Impresspages Data Grid Trouble - plugins

I am a data grid implemented in the Impresspages admin environment. The form has date fields. The problem is the following. Entered date is storage in Mysql (and logically returned too) like 000-00-00. I caught the public function createData($postData) from one field in the grid and the content is correct, the fields value are right. Let's see:
array(12) {
["securityToken"]=> string(32) "b9d273d7f6f17a43eacb61a008543d21"
["antispam"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(0) "" [1]=> string(32)
"692a03a931157644de8a0986ebfa54ea" }
["active"]=> string(1) "1"
["starSign"]=> string(2) "22"
["startPeriod"]=> string(10) "2015-04-25"
["endPeriod"]=> string(10) "2015-04-25"
["prevLove"]=> string(25) "dsdsds"
["prevHealth"]=> string(25) "asasas"
["prevBiz"]=> string(27) "lklklklk"
["prevLucky"]=> string(27) "fgfgfgfg"
["languageId"]=> string(1) "2"
["createdAt"]=> string(19) "2015-04-22 14:02:37"
Look at the fields startPeriod and EndPeriod. In the data array they are set up to real values typed: 2015-04-22, However it is stored in the DB the weird value 0000-00-00. Any idea, please? Thanks.

Check the camelCase issue. Maybe in your database those fields are not in the same upper/lower case. This is the issue if you migrate your database between windows/unix. Make user that your config is exactly the same and you don't have any mistype.
you get 0000-00-00 on MySQL field when you provide incorrect value or you don't provide any value and the field is set as NOT NULL.
I personally never got such issue with Date field.


How to store float value in MongoDB

I'm using jenssegers/laravel-mongodb package (for Laravel) and I'm trying to store float values in database so I can order them but it always stores them as string. I tried using $casts attribute and I tried direct casting like $some_value = (float)$value; but it doesn't work.
Is it possible to cast the attribute while calling orderBy function, in other words, is it possible to trick Eloquent so it orders the rows as float, not as string (I attempted to fix this with mutators but still no progress).
This is the mutator that I use. It works ok for "int" part, but when it's float then the rate is converted to string.
I tried converting everything to float but it didn't help
public function setRateAttribute($value)
if(strpos($value, ".") !== false or is_float($value)) {
$this->attributes['rate'] = (float)$value;
} else {
$this->attributes['rate'] = (int)$value;
$c = new \App\Contractor();
$c->rate = "1.5";
This is example from php artisan tinker, it's the same in application only with additional fields.
The problem is that some entries are converted to float but some are string. I can't reproduce it always, it happens randomly.
This is example response when I loop through all entries and var_dump only rate:
string(5) "16.67"
string(5) "33.33"
string(5) "24.44"
string(5) "33.33"
string(5) "33.33"
string(5) "27.78"
string(5) "27.78"
string(4) "8.89"
string(4) "6.67"
string(5) "22.22"
string(5) "16.67"
MongoDB doesn't support float directly; it has double instead, so you can use
$some_value = (double)$value;
and you need to make sure the syntax is correct.

-Infinity added to database for NpgsqlParameter Timestamp field; expecting NULL

I'm inserting a record in my PostgresSQL table passing DBNull.Value for a timestamp without time zone field using a NpgsqlParameter as below:
ncmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter(":EndDate", NpgsqlDbType.Timestamp));
DateTime? dtval = sr.GetDateTime("EndDate");
ncmd.Parameters["EndDate"].IsNullable = true;
if (dtval.HasValue)
ncmd.Parameters["EndDate"].Value = dtval;
ncmd.Parameters["EndDate"].Value = DBNull.Value;
When I try to select only those records with null values for the field I use "Select * From "EVAL" Where "EndDate" IS NULL" but nothing is returned. When I read the table data in the pgAdmin I see the value "-infinity" in the field.
Please, could somebody tell me how to pass null values for a NpgsqlParameter?
Thanks in advance,
Danilo da Silva
Sorry, I've found my error. When I read the data to be inserted from a datareader, I was getting a default value for the DateTime field when it is null and so I was inserting default(DateTime) not DBNull.Value. Now I'm testing dtval.HasValue && dtval != default(DateTime) and all goes right. Thanks.

Morphia MongoDB check for null and non existing field

I am new to both Morphia and MongoDB. Is there a way to check using Morphia that a certain field in my database is not null and also exists. For example from the following record of a user from a collection of users in database:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51398e6e30044a944cc23e2e"),
"age" : 21 ,
"createdDate" : ISODate("2013-03-08T07:08:30.168Z"),
"name" : "Some name" }
How would I use a Morphia query to check if field "createdDate" is not null and exists.
I am looking for a solution in Morphia. So far I have come up with this:
From documentation, I learnt Morphia does not store empty or null fields. Hence the justification for notEqual(null).
EDIT 2: From the answers I can see the problem needs more explanation. I cannot modify the createdDate. To elaborate: the example above is less complex than my actual problem. My real problem has sensitive fields which I cannot modify. Also to complicate things a bit more, I do not have control over the model otherwise I could have used #PrePersist as proposed in one of the answers.
Is there a way to check for null and non existing field when I have no control over the model and I am not allowed to modify fields?
From the documentation, Morphia does not store Null/Empty values (by default) so the query
will not work since it seems you are not able to query on null, but can query for a specific value.
However, since you can only query for a specific value, you can devise a workaround where you can update the createdDate field with a date value that is never used in your model. For example, if you initialize a Date object with 0, it will be set to the beginning of the epoch, Jan 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC. The hours you get is the localized time offset. It will be sufficient if your update only involves modifying the matching element(s) in mongo shell, hence it would look similarly to this:
{"createdDate": null },
{ "$set": {"createdDate": new Date(0)} }
You can then use the Fluent Interface to query on that specific value:
Query<User> query = mongoDataStore
.field("createdDate").hasThisOne(new Date(0));
It would be much simpler when defining your model to include a prePersist method that updates the createdDate field. The method is tagged with the #PrePersist annotation so that the date is set on the order prior to it being saved. Equivalent annotations exist for #PostPersist, #PreLoad and #PostLoad.
#Entity(value="users", noClassNameStored = true)
public class User {
// Properties
private Date createdDate;
// Getters and setters
public void prePersist() {
this.createdDate = (createdDate == null) ? new Date() : createdDate;
When you first create your Morphia instance, before calling morphia.mapPackage() do this:
to have Morphia store null values.
Anyway, you should be able to query non-null values with:
In mongo you can use this query:
db.MyCollection.find({"myField" : {$ne : null}})
This query will return objects that have the field 'myField' and has a value that is not null.

How to get metadata result set using zend

How to get metadata from query result,.?
I wanna get the datatype of each column from my query result,.
singles linked to a helpful post in his comment, but more specifically, here is how you can get the data type for a column from your table.
// $tbl is your Zend_Db_Table object
$info = $tbl->info(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::METADATA); // get the table metadata, fetches it if it is not yet set
// get the data type for the "email_address" column
$type = $info['email_address']['DATA_TYPE']);
For each column in your table, you will have an array of data like so:
["column_name"] =>
array(14) {
["TABLE_NAME"]=> string(8) "accounts"
["COLUMN_NAME"]=> string(10) "account_id"
["COLUMN_POSITION"]=> int(1)
["DATA_TYPE"]=> string(9) "mediumint"
["NULLABLE"]=> bool(false)
["UNSIGNED"]=> bool(true)
["PRIMARY"]=> bool(true)
["IDENTITY"]=> bool(true)

Default value for null fields in a Jasper Report

A ResultSet has many Double value fields (with patterns like "###0.000"). Some values can be null.
I want to replace null values with "N/A", which is a String and cannot print to a Double field. Printing "0.00" for null values is unacceptable.
Using an PrintWhenExpression value of ($F{value} != null) ? $F{value} : "N/A" does not work; it is not possible to use patterns in that way.
Add hidden fields that write "N/A". These fields will be printed only if value is null.
Is there a better solution, and if so, what is it?
Thank you.
Solution #1
Your solution:
Use a regular Double field (doubleField) for the column value.
Add a static String text field at the same location.
Change the Double field to Blank When Null.
Set the PrintWhenExpression value for the String text field to: $F{doubleField} == null.
Solution #2
The problem is, as you pointed out, that a Double and a String are two different data types. You can assign a String variable to the value of the Double using an appropriate expression. Then use the String variable as the field. The expression might resemble:
($F{doubleField} == null) ?
"N/A" : new java.text.DecimalFormat("#.##").format($F{doubleField})
(Note: My preference is to use == instead of !=. Think positive.)
Solution #3
Change the SQL statement to pre-format the Double as a text string, and use the "N/A" in the string (by using a CASE or DECODE statement in the query).
Avoid this solution, though, as it is not maintainable.
Do not hard-code the "N/A" string throughout the report(s); put the "N/A" text in a constant, or a parameter with a default value of "N/A".
You can try something like this in your field expression:
("Your static text "+(($F{field}!=null)?$F{field}:""))
Or, if you don't want your static text to be visible when the field is null, try putting $F{field}!=null in your PrintWhenExpression.