client as Admin, Developer or Tester of your App and the permissions will work for him without review.

Facebook API Integration

I want to avoid second login on my web-application. I want from my users who want to signup in my web application, then he/she login from facebook account and installed my facebook application, application ask for some permissions Full Name, Contact list, Primary Email, Chat, Messages. now my web-application linked on his facebook account. after then he/she logout from facebook the facebook session is destroyed and browser is closed
when he/she wants to login after 1,2 days. I don't want that user login again from facebook because he/she already logged before and our application is already linked on his account.Is this is possible.
when he/she wants to login in my application so he/she can access chat/message and friendlist from facebook.
You should be able to use your app's access_token to make Facebook requests to publish graph requests but I don't think you can do everything you want. You need the user access token

iOS Facebook Login but not Connect?

today I've an hard question that it causes me some problems.
I'm beginning to implement, for the first in my life, the Facebook Login/Connect in my iOS application.
What's strange? Nothing so far, except I want that the users can ONLY login in the app with Facebook Login, not signup. I explain better: only the users that are already registered in my website can use Facebook Login for logging in.
Website: users can signup with Facebook Connect
iOS app: users can use Facebook Connect only if they're already connected in the website with Facebook Connect.
Is it possible or is an illusion? For example if there's a way to get the facebook uuid of the logged user before show the permission popup it would be great, because I check for this uuid in my database and if exists I'll allow to connect the user.
On the website side
Your user logs in, then authorizes to use your app. As soon as she is authorized, add her user id to your database.
On iOS side
Your user logs in. As soon as she logs in you have access to her user id. So, before showing the main app screen display a loading graphic. Send a request with the user id to your server. The server replies that she is authorized and you proceed to show your main app screen. OR, the server replies that she is not authorized and you proceed to show an error message that instructs the user to first authorize on the website (maybe this screen should have a retry button).
if i get your question .. you can build an Api_service on your website through it you can send the user email from the application and check if this mail registered on your website .. so before the user login to Facebook you make a request to call this api > you returned a value to your app tell you that the user is registered in your site or not .. so then you can allow just the user's you want to login fb.