Running powershell script as multiple users - powershell

I have different accounts for my server admin and workstation admin roles. I want to run a powershell script that will query my ad to get a list of computers and the query each computer returned to check for a service. The first part needs to run as the server admin and the second as the workstation admin. Currently I use two separate scripts. Is it possible to integrate it into one script?
Here are my two scripts they both run on the one computer. The first script I run on my workstation but run as my server admin account as this is the only one with access to active directory. This script creates an XML file which is used by the second script. I run this script as my workstation admin account.
runas.exe /user:domain\srvadmin "powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command c:\output\script1.ps1"
runas.exe /user:domain\wsadmin "powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command c:\output\script2.ps1"
import-module -name activedirectory -cmdlet get-adcomputer, get-adorganizationalunit;
$orgUnit = #("OU=Computers,DC=domain,DC=com")
$computerList = get-adcomputer -filter * -searchscope subtree -searchbase (get-adorganizationalunit $orgUnit).distinguishedname;
write $computerList | export-clixml c:\output\computerList.xml
$computersInOU = import-clixml c:\output\computerList.xml
foreach ($comp in $computersInOU) {
if ($comp.Enabled) {
$cpu = get-wmiobject -class win32_processor -computername $
write "$ $cpu"

You can cycle through an array of machines and use Invoke-Command to run scripts remotely:
$script = {Get-Process explorer}
$servers = #("Server1", "Server2") # or $servers = Get-ADComputer -filter blah1
$serverCred = Get-Credential "(Server)"
$workstations = #("WS1", "WS2") # or $workstations = Get-ADComputer -filter blah2
$workstationCred = Get-Credential "(Workstation)"
$servers | %{Invoke-Command $script -Computer $_ -Credential $serverCred}
$workstations | %{Invoke-Command $script -Computer $_ -Credential $workstationCred}
Update based on new question info:
You can combine your scripts like this:
$srvCred = Get-Credential "domain\srvadmin"
$wsCred = Get-Credential "domain\wsadmin"
Import-Module -name ActiveDirectory -cmdlet Get-ADComputer, Get-ADOrganizationalUnit;
$orgUnit = #("OU=Computers,DC=domain,DC=com")
$searchBase = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Credential $srvCred $orgUnit).distinguishedname
$computersInOU = Get-ADComputer -Credential $srvCred -filter * -searchscope subtree -searchbase $searchBase;
foreach ($comp in $computersInOU) {
if ($comp.Enabled) {
$cpu = Get-WmiObject -Credential $wsCred -class win32_processor -computername $
write "$ $cpu"


Powershell and TPM how to manage bitlocker?

I am trying to script a powershell function manage-bde.exe (bitlocker) to add a key protector to systems without TPM. For some reason GPO is not working. I have not had any luck getting powershell to add the protector remotely. I can log on to the endpoint and use the built in wizard to encrypt and save the key to our repository but for some reason remote automated scripting eludes me. My question is really more of guidance. Can powershell only be used, to remotely manage systems with TPM? I have bitlocker enabled and encrypted on systems without but I have had to do it manually.
Start-Transcript -Path ".\bitlockertranscript.txt" -Force
foreach ($Computer in $List) {
if (test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -Quiet ) {
Get-ADComputer -Identity $Computer -Property * | Select Name,OperatingSystem
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Tpm -namespace root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm -computername $Computer | fl IsActivated_InitialValue, IsEnabled_InitialValue, IsOwned_InitialValue
$BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Namespace Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption -Class Win32_EncryptableVolume
$id = $BitLocker.GetKeyProtectors(3).volumekeyprotectorid | Select -First 1
manage-bde.exe -cn $Computer -protectors -adbackup c:
manage-bde.exe -on C: -cn $Computer
Invoke-GPUpdate -Target $computer
} else
{"No Connection to $Computer"

Stopping & Restarting Services Remotely Using Set-Service

I've got a list of 10-15 services that I routinely need to restart on 6 servers. I have a script that calls a list of services, then calls a list of the servers, and then stops all the services:
$Services = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Services.txt"
$Machines = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Machines.txt"
Get-Service -Name $Services -ComputerName $Machines | Set-Service -Status Stopped
I then have another separate script to start them up again:
$Services = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Services.txt"
$Machines = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Machines.txt"
Get-Service -Name $Services -ComputerName $Machines | Set-Service -Status Running
I've checked around and can't seem to find a way of putting this into a single script. As I understand, Set-Service only has the ability to Stop, Start & Pause services, not restart them at the same time.
Any ideas? I might be missing something completely obvious.
To restart services simply use Restart-Service:
$Services = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Services.txt"
$Machines = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Machines.txt"
Get-Service -Name $Services -ComputerName $Machines | Restart-Service
Since according to the comments PowerShell v6 has removed support for remote access from the *-Service cmdlets you need to resort to Invoke-Command for remote execution when running v6 or newer, like this:
Invoke-Command -Computer $Machines -ScriptBlock {
Get-Service -Name $using:Services -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
or like this:
Invoke-Command -Computer $Machines -ScriptBlock {
Restart-Service $using:Services -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Another option would be WMI:
$fltr = ($Services | ForEach-Object { 'Name="{0}"' -f $_ }) -join ' or '
Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Computer $Machines -Filter $fltr | ForEach-Object {
I am with Ansgar, this should work
$Services = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Services.txt"
$Machines = Get-Content -Path "C:\Powershell\Machines.txt"
foreach ($service in $services){
foreach ($computer in $Machines){
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock{
Restart-Service -DisplayName $service}
it is a little messy but should give you a starting point
Sorry I forgot to take time to explain what is going on, so you import each of your txt docs and then it will process for each service and each computer and restart the services.
You can try this single liner command:
Get-Content .\services.txt | %{Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -ComputerName (Get-Content .\computers.txt) -Filter "Name='$_'"} | %{$_.StopService()}; Get-Content .\services.txt | %{Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -ComputerName (Get-Content .\computers.txt) -Filter "Name='$_'"} | %{$_.StartService()}

PowerShell Script to Stop a service on multiple remote machines

I am trying to disable a service running on 250+ PCs. I would like to have a PowerShell script I can execute on a random PC in the network and let it disable a service on every PC I specify in an txt file. It's always the same service. The script should also ask for the credential of the PC that it is trying to connect to.
This is a Script to set DNS on every PC in computer.txt. It asks me for the "administrator" password for every PC.
function Set-DNSWINS {
#Get NICS via WMI
$remoteuser = get-credential $_\administrator
$NICs = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Credential $remoteuser -ComputerName $_ -Filter "IPEnabled=TRUE"
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Credential $remoteuser -ComputerName $_ -Filter "IPEnabled=TRUE"
foreach($NIC in $NICs) {
$DNSServers = "",""
#$NIC.SetWINSServer("12.345.67.890", "12.345.67.891")
function Get-FileName {
$computer = Read-Host "Dateiname mit Computernamen"
return $computer
Get-Content computer.txt | ForEach-Object {Set-DNSWINS}
You can stop a service from the commandline using
net stop "servicename"
or in PowerShell
Stop-Service "serviceName"
There are probably better ways to automate this across multiple machines than your script.
Can use Set-Service to disable a service and Invoke-Command to run it remotely. Note you need to run Enable-PSRemoting on the remote computer and configure WSMAN to allow connecting to the remote PC:
function MyFunction{
$remoteuser = get-credential $_\administrator
$service = "MyService"
Invoke-Command -computer $_ -credential $remoteuser -scriptblock {
Stop-Service $service
Set-Service $service -startuptype Disabled
function Get-FileName {
$computer = Read-Host "Dateiname mit Computernamen"
return $computer
Get-Content computer.txt | ForEach-Object {MyFunction}

Remove computer asset from Active Directory and SCCM 2012 - Powershell

I am trying to modify the following script to allow me to:-
Read from a list of computers in a csv
Delete each computer from Activedirectory & SCCM 2012
I have very limited powershell experience, so any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Thanks Adi
# Environment setup
# Import the ActiveDirectory module to enable the Get-ADComputer CmdLet
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$sccmServer = SCCMServer
$sccmSite = Site
$computerName = Import-CSV -Path Assets.csv
# find and delete the computer from AD
ForEach ($pc in $computers) {
$dom = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$root = $dom.GetDirectoryEntry()
$search = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher]$root
$search.filter = "(&(objectclass=computer)(name=$computerName))"
$search.findall() | %{$_.GetDirectoryEntry() } | %{$_.DeleteObject(0)}
# find and delete from SCCM
$comp = get-wmiobject -query "select * from SMS_R_SYSTEM WHERE Name='$computerName'" -computername $sccmServer -namespace "ROOT\SMS\site_$sccmSite"
# spit out results
Write-Host "Deleted $computerName from AD. Removed $computerName from SCCM server $sccmServer, site $sccmSite"

Powershell Kill all processes except system

In powershell, I would like to kill all processes for all users, except explorer and processes used by the system
This is where I am including the errors that are given:
$Cred = Get-Credential;
Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock { Get-Process $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -ne "SYSTEM, NETWORK SERVICE, LOCAL SERVICE"} | Where-Object -filterscript {$_.Name -ne "explorer"} | Stop-Process -WhatIf }
Cannot find a process with the name "C:\ProgramData". Verify the process name and call the cmdlet again.
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\ProgramData:String) [Get-Process], ProcessCommandException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoProcessFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetProcessCommand
+ PSComputerName : localhost
Here, this should work for you.
Function Stop-UserProcesses{
Param([string]$Computer = "localhost")
$Cred = Get-Credential
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process -IncludeUserName | Where{!($_.UserName -match "NT AUTHORITY\\(?:SYSTEM|(?:LOCAL|NETWORK) SERVICE)") -and !($_.ProcessName -eq "explorer")}|Stop-Process -WhatIf
Once you are convinced that it is functional remove the -WhatIf. Then just call it as Stop-UserProcesses to end everything locally, or Stop-UserProcesses SomeComputer01 to end everything on a remote system (assuming you have remote sessions enabled in your environment).
Edit: Well then, evidently the -IncludeUserName switch is new in v4. So, in order to do what you want we have to jump through hoops and use Get-WMIObject on the win32_process class, then execute the GetOwner() method for each process. Probably want to filter it so we don't end up with things like Idle throwing errors when they don't have an owner, so we'll make sure that the CommandLine property exists.
Function Stop-UserProcesses{
Param([string]$Computer = "localhost")
$Cred = Get-Credential
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock {
#Get all processes
$Processes = get-wmiobject win32_process|Where{![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.commandline)}|Select *,#{l='Owner';e={$_.getowner().user}}
#Filter out System and service processes
$Processes = $Processes | Where { !($_.Owner -match "(?:SYSTEM|(?:LOCAL|NETWORK) SERVICE)") }
#Get processes and filter on the Process ID and name = explorer, then pipe to stop-process
Get-Process | Where { $Processes.ProcessID -contains $ -and $ -ne "explorer" } | Stop-Process -WhatIf