I have a PartialFuncton[Throwable,Future[Result]] called errorMap to transform an throwable to a result or failed future. I can do it via lift and getOrElse like this:
val x: Future[Result] = errorMap.lift(e).getOrElse(Future.failed(e))
I figure the same should be achievable with applyOrElse, but I can't seem to figure out how to call it to achieve this end. Am I misunderstanding what applyOrElse is for?
The second argument to applyOrElse takes a function-- in your case a (Throwable) => Future[Result]
Pass it a function like this:
errorMap.applyOrElse(e, _ => Future.failed(e))
or simply
errorMap.applyOrElse(e, Future.failed)
I have a function f which returns a Future[Unit]. I want to apply the function f onto a sequence of Strings, such that I get a Seq[Future[Unit]].
To convert it into a single Future, we are using Future.sequence which converts it into a Future[Seq[Unit]]. Now, since the function f can either fail or pass, we also convert it into a Try (to better handle the failures) using FutureUtil.toTry which gives us a Future[Try[Seq[Unit]]].
Now, the deal is that we don't want to know which Futures passed or not, but the main task is to realise if all passed or not. If either of them fails, we stop the execution.
So, I was wondering if there was some "elegant" way to find this and we could simply remove the Seq from the final Future and have something like Future[Try[Unit]].
A code example (which should help understand the problem in a much better way)
def f(s: String): Future[Unit] = {
Future.failed(new Throwable("lalala"))
val strings: Seq[String] = Seq[String]("abc", "xyz", "lol")
val stringsFuture: Seq[Future[Unit]] = strings.map({ s =>
val futureStrings: Future[Seq[Unit]] = Future.sequence(stringsFuture)
val futureStringsTry: Future[Try[Seq[Unit]]] = FutureUtil.toTry(futureStrings)
Is there a way where we can convert futureStringsTry to a simple Future[Try[Unit]].
A naive solution would be to flatmap futureStringsTry, something like this:
val finalFuture: Future[Try[Unit]] = futureStringsTry.map({
case Success(_) => Success()
case Failure(exception) => Failure(exception)
But, is there some other way where we can "elegantly" evaluate whether the whole Sequence passed or not?
Asking here because I'm pulling out my hair trying to figure out what exactly it is I need to do here.
I'm writing a batch-processing endpoint that attempts to convert the body of a request to a specific Scala case class before executing the logic within the endpoint itself.
This is as far as I currently got. First, I have a function executeWithType that takes a generic type, a controller method, and the request body and executes the controller method after converting the request body to the provided type. The request param is available in a scope outside this function.
def executeWithType[A](action: () => Action[A], batchRequest: BatchRequest): Future[Result] = {
action()(request.map(_ => batchRequest.body.map(_.as[A]).get))
Then, I have some code that checks what endpoint to call and what type to cast to depending on what's in the BatchRequest itself.
val res: Future[Result] = (batchRequest.method, batchRequest.endpoint) match {
case ("POST", "/endpoint1") => {
executeWithType[EndpointOneType](controller.endpointOne _, batchRequest)
case ("POST", "/endpoint2") => {
executeWithType[EndpointTwoType](controller.endpointTwo _, batchRequest)
case _ => Future.successful(NotFound)
The above works perfectly fine - however, I want to avoid this sort of tuple-matching with individual cases if possible, and specify a Map that does this instead. In my ideal world, the end result of the code block immediately above would look like this:
val actions = Map(
Seq("POST", "/endpoint1") -> (controller.endpointOne _, EndpointOneType),
Seq("POST", "/endpoint2") -> (controller.endpointTwo _, EndpointTwoType)
val res = actions.get(Seq(batchRequest.method, batchRequest.endpoint)) match {
case Some(action) => {
executeWithType[action._2](action._1, batchRequest)
case _ => Future.successful(NotFound)
Is this possible at all? I've been trying to fight with it but my understanding of reflection in Scala is really weak, so I'm not sure exactly how I'd go about doing this. I've tried a bunch of classOf and typeTag and Class[_] stuff but I'm basically swinging in the dark. Hoping someone more knowledgeable than I am could help me out.
The big things are:
What needs to go in the second space of the tuple in the value of the Map? How do you pass a Class variable?
How do we use that class-as-a-variable to call a generically typed method?
How do we use that class-as-a-variable to call a generically typed method?
You can't. But I'd like to suggest an alternate solution.
Just define a local class instead of tuples:
class RequestAction[A](action: () => Action[A]) {
def apply(request: BatchRequest) = executeWithType(action, request)
val actions = Map(
Seq("POST", "/endpoint1") -> new RequestAction(controller.endpointOne _), // type parameter is inferred
Seq("POST", "/endpoint2") -> new RequestAction(controller.endpointTwo _)
val res = actions.get(Seq(batchRequest.method, batchRequest.endpoint)) match {
case Some(action) => action(batchRequest)
case _ => Future.successful(NotFound)
(while this depends on code not shown in the question, it looks likely that you can simplify by passing Action[A] instead of () => Action[A]).
def computeComplexNumber: () ⇒ Future[Int] =
() ⇒
Future {
println("Computing complex number ...")
def convert(f: () ⇒ Future[Int]): Future[() ⇒ Int] = ???
Is it possible to implement convert method with above signature with condition that when convert(computeComplexNumber) is called, nothing gets printed unless you do this
Await.result(convert(computeComplexNumber), 5.seconds)()
I don't see any way to do it without blocking inside convert. There is simply no way to get hold of an instance of Future[X] inside of convert, without invoking f. But once you invoke f, the Future { ... } will eagerly start to evaluate the block with the println, and produce an output.
You probably want to take a look at scalaz.concurrent.Task instead.
If you want to convert () => Future[Int] to () => Int you have to wait for the result of the Future like this:
def convert(f: () ⇒ Future[Int]): Future[() ⇒ Int] =
() => Await.result(f(), Duration.Inf)
val f = convert(computeComplexNumber) // Get Future
val g = Await.result(f, Duration.Inf) // Get Function
g() // Call function
The output will not appear until you call g.
Explanation in response to comments
The question
At the core of this question is this function signature:
def convert(f: () ⇒ Future[Int]): Future[() ⇒ Int]
There is also a requirement that (in paraphrase)
f is not invoked until the returned function is invoked
Also, I am assuming that the Int in the result is the value returned by the Future in the argument, not just some random number!
The issues
The return type of the input function is Future[Int] and the return type of the output function is Int. The first is an asynchronous result and the second is a synchronous result. Any solution must therefore convert from asynchronous Future[Int] to synchronous Int. This means Await.result or something similar.
There is also a requirement that the input function is not executed until the output function is executed. This means that it must be called inside the returned function which, in turn, means that the Await.result must be called inside the returned function.
The solution
The solution above has the function signature of convert that is required by the question. It also does not invoke f until the function returned by convert is executed, which was the other requirement.
This implementation of convert is not blocking; it returns immediately with a Future value. It does not invoke f, it just returns a function that does.
The comments
There is some dispute about what it means to block inside a function, or for one function to invoke another. Blocking and invoking are processes that that happen during the execution of a function. Therefore a sensible definition of these things happening "inside" a function would be that they happen between the execution of the entry point of the function and the execution of the exit point of the function. Using this definition it is clear that the solution does not block inside the function or invoke f inside the function.
The questioner has also commented that Await.result should not be called anywhere. Unfortunately, as explained above, this is not possible because the requirement is to convert an asynchronous result into a synchronous result.
Maybe something like this would work:
def computeComplexNumber: () => Future[Int] = () =>
Future {
println("Computing complex number ...")
def convert(f: () => Future[Int]): Future[() => Int] = {
f().map( m => () => m)
def delay(dur:Deadline) = {
Try(Await.ready(Promise().future, dur.timeLeft))
I'm writing an authentication client that takes an Option[Credentials] as a parameter. This Credentials object has a .token method on it which I will then use to construct an HTTP request to post to an endpoint. This returns a Future[HttpResponse], which I then need to validate, unmarshal, and then convert back to my return type, which is an Option[String].
My first thought was to use a for comprehension like this:
val resp = for {
c <- creds
req <- buildRequest(c.token)
resp <- Http().singleRequest(req)
} yield resp
but then I found out that monads cannot be composed like that. My next thought is to do something like this:
val respFut = Http().singleRequest(buildRequest(token))
respFut.onComplete {
case Success(resp) => Some("john.doe")//do stuff
case Failure(_) => None
Unfortunately onComplete returns a unit, and map leaves me with a Future[Option[String]], and the only way I currently know to strip off the future wrapper is using the pipeTo methods in the akka framework. How can I convert this back to just an option string?
Once you've got a Future[T], it's usually good practice to not try to unbox it until you absolutely have to. Can you change your method to return a Future[Option[String]]? How far up the call stack can you deal with futures? Ideally it's all the way.
Something like this will give you a Future[Option[String]] as a result:
val futureResult = creds map {
case Some(c) => {
val req = buildRequest(c.token)
val futureResponse = Http().singleRequest(req)
futureResponse.map(res => Some(convertResponseToString(res)))
case None => Future(None)
If you really need to block and wait on the result, you can do Await.result as described here.
And if you want to do it in a more monadic style (in a for-comprehension, like you tried), cats has an OptionT type that will help with that, and I think scalaz does as well. But whether you want to get into either of those libraries is up to you.
It's easy to "upgrade" an Option to a Future[Option[...]], so use Future as your main monad. And deal with the simpler case first:
val f: Future[Option[String]] =
// no credential? just wrap a `None` in a successful future
credsOpt.fold(Future.successful(Option.empty[String])) {creds =>
.recover {case _ => Option.empty[String]}
The only way to turn that future into Option[String] is to wait for it with Await.result(...)... but it's better if that future can be passed along to the next caller (no blocking).
I'm not 100% certain about what all your types are, but it seems like you want a for comprehension that mixes option and futures. I've often been in that situation and I find I can just chain my for comprehensions as a way to make the code look a bit better.
val resp = for {
c <- creds
req <- buildRequest(c.token)
} yield for {
resp <- Http().singleRequest(req)
} yield resp
resp becomes an Option[Future[HttpResponse]] which you can match / partial func around with None meaning the code never got to execute because it failed its conditions. This is a dumb little trick I use to make comprehensions look better and I hope it gives you a hint towards your solution.
I'm trying to get a function currying working correctly. What I have is the following:
def method(x: ByteArrayInputStream)
(y: ByteArrayOutputStream)
(z: GZIPOutputStream)
(func: (ByteArrayInputStream, GZIPOutputStream) => Unit) = {
Now when I call it, I call it like this:
method(new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes("UTF-8")))
(new ByteArrayOutputStream())
(new GZIPOutputStream(_))
(myFunc(_, _))
My understanding is that in the third parameter i.e., to the GZIPOutputStream, when I say _, it will pick the value from the second parameter. But it complains saying that
Type mismatch, expected: GZIPOutputstream, actual: (OutputStream) => GZIPOutputStream
Any hints?
The problem is at
(new GZIPOutputStream(_))
As your error says, your method wants a a GZIPOutputstream, but you are passing it a function from OutputStream to GZIPOutputStream
The underscore is a little confusing at first, but it is the way to tell scala that you are intentionally not passing an argument to GZIPOutputStream so that it won't complain about missing arguments. In other words, you are passing the function itself instead of the result of the function.
How to fix it depends on what you're actually trying to do. If you actually want to pass a GZIPOutputStream, you'll need to replace that _ with an OutputStream.
If your intent is to have method create a GZIPOutputStream given a factory function like the one you are passing, you'd want to change the declared type for z. Eg,
(z: (OutputStream) => GZIPOutputStream)
and then in the method body you could say something like z(y) to get a GZIPOutputStream. (Or replace y with some other output stream.)
I'm not exactly sure how to do this... but here is one solution that mimics what you are looking for
def add(j: Int)(i: Option[Int] = None): Int = j + i.getOrElse(j)
The add(5)() returns 10 and uses the j value
I have managed to skin that a bit and here is what I have been to:
val bytePayload = method(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes("UTF-8")))(new ByteArrayOutputStream())(writeBytes(_,_))
def method(bin: ByteArrayInputStream)
(bos: ByteArrayOutputStream)
(func: (ByteArrayInputStream, GZIPOutputStream) => Unit): Either[String, Array[Byte]] = {
val gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(bos)
try {
func(bin, gzip)
} catch {
case e: Exception => Left(e.getMessage)
} finally {
Though I still handle Exceptions, I'm to some extent convinced that I don't throw them around.