Store new files in IMAP folders - email

Is it possible to create a new file (simple text file) and store it within an IMAP folder?
So e.g. my program analyzes the mails and wants to store a file with statistics in an IMAP folder, so it's stored on the server and not locally so that you can get the information through all platforms. Of course this may be a misuse of these folders (normally they are supposed to store emails), but exists a functionality in IMAP that lets me upload whatever I want to specific folders on the server?

What you want is the METADATA extension. Not very widely supported, but perhaps your goal is a server that happens to support it.
The people who voted your question down should do penance by reading RFC5464.


Does the IMAP protocol have a 2 step deletion process for folders in the same way it does for email messages? (2nd step being purge/expunge)

I'm trying to troubleshoot some very strange issue with different email clients and IMAP scripts giving me different folders. Folders that have been "deleted" from the account are still visible in Outlook + Thunderbird, but gone from other clients/scripts. This includes when I set up an entirely new profile in Outlook/Thunderbird.
In order to progress at all, I need to get an answer to the fundamental question:
IMAP has 2 steps to delete email messages (not folders):
Delete the message
Purge/expunge it
I want to know: does the IMAP protocol (or certain implementations) also have anything similar for IMAP folders?
I've scoured the web, but can't find anything about this for folders. But I can't understand the inconsistencies I'm seeing with my scripting (in multiple languages) and various email clients.
Note that the folders in question here are not any of the special folders that exist for all users by default (or that MUA clients auto-create). These are just user-created folders with various non-special names.

Which of these functionalities are available through the OpenText AppWorks REST API?

I have no experience with OpenText.
I have a client who hosts a large amount of documents on OpenText Content Server. They would like to do things such as:
Navigating through the file system and moving files between directories in the file system
Upload files (PDF, MS Word docs, etc.) from local machines to the cloud file system
Retrieve files from the cloud file system to be stored and opened on local machines, or read the content of files directly through the API
Changing access rights (read/write) of users on Content Server
Are these options possible through the AppWorks REST API?
Lastly, is there any reporting analytics data available about the Content Server, e.g.:
Number of uploads/downloads in a timeframe
Number of users logged in a timeframe
The first 4 items are possible out of the box with the newer versions.
The latter two would need reports to be created on the server side which in turn then be called via rest.

akka event sourcing with distributed and/or large files

I am using the book "Mastering Akka" by Christian Baxter.
Now I try to build a new project with akka as event sourced system.
I have a object like Folder. In this Folder could be a number of Files. Really files ( For a locale system no problem. But I try to build a distributed system. User A set up a database and gets access to his database. Where are the files? Because user A does not sitting on his desktop pc (where he saved the Folder). He is sitting at a notebook on his homeoffice. Now he needs these files inside Folder.
First I thought to save the files as Array[Byte]. But whats about the situation the file is 150MB? And maybe there are 20 files inside folder and all with more then 150MB? I think my RAM is not working for so long without a crash.
Their is no http server. Also maybe I could ask the server to deliver the files as stream? But this needs settings. Is that the best way?
What is the best practice to handle multiple distrubted and/or large files on av event sourced actor?

How does an IMAP client choose names to create/use for special folders, because I have 3 "Sent" folders in Outlook

Outlook, IOS and Android clients, as well as the built-in Web-Interface client of this Installation all seem to use different IMAP folder naming schemes.
The current bulk of users on that system use Outlook 2010. As well as the above, I also need to support WP, Thunderbird(Cross-Platform).
Some clients have easy ways to change the folder assignment for (sometimes only some of) the special folders, some I haven't found easy ways yet, and for some I'm unsure of even the possibility.
Outlook here is a special case, as it creates localized folder names (.&AMk-l&AOk-ments envoy&AOk-s means .Éléments envoyés) server-side.
IOS (i think) also does this, but has options to change the foldernames used)
This leads to folder mess in Outlook, if the users have used several mailbox access clients.
Is there some kind of Server-Protocol, or Option I could enable on the client or server (dovecot here) to force usage of "International, short names" server-side (Sent, Trash, Drafts, Junk, Inbox, Infected), and let the client bother with translation to the users regional settings? (Like the "C:\Users\ folder in windows already does it).
Or any other way to force Outlook to not create/use non-english folders?
EDIT: Outlook<2013 has options to move some of the imap folders. Later version support some subset of RFC6154 (XLIST).
But I still have not found, how to change the outlook defaults (policy, reg-key, whatever) for Outlook<2013 and Servers without XLIST.
There is no way in Outlook 2013+ to change the IMAP folders except using RFC 6154 on the server. On Servers without XLIST Outlook 2013 seems to do some "guessing" which often fails. The documentation on how to do this in dovecot is here:
This will not help you with existing clients though, since outlook checks this only on the initial connection. You might try outlook.exe /resetfoldernames, but probably removing and re-adding the account is necessary for this to take effect.

Delta for file upload

I would like to synchronize uploads from our own server to our clients' dropboxes to which we have full access. syncing changes on dropbox is easy because i can use the delta call, but I need a more efficient way to identify and upload changes made locally to dropbox.
The sync api would be amazing for this but I'm not trying to make a mobile app so the languages with the api are not easily accessible (AFAIK). Is there an equivalent to the sync api for python running on a linux server?
Possible solution:
So far, I was thinking of using anydbm to store string,string dictionaries that would hold folder names as the key and the hash generated from the metadata call from the server. then I could query the dropbox and every time I run into a folder, I will check the folder compared with the metadata on the anydbm.
if there is a difference, compare the file dates/sizes in the folder and if there are any subfolders, recurse the function into them,
if it the same, skip the folder.
This should save a substantial amount of time compared to the current verification of each and every file, but if there are better solutions, please do let me know.