Login with facebook App in WP8.1 crashes on resume from protocol - facebook

I try to implement facebook login whit app in my unity3d game for wp8.1. When debugging in Visual studio everything works fine. App launches from protocol and from onActivated event args i get facebook token. But when i launch game directly from the phone,without VS,sometimes it's not resuming after login, but just restarted. I try to debug OnActivated event in VS using Debug Location Toolbar, but when i choose resume event, onActivated event never fires.
Why it's never restart with visual studio and what can i do to clear this strange behaviour?
My problem described here
Fast App Resume crashing on WP8.1 when not attached to debugger
But the answer is only applyed to wp8

It seems like Windows just unloads application from memory. Anyway after last windows update it's happens much rarely


Flutter - Google and Facebook sign in button crashes in Google Play store

So I am building a test project where I will implement Google and Facebook sign in. It works fine on debug mode with emulator and USB debugger. However, after releasing it to Google Playstore, it crashes to home screen. I'm also using Firebase in this project.
Test your application in release mode (only in physical device):
flutter run --release
But first, you have to put a lot of print(), because when you run your application in this mode, debug information is removed and debugging is disabled (Flutter's build modes).
For example, put print() before logging in, when pressing the button, when returning and at the end of the process. In this way, you constantly monitor what is happening.
Another option is to encapsulate the function in charge of executing the login with a try/catch and print the error in the catch.

How to make a Chrome OS app quit itself via Javascript

I need to have a chrome app quit based on a js script, but after I've looked through Google's list of JS APIs for Chrome Apps, I'm not convinced there is a way sadly. I've tried having the program throw errors at itself, but chrome simply ignores them and moves on. By the way, this is for Chrome OS.
Perhaps the simplest hack to make a chrome app "quit" would be to set chrome.storage.local.set({dont_start:1}) and then chrome.runtime.reload() and make sure the onLaunched event listener, instead of doing the normal thing like opening an app window, instead checks first if dont_start is set, and deletes that key, and just does nothing (instead of launching the app). Then in about 30 seconds or so the event page will go inactive.

Workflow for debugging PhoneGap using Safari's Web Inspector

I'm developing a phone gap app and using Safari's Web Inspector to debug it. The tool is very useful but there are a couple workflow inefficiencies that are costing me some time.
Every time I stop my PhoneGap app in xCode the Safari Web Inspector window automatically closes leaving me with the task of re-opening it every time I make a change and re-launch the app.
The only way I'm able to get a full read out in the console is by entering window.location.reload(). Again this adds a step to my work flow everytime I deploy a change in xCode.
Does anyone know how to set it up so that Safari Web Inspector stays open and the console automatically monitors the app?
To solve the reload issue, I add this in my head section when I'm debugging:
alert('connect your debugger, if you want')
The alert stops all execution, meaning that I can (manually, ugh) connect my debugger and not miss anything. Execution resumes when I hit okay on the alert window.
I'm having the same issues. I haven't solved them yet, and I'm running out of time, so I'll show you what I've got so far:
Create an ActionScript that opens the web inspector:
https://gist.github.com/amuino/5649177 This works!
Have Xcode launch it! I tried creating a shell script that, in turn, opens the action script, but to no avail. This is what I've got:
How to run a script after Xcode runs codesign on my iPhone app?
Actually I found a way around this issue. It's not super elegant but it works.
At the entry point of my app I added some delay with setTimeout, like this:
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000);
This will give you enough time (10 seconds) to reopen Safari Web Inspector and you will get full console read out.
It saved me a lot of headache.

How to handle closing apps with multitasking with Objective C?

I have read some bits and pieces here and there about multitasking, but I am not sure I grasp it all. Basically, I have an iPhone app that runs quite ok on the iPhone simulator (I have yet to pay the dev fee to be able to deploy to an actual iPhone).
In the simulator, I can enter and exit the app, without issue. When I open the multitasking bar (double tap on the home button), I can close the app. When I try to reopen it, I then get an error.
I wonder, is this because testing closing and opening the app from multitasking is only possible on an actual iPhone, or are the some additional events I should be listening to? I have read this: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/8767 and added some handlers, but this article feels dated, and it didn't change anything.
Any help is appreciated!
The post about SIGKILL is correct. It is normal behavior for your application. Xcode is just reporting what killed your application the last time. Simply stop the execution and run your app again, and you should be fine.
As Richard said, that is normal. If you want to test it yourself:
Run the app using Xcode.
Stop the app using Xcode. (Press the Stop button which is directly to the right of the run button.
Launch the app by clicking on it in the Simulator's home screen.
Close the app and then close it from the multitasking bar.
Launch it again.
Good luck :)

iphone app cant be started on device after being killed - works fine on simulator

I want to put an update to my App and I'm encountering heavy issues. When sent to background and being brought back to foreground, the App works fine. However, after killing the process from multitasking (running in the background), the App tries to resume from the point where it left AND it freezes, which means, I cant start the App anymore!!!! I have made no changes to the code, except updating my OS from 4.0 to 4.0.1.
Can anyone help me out on this?
A weird thing is: I cannot reproduce this problem on the simulator, it works just fine there.
I seem to have found the solution. Apple states in the updates: 'When debugging your multitasking enabled app, avoid manually pausing and continuing from the debugger when the application is suspended in the background. Pausing an application that is suspended in the background disrupts proper multitasking behavior until the application is relaunched.' So I tested it on a device for distribution and it seems to work fine, so all you have to do is ignore the debugger - it seems. Best of luck!
My app works fine for me in Debug mode (I'd advice against working with Distribution mode cause of all the hassle of provisioning profile, iTunes sync... and also you can't see the console message in real time).
The reason you can't do anything after killing the app and relaunching it is most likely because you run it directly from XCode (Command + Enter) and the app is still "running". Just click to the Red button to stop the debugging, then you can relaunch the app from the SpringBoard normally. Or just Command + Enter to rebuild it again.