Eclipse/STS dependency hell - eclipse

I was having few troubles installing new software from Marketplace, so today I decided to start from a fresh install of STS 3.6.4 from
I wanted to install some plugins like Subversive, but then I stumbled again into the dependency hell problem.
When I try to install any software, I get an error like the following (this one when trying to install Subversive in a fresh install with clean workspace)
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Spring Tool Suite (org.springsource.sts.ide
Missing requirement: Spring Tool Suite Package ( requires ' 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring Tool Suite (org.springsource.sts.ide
To: []
I cannot install JRebel on my old STS installation, guess if I can install it, together with the plugins I require, in the new installation!
How can I solve dependency hell in Eclipse/STS? Switching to vanilla Eclipse maybe?
Original error when trying to install JRebel on STS 3.6.1
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: SVNKit 1.8.6 Implementation (Optional) 4.1.0.I20140907-1700 ( 4.1.0.I20140907-1700)
Missing requirement: SVNKit 1.8.6 Implementation (Optional) 4.1.0.I20140907-1700 ( 4.1.0.I20140907-1700) requires ' [4.1.0.I20140907-1700]' but it could not be found

On the update page, did you check "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" ?
Another workaround would be to download eclipse, install Subversive, then STS through updatesite.


How to install a specified bundle (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core) in Eclipse

I am new to Eclipse plug-in development. I downloaded a completed source code of an Eclipse plug-in. When I tried to export it and install it in my local Eclipse, I encountered an "Install job" problem:
Operation details
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. ** requires 'bundle com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Require-Bundle: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core,
I guess the problem would be solved if I can install com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core, but I am wondering how can I install it?
Windows 10 64-bits
Eclipse Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a)
The easiest way to install it would be from Eclipse Orbit.
Open the install manager (Help > Install New Software....)
Put the relevant Orbit site as location
Check the plugin in question
Walk through the wizard to finish the installation

Unable to install maven plugin for eclipse luna

Iam trying to install maven plugin for eclipse luna through eclipse market place but i get the following error.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Maven Development Tools (
Missing requirement: Maven Development Tools (com.ifedorenko.m2e.mavendev requires 'bundle org.eclipse.m2e.launching [1.6.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Development Tools (
To: com.ifedorenko.m2e.mavendev []
Please help how can i solve this problem.
All my environment variable are also set correctly.
In fact, I have the same problem on my environment.
In the error message, you can see that the plugin you want to install need the bundle org.eclipse.m2e.launching in following versions (1.6.0 to 2.0.0).
Actually, only version 1.5 of m2e is released. You can install the milestone of version 1.6 by following these instructions.
Help > Install new software...
Paste the following link into the field Work with :
Press enter
Select all plugins you need
Click Next and follow the wizard
After this installation, retry the installation of "Maven Development Tools"
I hope this answer will help you.
Try installing through this update site instead:
Use the latest Eclipse EE version it internally consist Maven plugin
The 'Maven Development Tools' you appear to be trying to install requires that the basic 'Maven Integration for Eclipse' (m2e) is already installed.
Some downloads of Eclipse include m2e but others don't.
Install m2e using 'Help > Install New Software...'. Choose the main Luna site to work with. m2e is in the 'Collaboration' section.

Groovy and grails tool suite marketplace Maven Integration install error

Use the marketplace in Groovy Grails Tool Suite to install Maven Integration for eclipse. But when confirming selected features, no matter I choose "Maven Integration for eclipse" ,the error remains :Cannot complete the provisioning operation. Please change your selection and try again. See below for details.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Maven Development Tools (
Missing requirement: Maven Development Tools (com.ifedorenko.m2e.mavendev requires 'bundle org.eclipse.m2e.launching [1.5.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Development Tools (
To: com.ifedorenko.m2e.mavendev []
someone have any idea how can i resolve the problem?
By default, GGTS 3.4 already has the m2e plugin.
I guess, you didn't select all dependecies for the plugin, so, it can not be installed.
Or, the Firewall might block installing new plugins in the Eclipse. I faced this issue some times before.

Cannot install subclipse on eclipse helios

When I try to install Subclipse (latest version) on Eclipse Helios v3.6.2, I got the following error message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_SDKProfile Missing requirement: Shared profile (SharedProfile_SDKProfile requires 'toolingorg.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64 [1.1.2.R36x_v20101222]' but it could not be found
Should I install equinox sdk?
I searched on the web on how to install equinox but did not found any tutorial. I found a Euinox p2 installer application but it did not worked (error message : internal error).
It seems like something is wrong with your Eclipse install. I would guess there will be other plugins you cannot install. I would try a clean install or a clean workspace and see if that makes a difference. It seems like some basic core Eclipse pieces are missing from the install or the configuration is somehow corrupt.

Installing GWT plugin for eclipse

I have tried to install the GWT plugin for eclipse helios. when I try to I get this message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found. Software being installed: Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.4.0
2.4.0.v201203300216-rel-r36 (
2.4.0.v201203300216-rel-r36) Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.6 2.5.2.v201203300216-rel-r36
2.5.2.v201203300216-rel-r36) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.css.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.4.0 2.4.0.v201203300216-rel-r36 (
To: 2.5.2..
Tried using both local files and downloading using eclipse. Nothing seems to work.
You have to install WST first, and then you'll be able to install the Google Plugin for Eclipse.
This message generally says that there are problems when trying to connect to Helios update server. Because when installing GWT, you need extra package from it.
I met the similar(same ?) problem with Luna 64bit eclipse, when trying to install Google Plugins for Eclipse. This is solution I suggested:
1. Go to Preferences -> Install Update -> Available Software Update.
2. Delete Helios entry. Quit eclipse. Make sure your network is ok. Reopen eclipse. Go back and re-add Helios entry. Click reload.
3. If no Helios entry is found in step 2, then simply add it and no need to do the else.