I want to define a route which have a .suffix param in the end. I want to use it in my app to return what user needs. Eg .json or .xml or none!. How should I define my route? This is an example address I want:
/user/all # default json
This is the route i defined. But it's not working as expected.
In Slim route segments are defined by a forward slash, and not interchangeably with a dot. However, you can either add logic to the route closure, or add route conditions to multiple routes.
In the closure:
$app->get('/user/:methodtype', function ($methodtype) {
if ($path = explode($methodtype, '.')) {
if ($path[1] === 'json') {
// Something to do with json...
} elseif ($path[1] === 'xml') {
// Something to do with xml...
Or use route conditions, one for each so they are mutually exclusive:
// JSON requests
$app->get('/user/:methodtype', function ($methodtype) {
// Something to do with json...
})->conditions(array('methodtype' => '.json$'));
// XML requests
$app->get('/user/:methodtype', function ($methodtype) {
// Something to do with xml...
})->conditions(array('methodtype' => '.xml$'));
So I have a route structure something like this
concat {
path("path") {
get {
parameters("someId".as[String], 'fixedValue ! "requiredValue") { params =>
path(Segment) { extractedValue =>
If the user ends a request to the /root/path endpoint with the incorrect query parameters (either someId missing or fixedValue not equal to value) then the request will be routed further on to the next route, root/Segment. extractedValue would in this case be path which would fail and send the user back error handled by the second route.
The preferred behaviour would be to tell the user that they either missed a query parameters or that the query parameter must be one of the given values. Is there any way to make sure that happen?
If I move the second path above the first, it will capture all requests sent.
You just need to complete with an appropriate error code if the get does not match:
path("path") {
get {
parameters("someId".as[String], 'fixedValue ! "requiredValue") { params =>
You could put additional information in the reply message, but it would be non-standard and therefore would require the client to be aware of it.
I'm new to scala, and I'm trying to figure out how to add to the existing routes we have so that if a certain path is hit, we evaluate the headers by checking for the existence of some values and whether or not they equal some accepted values. If it succeeds, we get some String out of the headers and pass it on, otherwise we should not continue routing and return some failure.
/abc -> don't check headers
/abc/def -> check headers, return
pathPrefix("abc") {
path("def") { // want to ADD something here to check headers and send it into someMethod
get {
} ~ path("gdi") {
get { ... etc}
Any ideas or dummy examples would be really helpful. I see some directives here to get stuff from the request, and the header (https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/10.0.11/scala/http/routing-dsl/directives/header-directives/headerValue.html), but I don't understand how to chain directives in this way.
If I'm misunderstanding something, please help clarify! Thanks
Use headerValueByName, which looks for a specific header and rejects the request if that header isn't found:
get {
headerValueByName("MyHeader") { headerVal =>
To validate the header value if it exists:
get {
headerValueByName("MyHeader") { headerVal =>
if (isValid(headerVal)) // isValid is a custom method that you provide
complete((BadRequest, "The MyHeader value is invalid."))
isValid in the above example could look something like:
def isValid(headerValue: String): Boolean = {
val acceptedValues = Set("burrito", "quesadilla", "taco")
I’d like to require a header in my akka-http routes and can do so via
val route = headerValueByName("foo") { foo =>
pathPrefix("path") {
get {
} ~ ...
However, now any requests that don't match a path will get rejected with 400 (missing header) and not 404.
Is there a neat way to get around this without repeatedly moving headerValueByName after the path matchers?
That is, is there a way to only apply an outer directive ( headerValueByName) and its rejections if the inner path and method matchers are successful?
You don't specify what you want to do in case the header is not specified, so I'll asume you want to return 400 (Bad request).
A possible solution is to use the optionalHeaderValueByName directive and then complete the request with the specified error, for example:
val route = optionalHeaderValueByName("foo") { optionalHeader =>
optionalHeader map { header =>
// rest of your routes
} getOrElse complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest)
I know akka-http libraries marshal and unmarshal to class type while processing request.But now, I need to read request-parameters of GET request. I tried parameter() method and It is returning ParamDefAux type but i need those values as strings types
I check for answer at below questions.
How can I parse out get request parameters in spray-routing?
Query parameters for GET requests using Akka HTTP (formally known as Spray)
but can't do what i need.
Please tell me how can i extract query parameters from request. OR How can I extract required value from ParamDefAux
Request URL
Get method definition
val propName = parameter("key")
val propValue = parameter("value")
My method declarations
def deleteSetting(name:String,value:String): Future[String] = Future{
For a request like http://host:port/path?key=authType&value=Basic345 try
path("path") {
get {
parameters('key.as[String], 'value.as[String]) { (key, value) =>
complete {
Even though being less explicit in the code, you can also extract all the query parameters at once from the context. You can use as follows:
// Previous part of the Akka HTTP routes ...
extract(_.request.uri.query()) { params =>
complete {
If you wish extract query parameters as one piece
extract(ctx => ctx.request.uri.queryString(charset = Charset.defaultCharset)) { queryParams =>
This is what the section of code looks like
obj => complete{
I can map the request to a spray.http.HttpRequest object and I can extract the uri from this object but I imagine there is an easier way to parse out the parameters in a get request than doing it manually.
For example if my get request is
I want to be able to get id and age out of this request
Actually you can do this much much better. In routing there are two directives: parameter and parameters, I guess the difference is clear, you can also use some modifiers: ! and ?. In case of !, it means that this parameter must be provided or the request is going to be rejected and ? returns an option, so you can provide a default parameter in this case. Example:
val route: Route = {
(path("search") & get) {
parameter("q"!) { query =>
val route: Route = {
(path("search") & get) {
parameters("q"!, "filter" ? "all") { (query, filter) =>