I'm currently playing around with DBIx::Class and I'm wondering how to call an existing Postgres function in a certain db schema using DBIx.
My DBI code:
my $table = $self->{dbh}->quote_identifier(
my $sqlst = qq{ SELECT foobar FROM $table($some_data); };
The things I found so far, would be to call said function using the dbh object retrieved from my DBIx::Class::Schema object:
my $return_data = {};
my $sql = qq{SELECT foobar FROM "foo"."myFunction"($some_data)};
$self->{schema}->storage->dbh_do( sub {
my ($storage, $dbh) = #_;
$menu_list = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
{ slice => {} }
Is there a better/easier solution than this?
I also stumbled upon DBIx::ProcedureCall, but I couldn't get it to work when using a DB schema.
Any help is much appreciated!
If you want to use SQL Functions as Table Sources, it should be possible to create a virtual DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View like this:
package MyApp::Schema::Result::MyFunction;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
'SELECT foobar FROM "foo"."myFunction"(?)'
'foobar' => {
data_type => 'varchar',
The view can be used like this:
my $rs = $schema->resultset('MyFunction')->select({}, {
bind => [ 'arg' ],
This will create a subquery that isn't really necessary:
SELECT me.foobar FROM (SELECT foobar FROM "foo"."myFunction"(?)) me
But I think it should work.
I am a Perl-OO beginner and I am encountering a design-challenge. I hope you can give me some hints to get to an elegant solution. I am working with Mouse Object System here.
For a minimal example lets say I have a User-Object. A user has a name.
package User;
use Mouse;
has "name" => (
is => "rw",
isa => "Str|Undef",
Then I have a User-Cache-Object, which gets a list of all Users (from an LDAP-Server). You can say this is a "has-a" Relationship between the User Cache and the User.
package UserCache;
use Mouse;
has "users" => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef|Undef',
default => sub { [] },
I store this list of Users as an Array of User-Objects in the accessor of the User-Cache.
my $cache = UserCache->new();
foreach my $entry ( $ldap->searchGetEntries() ) {
my $user = User->new();
push #{ $cache->users }, $user;
Now this is where my Problem comes in. If I want to find a User-Object with specific attributes (e.g. a User named John), I have to loop over this whole Array of User-Objects and query each object for its name. When given a list of names, this gets a really inefficient process.
foreach my $user ( #{ $cache->users } ) {
if ( $user->name eq 'John' ) {
#do something with John
Is there a way of storing Lists of Objects in other Objects in a way, that I can efficently search? Like $cache->get_users->get_name('John') and that returns the object I need?
You don't really have to write the UserCache class yourself. Instead, use CHI to cache users you want to cache under the key you want to use for lookups. If you want, you can wrap your cache class to abstract away from the specific cache implementation.
Also, you have this:
push #{ $cache->users }, $user;
where you leak implementation details. Instead, your UserCache object needs something like a save_user method so the code it uses does not depend on the implementation details.
$cache->save_user( $user );
For Moose objects, you get Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Array; for Mouse, you get MouseX::NativeTraits::ArrayRef.
No. At least not universally. You can of course build indexes for common things. Or you could cache searches once you have done them.
Lookups are best implemented as hashes. Those could be attached to the UserCache object. Something like:
my #users = $cache->find( name => 'John' );
That would internally map to a hashref with search fields.
package UserCache;
has _search_index => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef',
default => sub { {} },
And the hash reference would look something like this:
name => {
John => [
User->new( name => 'John', last_name => 'Smith' ),
User->new( name => 'John', last_name => 'Wayne' ),
User->new( name => 'John', last_name => 'Bon Jovi' ),
James => [ ... ],
id => {
# ...
But again, you'd have to build those. So you need to do the lookup once. But I think the lookup should be done inside UserCache and stored there too.
sub find {
my ($self, $key, $value) = #_;
# get operation
return #{ $self->_search_index->{$key}->{$value} }
if exists $self->_search_index->{$key}->{$value};
# set operation
foreach my $user ( #{ $self->users } ) {
push #{ $self->_search_index->{$key}->{$value} }, $user
if $user->$key eq $value
return #{ $self->_search_index->{$key}->{$value} }
This is a very naive implementation and it doesn't support multiple lookups, but it's a start.
Note that if you have a lot of users and a lot of indexes, the data structure might become large.
To make it easier, Moose's built-in traits might be helpful. If you want a stronger cache behavior, look at CHI.
(Similar to, but with more concrete details that, #11526999)
My Result Classes have been built using dbicdump, however I wish to overload the default accessor for a date field.
Works, but a bodge
To hackytest my idea, I simply added an accessor attribute to the created date key of the add_columns call:
data_type => "integer",
is_auto_increment => 1,
is_nullable => 0,
sequence => "timestamp_stamp_id_seq",
{ data_type => "date", is_nullable => 0, accessor => '_date' },
... and created my accessor routine below the Schema::Loader checksum line:
sub date {
my $self = shift;
warn "overloaded date\n"; # Added for debugging
my $date;
# The date needs to be just the date, not the time
if ( #_ ) {
$date = shift;
if ( $date =~ /^([\d\-]+)/ ) {
$date = $1
return $self->_date($date)
# Fetch the column value & remove the time part.
$date = $self->_date;
if ( $date =~ /^([\d\-]+)/ ) {
$date = $1
return $date;
This works, as it returns an expected 2014-10-04, but is a bodge.
Do it the right way
The problem is that I've hacked the checksum'd code, so I can't neatly re-generate my Class objects.
Reading ResultSource and the CookBook the correct approach appears to be:
Have the ResultSource built by dbicdump as standard:
data_type => "integer",
is_auto_increment => 1,
is_nullable => 0,
sequence => "timestamp_stamp_id_seq",
{ data_type => "date", is_nullable => 0 },
.... add a change the accessor below the line, using the + to indicate it's an alteration to an existing definition:
"+date", { accessor => '_date' },
.... use the overload method as before
Not working.
I've double-checked my spelling, I've tried add_column rather than add_columns, and I've tried putting the second add_columns to directly below the first - all to now avail.... the code uses the default accessor, and returns 2014-10-04T00:00:00
How do I over-ride the default accessor, so I can use my own method?
What you need here is a col_accessor_map passed in as a loader option.
col_accessor_map => {
table_name => {
date => _date,
You can pass loader options to dbicdump with -o.
$ dbicdump -o col_accessor_map="{ table_name => { date => _date } }" ... other options ...
(Replace table_name above with the name of your table - that's obvious, right?)
Update: This was posted untested, and when I finally got round to testing it, I found it didn't work. After a conversation with the author on IRC I was told that the col_accessor_map option doesn't support this nested hash approach, so if you wanted to use this approach you would need to use a coderef.
However, the author also agreed that adding this support would be a good idea and I've just got back from lunch to find this Github commit which adds the feature. I don't know how soon it will get to CPAN though.
This may be the first time that CPAN has been updated to make a SO answer correct :-)
At a different level of abstraction I believe you could use a method modifier
use Class::Method::Modifier; # or Moose/Moo
around date => sub {...};
I'm sure I'm overlooking something glaringly obvious and I apologize for the newbie question, but I've spent several hours back and forth through documentation for DBIx::Class and Catalyst and am not finding the answer I need...
What I'm trying to do is automate creation of sub-menus based on the contents of my database. I have three tables in the database to do so: maps (in which sub-menu items are found), menus (contains names of top-level menus), maps_menus (assigns maps to top-level menus). I've written a subroutine to return a hash of resultsets, with the plan of using a Template Toolkit nested loop to build the top-level and sub-menus.
Basically, for each top-level menu in menus, I'm trying to run the following query and (eventually) build a sub-menu based on the result:
select * FROM maps JOIN maps_menus ON maps.id_maps = maps_menus.id_maps WHERE maps_menus.id_menus = (current id_menus);
Here is the subroutine, located in lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet/Menus.pm
# Build a hash of hashes for menu generation
sub build_menu {
my ($self, $maps, $maps_menus) = #_;
my %menus;
while (my $row = $self->next) {
my $id = $row->get_column('id_menus');
my $name = $row->get_column('name');
my $sub = $maps_menus->search(
{ 'id_maps' => $id },
{ join => 'maps',
'+select' => ['maps.id_maps'],
'+as' => ['id_maps'],
'+select' => ['maps.name'],
'+as' => ['name'],
'+select' => ['maps.map_file'],
'+as' => ['map_file']
$menus{$name} = $sub;
# See if it worked...
print STDERR "$name\n";
while (my $m = $sub->next) {
my $m_id = $m->get_column('id_maps');
my $m_name = $m->get_column('name');
my $m_file = $m->get_column('map_file');
print STDERR "\t$m_id, $m_name, $m_file\n";
return \%menus;
I am calling this from lib/MyApp/Controller/Maps.pm thusly...
$c->stash(menus => [$c->model('DB::Menus')->build_menu($c->model('DB::Map'), $c->model('DB::MapsMenus'))]);
When I attempt to pull up the page, I get all sorts of exceptions, the top-most of which is:
[error] No such relationship maps on MapsMenus at /home/catalyst/perl5/lib/perl5/DBIx/Class/Schema.pm line 1078
Which, as far as I can tell, originates from the call to $sub->next. I take this as meaning I'm doing my query incorrectly and not getting the results I think I should be. However, I'm not sure what I'm missing.
I found the following lines, defining the relationship to maps, in lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/MapsMenus.pm
{ id_maps => "id_maps" },
{ is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },
...and in lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/Map.pm
{ "foreign.id_maps" => "self.id_maps" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
No idea why it's calling it "maps_menuses" -- that was generated by Catalyst. Could that be the problem?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'd suggest using prefetch of the two relationships which form the many-to-many relationship helper and maybe using HashRefInflator if you don't need access to the row objects.
Note that Catalyst doesn't generate a DBIC (which is btw the official abbreviation for DBIx::Class, DBIx is a whole namespace) schema, SQL::Translator or DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader do. Looks at the docs of the module you've used to find out how to influence its naming.
Also feel free to change the names if they don't fit you.
I am developing a Catalyst application using DBIx::Class and Template Toolkit; in the particular part I'm having issues with, I have a resultset obtained using by calling the following function in my ResultSet schema:
sub divisions_and_teams_in_season {
my ( $self, $season, $grid ) = #_;
return $self->search({
"division_seasons.season" => $season->id,
"division_seasons.fixtures_grid" => $grid->id,
}, {
prefetch => [
"team_seasons" => {
"team" => [{
"club" => "venue"
order_by => {
-asc => [ qw( division_seasons.rank team_seasons.grid_position club.short_name team.name ) ]
This returns the data as I would expect and I'm able to do the following in my Controller code to get back my resultset and iterate through the team_seasons:
my $divisions = [ $c->model("DB::Division")->divisions_and_teams_in_season($current_season, $c->stash->{grid}) ];
foreach my $division ( #{ $divisions } ) {
$c->log->debug( $division->team_seasons->grid_positions_filled ); # This works because $division->team_seasons is a resultset object
However, in my template (having stashed $divisions), I'm unable to access the grid_positions_filled object because division.team_seaons gives me an arrayref of team resultsets in that division:
# Loop through our divisions
FOREACH division IN divisions;
CALL c.log.debug(division.team_seasons); # The output of this is something like: ARRAY(0x6f8318c)
The output I get for the same debug log in my controller is more like a list of resultset objects:
Hope all this makes sense! Does anyone know how I can get the behaviour from the controller into the template so that I can access methods on the team_season ResultSet?
Thank you very much in advance.
Try $self->search_rs rather than $self->search. "This method does the same exact thing as search() except it will always return a resultset, even in list context."
See the docs for more info.
The team_seasons accessor returns a resultset in scalar context, and an array of rows in list context. It seems that template toolkit code evaluates the accessor in list context.
As a work-around, DBIC installs a special accessor, postfixed with _rs that always returns a resultset regardless of context. So the following should work:
CALL c.log.debug(division.team_seasons_rs.grid_positions_filled);
This is documented under DBIx::Class::Relationship.
I have a bunch of configuration variables stored within a database, key value pairs accessable via the following query:
select * from conf_table;
I want to load these key/value pairs into a CGI::Applicaiton session. At the moment this is manually done (so not from database, but hardcoded) via
$self->session->param( NAME => VALUE );
For a bunch of key value pairs. Is there a more sensible way do to this with DBI and some form of loop?
You mean something like this?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select key, value from mytable");
$sth->bind_columns(\(my ($key, $value)));
while ($sth->fetch) {
$self->session->param($key => $value);
DBI has some convenience methods that make this sort of work simpler. Try selectall_arrayref:
my $configs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
'SELECT * FROM conf_table',
{ Slice => {} }, # make each row a hash
$self->session->param($_->{key} => $_->{value}) for #$configs;