Paypal button integration passing session variables - paypal

Hello guys I am developing a web store where users are already registered it must track both users the one that is selling the item and the one that is buying the item also some instructions the buyer might to express to the seller.
I have not performed this kind of tasks before have been reviewing the Paypal developer Api however have not found the exact functionality I need right now.
i need to pass session variables from my app into the paypal mechanism.
Please let me know how to integrate a button for buying an item and then store the details about the transaction in my db cause need to know the userid of the users within my app.
Thanks a lot.-

In your case you can use the Express Checkout API or simple PayPal Standard + IPN
If you use Express Checkout, then you don't need to send any session variable to PayPal as the session is not closed and the last step of the transaction (DoExpressCheckoutPayment) occurs in your website. But, if you really want to send some custom data to PayPal you can do it by sending "PAYMENTREQUEST_n_CUSTOM" inside the SetExpressCheckout call.
If you use PayPal Standard + IPN. You can pass to PayPal the variable called "custom" (Pass-through variable for your own tracking purposes, which buyers do not see) and retrieve it back in the IPN.


What's the difference between PayPal buttons and PayPal Express Checkout?

What's the difference between PayPal buttons and PayPal Express Checkout?
The second one seems more complicated than the first one to integrate in a web site. When I should consider to use Express Checkout rather than Buttons? What are the advantages?
PayPal Standard buttons are indeed quick and easy, but they are limited. One of the biggest issues with it is with regard to Guest Checkout, which allows non-PayPal account holders to pay with a credit card without creating an account.
With Standard buttons this is browser cookie based, so if anybody has ever signed in to a PayPal account using the browser in use, then the cookie will trigger and assume that the user will be logging in to PayPal. This causes the guest checkout option to be less prominent, and buyers often miss it, which results in lost sales.
Express Checkout uses the APIs which gives you more flexibility, including the ability to force the Guest Checkout experience if you want to regardless of any browser cookies. This can lead to increased conversion rates.
Another thing to consider is that with Standard buttons there is no guarantee the user will make it back to your site. Even if you have Auto-Return enabled in the PayPal account there is a delay, and the user could simply close their browser before they are sent back to your site. With Express Checkout the user has to return to your site before the process can be completed, so this gives you the ability to tie more post-transaction processing procedures into your checkout flow.
Adding PayPal buttons to your website eliminates the need to enter your shipping address. You only verify the purchase details and confirm by the user and it gets supplied by PayPal but in case of Express checkout customer still need to supply their shipping address .
Also in case of express checkout you make API call initially to PayPal and in turn PayPal gives you token id for the payment you are going to make and you use the token(which is unique for every payment) to subsequently authorize and capture the amount from PayPal account once the customer confirms the payment after logging into PayPal account.

Can i use pre-approval using PayPal website payments pro?

I am making a system in which user permits pre-approval of amount. I've used pre-approval with chained payment. But the problem is that my customer gets redirected to PayPal site and also he/she must have a PayPal account or need to create one. So can i make pre-approval payment using PayPal website payment pro? So my customers will not get redirected to PayPal account. And the process becomes more fast? Note :- I don't want to use authorization and capture method. Thanks.
One more question :- If i make the website in the UK and the currency in GBP, can I still use the American Paypal account for this?
Auth and Capture is what you're asking for, but then you say you don't want it..?? That's what gives you the functionality you're after, though.
You could do a $0 auth and then run DoReferenceTransaction when you're ready to process the payment as opposed to capturing an actual auth if you want.
Those are your only options when working with Pro, though, and it would give you the same sort of preapproval experience for the buyer.
Here are the steps to accomplish what you're after.
Use DoDirectPayment to run a $0 Authorization (card verification). Users will enter their credit card details directly into a form on your site without any redirection to PayPal (and without any knowledge PayPal is being used at all unless you notify them some way.)
Save the transaction ID that you get form this card verification into your transaction history for the customer in your database. This ID is what will be used to process future payments using that credit card.
When you're ready to process a payment for this customer, pull the ID out of the database and use it with a DoReferenceTransaction request to process any amount you need to.
So the card verification is your preapproval, and then running reference transactions are the same as running Pay requests with a Preapproval key. Both methods accomplish the same thing, but one is with direct credit cards and the other is not.
If you're using PHP you can use this PayPal PHP SDK to make all of the API calls very quick and easy for you. If you're using some other language then there are SDKs available for those as well I'm sure.
Please correct me if i am wrong, #Andrew Angell #Ved Pandya
Auth and Capture or Capture payments later method allows you to do direct payment, but it comes with additional charges, which might not suitable for crowdfunding model as refund/ cancel payment is very frequent
Auth and Capture: You are required to pay $0.30 for each "Card Verification Transactions"
Capture payments later: You are required to pay $0.30 for each "Uncaptured Authorization" that you triggered

paypal integration types confusion

I new to paypal integration in . I found very difficult to understand the paypal api .
I under stood two types -
inline html form ( i.e is also called buy button )
payflow api
my questions are :
which one must be used for recurring payment ( subcription packages for end user)?
in first type , few sites suggested to use IPN for confirmation of payment. I want to know is it neccessary since without using IPN, also using notify_url we can confirm the payment success (as per my knowledge notify_url returns to your site when payment is completed at paypal site)?
for recurring payment , do i need to store user account details (i.e credt card or paypal account ) in my databas?
please do reply with you suggestion .
1) You can do it with both, actually. If you want to stick with basic HTML forms then you'd be using Payments Standard, and they call it "Subscriptions". You can easily create a Subscription button from within your PayPal account.
If you're using the API then they call it Recurring Payments (or Recurring Billing). You would use Express Checkout for the PayPal signups, and Payments Pro if you want to handle credit cards directly on your site without any redirect to PayPal.
IPN is useful regardless of what integration method you're using, however, don't get it confused with PDT. PDT sends data back to your site's thank you page, or whatever final page you setup for it, and it only works with Payments Standard. When PDT is configured on Payments Standard, even with Auto-Return enabled, there is no guarantee the user will make it back to your return URL. IPN is very similar, but data will always be POSTed to your IPN listener regardless of whether or not the user makes it back to your site.
You'll also want to use IPN to handle updates for future payments on a subscription / recurring profile. For example, the actual payments, cancelations, suspensions, reactivations, etc.
The notify_url parameter you mentioned is used for IPN. Again, though, this is separate from PDT. A common mistake I've seen many times is when people have their PDT and IPN both set to the same URL. Then when people do make it back to your thank you page, the code actually runs twice. Once from the user actually hitting it, and once again from PayPal's IPN server hitting it. So make sure to avoid that sort of thing.
3) No, you will never save credit card details to your server. The subscription / recurring system handles that using the data that PayPal saves on their servers.

Verifying paypal account

I am building website which requires customer to update paypal account.
Is there anyway to check the reality of customer's account?
When my customer fill out their paypal account in my site, I want them to be directed to paypal login page to login and paypal will return the result.
Does paypal api support this situation?
Pretty much any implementation of PayPal you choose would follow the flow you mentioned.
Payments Standard would allow you to create basic buttons or create an HTML form and POST directly to PayPal to process. It would send the user to PayPal for login and approval to complete the payment. The transaction details would include the payer status (verified or unverified) as well as the address status (confirmed or unconfirmed) and lots of other details about the order.
Express Checkout is basically the API version of Standard, but it's much more advanced and open to integrate in the way that works best for your site or application. In this case, some of buyer/transaction data is available during the process within your app through API requests and responses, and then you can also get to it via transaction details after the fact just like payments standard provides.
Another option would be to use Adaptive Payments, but if you're doing a general payment of any kind you probably don't need that. That's what you would use if/when you start wanting to split payments among multiple receivers within the same transaction, setup preapproval profiles, etc.
If you happen to be working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make the API calls very simple for you.
You could do what PayPal itself does when you register. Send them a few cents and have them tell you how many when they get it. The payment itself will fail if the account doesn't exist, and telling you how many cents proves that they own the account.

Paypal custom variable solution using php

I'm trying to using paypal as payment for my site.
My site only sell a virtual currency, like "Diamond" in Online game.
So after reading i starting to use Express Checkout for Digital Goods, Is that right ? or i must other payment method ?
Then my question is when using Express Checkout for Digital Goods, how to pass custom variable ?
Let say i want to pay user_id, diamond_id, and some other variable from my database to the paypal api. It seem like paypal don't support custom variable to pass on the api call. I want after user complete the payment, then Paypal notify my server that the payment is complete by user_id and some other variable that i pass, so easy for me to know the detail.
after searching i find some solution,
First solution is to store "TOKEN"(Generated from "SetExpressCheckout" Method) and my custom variable which is belong to the TOKEN in the database, Then after payment complete paypal will notify my server the same TOKEN saved before. So i will query based on the TOKEN.
Second Solution is using get style in RETURNURL variable So i will easy to grab the GET variable.
Which solution is right ? Is there any solution ? and how to secure the payment confirmation, i mean if someone know and hack my returnurl.
Thanks in advance
There are two parts to be able to successfully identify your order in the whole process:
To identify your order when the user is redirected back via the success or cancel URL, just pass the order id via the query string of the URL.
To identify your order when Paypal sends notifications about the transaction and associated events (refunds, reversals, disputes etc.) via IPN: Paypal does support a pass-through variable, which allows you to associate IPNs to the order record in your DB.
For express checkout you set PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INVNUM in the SetExpressCheckout call
In case you are creating a recurring profile, the parameter is named PROFILEREFERENCE in the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile call
When you receive an IPN the invoice is passed as 'invoice' or 'rp_invoice_id' respectively
(My general advice, though: use Paypal only if you really have to)