Moving and renaming AppFabric configuration database - powershell

Recently we did a move and a rename of an AppFabric configuration database.
The rename was from default name "AppFabricConfigurationDatabase" to "AppFabricPreOrdersConfiguration"
DistirbutedCacheService.exe.config was changed with the new database and server name
<clusterConfig provider="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=NEWSERVER;Initial Catalog=AppFabricPreOrdersConfiguration;Integrated Security=True" />
and the service starts succesfully.
But from this point on the "caching administration powershell" does not start anymore because when use-cachecluster is called it still tries to connect to the old server / database.
Test connection failed for ConnectionString Data Source=OLDSERVER;Initial Catalog
Use-CacheCluster : ErrorCode:SubStatus:Invalid provider and c
onnection string read.
Where does powershell read those values from? Apparently not from the config file of the service but where then?

Since I can't stop the cluster I've tried to see if the connection string would be changed without restarting and basically just calling Remove-CacheAdmin and worked!
Of course the script would have to be run on each host so not good for large setups but a restart is not really needed apparently
param ([string] $provider, [string] $newConnectionString)
function Main {
if ( (! $provider) -or (! $newConnectionString))
Write-Host "Usage: ChangeConnString.ps1 <provider> <newConnectionString>"
Import-Module "DistributedCacheAdministration"
Import-Module "DistributedCacheConfiguration"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Management') | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Management.Automation') | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Management.Automation.Runspaces') | Out-Null
Add-CacheAdmin -Provider $provider -ConnectionString $newConnectionString

The scripts provided by the other users did not work for me. I encountered exceptions. I was able to work around this issue by editing the registry on each host and restarting the service.
The connection string is stored here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Configuration
The value is named "ConnectionString"
Under the user hive, there's another instance of the connection string. I don't know if you need to change this or not, but I did. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Temp
That worked for me. Don't forget you also need to edit the ClusterConfig ConnectionString in DistributedCacheService.exe.config under C:\Program Files\AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server

You need to call Remove-CacheAdmin and then Add-CacheAdmin to change the cache admin connection on each admin host
This Microsoft Powershell script - (.EXE download, script reproduced below) - changes the connection string on all hosts in a cluster.
param ([string] $provider, [string] $newConnectionString)
function Main {
if ( (! $provider) -or (! $newConnectionString))
Write-Host "Usage: ChangeConnString.ps1 <provider> <newConnectionString>"
Import-Module "DistributedCacheAdministration"
Import-Module "DistributedCacheConfiguration"
Write-Host "Stop the cache cluster if it is running"
Stop-CacheCluster -EA Stop
trap [DataCacheException] {
#'Error Category {0}, Error Type {1}, ID: {2}, Message: {3} {4}' -f $_.CategoryInfo.Category, $_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.FullyQualifiedErrorID, $_.Exception.Message, $_.Exception.ErrorCode;
#12008: ErrorCode<ERRCAdmin008>:SubStatus<ES0001>:No hosts running in cluster
if ($_.Exception.ErrorCode -eq 12008)
write-host "Cluster is not running"
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Management') | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Management.Automation') | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Management.Automation.Runspaces') | Out-Null
SetCacheConnectionString $provider $newConnectionString
Write-Host "Connection string is altered on all the cache hosts. Now changing the connection string for cache admin"
Add-CacheAdmin -Provider $provider -ConnectionString $newConnectionString
if ($clusterRunnig -eq $true)
Write-Host "Starting the cache cluster..."
function SetCacheConnectionString {
param ([string] $provider, [string] $newConnectionString)
Write-Host "Parameters: " $provider " " $newConnectionString
$powerShell = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create()
# Import the admin cmdlets module
$powerShell.AddCommand("Import-Module", $true);
$powerShell.AddParameter("Name", "DistributedCacheAdministration")
# Call the Invoke method to run the commands
$commandResults = $powerShell.Invoke()
Write-Host "Number of hosts in the cluster " $commandResults.Count
foreach ($cacheHost in $commandResults)
Write-Host "Configuring the host " $cacheHost.HostName
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cacheHost.HostName -ScriptBlock {param ($provider, $newConnectionString) Import-Module DistributedCacheConfiguration;Remove-CacheHost;Add-CacheHost -Provider $provider -ConnectionString $newConnectionString -Account 'NT Authority\NETWORK SERVICE'} -ArgumentList $provider, $newConnectionString
# Entry


Powershell script to checking services on multiple remote machines and to start them if they are not running

New to Powershell, My goal is to go through a list of remote Computers and check to see if certain services are running on them and starting the services if they are not. what would be the best approach in creating a variable for the services on said servers?
Server1.txt - 'ServiceA ServiceB ServiceC'
Server2.txt - 'ServiceD ServiceE ServiceF'
Server3.txt - 'ServiceG ServiceH'
$services = get-content .\Server1.txt
$services | ForEach {
try {
Write-Host "Attempting to start '$($.DisplayName)'"
Start-Service -Name $.Name -ErrorAction STOP
Write-Host "SUCCESS: '$($.DisplayName)' has been started"
} catch {
Write-output "FAILED to start $($.DisplayName)"
Thank you.
In your input, you have mentioned one text file for each server which is not advisable. Also there is no computer name in your Start-service Command. Please find my input sample below.
And here is the powershell script, since you have mentioned different services for each server there is a need for using split function.
$textFile = Get-Content C:\temp\servers.txt
foreach ($line in $textFile) {
$computerName = $line.split("-")[0] #Getting computername by using Split
$serviceNames = $line.split("-")[1] #Getting Service names by using split
foreach ($serviceName in $serviceNames.split(",")) {
# Again using split to handle multiple service names
try {
Write-Host " Trying to start $serviceName in $computerName"
Get-Service -ComputerName $computerName -Name $serviceName | Start-Service -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "SUCCESS: $serviceName has been started"
catch {
Write-Host "Failed to start $serviceName in $computerName"
I haven't tested the script for starting the service, but the loop works properly for multiple servers and their respective services. Thanks!

How can I cancel all import/export operations on an Azure SQL Server using PowerShell

I'm trying to work out the PowerShell syntax for cancelling all pending import/export operations on an Azure SQL Server. I know that I can use Stop-AzSqlDatabaseActivity cmdlet but this requires a database name (the database might not already exist so piping Get-AzSqlDatabase won't work). Is there something I can do without specifying the databases, only the server?
Open new PowerShell window, you may use cloud shell on Azure portal as well by clicking the cloud shell button at the top right at your portal screen.
Copy and paste the following PowerShell code and execute it - it will create a function for the current PowerShell session
function Cancel-AzSQLImportExportOperation
$Operation = Get-AzSqlDatabaseActivity -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $ServerName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName | Where-Object {($_.Operation -like "Export*" -or $_.Operation -like "Import*") -and $_.State -eq "InProgress"}
if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Operation))
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan ("Operation " + $Operation.Operation + " with OperationID: " + $Operation.OperationId + " is now " + $Operation.State)
$UserInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Should I cancel this operation? (Y/N)"
} while($UserInput -ne "Y" -and $UserInput -ne "N")
if($UserInput -eq "Y")
"Canceling operation"
Stop-AzSqlDatabaseActivity -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $ServerName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -OperationId $Operation.OperationId
{"Exiting without cenceling the operation"}
"No import or export operation is now running"
use the function
to cancel an Import or Export operation you need to provide the Resource Group name, Server name and Database name where the operation is currently running.
Other than the Stop-AzSqlDatabaseActivity cmdlet, you can also use Database Operations-Cancel API Rest API to cancel import or export operations & you need to pass the Database name which is a mandatory parameter As per the current Azure Documentation.

canceling get-credentials in loop

I am working on developing PowerShell script to automate a task on a remote server by using Invoke-Command with WinRM.
The script will take the server IP, test WinRM and "Get-Credential" cmdlet to establish session and use Invoke-Command to run another script on remote server. I have made significant progress of what I want to achieve, however, I am having trouble on how to setup the code so that when I press the "Cancel" or "X" button on Get-Credential prompt it should abort the script and return to the regular PowerShell command line prompt.
Below is what I have so far, I have erased the comments and description of the code to keep the number of words less in here.
function SS
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$BInput = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Do you want to proceed?', 'Confirmation',[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNo)
switch ($BInput)
"Yes" {
while ($true)
$server=Read-Host "Enter Server IP Address"
set-item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "$server" -Force
if(Test-WSMan -ComputerName $server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Host "$server is accessible, enter credentials to connect"
while ($true)
$creden=Get-Credential -Message "Please enter the server credentials that you want to connect"
$serversession = New-Pssession -ComputerName $server -Credential $creden -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-warning "Credentials are not valild, please try again"
write-host "$server is connected, starting the workflow ......"
Invoke-Command -Session $serversession -FilePath "C:\Temp\XXX.ps1"
write-host "Windows Remote Management (WinRM) protocol is not running, please check service and confirm."
Get-Pssession | Remove-PSSession
"No" {
I understand I have to apply the changes / logic after this line
$creden=Get-Credential -Message "Please enter the server credentials that you want to connect"
But can't seem to find it yet. I looked online and have taken different approaches but no success so far. I would like to have opinions or recommendations on how to tackle this, appreciate your help.
What i'm seeing is that you may be thinking too much into it. A simple if statement should do the trick, try:
$creden=Get-Credential -Message "Please enter the server credentials that you want to connect"
Continuing from my comment.
Try this refactor of your use case.
Point of note: Note fully tested since I do not have an environment at this time to test.
Function Start-WorkFlow
Execute a workflow
Sets up a WinRM session to a remote host to execute the defined workflow
Remote host IPAddress
Remove host credentials
Resutls of teh workflow
V 0.0.1 - Prototype script. Clean-Up before production use
Stand-alone script
Administrative actions
Implemetned error logic for each code block
Restrict the user input to only be a proper IPAddress
Validate TCPIP state
Validate WSman state
Establish a new session
Process workflow
Exit session
If ((Read-Host -Prompt 'Do you want to proceed: [Yes/No]') -eq 'No' )
Do {$RemoteServerIPAddress = (Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Server IP Address')}
Until ($RemoteServerIPAddress -match "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$")
Get-ChildItem -Path 'WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts'
(Test-Connection -ComputerName $RemoteServerIPAddress -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop).IPV4Address
# Set-Item -Path 'WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts' -Value $RemoteServerIPAddress -Force
Get-ChildItem -Path 'WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts'
Test-WSMan -ComputerName $RemoteServerIPAddress -ErrorAction Stop
"$RemoteServerIPAddress is accessible, enter credentials to connect"
$Creds = $null
$CredMesssage = 'Please enter the remote server credentials that you want to connect.'
$CredMesssage = "$CredMesssage If credentials are not valid, you will be prompted to re-enter them."
$Creds = Get-Credential -Message $CredMesssage
if(-Not $creds)
Write-Warning -Message 'Credential request cancelled.'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
$NewPSSessionSplat = #{
ComputerName = $RemoteServerIPAddress
Credential = $Creds
Name = 'RemoteSessionName'
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
New-PSSession $NewPSSessionSplat
Until (Get-PSSession -Name 'RemoteSessionName')
"$RemoteServerIPAddress is connected, starting the workflow ......"
Invoke-Command -Session $RemoteServerSession -FilePath 'C:\Temp\XXX.ps1'
Write-Warning -Message 'Session connection results:'
Get-PSSession |
Remove-PSSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Warning -Message "
The remote server $RemoteServerIPAddress is not available
Exiting the session."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

Kerberos error in long running Exchange powershell skript after 10 hours

I implemented a powershell script, which assigns Exchange settings to our user mailboxes (Exchange 2016). As we have a lot of mailboxes and assigning settings is slow, the script would run more then 15 hours. However after about 10 hours I get the following error:
Processing data for a remote command failed with the following error message: Error occurred during the Kerberos response.
[Server=XXXXX, TimeStamp = 74/2018 01:25:49]
For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At C:\Users\ACCOUNT\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp_cj3akhk4.osq\tmp_cj3akhk4.osq.psm1:77943 char:9
+ $steppablePipeline.End()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (XXXX:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : JobFailure
+ PSComputerName : XXXX
My script retires the operation and after two retries (which fail) an authentication prompt is shown. There I can enter the password of the service account and the script continues. However this dialog is only visible if I run the script in a PS command prompt. If the script is started as Windows Task, it just hangs and does not continue.
The connection to Exchange is opened and imported with the following code. The code can either connect to our on premises Exchange or Exchange online based on the passed parameter. The problem is currently only happening, when connected to our local (on premises) Exchange infrastructure.
Function Connect-Exchange{
[String]$TargetExchange = 'Local'
if ($ExchangeSessionInfo.Session -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Type -eq $TargetExchange -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session.State -eq 'Opened'){
# Nothing to do, we are already connected.
Write-Log "Exchange connection type $($TargetExchange) already established, nothing to do."
} else {
if ($ExchangeSessionInfo.Session -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Type -ne $TargetExchange -and $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session.State -eq 'Opened'){
# We have a open session with the wrong type. We close it.
Remove-PSSession $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = $null
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Status = 'undefined'
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Type = ''
# We close all other existing Exchange sessions we created.
get-pssession -Name "Exchange" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | remove-pssession
# Now connect to the requestes Exchange infrastructure and import session.
$Connected = $False
$RetryCount = 5
try {
If ($TargetExchange -eq 'Local'){
$ExchangeServer = Get-Random -InputObject $LocalExchangeConfig.ExchangeServers
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "http://$($ExchangeServer)/PowerShell/" -Credential $EOCredentials -Authentication Kerberos -Name "Exchange"
} else {
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri '' -Credential $EOCredentials -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection -Name "Exchange"
$Res = Import-PSSession $ExchangeSessionInfo.Session -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -AllowClobber
# Store Exchange status in session variable.
$Connected = $True
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Status = 'connected'
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Type = $TargetExchange
} catch {
$err = Write-Error -err $error -msg "Could not connect to Exchange server type '$($TargetExchange)' (Retries left: $($RetryCount))." -Break $false
get-pssession -Name "Exchange" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | remove-pssession
$RetryCount -= 1
} while (!$Connected -and ($RetryCount -gt 0))
# If we do not have connection here, this is an error.
if (!$Connected) {
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Session = $null
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Status = 'undefined'
$ExchangeSessionInfo.Type = ''
throw "No connection to Exchange server (type: $($TargetExchange)) could be established."
} else {
# Get list of available mailbox DBs including mailbox count and create hashtable to store statistics. We only have to get it the first time.
if (($MailboxDBList.count -eq 0) -and ($TargetExchange -eq 'Local')){
Write-Log "Getting current Exchange DB configuration and mailbox count. Takes a moment."
$MailboxDBList = Get-MailboxDBCount -Type $LocalExchangeConfig.DistributeMailboxes
return $ExchangeSessionInfo
The following code is applying a predefined set of Exchange settings:
$TryCount = 0
$Done = $false
# It takes a while after enabling mailbox until settings can be applied. So we need to retry.
# If we need to execute a setting several times.
if ($MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# We have a loop value (array).
foreach ($LoopValue in $MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# Copy parameter as we have to change a value (loop value).
$TempParams = $Params.PsObject.Copy()
#($Params.getenumerator()) |? {$_.Value -match '#LOOPVALUE#'} |% {$TempParams[$_.Key]=$LoopValue}
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #TempParams -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
} else {
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #Params -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
# Write-Log "Setting command $($MailboxSetting.Command) executed successfully"
$Done = $true
} catch{
$res = Write-Error -err $error -msg "Error applying mailbox settings, account: $($AccountDetails.sAMAccountName), retry count: $($TryCount)" -Break $false
Start-Sleep -s $(($Retires-$TryCount) * 5)
} while ((!$done) -and ($tryCount -lt $Retires))
I am sure the error is not related to the code, because the script runs for hours without a problem and applies all settings. However after a around 10 hours it seems the Kerberos ticket expires and then the script cannot longer access Exchange without a re-login.
Is there a way to keep the Kerberos ticket from expiring or renew it?
Any help would be appreciated.
I think you are hitting the domain security policy (group policy object - GPO) => security settings/account policy/Kerberos policy restriction.
The two valid options for you are:
Maximum lifetime for user ticket => the default value is 10 hours
Maximum lifetime for user ticket renewal => the default value is 7 days (this is the period within which the ticket can be renewed).
Is there a way to keep the Kerberos ticket from expiring or renew it?
For the first questions you "just" need to adjust the maximum lifetime for user ticket setting to value as you deem appropriate.
The second one is more tricky. I would just purge all kerberos tickets via the powershell. For more - viewing and purging cached kerberos tickets which would get you a new one.
If the ticket can be renewed you have to check the RENEABLE flag - you wan view it via kinit. Perhaps kinit -R could be enough for ticket renewal. (I did not do this my self) You could also renew it via kerberos for windows
Edit -- adding klist purge to purge all Kerberos tickets so it can be renewed.
As you have klist then you can purge all tickets via must be run in elevated powershell prompt
(all credits to JaredPoeppelman):
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogonSession | Where-Object {$_.AuthenticationPackage -ne 'NTLM'} | ForEach-Object {klist.exe purge -li ([Convert]::ToString($_.LogonId, 16))}
Then check if your TGT was updated via:
klist tgt
Note: you must use FQDN name everywhere!
Thanks for your suggestion. In a first try I will extend my code as follows and try to reestblisch a new Exchange connection. Needs 10 h runnig the script in order to see if this works.
I am not able to influence the domain security Policy, additionally as I do not know how long the script runs, it will be difficult to set a value.
On my Windows 2016 the command "kinit" ist not recognized. Possibly I need to install additional modules/roles.
$TryCount = 0
$Done = $false
# It takes a while after enabling mailbox until settings can be applied. So we need to retry.
# If we need to execute a setting several times.
if ($MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# We have a loop value (array).
foreach ($LoopValue in $MailboxSetting.LoopOver){
# Copy parameter as we have to change a value (loop value).
$TempParams = $Params.PsObject.Copy()
#($Params.getenumerator()) |? {$_.Value -match '#LOOPVALUE#'} |% {$TempParams[$_.Key]=$LoopValue}
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #TempParams -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
} else {
$res = & $MailboxSetting.Command -ErrorAction Stop #Params -WhatIf:$RunConfig.TestMode
# Write-Log "Setting command $($MailboxSetting.Command) executed successfully"
$Done = $true
} catch{
$res = Write-Error -err $error -msg "Error applying mailbox settings, account: $($AccountDetails.sAMAccountName), retry count: $($TryCount)" -Break $false
Start-Sleep -s $(($Retires-$TryCount) * 5)
# We may have lost the Kerberos ticket, reconnect to Exchange.
$ConnectionType = $ExchangeSessionInfo.Type
Connect-Exchange -TargetExchange $ConnectionType
} catch {}
} while ((!$done) -and ($tryCount -lt $Retires))

Azure power shell Virtual machine creation issue

I am new to Azure power shell world. I am trying to create power shell script to automate VM creation. All my script running well, VM is getting created as well, but it’s getting hanged on its last line. So even though the virtual machine gets created my power shell script is keep on running. Please advise me how to address this issue.
Write-Verbose 'Creating VM...'
$result = New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location -VM $vm
if($result.Status -eq 'Succeeded') {
Write-Verbose $result.Status
Write-Verbose ('VM named ''{0}'' is now ready, you can connect using username: {1} and password: {2}' -f $vmName, $adminUsername, $adminPassword)
else {
Write-Error 'Virtual machine was not created successfully.'
you can take another way, to verify the state of the VM
New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location -VM $vm
if((Get-AzureRmVM -Name $vmName).Status -eq "ReadyRole"){
#Do something awesome here :)
and have a look at:
return type of $result will be a psobject. After successful VM creation the output will be in below format
$result[0] = "Provisioning succeeded"
$result[1] = "VM running"
So, try this-
if($result.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded")
Write-Verbose ('VM named ''{0}'' is now ready, you can connect using username: {1} and password: {2}' -f $VMName, $username, $password)
Write-Error 'Virtual machine was not created successfully.'