Some Boolean Algebra Simplication basic - boolean

I wanna ask some basic law of boolean algebra.
What i learn is :
1. A+A'B=A+B
2. A+AB'=A+B'
3. A+AB=A
4. A+A'B'=A+B'
but i meet some condition like :
so, what is the answer for A'+AB?

Let's say A' = D so when A is false, then D is true and vice versa.
Then A' + AB = D + D'B and if you understand your first equation:
D + D'B = D + B = A' + B
Regarding your comment:
I'll use this equality: AB + A'B = B and I will combine the first with the third and the second with the fifth term:
x'y'z'+x'yz+xy'z'+xy'z+xyz = y'z' + yz + xy'z
Now, from the result, I can do this:
y'z' + yz + xy'z = yz + y'(z' + zx)
and now, using using A' + AB = A' + B:
yz + y'(z' + zx) = yz + y'(z' + x) = yz + y'z' + y'x
or do this:
y'z' + yz + xy'z = y'z' + z(y+ xy') = y'z' + z(y + x) = y'z' + zy + xz
Are they different? No, take a look at this:
x y z | yz + y'z' + y'x | y'z' + zy + xz
0 0 0 | 1 | 1
0 0 1 | 0 | 0
0 1 0 | 0 | 0
0 1 1 | 1 | 1
1 0 0 | 1 | 1
1 0 1 | 1 | 1
1 1 0 | 0 | 0
1 1 1 | 1 | 1

You can use this open source project to solve basic boolean expression, its solve all the basic boolean expression


Boolean Simplification - Q=A.B.(~B+C)+B.C+B

I've been struggling with boolean simplification in class, and took it to practice some more at home. I found a list of questions, but they don't have any answers or workings. This one I'm stuck on, if you could answer clearly showing each step I'd much appreciate:
I tried looking for a calculator to give me the answer and then to work out how to get to that, but I'm lost
(I'm new to this)
Edit: ~B = NOT B
I've never done this, so I'm using this site to help me.
A.B.(B' + C) = A.(B.B' + B.C) = A.(0 + B.C) = A.(B.C)
So the expression is now A.(B.C) + B.C + B.
Not sure about this, but I'm guessing A.(B.C) + (B.C) = (A + 1).(B.C).
This equals A.(B.C).
So the expression is now A.(B.C) + B.
As A.(B + C) = B.(A.C), the expression is now B.(A.C) + B, which equals (B + 1).(A.C) = B.(A.C).
NOTE: This isn't complete yet, so please avoid downvoting as I'm not finished yet (posted this to help the OP understand the first part).
Let's be lazy and use sympy, a Python library for symbolic computation.
>>> from sympy import *
>>> from sympy.logic import simplify_logic
>>> a, b, c = symbols('a, b, c')
>>> expr = a & b & (~b | c) | b & c | b # A.B.(~B+C)+B.C+B
>>> simplify_logic(expr)
There are two ways to go about such a formula:
Applying simplifications,
Brute force
Let's look at brute force first. The following is a dense truth table (for a better looking table, look at Wα), enumerating all possible value for a, b and c, alongside the values of the expression.
a b c -- a & b & (~b | c) | b & c | b = Q
0 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 0
0 0 1 0 0 10 1 1 0 0 1 0 = 0
0 1 0 0 1 01 0 0 1 0 0 1 = 1
0 1 1 0 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1
1 0 0 1 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 0
1 0 1 1 0 10 1 1 0 0 1 0 = 0
1 1 0 1 1 01 1 0 1 0 0 1 = 1
1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1
You can also think of the expression as a tree, which will depend on the precedence rules (e.g. usually AND binds stronger than OR, see also this question on
So the expression:
a & b & (~b | c) | b & c | b
is a disjunction of three terms:
a & b & (~b | c)
b & c
You can try to reason about the individual terms, knowing that only one has to be true (as this is a disjunction).
The last two will be true, if and only if b is true. For the first, this a bit harder to see, but if you look closely: you have now a conjunction (terms concatenated by AND): All of them must be true, for the whole expression to be true, so a and b must be true. Especially b must be true.
In summary: For the whole expression to be true, in all three top-level cases, b must be true (and it will be false, if b is false). So it simplifies to just b.
Explore more on Wolfram Alpha:
A.B.(~B+C) + B.C + B = A.B.~B + A.B.C + B.C + B ; Distribution
= A.B.C + B.C + B ; Because B.~B = 0
= B.C + B ; Because A.B.C <= B.C
= B ; Because B.C <= B

Get subexpression strings from output of pretty() in MATLAB

Is there a good way to get all the subexpressions in the output of a pretty() call in single-line strings? subexpr() returns a single subexpression, but I'd like to get all of them. Here's what pretty() returns:
syms x
s = solve(x^4 + 2*x + 1, x,'MaxDegree',3);
/ -1 \
| |
| 2 1 |
| #2 - ---- + - |
| 9 #2 3 |
| |
| 1 #2 1 |
| ---- - #1 - -- + - |
| 9 #2 2 3 |
| |
| 1 #2 1 |
| #1 + ---- - -- + - |
\ 9 #2 2 3 /
/ 2 \
sqrt(3) | ---- + #2 | 1i
\ 9 #2 /
#1 == ------------------------
/ sqrt(11) sqrt(27) 17 \1/3
#2 == | ----------------- - -- |
\ 27 27 /
Here's what I'd like:
#1 == sqrt(3) ((2/(9 #2)) + #2) 1i) / 2
#2 == (sqrt(11) sqrt(27) / 27 - 17 / 27) ^ (1/3)
That way the output is easy cut-and-pastable into an editor for rapid conversion to code.
MATLAB functions ccode (or matlabFunction) do the trick beautifully.
syms x
s = solve(x^4 + 2*x + 1, x,'MaxDegree',3);
ccode(s, 'file', 'outfile.c');
Matlab generates outfile.c with sparse matrix notation and substitution-simplified computation:
t2 = sqrt(1.1E1);
t3 = sqrt(2.7E1);
t4 = t2*t3*(1.0/2.7E1);
t5 = t4-1.7E1/2.7E1;
t6 = 1.0/pow(t5,1.0/3.0);
t7 = pow(t5,1.0/3.0);
t8 = sqrt(3.0);
t9 = t6*(2.0/9.0);
t10 = t7+t9;
t11 = t6*(1.0/9.0);
A0[0][0] = -1.0;
A0[1][0] = t6*(-2.0/9.0)+t7+1.0/3.0;
A0[2][0] = t7*(-1.0/2.0)+t11-t8*t10*5.0E-1*sqrt(-1.0)+1.0/3.0;
A0[3][0] = t7*(-1.0/2.0)+t11+t8*t10*5.0E-1*sqrt(-1.0)+1.0/3.0;

Calculate a 2D homogeneous perspective transformation matrix from 4 points in MATLAB

I've got coordinates of 4 points in 2D that form a rectangle and their coordinates after a perspective transformation has been applied.
The perspective transformation is calculated in homogeneous coordinates and defined by a 3x3 matrix M. If the matrix is not known, how can I calculate it from the given points?
The calculation for one point would be:
| M11 M12 M13 | | P1.x | | w*P1'.x |
| M21 M22 M23 | * | P1.y | = | w*P1'.y |
| M31 M32 M33 | | 1 | | w*1 |
To calculate all points simultaneously I write them together in one matrix A and analogously for the transformed points in a matrix B:
| P1.x P2.x P3.x P4.x |
A = | P1.y P2.y P3.y P4.y |
| 1 1 1 1 |
So the equation is M*A=B and this can be solved for M in MATLAB by M = B/A or M = (A'\B')'.
But it's not that easy. I know the coordinates of the points after transformation, but I don't know the exact B, because there is the factor w and it's not necessary 1 after a homogeneous transformation. Cause in homogeneous coordinates every multiple of a vector is the same point and I don't know which multiple I'll get.
To take account of these unknown factors I write the equation as M*A=B*W
where W is a diagonal matrix with the factors w1...w4 for every point in B on the diagonal. So A and B are now completely known and I have to solve this equation for M and W.
If I could rearrange the equation into the form x*A=B or A*x=B where x would be something like M*W I could solve it and knowing the solution for M*W would maybe be enough already. However despite trying every possible rearrangement I didn't managed to do so. Until it hit me that encapsulating (M*W) would not be possible, since one is a 3x3 matrix and the other a 4x4 matrix. And here I'm stuck.
Also M*A=B*W does not have a single solution for M, because every multiple of M is the same transformation. Writing this as a system of linear equations one could simply fix one of the entries of M to get a single solution. Furthermore there might be inputs that have no solution for M at all, but let's not worry about this for now.
What I'm actually trying to achieve is some kind of vector graphics editing program where the user can drag the corners of a shape's bounding box to transform it, while internally the transformation matrix is calculated.
And actually I need this in JavaScript, but if I can't even solve this in MATLAB I'm completely stuck.
OpenCV has a neat function that does this called getPerspectiveTransform. The source code for this function is available on github with this description:
/* Calculates coefficients of perspective transformation
* which maps (xi,yi) to (ui,vi), (i=1,2,3,4):
* c00*xi + c01*yi + c02
* ui = ---------------------
* c20*xi + c21*yi + c22
* c10*xi + c11*yi + c12
* vi = ---------------------
* c20*xi + c21*yi + c22
* Coefficients are calculated by solving linear system:
* / x0 y0 1 0 0 0 -x0*u0 -y0*u0 \ /c00\ /u0\
* | x1 y1 1 0 0 0 -x1*u1 -y1*u1 | |c01| |u1|
* | x2 y2 1 0 0 0 -x2*u2 -y2*u2 | |c02| |u2|
* | x3 y3 1 0 0 0 -x3*u3 -y3*u3 |.|c10|=|u3|,
* | 0 0 0 x0 y0 1 -x0*v0 -y0*v0 | |c11| |v0|
* | 0 0 0 x1 y1 1 -x1*v1 -y1*v1 | |c12| |v1|
* | 0 0 0 x2 y2 1 -x2*v2 -y2*v2 | |c20| |v2|
* \ 0 0 0 x3 y3 1 -x3*v3 -y3*v3 / \c21/ \v3/
* where:
* cij - matrix coefficients, c22 = 1
This system of equations is smaller as it avoids solving for W and M33 (called c22 by OpenCV). So how does it work? The linear system can be recreated by the following steps:
Start with the equation for one point:
| c00 c01 c02 | | xi | | w*ui |
| c10 c11 c12 | * | yi | = | w*vi |
| c20 c21 c22 | | 1 | | w*1 |
Convert this to a system of equations, solve ui and vi, and eliminate w. You get the formulas for projection transformation:
c00*xi + c01*yi + c02
ui = ---------------------
c20*xi + c21*yi + c22
c10*xi + c11*yi + c12
vi = ---------------------
c20*xi + c21*yi + c22
Multiply both sides with the denominator:
(c20*xi + c21*yi + c22) * ui = c00*xi + c01*yi + c02
(c20*xi + c21*yi + c22) * vi = c10*xi + c11*yi + c12
Distribute ui and vi:
c20*xi*ui + c21*yi*ui + c22*ui = c00*xi + c01*yi + c02
c20*xi*vi + c21*yi*vi + c22*vi = c10*xi + c11*yi + c12
Assume c22 = 1:
c20*xi*ui + c21*yi*ui + ui = c00*xi + c01*yi + c02
c20*xi*vi + c21*yi*vi + vi = c10*xi + c11*yi + c12
Collect all cij on the left hand side:
c00*xi + c01*yi + c02 - c20*xi*ui - c21*yi*ui = ui
c10*xi + c11*yi + c12 - c20*xi*vi - c21*yi*vi = vi
And finally convert to matrix form for four pairs of points:
/ x0 y0 1 0 0 0 -x0*u0 -y0*u0 \ /c00\ /u0\
| x1 y1 1 0 0 0 -x1*u1 -y1*u1 | |c01| |u1|
| x2 y2 1 0 0 0 -x2*u2 -y2*u2 | |c02| |u2|
| x3 y3 1 0 0 0 -x3*u3 -y3*u3 |.|c10|=|u3|
| 0 0 0 x0 y0 1 -x0*v0 -y0*v0 | |c11| |v0|
| 0 0 0 x1 y1 1 -x1*v1 -y1*v1 | |c12| |v1|
| 0 0 0 x2 y2 1 -x2*v2 -y2*v2 | |c20| |v2|
\ 0 0 0 x3 y3 1 -x3*v3 -y3*v3 / \c21/ \v3/
This is now in the form of Ax=b and the solution can be obtained with x = A\b. Remember that c22 = 1.
Should have been an easy question. So how do I get M*A=B*W into a solvable form? It's just matrix multiplications, so we can write this as a system of linear equations. You know like: M11*A11 + M12*A21 + M13*A31 = B11*W11 + B12*W21 + B13*W31 + B14*W41. And every system of linear equations can be written in the form Ax=b, or to avoid confusion with already used variables in my question: N*x=y. That's all.
An example according to my question: I generate some input data with a known M and W:
M = [
1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 1
A = [
0 0 1 1;
0 1 0 1;
1 1 1 1
W = [
4 0 0 0;
0 3 0 0;
0 0 2 0;
0 0 0 1
B = M*A*(W^-1);
Then I forget about M and W. Meaning I now have 13 variables I'm looking to solve. I rewrite M*A=B*W into a system of linear equations, and from there into the form N*x=y. In N every column has the factors for one variable:
N = [
A(1,1) A(2,1) A(3,1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -B(1,1) 0 0 0;
0 0 0 A(1,1) A(2,1) A(3,1) 0 0 0 -B(2,1) 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 A(1,1) A(2,1) A(3,1) -B(3,1) 0 0 0;
A(1,2) A(2,2) A(3,2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -B(1,2) 0 0;
0 0 0 A(1,2) A(2,2) A(3,2) 0 0 0 0 -B(2,2) 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 A(1,2) A(2,2) A(3,2) 0 -B(3,2) 0 0;
A(1,3) A(2,3) A(3,3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -B(1,3) 0;
0 0 0 A(1,3) A(2,3) A(3,3) 0 0 0 0 0 -B(2,3) 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 A(1,3) A(2,3) A(3,3) 0 0 -B(3,3) 0;
A(1,4) A(2,4) A(3,4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -B(1,4);
0 0 0 A(1,4) A(2,4) A(3,4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -B(2,4);
0 0 0 0 0 0 A(1,4) A(2,4) A(3,4) 0 0 0 -B(3,4);
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
And y is:
y = [ 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1 ];
Notice the equation described by the last row in N whose solution is 1 according to y. That's what I mentioned in my question, you have to fix one of the entries of M to get a single solution. (We can do this because every multiple of M is the same transformation.) And with this equation I'm saying M33 should be 1.
We solve this for x:
x = N\y
and get:
x = [ 1.00000; 2.00000; 3.00000; 4.00000; 5.00000; 6.00000; 7.00000; 8.00000; 1.00000; 4.00000; 3.00000; 2.00000; 1.00000 ]
which are the solutions for [ M11, M12, M13, M21, M22, M23, M31, M32, M33, w1, w2, w3, w4 ]
W is not needed after M has been calculated. For a generic point (x, y), the corresponding w is calculated while solving x' and y'.
| M11 M12 M13 | | x | | w * x' |
| M21 M22 M23 | * | y | = | w * y' |
| M31 M32 M33 | | 1 | | w * 1 |
When solving this in JavaScript I could use the Numeric JavaScript library which has the needed function solve to solve Ax=b.

Boolean Logic Simplification: AB+A'B'=?

I have some problem simplifying the equation AB+A'B'= ? Is there any straight forward answer like AB'+A'B = A^B ; (^)=XOR sign ?
It's the XNOR function, which typically doesn't occur often enough to warrant its own operator. It's the negation of XOR, though, which can be seen by applying De Morgan's law twice.
AB + A'B' = ((AB)'(A'B')')'
= ((A' + B')(A + B))'
= (A'A + B'A + A'B + B'B)'
= (0 + AB' + A'B + 0)'
= (AB' + A'B)'
= (A ^ B)'
or by simply comparing truth tables
A B A ^ B AB + A'B'
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
(Put another way, XNOR is equivalence for two arguments, so you can think of A XNOR B as an operator that converts comparison to a value. A XNOR B equals 1 if A == B is true, 0 if it is false.)

Implementing a Neural Network in Matlab/Octave

I am trying to solve the problem
I am having trouble in implementing the weight matrix for the 36 inputs.
I have a 3 neuron hidden layer.
I use the backpropagation algorithm to learn.
What I have tried so far is:
% Sigmoid Function Definition
function [result] = sigmoid(x)
result = 1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp(-x));
% Inputs
input = [1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0;
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1;
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1];
% Desired outputs
output = [1;1;1;1];
% Initializing the bias (Bias or threshold are the same thing, essential for learning, to translate the curve)
% Also, the first column of the weight matrix is the weight of the bias values
bias = [-1 -1 -1 -1];
% Learning coefficient
coeff = 1.0;
% Number of learning iterations
iterations = 100;
disp('No. Of Learning Iterations = ');
% Initial weights
weights = ones(36,36);
% Main Algorithm Begins
for i = 1:iterations
out = zeros(4,1);
numIn = length (input(:,1));
for j = 1:numIn
% 1st neuron in the hidden layer
H1 = bias(1,1)*weights(1,1) + input(j,1)*weights(1,2) + input(j,2)*weights(1,3) + input(j,3)*weights(1,4)+ input(j,4)*weights(1,5) + input(j,5)*weights(1,6) + input(j,6)*weights(1,7)
+ input(j,7)*weights(1,8) + input(j,8)*weights(1,9) + input(j,9)*weights(1,10)+ input(j,10)*weights(1,11) + input(j,11)*weights(1,12) + input(j,12)*weights(1,13)
+ input(j,13)*weights(1,14) + input(j,14)*weights(1,15) + input(j,15)*weights(1,16)+ input(j,16)*weights(1,17) + input(j,17)*weights(1,18) + input(j,18)*weights(1,19)
+ input(j,19)*weights(1,20) + input(j,20)*weights(1,21) + input(j,21)*weights(1,22)+ input(j,22)*weights(1,23) + input(j,23)*weights(1,24) + input(j,24)*weights(1,25)
+ input(j,25)*weights(1,26) + input(j,26)*weights(1,27) + input(j,27)*weights(1,28)+ input(j,28)*weights(1,29) + input(j,29)*weights(1,30) + input(j,30)*weights(1,31)
+ input(j,31)*weights(1,32) + input(j,32)*weights(1,33) + input(j,33)*weights(1,34)+ input(j,34)*weights(1,35) + input(j,35)*weights(1,36)
x2(1) = sigmoid(H1);
% 2nd neuron in the hidden layer
H2 = bias(1,2)*weights(2,1) + input(j,1)*weights(2,2) + input(j,2)*weights(2,3) + input(j,3)*weights(2,4)+ input(j,4)*weights(2,5) + input(j,5)*weights(2,6) + input(j,6)*weights(2,7)
+ input(j,7)*weights(2,8) + input(j,8)*weights(2,9) + input(j,9)*weights(2,10)+ input(j,10)*weights(2,11) + input(j,11)*weights(2,12) + input(j,12)*weights(2,13)
+ input(j,13)*weights(2,14) + input(j,14)*weights(2,15) + input(j,15)*weights(2,16)+ input(j,16)*weights(2,17) + input(j,17)*weights(2,18) + input(j,18)*weights(2,19)
+ input(j,19)*weights(2,20) + input(j,20)*weights(2,21) + input(j,21)*weights(2,22)+ input(j,22)*weights(2,23) + input(j,23)*weights(2,24) + input(j,24)*weights(2,25)
+ input(j,25)*weights(2,26) + input(j,26)*weights(2,27) + input(j,27)*weights(2,28)+ input(j,28)*weights(2,29) + input(j,29)*weights(2,30) + input(j,30)*weights(2,31)
+ input(j,31)*weights(2,32) + input(j,32)*weights(2,33) + input(j,33)*weights(2,34)+ input(j,34)*weights(2,35) + input(j,35)*weights(2,36)
x2(2) = sigmoid(H2);
% 3rd neuron in the hidden layer
H3 = bias(1,3)*weights(3,1) + input(j,1)*weights(3,2) + input(j,2)*weights(3,3) + input(j,3)*weights(3,4)+ input(j,4)*weights(3,5) + input(j,5)*weights(3,6) + input(j,6)*weights(3,7)
+ input(j,7)*weights(3,8) + input(j,8)*weights(3,9) + input(j,9)*weights(3,10)+ input(j,10)*weights(3,11) + input(j,11)*weights(3,12) + input(j,12)*weights(3,13)
+ input(j,13)*weights(3,14) + input(j,14)*weights(3,15) + input(j,15)*weights(3,16)+ input(j,16)*weights(3,17) + input(j,17)*weights(3,18) + input(j,18)*weights(3,19)
+ input(j,19)*weights(3,20) + input(j,20)*weights(3,21) + input(j,21)*weights(3,22)+ input(j,22)*weights(3,23) + input(j,23)*weights(3,24) + input(j,24)*weights(3,25)
+ input(j,25)*weights(3,26) + input(j,26)*weights(3,27) + input(j,27)*weights(3,28)+ input(j,28)*weights(3,29) + input(j,29)*weights(3,30) + input(j,30)*weights(3,31)
+ input(j,31)*weights(3,32) + input(j,32)*weights(3,33) + input(j,33)*weights(3,34)+ input(j,34)*weights(3,35) + input(j,35)*weights(3,36)
x2(3) = sigmoid(H3);
% Output layer
x3_1 = bias(1,4)*weights(4,1) + x2(1)*weights(4,2) + x2(2)*weights(4,3) + x2(3)*weights(4,4);
out(j) = sigmoid(x3_1);
% Adjust delta values of weights
% For output layer: delta(wi) = xi*delta,
% delta = (1-actual output)*(desired output - actual output)
delta3_1 = out(j)*(1-out(j))*(output(j)-out(j));
% Propagate the delta backwards into hidden layers
delta2_1 = x2(1)*(1-x2(1))*weights(3,2)*delta3_1;
delta2_2 = x2(2)*(1-x2(2))*weights(3,3)*delta3_1;
delta2_3 = x2(3)*(1-x2(3))*weights(3,4)*delta3_1;
% Add weight changes to original weights and then use the new weights.
% delta weight = coeff*x*delta
for k = 1:4
if k == 1 % Bias cases
weights(1,k) = weights(1,k) + coeff*bias(1,1)*delta2_1;
weights(2,k) = weights(2,k) + coeff*bias(1,2)*delta2_2;
weights(3,k) = weights(3,k) + coeff*bias(1,3)*delta2_3;
weights(4,k) = weights(4,k) + coeff*bias(1,4)*delta3_1;
else % When k=2 or 3 input cases to neurons
weights(1,k) = weights(1,k) + coeff*input(j,1)*delta2_1;
weights(2,k) = weights(2,k) + coeff*input(j,2)*delta2_2;
weights(3,k) = weights(3,k) + coeff*input(j,3)*delta2_3;
weights(4,k) = weights(4,k) + coeff*x2(k-1)*delta3_1;
disp('For the Input');
disp('Output Is');
disp('Test Case: For the Input');
input = [1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0];
For me the problem is the labeling, I can't see where do you have the output
Output (1,1,1,1)? What do you mean. Perhaps I miss something but for me there are two ways of labeling a multiclass clasification one is with a label directly (0 for A, 1 for B, 3 for C...) and expanding it after or directly expanded like A=1,0,0,0 = [1,0,0,0;0,1,0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,0,1]
The way that you make operations is very easy to make a mistakes, take a look to matlab/octave matrix operations, it's very powerful and could simplify everything a lot.