Can't assign String to AnyObject? - swift

Ok, this is a weird one. I'm looping through an array of what apparently is a Dictionary<String, AnyObject?!> (notice the ?!, it's not a typo). I'm trying to assign a String to one of its keys, but it's not working and I get the weird error below.
Has anyone seen anything like this?
Some extra info: even the debugger says it's an AnyObject?!:

You cannot apply the Dictionary syntax on an Array.
Try this:
if var dict = fields as? [String: String]{
dict["test"] = "test"


How can I change this line in order to eliminate for loop?

I have the below line. anyPosts is of type (key: String, value: AnyObject). This line however will only loop 1 time. So I would like to change it so that I can access anyposts.key withough using for loop.
Preferably I would like to only use 1 line. Like:
let anyPostKey = anyPosts as! [something...]
I have tried to find what to cast it to but I could not find anything.
for anyPosts in postDictionary {
Incase the info is relevant, postDict is of type: [String : AnyObject].
You have postDictionary which you claim to have one key/value pair.
Your goal is to access that one key.
let anyPostKey = postDictionary.keys.first! // will crash if dictionary is empty
anyPostKey will be a String since postDictionary is defined as [String: AnyObject].

How to add value to dictionary without replacing it?

I'm trying to append values inside dictionary without replacing it for example:
var dict = [String:Any]()
dict["login"] = ["user" : "jon"]
dict["login"] = ["password": "1234"]
When I'm trying to add a value to login at the second time , it's overwrite the first value.
How can I append this data?
I'm using Swift 3.
Edit: let me rephrase my question a little bit.
I want to build a dynamic dictionary which I'll post it to alamoFire as body parameters. so if I have an JSON that looks like this:
"name" : "Jon",
"details" : {
"occupation" : "lifeguard"
"years_of_ex" : 3
"more_details" : "extra info"
"inner_body" : {
"someInfo" : "extra info"
... // there might be lots of other fields since it's dynamic
... // the server expect to have missing fields and not empty ones
I want to add dynamically details since I don't know how my Dictionary would looks like.
so adding to values to dictionary without override them is a must for me.
Define an intermediate variable and assign to it:
var dict = [String:Any]()
dict["login"] = ["user" : "jon"]
if var login = dict["login"] as? [String: String] {
login["password"] = "1234"
dict["login"] = login
To reflect for the edit in the question: without knowing the exact structure of the dictionary, you cannot modify it as you wish. Anyways, modifying a JSON dictionary directly is really bad practice.
Parse the JSON response into a custom object, modify the object as you wish, then encode the object back to JSON and use it as your request's body.
If you don't want to write the JSON parsing function yourself, have a look at ObjectMapper. It can both map a JSON response to objects and can also map an object to JSON.
you cannot directly "append" new values to a dinamic dictionary without knowing the type and content.
returns you a Any? you have no way to directly manipulate it.
Do you have any ideas of the possible combinations of the content of each dictionary leaf?
you could write a recursive methods that tries to downcast the content of the leaf and base on it, try to do something
switch dict["login"] {
case is [String: Any?]:
// check that the key does not already exist, to not replace it
case is [Int: Any?]:
// Do something else

Swift: if is let redundancy

I just joined a project that has a lot of existing code. The previous programmer was perhaps unfamiliar with Swift or began development in the early stages of the Swift language. They seemed to be using the if let statement in an odd way. They seemed to want to use the statement as a if is let. Before I edit the code I would like to know if there is any valid use for this:
// In JSON parser
if value is String, let string = value as? String {
document.createdBy = string
First checking if value is of type String seems redundant to me. Doesn't Swift check for this in the let string = value as? String portion of the statement?
Why would this need to be checked twice? Or would there be a reason for this?
You're correct, this is redundant. If value is not a string, then value as? String would return nil, and the conditional binding would fail.
To check the type, and not use the casted result:
if value is String {
// Do something that doesn't require `value` as a string
To check the type and use the result:
if let value = value as? String { // The new name can shadow the old name
document.createdBy = value
Doing both makes no sense.

Swift Error: Ambiguous reference to member 'subscript'

I'm new to coding and picked up some open source project to get the idea.
I'm getting the error:
Ambiguous reference to member 'subscript'
in the code below:
let pictures = ( selectedRestaurant["Pictures"] as! NSArray ) // Error
let picture = ( pictures[zoomedPhotoIndex] as! NSDictionary )
let pictureURL = picture["url"] as! String
let imageURL = NSURL(string: pictureURL)
let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: imageURL!)
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(urlRequest, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {
response, data, error in
if error == nil && data != nil {
self.imageView.image = UIImage(data: data!)
self.imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit
Just specify explicitly what is the type of pictures:
So instead of:
let pictures = selectedRestaurant["Pictures"] as! NSArray
let pictures: NSArray = selectedRestaurant["Pictures"] as! NSArray
For me the answer was to specifically state the type of array I was casting to:
if let foo = dictionary["bar"] as? [String]
It means that "Pictures" is not a valid subscript. It looks like you are creating a constant named pictures and you are trying to assign it a value of selectedRestaraunt["Pictures"] and then trying to cast it as an NSArray. If selectedrestaraunt is already an array, then what goes in the [] brackets after selectedRestaraunt should be an integer value which will refer to an index in the selectedRestaraunt array. Obviosuly "Pictures" is not an integer, it is a string.
If you are trying to access an array within an array. Meaning that Pictures is an array stored within the selectedRestarauntarray then you can access it by using selectedRestaraunt[index of Pictures array] where [index of pictures array] is an integer which is equal to the index number in which the Picutres array resides within the selectedRestaraunt array
I managed to get this error in a somewhat weird way. I had code like this:
cell.textLabel = anArrayOfStrings[indexPath.item].uppercased()
And I was stumped as to why it couldn't figure out that this was an array, even though I very clearly declared its type. I broke the line in two and finally got a helpful error message:
let name = anArrayOfStrings[indexPath.item].uppercased()
cell.textLabel = name
I was trying to assign a String to a UILabel, but somehow the point at which the type inference engine failed was at the subscript.
So my advice to anyone stumped by this is to try to break up your statement into bite-sized chunks that the Swift type inference engine can more easily digest.
As Eric and Eugene mentioned in their comments it is impossible to review the issue you are having without knowing the selectedRestaurant type. That is after all why you are getting the compiler ambiguity error.
I have to respectfully disagree with MikeG though. The problem is not one of a valid subscript. You'd be getting that kind of error, if for example you had a selectedRestaurant type of [NSNumber:AnyObject], where clearly String is no longer valid since the dictionary key could only be an NSNumber.

(String: AnyObject) does not have a member named 'subscript'

I've been through similar questions but still do not understand why my code is throwing an error.
var dict = [String:AnyObject]()
dict["participants"] = ["foo", "bar"]
dict["participants"][0] = "baz"
The error is on line 3: (String: AnyObject) does not have a member named 'subscript'
I'm setting the participants key to an array and then trying to update the first element of it without any luck. The code above is shortened for example purposes, but I am using [String:AnyObject] because it is not only arrays that are stored in the dictionary.
It's probably something really trivial but I am still new to Swift. Thanks for any help in advance!
The error message tells you exactly what the problem is. Your dictionary values are typed as AnyObject. I know you know that this value is a string array, but Swift does not know that; it knows only what you told it, that this is an AnyObject. But AnyObject can't be subscripted (in fact, you can't do much with it at all). If you want to use subscripting, you need to tell Swift that this is not an AnyObject but rather an Array of some sort (here, an array of String).
There is then a second problem, which is that dict["participants"] is not in fact even an AnyObject - it is an Optional wrapping an AnyObject. So you will have to unwrap it and cast it in order to subscript it.
There is then a third problem, which is that you can't mutate an array value inside a dictionary in place. You will have to extract the value, mutate it, and then replace it.
So, your entire code will look like this:
var dict = [String:AnyObject]()
dict["participants"] = ["foo", "bar"]
var arr = dict["participants"] as [String] // unwrap the optional and cast
arr[0] = "baz" // now we can subscript!
dict["participants"] = arr // but now we have to write back into the dict
Extra for experts: If you want to be disgustingly cool and Swifty (and who doesn't??), you can perform the mutation and the assignment in one move by using a define-and-call anonymous function, like this:
var dict = [String:AnyObject]()
dict["participants"] = ["foo", "bar"]
dict["participants"] = {
var arr = dict["participants"] as [String]
arr[0] = "baz"
return arr