Moving from relational db to mongodb - mongodb

I have a question on best practises or ideal way how I should store the data in the database. As an example I have a Site that has a Country assigned.
Table Countries: id|name|alpha2
Table Sites: id|countryId|name
Each Site has a reference to the country ID.
I would like to create a new website using Meteor and its mongodb and was wondering how I should store the objects. Do I create a colleciton "countries" and "sites" and use the country _id to as a reference? Then resolve the references using transform?
Looking at SimpleSchema I came up with the following:
Schemas.Country = new SimpleSchema ({
name: {
type: String
alpha2: {
type: String,
max: 2
Schemas.Site = new SimpleSchema({
name: {
type: String,
label: "Site Name"
country: {
type: Schemas.Country
Countries = new Meteor.Collection("countries");
Sites = new Meteor.Collection("sites");
I was just wondering how this is then stored in the db. As I have 2 collections but inside the sites collection I do have defined country objects as well. What if a country changes its alpha2 code (very unlikely)?
Also this would continue where I have a collection called "conditions". Each condition will have a Site defined. I could now define the whole Site object into the condition object. What if the Sitename changes? Would I need to manually change it in all condition objects?
This confuses me a bit. I am very thankful for all your thoughts.

The challenge with Meteor is that its tightly bound to Mongo, which is not good to built OLTP app that require normalized DB design. Mongo is good for OLAP kind of apps which fall in WORM (Write Once Read Many) category. I would like to see Meteor supporting OrientDB as they do Mongo.
There can be two approaches:
Normalize the DB as we do in RDBMS and then retrieve data by hitting
data multiple times. Here is a good article explaining this approach - reactive joins in meteor.
Joins in
are suggested in future. You can also try Meteor packages - publish
composite or
publish with
Keep data de-normalized at least partially (for 1-N relation you can
embed things in document, for N-N relation you may having separate
collection). For instance, 'Student' can be embedded in 'Class' as
student will never be in more than 1 class, but to relate 'Student'
and 'Subject', they can be in different collections (N-N relation -
student will have more than one subject and each subject will be
taken by more than one student). For fetching N-N relation again you
can use the same approach that is mentioned point above.
I am not able to give you exact code example, but I hope it helps.


MongoDB lookup ObjectID when the collection it belongs to is unknown?

The software I am currently working with can only run aggregate queries or simple find_one's. I am new to mongodb ,so I am having difficulty figuring out if I can do what I would like to do.
The Question:
Is it possible to run a lookup query on an object id when that object id may be in one of many collections?
The setup:
I have a main collection, this main collection is essentially an array of other ObjectID's that apply to this object. This collection (call it Main_Config) consists of three ObjectID's.
The Client, General_Config, and Main_Config can all have an enforced schema I would like the Role_Config to also have an enforced schema. This is where the issue comes into play, the Role_Config, may take 3 or more possible schemas. My idea was to create a collection for every possible schema, however if I do this I will not know to what collection the Role_Config ObjectID belongs to. Is there a way to lookup an ObjectID that may exist in one of many collections?
There is no findInAnyCollection() type of function. In your model you will have to manually code a loop and look it up.
One approach: In your main config collection, we have docs with this field:
otherIds = [ {coll: "ROLE", key: "5fb8057f08c09fb8dfe8d310"}, {coll: "GENERAL", key: "GENERAL_72f2b2922ed98800bd0e"}, ...]
Putting it all together:
db.AA.insert({_id:0, otherIds: [ {coll:"BB", key:0}, {coll:"BB", key:1}, {coll:"CC", key:2}]});
db.BB.insert({_id:0, foo:"bar", baz:"bin"});
db.BB.insert({_id:1, foo:"ion", baz:"kjlkj"});
db.BB.insert({_id:2, foo:"POPPO", baz:"UHUH"});
db.CC.insert({_id:0, data: "wfwefw"});
db.CC.insert({_id:1, data: "jj"});
db.CC.insert({_id:2, data: "mm"});
doc = db.AA.findOne();
doc['otherIds'].forEach(function(item) {
var other = db[item['coll']].findOne({_id:item['key']});

Node, MongoDB, Mongoose Design Choice - Creating two collections or one collection

I'm struggling with a large design choice for my applications' mongo collections and mongoose schemas.
My applications calls for two account types: Students and Teachers.
The only similarity between the two account types is that they both require the fields: firstName, lastName, email, and password. Other than that, they are different (teachers have "assignments", "tests", students have "homework", etc.)
I have pondered my options extensively, and considered the following design choices:
Use mongoose-schema-extend, and create an "abstract" schema for
all accounts. Then, extend this schema to create the Teacher and
Student schemas. This implies two collections, and therefore some
redundant fields. There are also issues with logging in and account creation (checking to see if the email used to log in is a student email or teacher email, etc.)
Create one collection "accounts", and add a type field to
indicate if the account is a "student" or a "teacher". This implies
that entries in the "accounts" collection will be dissimilar. This
also requires that I have two mongoose schemas for a single
Create an "accounts" collection, have a "type" field and an "accountId" field. In addition to a "student" collection and a "teacher" collection -- the "type" field will indicate which collection the student-specific or teacher-specific fields reside within, and the "accountId" field will indicate exactly which entry the account is matched with.
I appreciate all input, criticism or suggestions.
I've been down a similar road and I eventually landed on a mix of option 1 and 2.
mongoose-schema-extend simply modifies the prototype of Schema with an #extend() method which when invoked performs a deep copy of the passed schema. Most helpful. However, you can control which collection mongoose saves to in MongoDB by adding a collections property to the Schema:
var schema = new Schema({
foo: String,
bar: Boolean
}, { collection: "FooBarBaz" });
Remember: Mongoose understands the concept of a Schema but MongoDB does not. This means you can store dissimilar data and use your custom business logic to control the mess. With that said, you can create a base model called User, force mongoose to use the same collection by using the collection option and then extend off this base model to make your Teachers and Students models.
Make sure you add a type flag in the base model as you suggested in option 2. Not only is this convenient for quick lookups, but it will be critical when working commando with raw MongoDB data.
#jibsales has an excellent solution.
One more solution to consider is using Population with references from the Users collection to the Student and Teacher collections. Some benefits are:
Entries in each of the three collections (Users, Teachers, Students)
are similar in storage.
Allows you to obtain the fields for the "User" independently of
obtaining the fields for the referenced collection.
This would require that the schema is modified before an instance is created (and a model is created from the schema), where refType is the desired collection:
var userSchema = new Schema({
_id : Number,
name : String,
age : Number,
stories : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: refType}]

Meteor: Embed documents inside a document or separate them into each collection object and link them?

I am running into a scenario where I am asking myself do I need to put each entity (a Classroom has many students) into separate Meteor.collection object or rather embed an array of students inside the classroom object and have one Meteor.collection Classroom object.
My instinct tells me to put Classroom and Students in their own Meteor.collections but I am not sure how to establish a one to many relationship between the two Meteor collection objects.
What if there are many more traditional one-to-many, many-to-many relationships translate into Meteor way of doing things?
My question arises from the fact that .aggregate() is not supported, and realizing that it's impossible without doing a recursive loop to grab nested and embedded documents, inside a parent document in which Meteor collection exists (ex. Classroom).
Most of the time it is useful to put separate object types into separate collections.
Let's say we have a one to many relationship:
_id: "sdf8ad8asdj2jef",
name: "test classroom"
_id: "lof8gzanasd9a7j2n",
name: "John"
classroomId: "sdf8ad8asdj2jef"
Get all Students in classroom sdf8ad8asdj2jef:
Students.find({classroomId: "sdf8ad8asdj2jef"});
Get the classroom with student lof8gzanasd9a7j2n:
var student = Studtents.findOne("lof8gzanasd9a7j2n");
var classroom = Classrooms.find(student.classroomId);
Putting the objects into separate collections is especially useful when you are going to use Meteor.publish() and Meteor.subscribe().
Meteor.publish() is pretty handy when you want to publish only data to the client that is really relevant to the user.
The following publishes only students who are in the room with the given classroomId.
(So the client doesn't have to download all student objects from the server database. Only those who are relevant.)
Meteor.publish("students", function (classroomId) {
return Students.find({classroomId: classroomId});
Many to many relationships are also not that complicated:
_id: "sdf8ad8asdj2jef",
name: "test classroom"
studentIds: ["lof8gzanasd9a7j2n"]
_id: "lof8gzanasd9a7j2n",
name: "John"
classroomIds: ["sdf8ad8asdj2jef"]
Get all students in classroom sdf8ad8asdj2jef:
Students.find({classroomIds: "sdf8ad8asdj2jef"});
Get all classrooms with student lof8gzanasd9a7j2n:
Classrooms.find({studentIds: "lof8gzanasd9a7j2n"});
More information on MongoDBs read operations.
Separate collections for students and classrooms seems more straightforward.
I think just keeping a 'classroom' or 'classroomId' field in each student document will allow you to join the two collections when necessary.

Design MongoDb Schema For My Social

I'm new for MongoDB , I just want to create a simple project to test performance of MongoDB
The project just like a simple CMS
it has users, blogs and comments, users can have friends
so I design my database like that
And How many collection are needed for this database. Can I use 1 Collection for both user and blog.Thanks in advance.
Due to mongoDB is schema less or schema free DB You can make any kind of structure within a document, which is supported:
individual elements
nested arrays
nested documents
There is a couple of things you have to considare during schema design which for it is useful to have the users and the blogs in separated schema. For example if you storing something in a nested array you can specify index for fastening the search within this array, but you can have only one multykéy index (indexed array content) within one particular collection. so if you store, friends and blogs, and posts, and tags all in arrays you can have index only on one of them.
Also important to know in this case that there is a size limit for each document what is now 16MB.
In your scenario, I would make Users a collection and reference it by _id from the blog collection.
In practise, you could make the Blogs an attribute of User, the only constraint being the max doc size of 16MB - but that's a lot of blogs (text).
To get round that (assuming you need to), a separate Blog collection referencing the user _id would be fine. You may need to denormalise the user name too if that's not your _id. This would mean you can get all the blogs for a user in a single query.

Why does Mongoose have both schemas and models?

The two types of objects seem to be so close to one another that having both feels redundant. What is the point of having both schemas and models?
EDIT: Although this has been useful for many people, as mentioned in the comments it answers the "how" rather than the why. Thankfully, the why of the question has been answered elsewhere also, with this answer to another question. This has been linked in the comments for some time but I realise that many may not get that far when reading.
Often the easiest way to answer this type of question is with an example. In this case, someone has already done it for me :)
Take a look here:
EDIT: The original post (as mentioned in the comments) seems to no longer exist, so I am reproducing it below. Should it ever return, or if it has just moved, please let me know.
It gives a decent description of using schemas within models in mongoose and why you would want to do it, and also shows you how to push tasks via the model while the schema is all about the structure etc.
Original Post:
Let’s start with a simple example of embedding a schema inside a model.
var TaskSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
priority: Number
.get( function () {
return + '(' + this.priority + ')';
TaskSchema.method('isHighPriority', function() {
if(this.priority === 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var ListSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
tasks: [TaskSchema]
mongoose.model('List', ListSchema);
var List = mongoose.model('List');
var sampleList = new List({name:'Sample List'});
I created a new TaskSchema object with basic info a task might have. A Mongoose virtual attribute is setup to conveniently combine the name and priority of the Task. I only specified a getter here but virtual setters are supported as well.
I also defined a simple task method called isHighPriority to demonstrate how methods work with this setup.
In the ListSchema definition you’ll notice how the tasks key is configured to hold an array of TaskSchema objects. The task key will become an instance of DocumentArray which provides special methods for dealing with embedded Mongo documents.
For now I only passed the ListSchema object into mongoose.model and left the TaskSchema out. Technically it's not necessary to turn the TaskSchema into a formal model since we won’t be saving it in it’s own collection. Later on I’ll show you how it doesn’t harm anything if you do and it can help to organize all your models in the same way especially when they start spanning multiple files.
With the List model setup let’s add a couple tasks to it and save them to Mongo.
var List = mongoose.model('List');
var sampleList = new List({name:'Sample List'});
{name:'task one', priority:1},
{name:'task two', priority:5}
); {
if (err) {
console.log('error adding new list');
} else {
console.log('new list successfully saved');
The tasks attribute on the instance of our List model (sampleList) works like a regular JavaScript array and we can add new tasks to it using push. The important thing to notice is the tasks are added as regular JavaScript objects. It’s a subtle distinction that may not be immediately intuitive.
You can verify from the Mongo shell that the new list and tasks were saved to mongo.
{ "tasks" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("4dd1cbeed77909f507000002"),
"priority" : 1,
"name" : "task one"
"_id" : ObjectId("4dd1cbeed77909f507000003"),
"priority" : 5,
"name" : "task two"
], "_id" : ObjectId("4dd1cbeed77909f507000001"), "name" : "Sample List" }
Now we can use the ObjectId to pull up the Sample List and iterate through its tasks.
List.findById('4dd1cbeed77909f507000001', function(err, list) {
console.log( + ' retrieved');
list.tasks.forEach(function(task, index, array) {
If you run that last bit of code you’ll get an error saying the embedded document doesn’t have a method isHighPriority. In the current version of Mongoose you can’t access methods on embedded schemas directly. There’s an open ticket to fix it and after posing the question to the Mongoose Google Group, manimal45 posted a helpful work-around to use for now.
List.findById('4dd1cbeed77909f507000001', function(err, list) {
console.log( + ' retrieved');
list.tasks.forEach(function(task, index, array) {
If you run that code you should see the following output on the command line.
Sample List retrieved
task one
task one (1)
task two
task two (5)
With that work-around in mind let’s turn the TaskSchema into a Mongoose model.
mongoose.model('Task', TaskSchema);
var Task = mongoose.model('Task');
var ListSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
tasks: [Task.schema]
mongoose.model('List', ListSchema);
var List = mongoose.model('List');
The TaskSchema definition is the same as before so I left it out. Once its turned into a model we can still access it’s underlying Schema object using dot notation.
Let’s create a new list and embed two Task model instances within it.
var demoList = new List({name:'Demo List'});
var taskThree = new Task({name:'task three', priority:10});
var taskFour = new Task({name:'task four', priority:11});
demoList.tasks.push(taskThree.toObject(), taskFour.toObject()); {
if (err) {
console.log('error adding new list');
} else {
console.log('new list successfully saved');
As we’re embedding the Task model instances into the List we’re calling toObject on them to convert their data into plain JavaScript objects that the List.tasks DocumentArray is expecting. When you save model instances this way your embedded documents will contain ObjectIds.
The complete code example is available as a gist. Hopefully these work-arounds help smooth things over as Mongoose continues to develop. I’m still pretty new to Mongoose and MongoDB so please feel free to share better solutions and tips in the comments. Happy data modeling!
Schema is an object that defines the structure of any documents that will be stored in your MongoDB collection; it enables you to define types and validators for all of your data items.
Model is an object that gives you easy access to a named collection, allowing you to query the collection and use the Schema to validate any documents you save to that collection. It is created by combining a Schema, a Connection, and a collection name.
Originally phrased by Valeri Karpov, MongoDB Blog
I don't think the accepted answer actually answers the question that was posed. The answer doesn't explain why Mongoose has decided to require a developer to provide both a Schema and a Model variable. An example of a framework where they have eliminated the need for the developer to define the data schema is django--a developer writes up their models in the file, and leaves it to the framework to manage the schema. The first reason that comes to mind for why they do this, given my experience with django, is ease-of-use. Perhaps more importantly is the DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle--you don't have to remember to update the schema when you change the model--django will do it for you! Rails also manages the schema of the data for you--a developer doesn't edit the schema directly, but changes it by defining migrations that manipulate the schema.
One reason I could understand that Mongoose would separate the schema and the model is instances where you would want to build a model from two schemas. Such a scenario might introduce more complexity than is worth managing--if you have two schemas that are managed by one model, why aren't they one schema?
Perhaps the original question is more a relic of the traditional relational database system. In world NoSQL/Mongo world, perhaps the schema is a little more flexible than MySQL/PostgreSQL, and thus changing the schema is more common practice.
To understand why? you have to understand what actually is Mongoose?
Well, the mongoose is an object data modeling library for MongoDB and Node JS, providing a higher level of abstraction. So it's a bit like the relationship between Express and Node, so Express is a layer of abstraction over regular Node, while Mongoose is a layer of abstraction over the regular MongoDB driver.
An object data modeling library is just a way for us to write Javascript code that will then interact with a database. So we could just use a regular MongoDB driver to access our database, it would work just fine.
But instead we use Mongoose because it gives us a lot more functionality out of the box, allowing for faster and simpler development of our applications.
So, some of the features Mongoose gives us schemas to model our data and relationship, easy data validation, a simple query API, middleware, and much more.
In Mongoose, a schema is where we model our data, where we describe the structure of the data, default values, and validation, then we take that schema and create a model out of it, a model is basically a wrapper around the schema, which allows us to actually interface with the database in order to create, delete, update, and read documents.
Let's create a model from a schema.
const tourSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: [true, 'A tour must have a name'],
unique: true,
rating: {
type: Number,
default: 4.5,
price: {
type: Number,
required: [true, 'A tour must have a price'],
//tour model
const Tour = mongoose.model('Tour', tourSchema);
According to convetion first letter of a model name must be capitalized.
Let's create instance of our model that we created using mongoose and schema. also, interact with our database.
const testTour = new Tour({ // instance of our model
name: 'The Forest Hiker',
rating: 4.7,
price: 497,
// saving testTour document into database
.then((doc) => {
.catch((err) => {
So having both schama and modle mongoose makes our life easier.
Think of Model as a wrapper to schemas. Schemas define the structure of your document , what kind of properties can you expect and what will be their data type (String,Number etc.). Models provide a kind of interface to perform CRUD on schema. See this post on FCC.
Schema basically models your data (where you provide datatypes for your fields) and can do some validations on your data. It mainly deals with the structure of your collection.
Whereas the model is a wrapper around your schema to provide you with CRUD methods on collections. It mainly deals with adding/querying the database.
Having both schema and model could appear redundant when compared to other frameworks like Django (which provides only a Model) or SQL (where we create only Schemas and write SQL queries and there is no concept of model). But, this is just the way Mongoose implements it.