Powershell stays in memory - powershell

I'm running this simple script of MSIEXEC uninstall:
$script = {
invoke-expression "msiexec /qn /x '{C5CF41A6-A65A-4BB3-8C6C-87FF4A730EFD}' "
$logcheck = ""
if($logcheck -match "Removal success or error status: 0")
start-sleep -Seconds 1
[string]$logcheck = get-eventlog -logname application -newest 1 | foreach-object {$_.message}
Invoke-Command -computername Comp-name -Credential Domain\user -scriptblock $script
Write-Host "Done"
Everything seems to work great, the MSI was being uninstalled successfully but the powershell process stays open and doesn't stop.
Any idea how can I stop it?

It doesn't stop because of the while($true)
That logcheck is not really full proof, it gets the newest log item and then checks for status "Removal success or error status: 0". If any other application adds an entry to the log at the same time, this loop will run forever.
Better to get all log items since a certain date, e.g. start datetime of msiexec and look for the success message. (and not use the loop)


How to tail a log file while a process is running?

I'm running an exe from a PowerShell script. This executable writes its logs to a log file. I would like to continuously read and forward the logs from this file to the console while the executable is running.
Currently, I'm starting the exe like this:
$UNITY_JOB = Start-Job
-ScriptBlock { & "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.2.11f1\Editor\Unity.exe" $args | Out-Null }
-ArgumentList $UNITY_ARGS
If I just do Get-Content $LOG_PATH -Wait at this point, I cannot detect when the exe terminates and the script blocks indefinitely.
If I start a second job for the logs, the output is not sent to the console:
$LOG_JOB = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Get-Content $LOG_PATH -Wait }
(I need "real time" output, so I don't think Receive-Job would work)
I'd use a loop which ends when the job's status is Completed:
# Just to mock the execution
$extProgram = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Start-Sleep -Seconds 30}
$file = 'C:\path\to\file.txt'
do {
Get-Content $file -Tail $host.ui.RawUI.WindowSize.Height
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # Set any interval you need
} until ((Get-Job -Id $extProgram.id).State -eq "Completed")

Calling other PowerShell scripts within a PowerShell script

I'm trying to get one master PowerShell script to run all of the others while waiting 30-60 seconds to ensure that the tasks are completed. Everything else I tried wouldn't stop/wait for the first script and its processes to complete before going through all the others at the same time and would cause a restart automatically.
Main script, run as admin:
$LogStart = 'Log '
$LogDate = Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyy-hh-mm-ss"
$FileName = $LogStart + $LogDate + '.txt.'
$scriptList = #(
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\Scripts\$FileName"
foreach ($script in $scriptList) {
Start-Process -FilePath "$PSHOME\powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "-Command '& $script'"
Write-Output "The $script is running."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Write-Output "Scripts have completed. Computer will restart in 10 seconds."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Set-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin -Value 0
taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
$computername = Get-Content env:computername
$servicetag = Get-WmiObject Win32_Bios |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty SerialNumber
if ($computername -ne $servicetag) {
Write-Host "Renaming computer to $servicetag..."
Rename-Computer -NewName $servicetag
} else {
Write-Host "Computer name is already set to service tag."
The log file shows:
Transcript started, output file is C:\Scripts\Log 13-09-2019-04-28-47.txt.
The C:\Scripts\1-OneDriveUninstall.ps1 is running.
The C:\Scripts\2-ComputerRename.ps1 is running.
Scripts have completed. Computer will restart in 10 seconds.
Windows PowerShell transcript end
End time: 20190913162957
They aren't running correctly at all though. They run fine individually but not when put into one master script.
PowerShell can run PowerShell scripts from other PowerShell scripts directly. The only time you need Start-Process for that is when you want to run the called script with elevated privileges (which isn't necessary here, since your parent script is already running elevated).
This should suffice:
foreach ($script in $scriptList) {
& $script
The above code will run the scripts sequentially (i.e. start the next script only after the previous one terminated). If you want to run the scripts in parallel, the canonical way is to use background jobs:
$jobs = foreach ($script in $scriptList) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { & $using:script }
$jobs | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

How can I interrupt an executable invoked inside a script without interrupting the script itself?

Let's say you have the following script saved in a file outermost.ps1:
powershell.exe -Command "while ( 1 -eq 1 ) {} "
echo "Done"
When running outermost.ps1 you can only abort this by pressing Ctrl+C, and no output will be written to console. How can I modify it so that the outermost script continues and executes echo "Done" when Ctrl+C is pressed?
This is a simplified version of a real-life scenario where the inner script is actually an executable which only is stoppable by pressing Ctrl+C.
Edit: The script could also be:
echo "Done"
but I wanted to provide an example everyone could copy-paste into an editor if they wanted to "try at home".
Start your infinite command/statement as a job, make your PowerShell script process Ctrl+C as regular input (see here), and stop the job when that input is received:
[Console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
powershell.exe -Command "while ( 1 -eq 1 ) {} "
while ($true) {
if ([Console]::KeyAvailable) {
$key = [Console]::ReadKey($true)
if (($key.Modifiers -band [ConsoleModifiers]::Control) -and $key.Key -eq 'c') {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Receive-Job -Id $job.Id
Remove-Job -Id $job.Id
echo "Done"
If you need to retrieve output from the job while it's running, you can do so like this in an else branch to the outer if statement:
if ($job.HasMoreData) { Receive-Job -Id $job.Id }
The simplest solution to this is:
Start-Process -Wait "powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "while ( 1 -eq 1 ) {}"
echo "Done"
This will spawn a second window unlinke ansgar-wiechers solution, but solves my problem with the least amount of code.
Thanks to Jaqueline Vanek for the tip

Powershell: Run multiple jobs in parralel and view streaming results from background jobs

Looking to call a Powershell script that takes in an argument, runs each job in the background, and shows me the verbose output.
Problem I am running into
The script appears to run, but I want to verify this for sure by streaming the results of the background jobs as they are running.
###StartServerUpdates.ps1 Script###
#get list of servers to update from text file and store in array
$servers=get-content c:\serverstoupdate.txt
#run all jobs, using multi-threading, in background
ForEach($server in $servers){
Start-Job -FilePath c:\cefcu_it\psscripts\PSPatch.ps1 -ArgumentList $server
#Wait for all jobs
Get-Job | Wait-Job
#Get all job results
Get-Job | Receive-Job
What I am currently seeing:
Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
-- ---- ----- ----------- -------- -------
23 Job23 Running True localhost #patch server ...
25 Job25 Running True localhost #patch server ...
What I want to see:
Searching for approved updates ...
Update Found: Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB2807986)
Update Found: Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - March 2013 (KB890830)
Download complete. Installing updates ...
The system must be rebooted to complete installation.
cscript exited on "myServer" with error code 3.
Reboot required...
Waiting for server to reboot (35)
Searching for approved updates ...
There are no updates to install.
cscript exited on "myServer" with error code 2.
Servername "myServer" is fully patched after 2 loops
I want to be able to see the output or store that somewhere so I can refer back to be sure the script ran and see which servers rebooted, etc.
In the past, I ran the script and it went through updating the servers one at a time and gave me the output I wanted, but when I started doing more servers - this task took too long, which is why I am trying to use background jobs with "Start-Job".
Can anyone help me figure this out, please?
You may take a look at the module SplitPipeline.
It it specifically designed for such tasks. The working demo code is:
# import the module (not necessary in PS V3)
Import-Module SplitPipeline
# some servers (from 1 to 10 for the test)
$servers = 1..10
# process servers by parallel pipelines and output results immediately
$servers | Split-Pipeline {process{"processing server $_"; sleep 1}} -Load 1, 1
For your task replace "processing server $_"; sleep 1 (simulates a slow job) with a call to your script and use the variable $_ as input, the current server.
If each job is not processor intensive then increase the parameter Count (the default is processor count) in order to improve performance.
Not a new question but I feel it is missing an answer including Powershell using workflows and its parallel possibilities, from powershell version 3. Which is less code and maybe more understandable than starting and waiting for jobs, which of course works good as well.
I have two files: TheScript.ps1 which coordinates the servers and BackgroundJob.ps1 which does some kind of check. They need to be in the same directory.
The Write-Output in the background job file writes to the same stream you see when starting TheScript.ps1.
workflow parallelCheckServer {
param ($Servers)
foreach -parallel($Server in $Servers)
Invoke-Expression -Command ".\BackgroundJob.ps1 -Server $Server"
parallelCheckServer -Servers #("host1.com", "host2.com", "host3.com")
Write-Output "Done with all servers."
BackgroundJob.ps1 (for example):
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $server
Write-Host "[$server]`t Processing server $server"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
So when starting the TheScript.ps1 it will write "Processing server" 3 times but it will not wait for 15 seconds but instead 5 because they are run in parallel.
[host3.com] Processing server host3.com
[host2.com] Processing server host2.com
[host1.com] Processing server host1.com
Done with all servers.
In your ForEach loop you'll want to grab the output generated by the Jobs already running.
Example Not Tested
$sb = {
"Starting Job on $($args[0])"
#Do something
"$($args[0]) => Do something completed successfully"
"$($args[0]) => Now for something completely different"
"Ending Job on $($args[0])"
Foreach($computer in $computers){
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -Args $computer | Out-Null
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Now if you do this all your results will be mixed. You might want to put a stamp on your verbose output to tell which output came from.
Foreach($computer in $computers){
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -Args $computer | Out-Null
Get-Job | ? {$_.State -eq 'Complete' -and $_.HasMoreData} | % {Receive-Job $_}
while((Get-Job -State Running).count){
Get-Job | ? {$_.State -eq 'Complete' -and $_.HasMoreData} | % {Receive-Job $_}
start-sleep -seconds 1
It will show all the output as soon as a job is finished. Without being mixed up.
If you're wanting to multiple jobs in-progress, you'll probably want to massage the output to help keep what output goes with which job straight on the console.
$BGList = 'Black','Green','DarkBlue','DarkCyan','Red','DarkGreen'
$JobHash = #{};$ColorHash = #{};$i=0
ForEach($server in $servers)
Start-Job -FilePath c:\cefcu_it\psscripts\PSPatch.ps1 -ArgumentList $server |
foreach {
$ColorHash[$_.ID] = $BGList[$i++]
$JobHash[$_.ID] = $Server
While ((Get-Job).State -match 'Running')
foreach ($Job in Get-Job | where {$_.HasMoreData})
[System.Console]::BackgroundColor = $ColorHash[$Job.ID]
Write-Host $JobHash[$Job.ID] -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
Receive-Job $Job
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
[System.Console]::BackgroundColor = 'Black'
You can get the results by doing something like this after all the jobs have been received:
Get-Job -Name * | where{$array+=$_.ChildJobs.output}
.ChildJobs.output will have anything that was returned in each job.
function OutputJoblogs {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[System.Management.Automation.Job] $job,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
[string] $logFolder,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
[string] $logTimeStamp
#Output All logs
while ($job.sate -eq "Running" -or $job.HasMoreData){
start-sleep -Seconds 1
foreach($remotejob in $job.ChildJobs){
$output=(Receive-Job $remotejob)
if($output -gt 0){
$remotejob.location +": "+ (($output) | Tee-Object -Append -file ("$logFolder\$logTimeStamp."+$remotejob.Location+".txt"))
#Output Errors
foreach($remotejob in $job.ChildJobs){
if($remotejob.Error.Count -gt0){$remotejob.location +": "}
foreach($myerr in $remotejob.Error){
$myerr 2>&1 | Tee-Object -Append -file ("$logFolder\$logTimeStamp."+$remotejob.Location+".ERROR.txt")
if($remotejob.JobStateInfo.Reason.ErrorRecord.Count -gt 0){$remotejob.location +": "}
foreach($myerr in $remotejob.JobStateInfo.Reason.ErrorRecord){
$myerr 2>&1 | Tee-Object -Append -file ("$logFolder\$logTimeStamp."+$remotejob.Location+".ERROR.txt")
#example of usage
$job = Invoke-Command -ComputerName "servername1","servername2" -ScriptBlock {
for ($i=1; $i -le 5; $i++) {
if($i -gt 2){
write-error "Bad thing happened"};
if($i -eq 4){
throw "Super Bad thing happened"
start-sleep -Seconds 1
} -asjob
OutputJoblogs -Job $job -logFolder "$PSScriptRoot\logs" -logTimeStamp $logfileDate

PowerShell: error checking in a while true loop?

I have a while($true) loop with a start-sleep -s 60 at the end of it. The purpose is to start an external PowerShell script as a different user which will run through a list of servers, check the event log for changes within the last minute and react accordingly.
Since my while loop (below) is using the -credential flag to run the script as someone else, I'm concerned about errors (e.g. account locked out, expired password, missing file, etc).
I tried an if ($error) statement, and changed the filename of the external script, but I was never alerted. I'm thinking it's because it never stops to re-check itself?
while($true) {
# Start the scan
Start-Process powershell -Credential $credentials -ArgumentList '-noprofile -command & c:\batch\02-Scan.ps1'
# Sleep 60 seconds
start-sleep -s 60
I suppose I could change my scheduled task to run every minute, but so far this loop seems to have been working great. Just want to introduce error checking while the loop is active.
Have you tried try/catch blocks? Wrong credentials is a terminating error, so the rest of the code in the try block won't run after a credentials-error. When you catch it, you can do whatever you want.. Ex.
try {
Start-Process powershell -Credential $credentials -ArgumentList '-noprofile -command & c:\batch\02-Scan.ps1'
} catch {
#Catches terminating exceptions and display it's message
Write-Error $_.message
If you want to catch all errors, add -ErrorAction Stopto the Start-Processline. As said, credentials should be a terminating error, which make the erroraction parameter unnecessary
EDIT Why would you use Start-Process to run a script in the first place? I switched it to Invoke-Command which runs a powershell script remotely. When the scriptfile is missing, you will recieve a NON-terminating error. Because it's a non-terminating error, we need to use the -ErrorAction Stop parameter. To catch the missing-file error and every other error(like credentials), use something like this:
try { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & c:\batch\02-Scan.ps1 } -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
if ($_.Exception.GetType().Name -eq "CommandNotFoundException") {
Write-Error "File is missing"
} else {
Write-Error "Something went wrong. Errormessage: $_"
#or throw it directly:
#throw $_
while($true) {
# Start the scan
Start-Process powershell -Credential $credentials -ArgumentList '-noprofile -command & c:\batch\02-Scan.ps1' -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
# Sleep 60 seconds
start-sleep -s 60