Can someone help vectorise this matlab loop? - matlab

i am trying to learn how to vectorise matlab loops, so im just doing a few small examples.
here is the standard loop i am trying to vectorise:
function output = moving_avg(input, N)
output = [];
for n = N:length(input) % iterate over y vector
summation = 0;
for ii = n-(N-1):n % iterate over x vector N times
summation += input(ii);
output(n) = summation/N;
i have been able to vectorise one loop, but cant work out what to do with the second loop. here is where i have got to so far:
function output = moving_avg(input, N)
output = [];
for n = N:length(input) % iterate over y vector
output(n) = mean(input(n-(N-1):n));
can someone help me simplify it further?
the input is just a one dimensional vector and probably maximum 100 data points. N is a single integer, less than the size of the input (typically probably around 5)
i don't actually intend to use it for any particular application, it was just a simple nested loop that i thought would be good to use to learn about vectorisation..

Seems like you are performing convolution operation there. So, just use conv -
output = zeros(size(input1))
output(N:end) = conv(input1,ones(1,N),'valid')./N
Please note that I have replaced the variable name input with input1, as input is already used as the name of a built-in function in MATLAB, so it's a good practice to avoid such conflicts.
Generic case: For a general case scenario, you can look into bsxfun to create such groups and then choose your operation that you intend to perform at the final stage. Here's how such a code would look like for sliding/moving average operation -
%// Create groups of indices for each sliding interval of length N
idx = bsxfun(#plus,[1:N]',[0:numel(input1)-N]) %//'
%// Index into input1 with those indices to get grouped elements from it along columns
input1_indexed = input1(idx)
%// Finally, choose the operation you intend to perform and apply along the
%// columns. In this case, you are doing average, so use mean(...,1).
output = mean(input1_indexed,1)
%// Also pre-append with zeros if intended to match up with the expected output

Matlab as a language does this type of operation poorly - you will always require an outside O(N) loop/operation involving at minimum O(K) copies which will not be worth it in performance to vectorize further because matlab is a heavy weight language. Instead, consider using the
filter function where these things are typically implemented in C which makes that type of operation nearly free.

For a sliding average, you can use cumsum to minimize the number of operations:
x = randi(10,1,10); %// example input
N = 3; %// window length
y = cumsum(x); %// compute cumulative sum of x
z = zeros(size(x)); %// initiallize result to zeros
z(N:end) = (y(N:end)-[0 y(1:end-N)])/N; %// compute order N difference of cumulative sum


Efficient generation of permutation matrices in MATLAB

I'm trying to generate a 100-by-5 matrix where every line is a permutation of 1..100 (that is, every line is 5 random numbers from [1..100] without repetitions).
So far I've only been able to do it iteratively with a for-loop. Is there a way to do it more efficiently (using fewer lines of code), without loops?
N = 100;
T = zeros(N, 5);
for i = 1:N
T(i, :) = randperm(100, 5);
N = 100; % desired number of rows
K = 5; % desired number of columns
M = 100; % size of population to sample from
Here's an approach that's probably fast; but memory-expensive, as it generates an intermediate M×N matrix and then discards N-K rows:
[~, result] = sort(rand(N, M), 2);
result = result(:, 1:K);
There is very little downside to using a loop here, at least in this minimal example. Indeed, it may well be the best-performing solution for MATLAB's execution engine. But perhaps you don't like assigning the temporary variable i or there are other advantages to vectorization in your non-minimal implementation. Consider this carefully before blindly implementing a solution.
You need to call randperm N times, but each call has no dependency on its position in the output. Without a loop index you will need something else to regulate the number of calls, but this can be just N empty cells cell(N,1). You can use this cell array to evaluate a function that calls randperm but ignores the contents (or, rather, lack of contents) of the cells, and then reassemble the function outputs into one matrix with cell2mat:
T = cell2mat(cellfun(#(~) {randperm(100,5)}, cell(N,1)));

Optimize nested for loop for calculating xcorr of matrix rows

I have 2 nested loops which do the following:
Get two rows of a matrix
Check if indices meet a condition or not
If they do: calculate xcorr between the two rows and put it into new vector
Find the index of the maximum value of sub vector and replace element of LAG matrix with this value
I dont know how I can speed this code up by vectorizing or otherwise.
LAG= zeros(b,b);
for i=1:b
for j=1:b
if j>i
[M,I] = max(d);
[M,I] = max(d);
First, a note on floating point precision...
You mention in a comment that your data contains the integers 0, 1, and 2. You would therefore expect a cross-correlation to give integer results. However, since the calculation is being done in double-precision, there appears to be some floating-point error introduced. This error can cause the results to be ever so slightly larger or smaller than integer values.
Since your calculations involve looking for the location of the maxima, then you could get slightly different results if there are repeated maximal integer values with added precision errors. For example, let's say you expect the value 10 to be the maximum and appear in indices 2 and 4 of a vector d. You might calculate d one way and get d(2) = 10 and d(4) = 10.00000000000001, with some added precision error. The maximum would therefore be located in index 4. If you use a different method to calculate d, you might get d(2) = 10 and d(4) = 9.99999999999999, with the error going in the opposite direction, causing the maximum to be located in index 2.
The solution? Round your cross-correlation data first:
d = round(xcorr(x, y));
This will eliminate the floating-point errors and give you the integer results you expect.
Now, on to the actual solutions...
Solution 1: Non-loop option
You can pass a matrix to xcorr and it will perform the cross-correlation for every pairwise combination of columns. Using this, you can forego your loops altogether like so:
d = round(xcorr(data.'));
[~, I] = max(d(F:(2*F)-1,:), [], 1);
LAG = reshape(I-1, b, b).';
Solution 2: Improved loop option
There are limits to how large data can be for the above solution, since it will produce large intermediate and output variables that can exceed the maximum array size available. In such a case for loops may be unavoidable, but you can improve upon the for-loop solution above. Specifically, you can compute the cross-correlation once for a pair (x, y), then just flip the result for the pair (y, x):
% Loop over rows:
for row = 1:b
% Loop over upper matrix triangle:
for col = (row+1):b
% Cross-correlation for upper triangle:
d = round(xcorr(data(row, :), data(col, :)));
[~, I] = max(d(:, F:(2*F)-1));
LAG(row, col) = I-1;
% Cross-correlation for lower triangle:
d = fliplr(d);
[~, I] = max(d(:, F:(2*F)-1));
LAG(col, row) = I-1;

MATLAB: I want to threshold a matrix, based on thresholds in a vector, without a for loop. Possible?

Let us say I have the following:
M = randn(10,20);
T = randn(1,20);
I would like to threshold each column of M, by each entry of T. For example, find all indicies of all elements of M(:,1) that are greater than T(1). Find all indicies of all elements in M(:,2) that are greater than T(2), etc etc.
Of course, I would like to do this without a for-loop. Is this possible?
You can use bsxfun like this:
I = bsxfun(#gt, M, T);
Then I will be a logcial matrix of size(M) with ones where M(:,i) > T(i).
You can use bsxfun to do things like this, but it may not be faster than a for loop (more below on this).
result = bsxfun(#gt,M,T)
This will do an element wise comparison and return you a logical matrix indicating the relationship governed by the first argument. I have posted code below to show the direct comparison, indicating that it does return what you are looking for.
%var declaration
M = randn(10,20);
T = randn(1,20);
% quick method
fastres = bsxfun(#gt,M,T);
% looping method
res = false(size(M));
for i = 1:length(T)
res(:,i) = M(:,i) > T(i);
% check to see if the two matrices are identical
isMatch = all(all(fastres == res))
This function is very powerful and can be used to help speed up processes, but keep in mind that it will only speed things up if there is a lot of data. There is a bit of background work that bsxfun must do, which can actually cause it to be slower.
I would only recommend using it if you have several thousand data points. Otherwise, the traditional for-loop will actually be faster. Try it out for yourself by changing the size of the M and T variables.
You can replicate the threshold vector and use matrix comparison:
T2=repmat(T, s(1), 1);

make this matlab snippet run without a loop

I want a code the below code more efficient timewise. preferably without a loop.
t % time values vector
t_index = c % one of the possible indices ranging from 1:length(t).
A % a MXN array where M = length(t)
B % a 1XN array
m = 1;
for k = t_index:length(t)
A(k,1:(end-m+1)) = A(k,1:(end-m+1)) + B(m:end);
m = m + 1;
Many thanks.
I'd built from B a matrix of size NxM (call it B2), with zeros in the right places and a triangular from according to the conditions and then all you need to do is A+B2.
something like this:
Note, the fact that it is "vectorized" doesn't mean it is faster these days. Matlab's JIT makes for loops comparable and sometimes faster than built-in vectorized options.

Calculating all two element sums of [a1 a2 a3 ... an] in Matlab

Context: I'm working on Project Euler Problem 23 using Matlab in order to practice my barely existing programming skills.
My Problem:
Now I have a vector with roughly 6500 numbers (ranging from 12 to 28122) as elements and want to calculate all the two element sums. That is I only need one instance of every sum, so having calculated a1 + an it's not necessary to calculate an + a1.
Edit for clarification: This includes the sums a1+a1, a2+a2,..., an+an.
The problem is that this is much too slow.
Problem specific constraints:
It's a given that sums 28123 or over aren't necessary to calculate, since those can't be used to solve the problem further.
My approach:
for i=1:3490
AbundentNumberSumsRaw=[AbundentNumberSumRaw AbundentNumbers(i)+AbundentNumbers(i:end);
This works terribly :p
My Comments:
I'm pretty sure that incrementally increasing the vector AbundentNumbersRaw is bad coding, since that means memory usage will spike unnecessarily. I haven't done so, since a) I don't know what size vector to pre-allocate and b) I couldn't come up with a way to inject the sums into AbundentNumbersRaw in a orderly manner without using some ugly looking nested loops.
"for i=1:3490" is lower than the numbers of elements simply because I checked and saw that all the resulting sums for numbers whose index are above 3490 would be too large for me to use anyway.
I'm pretty sure my main issue is that the program need to do a lot of incremental increases of the vector AbundentNumbersRaw.
Any and all help and suggestions would be much appreciated :)
a = 28110*rand(6500,1)+12;
sums = [
a(1) + a(1:end)
a(2) + a(2:end)
is the calculation you're after.
You also state that sums whose value goes over 28123 should be discarded.
This can be generalized like so:
% Compute all 2-element sums without repetitions
C = arrayfun(#(x) a(x)+a(x:end), 1:numel(a), 'uniformoutput', false);
C = cat(1, C{:});
% discard sums exceeding threshold
C(C>28123) = [];
or using a loop
% Compute all 2-element sums without repetitions
E = cell(numel(a),1);
for ii = 1:numel(a)
E{ii} = a(ii)+a(ii:end); end
E = cat(1, E{:});
% discard sums exceeding threshold
E(E>28123) = [];
Simple testing shows that arrayfun is somewhat faster than the loop, so I'd go for the arrayfun option.
As your primary problem is to find out, which integers in a given set can be written as the sum of two integers of a different set, I'd choose a different approach:
AbundantNumbers = 1:6500; % replace with the list you generated somewhere else
maxInteger = 28122;
AbundantNumberSum(1:maxInteger) = true; % logical array
for i = 1:length(AbundantNumbers)
sumIndices = AbundantNumbers(i) + AbundantNumbers;
AbundantNumberSum(sumIndices(sumIndices <= maxInteger)) = false;
Unfortunantely, this is not an answer to your question but to your problem ;-) For the MatLab way to solve your original question, see the elegant answer of Rody Oldenhuis.
My approach would be the following:
v = 1:3490; % your vector here
s = length(v);
result = zeros(s); % preallocate memory
for m = 1:s
result(m,m:end) = v(m)+v(m:end);
You will get a matrix of 3490 x 3490 elements and more than half of them 0.