Definition by property in coq - coq

I am having trouble with formalizing definitions of the following form: define an integer such that some property holds.
Let's say that I formalized the definition of the property:
Definition IsGood (x : Z) : Prop := ...
Now I need a definition of the form:
Definition Good : Z := ...
assuming that I proved that an integer with the property exists and is unique:
Lemma Lemma_GoodExistsUnique : exists! (x : Z), IsGood x.
Is there an easy way of defining Good using IsGood and Lemma_GoodExistsUnique?
Since, the property is defined on integer numbers, it seems that no additional axioms should be necessary. In any event, I don't see how adding something like the axiom of choice can help with the definition.
Also, I am having trouble with formalizing definitions of the following form (I suspect this is related to the problem I described above, but please indicate if that is not the case): for every x, there exists y, and these y are different for different x. Like, for example, how to define that there are N distinct good integer numbers using IsGood:
Definition ThereAreNGoodIntegers (N : Z) (IsGood : Z -> Prop) := ...?
In real-world mathematics, definitions like that occur every now and again, so this should not be difficult to formalize if Coq is intended to be suitable for practical mathematics.

The short answer to your first question is: in general, it is not possible, but in your particular case, yes.
In Coq's theory, propositions (i.e., Props) and their proofs have a very special status. In particular, it is in general not possible to write a choice operator that extracts the witness of an existence proof. This is done to make the theory compatible with certain axioms and principles, such as proof irrelevance, which says that all proofs of a given proposition are equal to each other. If you want to be able to do this, you need to add this choice operator as an additional axiom to your theory, as in the standard library.
However, in certain particular cases, it is possible to extract a witness out of an abstract existence proof without recurring to any additional axioms. In particular, it is possible to do this for countable types (such as Z) when the property in question is decidable. You can for instance use the choiceType interface in the Ssreflect library to get exactly what you want (look for the xchoose function).
That being said, I would usually advice against doing things in this style, because it leads to unnecessary complexity. It is probably easier to define Good directly, without resorting to the existence proof, and then prove separately that Good has the sought property.
Definition Good : Z := (* ... *)
Definition IsGood (z : Z) : Prop := (* ... *)
Lemma GoodIsGood : IsGood Good.
Proof. (* ... *) Qed.
Lemma GoodUnique : forall z : Z, IsGood z -> z = Good.
If you absolutely want to define Good with an existence proof, you can also change the proof of Lemma_GoodExistsUnique to use a connective in Type instead of Prop, since it allows you to extract the witness directly using the proj1_sig function:
Lemma Lemma_GoodExistsUnique : {z : Z | Good z /\ forall z', Good z' -> z' = z}.
Proof. (* ... *) Qed.
As for your second question, yes, it is a bit related to the first point. Once again, I would recommend that you write down a function y_from_x with type Z -> Z that will compute y given x, and then prove separately that this function relates inputs and outputs in a particular way. Then, you can say that the ys are different for different xs by proving that y_from_x is injective.
On the other hand, I'm not sure how your last example relates to this second question. If I understand what you want to do correctly, you can write something like
Definition ThereAreNGoodIntegers (N : Z) (IsGood : Z -> Prop) :=
exists zs : list Z,
Z.of_nat (length zs) = N
/\ NoDup zs
/\ Forall IsGood zs.
Here, Z.of_nat : nat -> Z is the canonical injection from naturals to integers, NoDup is a predicate asserting that a list doesn't contain repeated elements, and Forall is a higher-order predicate asserting that a given predicate (in this case, IsGood) holds of all elements of a list.
As a final note, I would advice against using Z for things that can only involve natural numbers. In your example, your using an integer to talk about the cardinality of a set, and this number is always a natural number.


Decidable equality statement with Set vs. Prop

When looking at results for types with decidable equality (especially in Eqdep_dec) there are some of the results that (for a type A) require
forall x y : A, x = y \/ x <> y
whereas some require
forall x y : A, {x = y} + {x <> y}
It is my impression that it is the last one that is referred to as decidable equality, but I am very much uncertain what the difference is. I know that x = y \/ x <> y in Prop and {x = y} + {x <> y} is in Set, and I can prove the first one from the second one but not the other way around. As far as I understand it, it is because I am not allowed to construct values of type Prop from values of type Set.
Can anyone tell what the difference between the two are? Are there some example of a type for which the first statement can be proved but not the second. Also, is it true that the version with {x = y} + {x <> y} is what is referred to as decidable equality?
You are correct that the latter definition, the one which lives in Set, is referred to as decidable equality.
Intuitively, we interpret objects in Set as programs, and objects in Prop as proofs. So the decidable equality type is the type of a function which takes any two elements of some type A and decides whether they are equal or unequal.
The other statement is slightly weaker. It describes the proposition that any two elements of A are either equal of unequal. Notably, we would not be able to inspect which outcome is the case for specific values of x and y, at least outside of case analysis within a proof. This is the result of the Prop elimination restriction that you alluded to (although you got it backwards: one is not allowed to construct values of sort Set/Type by eliminating/matching on an element of sort Prop).
Without adding axioms, the Prop universe is constructive, so I believe that there would not be any types A such that equality is undecidable but the propositional variant is provable. However, consider the scenario in which we make the Prop universe classical by adding the following axiom:
Axiom classic : forall P, P \/ ~P
This would make the propositional variant trivially provable for any type A, while the decidable equality may not be realizable.
Note that our axiom is a proposition. Intuitively, it makes sense that either a proposition or its negation must hold. If we hadn't made this a Prop (for example, if we axiomatized forall P, {P} + {~P}), then we would likely not accept the axiom, since it would instead be declaring the existence of a universal decision procedure.
That was a bit of a digression, but hopefully it demonstrated some differences in our interpretation of Props and Sets.

Not explicitly specifying instances of a type in coq

I'm interested in trying my hand at constructing set theory using Coq. I would like to define a type sets without specifying what its members are, and a function mapping two sets to a Prop
Definition elem (s1 s1 : sets) : Prop.
I would then make the axioms of set theory hypotheses, and express theorems as (for example)
Theorem : ZFC -> (forall s : sets, ~ elem s s).
However, the syntax above doesn't work. Is this idea something that can be done in Coq? Is there a better way to accomplish this goal in Coq? I am very new to Coq, so I apologize if there is an obvious way of doing this that I don't know.
You need to give names to theorems. And for postulating things, use Parameter and Axiom (which technically mean the same thing but you can use to informally distinguish between concepts and facts).
Parameter set : Type.
Parameter elem : set -> set -> Prop.
Axiom set_extensionality : forall x y, (forall z, elem z x <-> elem z y) -> x = y.
(* etc. *)
In comparison, Definition and Theorem are used for defining and proving things. Having postulated the ZFC axioms, you can prove that a set is not an element of itself. The Theorem command takes a theorem name first (used to refer to it in the future):
Theorem no_self_elem : forall x, ~ elem x x.
(* tactics here. *)

Extensionality axiom: why is it not unsound

Axiom of extensionality says that two functions are equal if their actions on each argument of the domain are equal.
Axiom func_ext_dep : forall (A : Type) (B : A -> Type) (f g : forall x, B x),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Equality = on both side of the theorem statement is propositional equality (a datatype with a single eq_refl constructor).
Using this axiom it could be proven that f = a + b and g = b + a are propositionally equal.
But f and g are obviously not equal as data structures.
Could you please explain what I'm missing here?
Probably that function objects don't have normal form?
EDIT: After further discussion in the comments, the actual point of confusion was this:
Doesn't match a with... = match b with gives me False right away the same way as S S Z = S Z does?
You can pattern-match on nat, you can't on functions. Dependent pattern-matching is how we can prove injectivity and disjointness of constructors, whereas the only thing we can do with a function is to apply it. (See also How do we know all Coq constructors are injective and disjoint?)
Nevertheless, I hope the rest of the answer below is still instructive.
From the comments:
AFAIU, = has a very precise meaning in Coq/CIC - syntactic equality of normal forms.
That's not right. For example we can prove the following:
Lemma and_comm : forall a b : bool, (* a && b = b && a *)
match a with
| true => b
| false => false
end = match b with
| true => a
| false => false
destruct a, b; reflexivity.
We can only use eq_refl when the two sides are syntactically equal, but there are more reasoning rules we can apply beyond the constructors of an inductive propositions, most notably dependent pattern-matching, and, if we admit it, functional extensionality.
But f and g are obviously not equal as data structures.
This statement seems to confuse provability and truth. It's important to distinguish these two worlds. (And I'm not a logician, so take what I'm going to say with a grain of salt.)
Coq is a symbol-pushing game, with well-defined rules to construct terms of certain types. This is provability. When Coq accepts a proof, all we know is that we constructed a term following the rules.
Of course, we also want those terms and types to mean something. When we prove a proposition, we expect that to tell us something about the state of the world. This is truth. And in a way, Coq has very little say in the matter. When we read f = g, we are giving a meaning to the symbol f, a meaning to g, and also a meaning to =. This is entirely up to us (well, there are always rules to follow), and there's more than one interpretation (or "model").
The "naive model" that most people have in mind views functions as relations (also called graphs) between inputs and outputs. In this model, functional extensionality holds: a function is no more than a mapping between inputs and outputs, so two functions with the same mappings are equal. Functional extensionality is sound in Coq (we can't prove False) because there is at least one model where it is valid.
In the model you have, a function is characterized by its code, modulo some equations. (This is more or less the "syntactic model", where we interpret every expression as itself, with the minimal possible amount of semantic behavior.) Then, indeed there are functions that are extensionally equal, but with different code. So functional extentionality is not valid in this model, but that doesn't mean it's false (i.e., that we can prove its negation) in Coq, as justified previously.
f and g are not "obviously not equal", because equality, like everything else, is relative to a particular interpretation.

Equality of finite maps in coq (defined using map2)

Suppose I want to define a type of Monomials in Coq. These would be finite maps from some ordered set of variables to nat where, say, x²y³ is represented by the map that sends x to 2, y to 3 and where everything else gets the default value, zero.
The basic definitions don't seem so hard:
Require Import
Module Monomial (K : OrderedType).
Module M := FMapList.Make(K).
Module P := WProperties_fun K M.
Module F := P.F.
Definition Var : Type := M.key.
Definition Monomial : Type := M.t nat.
Definition mon_one : Monomial := M.empty _.
Definition add_at (a : option nat) (b : option nat) : option nat :=
match a, b with
| Some aa, Some bb => Some (aa + bb)
| Some aa, None => Some aa
| None, Some bb => Some bb
| None, None => None
Definition mon_times (M : Monomial) (M' : Monomial) : Monomial :=
M.map2 add_at M M'.
End Monomial.
At this point, I'd like to prove something like:
Lemma mon_times_comm : forall M M', mon_times M M' = mon_times M' M.
I can see how to prove that the two maps are Equal using the lemma Equal_mapsto_iff, but I'd really like to say that my type really represents monomials and that multiplication is genuinely commutative (and the maps are eq).
I'm pretty new to Coq: is this a reasonable thing to try to prove?
Also, I realise that this might depend on the finite map implementation: if FMapList was the wrong choice and another implementation makes this easier, please point me at that!
I can see how to prove that the two maps are Equal using the lemma Equal_mapsto_iff, but I'd really like to say that my type really represents monomials and that multiplication is genuinely commutative (and the maps are eq).
I'm pretty new to Coq: is this a reasonable thing to try to prove?
Also, I realise that this might depend on the finite map implementation: if FMapList was the wrong choice and another implementation makes this easier, please point me at that!
Indeed, you are on the right track. The set type you are using doesn't have the property that two sets with the same elements are definitionally equal in Coq. As such sets are implemented as binary trees you may have Node(A, Node(B,C)) <> Node(Node(A,B),C).
In particular, having a good "set type" is an extremely challenging task in Coq due to several issues, see the anwser How to define set in coq without defining set as a list of elements for a bit more of discussion.
Doing proper algebra does indeed require a lot of complex infrastructure, #ErikMD's pointer is the right one, you should have a look at math-comp and related papers to get an understanding on the state of the art. Of course, keep experimenting!
Regarding the formalization of monomials and multivariate polynomials in Coq, you could consider using the multinomials library. It is available on OPAM:
$ opam install coq-mathcomp-multinomials
and it naturally proves a similar result to your mon_times_comm lemma:
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
From mathcomp Require Import choice finfun tuple fintype ssralg bigop.
From SsrMultinomials Require Import freeg mpoly.
Lemma test1 (n : nat) (m1 m2 : 'X_{1..n}) : (m1 + m2 = m2 + m1)%MM.
move=> *.
by rewrite addmC.
Lemma test2 (n : nat) (R : comRingType) (p q : {mpoly R[n]}) :
(p * q = q * p)%R.
move=> *.
by rewrite mpoly_mulC.
Note that the multinomials library is built upon the MathComp library that is strongly related to the SSReflect extension of the Coq proof language.
Finally, note that this library is very convenient to develop Coq proofs involving multinomial polynomials, but doesn't directly allow computing with these Coq datatypes (Eval vm_compute in ...). If you are also interested in that aspect, you may also want to take a look at the CoqEAL library (and in particular its multipoly.v theory that relies on FMaps).

Extensionally equal predicates and equality of universally quantified applications

I am trying to define a recursive predicate using well-founded fixpoints with the obligation to show F_ext when rewriting with Fix_eq. The CPDT says that most such obligations are dischargeable with straightforward proof automation, but unhappily this does not appear to be so for my predicate.
I have reduced the problem to the following lemma (from Proper (pointwise_relation A eq ==> eq) (#all A)). Is it provable in Coq without additional axioms?
Lemma ext_fa:
forall (A : Type) (f g : A -> Prop),
(forall x, f x = g x) ->
(forall x, f x) = (forall x, g x).
It can be shown with extensionality of predicates or functions, but since the conclusion is weaker than the usual one (f = g) I naively thought it would be possible to produce a proof without using additional axioms. After all, both sides of the equality only involve applications of f and g; how could any intensional differences be discerned?
Have I missed a simple proof or is the lemma unprovable?
You might be interested in this code I wrote a while ago, which includes variants of Fix_eq for various numbers of arguments, and don't depend on function extensionality. Note that you don't need to change Fix_F, and can instead just prove variants of Fix_eq.
To answer the question you asked, rather than solve your context, the lemma you state is called "forall extensionality".
It is present in Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality, where the axiom of function extensionality is used to prove it. The fact that the standard library version uses an axiom to prove this lemma is, at the very least, strong evidence that it is not provable without axioms in Coq.
Here is a proof sketch of that fact. Since Coq is strongly normalizing*, every proof of x = y in the empty context is judgmentally equal to eq_refl. That is, if you can prove x = y in the empty context, then x and y are convertible. Let f x := inhabited (Vector.t (x + 1)) and let g x := inhabited (Vector.t (1 + x)). It is straightforward to prove forall x, f x = g x by induction on x. Therefore, if your lemma were true without axioms, we could get a proof of
(forall x, inhabited (Vector.t (x + 1))) = (forall x, inhabited (Vector.t (1 + x)))
in the empty context, and hence eq_refl ought to prove this statement. We can easily check and see that eq_refl does not prove this statement. So your lemma ext_fa is not provable without axioms.
Note that equality for functions and equality for types are severely under-specified in Coq. Essentially, the only types (or functions) that you can prove equal in Coq are the ones that are judgmentally equal (or, more precisely, the ones that are expressible as two judgmentally equal lambdas applied to provably-equal closed terms). The only types that you can prove not equal are the ones which are provably not isomorphic. The only functions that you can prove not equal are the ones which provably differ on some concrete element of the domain that you provide. There's a lot of space between the equalities that you can prove, and the inequalities you can prove, and you don't get to say anything about things in this space without axioms.
*Coq isn't actually strongly normalizing because there are some issues with coinductives. But modulo that, it's strongly normalizing.