How to search all tables and all fields for a string? - progress-4gl

I want to search all fields in all tables of a database for a user supplied value and display records which contain that input keyword. Something like this:
FOR EACH _file WHERE (NOT _file-name BEGINS "_" AND NOT _file-name BEGINS "sys")
FOR EACH _field OF _file
ttable = _file._file-name
tfield = _field._field-name .
FOR EACH &ttable WHERE ttable.tfield MATCHES "urpon frisbee "
DISPLAY _file._file-name .

You want to study "dynamic queries".
procedure x:
define input parameter tbl as character no-undo.
define input parameter fld as character no-undo.
define input parameter xyz as character no-undo.
define variable qh as handle no-undo.
define variable bh as handle no-undo.
define variable fh as handle no-undo.
create buffer bh for table tbl.
create query qh.
qh:set-buffers( bh ).
qh:query-prepare( "for each " + tbl ).
qh:get-first( no-lock ).
do while qh:query-off-end = no:
fh = bh:buffer-field( fld ).
if fh:buffer-value = xyz then /* needs special handing if there are array fields in the db ... */
display tbl fld bh:recid fh:buffer-value.
qh:get-next( no-lock ).
delete object bh.
delete object qh.
for each _file no-lock where not _hidden:
for each _field no-lock of _file:
if _data-type <> "character" then next. /* skip non-char fields */
run x ( _file-name, _field-name, "urpon frisbee" ).


Firebird dynamic Var New and Old

I need validate dynamic Fields from a Table. For example:
/*In then table "TCAMPOS" are the fields to validate*/
for Select CAMPO from TCAMPOS where TABLA = TPROYECTOS and ACTUALIZA = 'V' into :vCAMPO do
if (New.:vCAMPO <> Old.:vCampo) then
/*How i get dynamic New.Field1, New.Field2 on query return*/
The question is : How can I put "The name of the field that the query returns me " in the above code .
Ie if the query returns me the field1 and field5 , I would put the trigger
if ( New.Field1 < > Old.Field1 ) or ( New.Field5 < > Old.Field5 ) then
There is no such feature in Firebird. You will need to create (and preferably) generate triggers that will reference all fields hard coded. If the underlying table changes or the requirements for validation, you will need to recreate the trigger to take the added or removed fields into account.

Initialize generator with existing value

I am trying to set a generator with a value that is in some table, I have already seen this question How to set initial generator value? and did what they suggested but I don't know where am I going wrong here.
set term #
execute block
declare i int = 0;
i = (select max(some_col) from Table);
gen_id(some_gen,-(gen_id(some_gen,0))); ---set some_gen to 0
gen_id(some_gen,:i); --- set to i
end #
set term ;#
The problem with your code is that you can't execute gen_id in isolation; the parser expects gen_id (or more precisely: a function call) only in a place where you can have a value (eg in a statement or an assignment). You need to assign its return value to a parameter, for example:
set term #;
execute block
declare i int = 0;
declare temp int = 0;
i = (select max(id) from items);
temp = gen_id(GEN_ITEMS_ID, -(gen_id(GEN_ITEMS_ID, 0))); ---set some_gen to 0
temp = gen_id(GEN_ITEMS_ID, :i); --- set to i
end #
set term ;#
Please be aware that changing sequences like this is 'risky': if there are any interleaving actions using this same sequence, you might not actually get the result you expected (the sequence might end up at a different value than i and you might get duplicate key errors when another transaction uses the sequence after you subtract the current value (set to 0) and before you add i.
As also noted in the comments, you can also replace your code with:
set term #;
execute block
declare i int = 0;
declare temp int = 0;
i = (select max(id) from items);
temp = gen_id(GEN_ITEMS_ID, :i - gen_id(GEN_ITEMS_ID, 0));
end #
set term ;#
Doing it in one statement will reduce the risk of interleaving operations (although it will not remove it entirely).
If you want to use "execute block", you may use something like :
execute block
declare i int = 0;
i = (select max(some_col) from some_table);
execute statement ('set generator MY_GENERATOR to ' || :i);

Replacing Turkish characters with English characters

I have a table which has 120 columns and some of them is including Turkish characters (for example "ç","ğ","ı","ö"). So i want to replace this Turkish characters with English characters (for example "c","g","i","o"). When i use "TRANWRD Function" it could be really hard because i should write the function 120 times and sometimes hte column names could be change so always i have to check the code one by one because of that.
Is there a simple macro which replaces this characters in all columns .
In retrospect, this is an overly complicated solution... The translate() function should be used, as pointed by another user. It could be integrated in a SAS function defined with PROC FCMP when used repeatedly.
A combination of regular expressions and a DO loop can achieve that.
Step 1: Build a conversion table in the following manner
Accentuated letters that resolve to the same replacement character are put on a single line, separated by the | symbol.
data conversions;
infile datalines dsd;
input orig $ repl $;
Step 2: Store original and replacement strings in macro variables
proc sql noprint;
select orig, repl, count(*)
into :orig separated by ";",
:repl separated by ";",
from conversions;
Step 3: Do the actual conversion
Just to show how it works, let's deal with just one column.
data convert(drop=i re);
myString = "ç ğı òö ë, è";
do i = 1 to &nrepl;
re = prxparse("s/" || scan("&orig",i,";") || "/" || scan("&repl",i,";") || "/");
myString = prxchange(re,-1,myString);
Resulting myString: "c gl oo e, e"
To process all character columns, we use an array
Say your table is named mySource and you want all character variables to be processed; we'll create a vector called cols for that.
data convert(drop=i re);
set mySource;
array cols(*) _character_;
do c = 1 to dim(cols);
do i = 1 to &nrepl;
re = prxparse("s/" || scan("&orig",i,";") || "/" || scan("&repl",i,";") || "/");
cols(c) = prxchange(re,-1,cols(c));
When changing single characters TRANSLATE is the proper function, it will be one line of code.
translated = translate(string,"cgio","çğıö");
First get all your columns from dictionary, and then replace the values of all of them in a macro do loop.
You can try a program like this (Replace MYTABLE with your table name):
proc sql;
select name , count(*) into :columns separated by ' ', :count
from dictionary.columns
where memname = 'MYTABLE';
%macro m;
data mytable;
set mytable;
%do i=1 %to &count;
%scan(&columns ,&i) = tranwrd(%scan(&columns ,&i),"ç","c");
%scan(&columns ,&i) = tranwrd(%scan(&columns ,&i),"ğ","g");

Using patterns in REPLACE

I need to find and replace an expression within a dynamic query. I have a subset of a where condition in string type like
'fieldA=23 OR field_1=300 OR fieldB=4'
What I need is to find a way to detect expression field_1=300 within the string and replace it while retaining the expression field_1=300.
I can do the detection part using CHARINDEX or PATINDEX but I'm not able to figure out how to use the patterns in the REPLACE function and how to get the value of the field_1 parameter.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not entirely clear on what you're trying to acheieve (e.g. what are you wanting to replace "field_1=300" with, and is it the exact string "field_1=300" that you're looking for, or just the field name, i.e. "field_1"?).
Also, could you paste in the code you've written so far?
Here's a simple script which will extract the current value of a given field name:
#str_tmp VARCHAR(100),
#field_pattern VARCHAR(10),
#field_val INT;
SET #str = 'fieldA=23 OR field_1=300 OR fieldB=4';
SET #field_pattern = 'field_1='
-- This part will extract the current value assigned to the "#field_pattern" field
IF CHARINDEX(#field_pattern, #str) > 0
SELECT #str_tmp = SUBSTRING(#str,
CHARINDEX(#field_pattern, #str) + LEN(#field_pattern),
SELECT #field_val = CAST(SUBSTRING(#str_tmp, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', #str_tmp)-1) AS INT);
PRINT #field_val
If you want to replace the value itself (e.g. replacing "300" in this case with "600"), then you could add something like this:
DECLARE #new_val INT;
SET #new_val = 600;
SET #str = REPLACE(#str, (#field_pattern+CAST(#field_val AS VARCHAR)), (#field_pattern+CAST(#new_val AS VARCHAR)));
PRINT #str;
Which would give you "fieldA=23 OR field_1=600 OR fieldB=4".

OpenEdge ABL / Progress 4GL Query

I need help writing this progress query:
find first a no-lock
where a.a = variable
and a.b = variable2
and a.c = variable3
and ((a.d <> variable4
and a.e <> variable5
and a.f <> variable6)
/* this "or in" is just sudecode for what I want it to do */
or in (first b no-lock where b.a = variable
and (b.b = variable7 or b.b = variable8 no-error)))
The "or in" is the thing I'm having trouble with.
Given the kind of statement you want to create, I suggest the following two-step process:
find first b no-lock where b.a = variable
and (b.b = variable7 or b.b = variable8) no-error.
find first a no-lock where a.a = variable
and a.b = variable2
and a.c = variable3
and ((a.d <> variable4 and a.e <> variable5 and a.f <> variable6)
or available b)
Don't think too much it like MS SQL query or the general scripting query.
for each test1 no-lock where test1.a = var1 and test1.b = var2 no-error.
same as
find first test1 no-lock where test1.a = var1 and (test1.b = var2 or test1.c = var3) no-error. // it gives you only one row at a time.
I believe the statement you are looking for is 'can-find'.
... or can-find(first b where b.a = a.a ...