How do I generate bigrams using basic language?
I can do that in Python like this...
import nltk, sys
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
sys.stdout = open("mygram1.txt", "w")
with open("mytext.txt") as f:
for text in f:
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
bigrm = (nltk.bigrams(tokens))
print(*map(' '.join, bigrm), sep='\n')
But I need a macro that I can run in Libreoffice writer. I do not want to use Python.
just like bigrams, nltk has trigrams method that I call using nltk.trigrams And if I need four or five grams there is everygrams!
from nltk import everygrams
import nltk, sys
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
sys.stdout = open("myfourgram1.txt", "w")
with open("/home/ubuntu/mytext.txt") as f:
for text in f:
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
for i in list(everygrams(tokens, 4, 4)):
print((" ".join(i)))
Is it possible in libreoffice basic?
You could replicate the behaviour of your Python code by recycling the code in my answer to your previous question (Can you Print the wavy lines generated by Spell check in writer?). First strip out all the stuff relating to spell checking, generating alternatives and sorting, thereby making it considerably shorter, and change the line that inserts the results into the new document to make it just insert pairs of words. Rather than having your input text in a .txt file, you would have to put them into a writer document, and the results would appear in a new writer document.
It should look something like the listing below. This also includes the subsidiary function IsWordSeparator()
Option Explicit
Sub ListBigrams
Dim oSource As Object
oSource = ThisComponent
Dim oSourceCursor As Object
oSourceCursor = oSource.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim oDestination As Object
oDestination = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
Dim oDestinationText as Object
oDestinationText = oDestination.getText()
Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()
Dim s As String, sParagraph As String, sPreviousWord As String, sThisWord As String
Dim i as Long, j As Long, nWordStart As Long, nWordEnd As Long, nChar As Long
Dim bFirst as Boolean
sPreviousWord = ""
bFirst = true
sParagraph = oSourceCursor.getString() & " " 'It is necessary to add a space to the end of
'the string otherwise the last word of the paragraph is not recognised.
nWordStart = 1
nWordEnd = 1
For i = 1 to Len(sParagraph)
nChar = ASC(Mid(sParagraph, i, 1))
If IsWordSeparator(nChar) Then '1
If nWordEnd > nWordStart Then '2
sThisWord = Mid(sParagraph, nWordStart, nWordEnd - nWordStart)
If bFirst Then
bFirst = False
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sPreviousWord & " " & sThisWord & Chr(13), False)
sPreviousWord = sThisWord
End If '2
nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1
nWordStart = nWordEnd
nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1
End If '1
Next i
Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
End Sub
' OOME Listing 360.
Function IsWordSeparator(iChar As Long) As Boolean
' Horizontal tab \t 9
' New line \n 10
' Carriage return \r 13
' Space 32
' Non-breaking space 160
Select Case iChar
Case 9, 10, 13, 32, 160
IsWordSeparator = True
Case Else
IsWordSeparator = False
End Select
End Function
Even if it would be easier to do it in Python, as Jim K suggested, the BASIC approach would make it easier to distribute the functionality to users, since they would not have to install Python and the NLTK library (which is not straightforward).
As per google group, this macro can be used to print mis-spelled words in MS office.
Is there similar option in libre-office writer?
The following Subroutine replicates what the code in the Google group does. It is more verbose than the MS version but that is to be expected with LibreOffice / OpenOffice. It only does the spellchecker lines and not the green grammar checker ones, which is also the case with the MS version in the Google group.
Sub UnderlineMisspelledWords
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New
aLocale.Language = Left(sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right(sLocale, Len(sLocale) -nDash )
Dim oSpeller As Variant
oSpeller = createUnoService("")
Dim emptyArgs() as new
Dim oCursor As Object
oCursor = ThisComponent.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim s as String, bTest As Boolean
s = oCursor.getString()
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(s, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
With oCursor
.CharUnderlineHasColor = True
.CharUnderlineColor = RGB(255, 0,0)
.CharUnderline =
' Possible alternatives include SMALLWAVE, DOUBLEWAVE and BOLDWAVE
End With
End If
Loop While oCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
End Sub
This will change the actual formatting of the font to have a red wavy underline, which will print out like any other formatting. If any of the misspelled words in the document already have some sort of underlining then that will be lost.
You will probably want to remove the underlining after you have printed it. The following Sub removes underlining only where its style exactly matches that of the line added by the first routine.
Sub RemoveUnderlining
Dim oCursor As Object
oCursor = ThisComponent.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim s as String, bTest As Boolean
Dim bTest1 As Boolean
bTest1 = False
If oCursor.CharUnderlineHasColor = True Then
bTest1 = True
End If
Dim bTest2 As Boolean
bTest2 = False
If oCursor.CharUnderlineColor = RGB(255, 0,0) Then
bTest2 = True
End If
Dim bTest3 As Boolean
bTest3 = False
If oCursor.CharUnderline = Then
bTest3 = True
End If
If bTest1 And bTest2 And bTest3 Then
With oCursor
.CharUnderlineHasColor = False
.CharUnderline =
End With
End If
Loop While oCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
End Sub
This will not restore any original underlining that was replaced by red wavy ones. Other ways of removing the wavy lines that would restore these are:
Pressing undo (Ctrl Z) but you will need to do that once for every word in your document, which could be a bit of a pain.
Running the subroutine UnderlineMisspelledWords on a temporary copy of the document and then discarding it after printing.
I hope this is what you were looking for.
In response to your above comment, it is straightforward to modify the above subroutine to do that instead of drawing wavy lines. The code below opens a new Writer document and writes into it a list of the misspelled words together with the alternatives that the spellchecker suggests:
Sub ListMisSpelledWords
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New
aLocale.Language = Left(sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right(sLocale, Len(sLocale) -nDash )
Dim oSource As Object
oSource = ThisComponent
Dim oSourceCursor As Object
oSourceCursor = oSource.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim oDestination As Object
oDestination = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
Dim oDestinationText as Object
oDestinationText = oDestination.getText()
Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()
Dim oSpeller As Object
oSpeller = createUnoService("")
Dim oSpellAlternatives As Object, emptyArgs() as new
Dim sMistake as String, oSpell As Object, sAlternatives() as String, bTest As Boolean, s As String, i as Integer
sMistake = oSourceCursor.getString()
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
for i = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(i) & ", "
Next i
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sMistake & ": " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If
Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
End Sub
I don't know about the dictionaries but, in answer to your previous comment, if you paste the following code below Loop While and above End Sub it will result in the text in the newly opened Writer document being sorted without duplicates. It's not very elegant but it works on the text I've tried it on.
Dim oSortDescriptor As Object
oSortDescriptor = oDestinationCursor.createSortDescriptor()
Dim sParagraphToBeChecked As String
Dim sThisWord As String
sThisWord = ""
Dim sPreviousWord As String
sPreviousWord = ""
Dim k As Integer
sParagraphToBeChecked = oDestinationCursor.getString()
k = InStr(sParagraphToBeChecked, ":")
If k <> 0 Then
sThisWord = Left(sParagraphToBeChecked, k-1)
End If
If StrComp(sThisWord, sPreviousWord, 0) = 0 Then
End If
sPreviousWord = sThisWord
Loop While oDestinationCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
Dim oReplaceDescriptor As Object
oReplaceDescriptor = oDestination.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplaceDescriptor.setPropertyValue("SearchRegularExpression", TRUE)
It seems I didn't spot that because the text I tested it on contained only words that were either correct or had more than zero alternatives. I managed to replicate the error by putting in a word consisting of random characters for which the spellchecker was unable to suggest any alternatives. If no alternatives are found the function .getAlternatives() returns an array of size -1 so the error can be avoided by testing for this condition before the array is used. Below is a modified version of the first Do loop in the subroutine with such a condition added. If you replace the existing loop with that it should eliminate the error.
sMistake = oSourceCursor.getString()
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
If Ubound(sAlternatives) >= 0 Then
for i = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(i) & ", "
Next i
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
End If
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sMistake & ": " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If
Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
On re-reading the whole subroutine I think it would improve its readability if the variable sMistake were renamed to something like sWordToBeChecked, as the string this variable contains isn't always misspelled. This would of course need to be changed everywhere in the routine and not just in the above snippet.
Below is a modified version that uses the dispatcher as suggested by Jim K in his answer go to end of word is not always followed. I have written it out in its entirety because the changes are more extensive than just adding or replacing a block. In particular, it is necessary to get the view cursor before creating the empty destination document, otherwise the routine will spell check that.
Sub ListMisSpelledWords2
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New
aLocale.Language = Left(sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right(sLocale, Len(sLocale) -nDash )
Dim oSourceDocument As Object
oSourceDocument = ThisComponent
Dim nWordCount as Integer
nWordCount = oSourceDocument.WordCount
Dim oFrame As Object, oViewCursor As Object
With oSourceDocument.getCurrentController
oFrame = .getFrame()
oViewCursor = .getViewCursor()
End With
Dim oDispatcher as Object
oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToStartOfDoc", "", 0, Array())
Dim oDestinationDocument As Object
oDestinationDocument = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
Dim oDestinationText as Object
oDestinationText = oDestinationDocument.getText()
Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()
Dim oSpeller As Object
oSpeller = createUnoService("")
Dim oSpellAlternatives As Object, emptyArgs() as new
Dim sMistake as String, oSpell As Object, sAlternatives() as String, bTest As Boolean, s As String, i as Integer
For i = 0 To nWordCount - 1
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:WordRightSel", "", 0, Array())
sWordToBeChecked = RTrim( oViewCursor.String )
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sWordToBeChecked, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sWordToBeChecked, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
If Ubound(sAlternatives) >= 0 Then
for i = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(i) & ", "
Next i
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
End If
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sWordToBeChecked & ": " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToPrevWord", "", 0, Array())
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToNextWord", "", 0, Array())
Next i
' Sort the paragraphs
Dim oSortDescriptor As Object
oSortDescriptor = oDestinationCursor.createSortDescriptor()
' Remove duplicates
Dim sParagraphToBeChecked As String, sThisWord As String, sPreviousWord As String
sThisWord = ""
sPreviousWord = ""
Dim k As Integer
sParagraphToBeChecked = oDestinationCursor.getString()
k = InStr(sParagraphToBeChecked, ":")
If k <> 0 Then
sThisWord = Left(sParagraphToBeChecked, k-1)
End If
If StrComp(sThisWord, sPreviousWord, 0) = 0 Then
End If
sPreviousWord = sThisWord
Loop While oDestinationCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
' Remove empty paragraphs
Dim oReplaceDescriptor As Object
oReplaceDescriptor = oDestinationDocument.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplaceDescriptor.setPropertyValue("SearchRegularExpression", TRUE)
End Sub
It looks like the problem is caused by one of the while loops in the function TrimWord, which removes punctuation from before and after a word before it is fed to the spell-check service. If the word is only one character long and if it is a valid punctuation character then the condition at the beginning of the loop is true, so the loop is entered and the counter n is decremented to zero. Then at the beginning of the next traversal of the loop, even though the condition is false anyway, it still asks the Mid function to return the 0th character of the word, which it can't do because the characters are numbered from 1, so it throws an error. Some languages would ignore the error if the truth value of the condition could be unambiguously determined from the other parts of the expression. It looks like BASIC doesn't do that.
The following modified version of the function gets round the problem in a rather inelegant way, but it seems to work:
Function TrimWord(sWord As String) As String
Dim n as Long
n = Len(sWord)
If n > 0 Then
Dim m as Long : m = 1
Dim bTest As Boolean
bTest = m <= n
Do While IsPermissiblePrefix( ASC(Mid(sWord, m, 1) ) ) And bTest
if (m < n) Then
m = m + 1
bTest = False
End If
bTest = n > 0
Do While IsPermissibleSuffix( ASC(Mid(sWord, n, 1) ) ) And bTest
if (n > 1) Then
n = n - 1
bTest = False
End If
If n > m Then
TrimWord = Mid(sWord, m, (n + 1) - m)
TrimWord = sWord
End If
TrimWord = ""
End If
End Function
This works for me.
Firstly, in response to your question about the bug, I'm not a maintainer so I can't fix that. However, as the bug concerns moving a text cursor to the start and end of a word it should be possible to get round it by searching for the white-space between words instead. Since the white-space characters are (I think) the same in all languages, any problems recognising certain characters from certain alphabets shouldn't matter. The easiest way to do it would be to first read the entire text of the document into a string but LibreOffice strings have a maximum length of 2^16 = 65536 characters and while this seems like a lot it could easily be too small for a reasonable sized document. The limit can be avoided by navigating through the text one paragraph at a time. According to Andrew Pitonyak (OOME Page 388): "I found gotoNextSentence() and gotoNextWord() to be unreliable, but the paragraph cursor worked well."
The code below is yet another modification of the subroutines in previous answers. This time it gets a string from a paragraph and splits it up into words by finding the white-space between the words. It then spell checks the words as before. The subroutine depends on some other functions that are listed below it. These allow you to specify which characters to designate as word separators (i.e. white-space) and which characters to ignore if they are found at the beginning or end of a word. This is necessary so that, for example, the quotes surrounding a quoted word are not counted as part of the word, which would lead to it being recognised as a spelling mistake even if the word inside the quotes is correctly spelled.
I am not familiar with non-latin alphabets and I don't have an appropriate dictionary installed, but I pasted the words from your question go to end of word is not always followed, namely testी, भारत and इंडिया and they all appeared unmodified in the output document.
On the question of looking up synonyms, as each misspelled word has multiple suggestions, and each of those will have multiple synonyms, the output could rapidly become very large and confusing. It may be better for your user to look them up individually if they want to use a different word.
Sub ListMisSpelledWords3
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New
aLocale.Language = Left( sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right( sLocale, Len(sLocale) - nDash )
Dim oSource As Object
oSource = ThisComponent
Dim oSourceCursor As Object
oSourceCursor = oSource.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim oDestination As Object
oDestination = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
Dim oDestinationText as Object
oDestinationText = oDestination.getText()
Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()
Dim oSpeller As Object
oSpeller = createUnoService("")
Dim oSpellAlternatives As Object, emptyArgs() as new
Dim sWordToCheck as String, oSpell As Object, sAlternatives() as String, bTest As Boolean
Dim s As String, i as Integer, j As Integer, sParagraph As String, nWordStart As Integer, nWordEnd As Integer
Dim nChar As Integer
sParagraph = oSourceCursor.getString() & " " 'It is necessary to add a space to the end of
'the string otherwise the last word of the paragraph is not recognised.
nWordStart = 1
nWordEnd = 1
For i = 1 to Len(sParagraph)
nChar = ASC(Mid(sParagraph, i, 1))
If IsWordSeparator(nChar) Then '1
If nWordEnd > nWordStart Then '2
sWordToCheck = TrimWord( Mid(sParagraph, nWordStart, nWordEnd - nWordStart) )
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sWordToCheck, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then '3
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sWordToCheck, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
If Ubound(sAlternatives) >= 0 Then '4
for j = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(j) & ", "
Next j
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
End If '4
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sWordToCheck & " : " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If '3
End If '2
nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1
nWordStart = nWordEnd
nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1
End If '1
Next i
Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
Dim oSortDescriptor As Object
oSortDescriptor = oDestinationCursor.createSortDescriptor()
Dim sParagraphToBeChecked As String
Dim sThisWord As String
sThisWord = ""
Dim sPreviousWord As String
sPreviousWord = ""
Dim k As Integer
sParagraphToBeChecked = oDestinationCursor.getString()
k = InStr(sParagraphToBeChecked, ":")
If k <> 0 Then
sThisWord = Left(sParagraphToBeChecked, k-1)
End If
If StrComp(sThisWord, sPreviousWord, 0) = 0 Then
End If
sPreviousWord = sThisWord
Loop While oDestinationCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
Dim oReplaceDescriptor As Object
oReplaceDescriptor = oDestination.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplaceDescriptor.setPropertyValue("SearchRegularExpression", TRUE)
End Sub
' From OOME Listing 360.
Function IsWordSeparator(iChar As Integer) As Boolean
' Horizontal tab \t 9
' New line \n 10
' Carriage return \r 13
' Space 32
' Non-breaking space 160
Select Case iChar
Case 9, 10, 13, 32, 160
IsWordSeparator = True
Case Else
IsWordSeparator = False
End Select
End Function
' Characters to be trimmed off beginning of word before spell checking
Function IsPermissiblePrefix(iChar As Integer) As Boolean
' Symmetric double quote " 34
' Left parenthesis ( 40
' Left square bracket [ 91
' Back-tick ` 96
' Left curly bracket { 123
' Left double angle quotation marks « 171
' Left single quotation mark ‘ 8216
' Left single reversed 9 quotation mark ‛ 8219
' Left double quotation mark “ 8220
' Left double reversed 9 quotation mark ‟ 8223
Select Case iChar
Case 34, 40, 91, 96, 123, 171, 8216, 8219, 8220, 8223
IsPermissiblePrefix = True
Case Else
IsPermissiblePrefix = False
End Select
End Function
' Characters to be trimmed off end of word before spell checking
Function IsPermissibleSuffix(iChar As Integer) As Boolean
' Exclamation mark ! 33
' Symmetric double quote " 34
' Apostrophe ' 39
' Right parenthesis ) 41
' Comma , 44
' Full stop . 46
' Colon : 58
' Semicolon ; 59
' Question mark ? 63
' Right square bracket ] 93
' Right curly bracket } 125
' Right double angle quotation marks » 187
' Right single quotation mark ‘ 8217
' Right double quotation mark “ 8221
Select Case iChar
Case 33, 34, 39, 41, 44, 46, 58, 59, 63, 93, 125, 187, 8217, 8221
IsPermissibleSuffix = True
Case Else
IsPermissibleSuffix = False
End Select
End Function
Function TrimWord( sWord As String) As String
Dim n as Integer
n = Len(sWord)
If n > 0 Then
Dim m as Integer : m = 1
Do While IsPermissiblePrefix( ASC(Mid(sWord, m, 1) ) ) And m <= n
m = m + 1
Do While IsPermissibleSuffix( ASC(Mid(sWord, n, 1) ) ) And n >= 1
n = n - 1
If n > m Then
TrimWord = Mid(sWord, m, (n + 1) - m)
TrimWord = sWord
End If
TrimWord = ""
End If
End Function
I have hexadecimal string which consists of different languages letters.
Please help me with a vb-script function which converts this hexadecimal string to Unicode text.
For hex string "506F7274756775C3AA73" , I need to get "Português" as output.
I tried following function, it gives "Português" as output.
MsgBox ConvertHexToUnicode("506F7274756775C3AA73")
Function ConvertHexToUnicode(hexString)
Dim Strlen
Dim Charaset_array(20)
Dim i
Dim j
Strlen = Len(hexString)
i = 0
j = 1
Charaset_array(i) = Mid(hexString,j, 2)
i = i + 1
j = j + 2
Loop While j < Strlen
ConvertHexToUnicode = ""
For Each chara In Charaset_array
If Not(IsEmpty(chara)) Then
ConvertHexToUnicode = ConvertHexToUnicode + ChrW("&H" & chara )
End If
End Function
Use Mid() to cut your input string into hex numbers (strings), prepend &H to get hex literals, and ChrW() to build characters:
>> s = "00001F00"
>> WScript.Echo Mid(s, 5, 4)
>> WScript.Echo "&H" & Mid(s, 5, 4), CLng("&H" & Mid(s, 5, 4))
>> WScript.Echo ChrW("&H" & Mid(s, 5, 4)), AscW(ChrW("&H" & Mid(s, 5, 4)))
&H1F00 7936
ἀ 7936