Creating action for Idea plugin - plugins

It's my first experience with creating Idea plugin, so I decided to read some manuals. They say it's required to create an action class. But "OK" button is disabled. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your answers.

The Class Name should not contain a package.


how to mark/check a checkbox in Moodle

I have a lot of checkboxes and their names are generated with the help of the resource id they are associated with, which in turn is fetched from the database.
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'incres'.$coursename.$sec->section.$record3->instance);
The second parameter is the name of the checkbox.
I need to know how to mark this checkbox as checked.I have a feeling this can be done by the setDefault method but I cant figure out how. I tried
But that doesnt work. I dont wish to use Javascript or the advancecheckbox element for this since that will require me doing a lot of changes in other dependant modules
Did you try using the Advanced Check Box? $mform->setDefault() should work with this.

Multiselection in CNContactPickerViewController

I am creating a food app which requires recommendation. I am adding a feature which allows me to recommend particular food to my friends in my contact list. However, upon using CNContactViewController, I am not getting the required UI for multiselection. This is the screenshot of what I am getting
This looks quite messy. I don't want the cancel and group button. Is there any way to get what I am looking for? Any Custom way to achieve it?
As you asked to recommend other libraries, this could be the better option for multiselect design, check this->EPContactsPicker
For multiselect to enable in cncontactpicker, use this method contactPicker:didSelectContacts:

Wanting a custom import for sugarcrm

I am new to sugarcrm and one of the first things I need to do is figure out away to import some custom data to some leads I currently have in the system. It didn't take much time to realize that it was going to take quite a while to figure this out on my own after looking at the developer information on the site.
The data that I want to import will hope fully be imported and added to a new history item for the particular lead. We are doing some actions to the leads outside of the crm and I want to batch update the crm data adn store it in the history.
I was thinking that a good place for this might be in the import window for the leads. Maybe adding another radio selection to the area that says "What would you like to do with the imported data?" and then add processes to handle this type of import.
The other possibility is a new tab for the upload and process it there.
I am currently unsure of the best approach, as I am learning how to add functionality to sugar.
I could really use some guidance on what might be the best way to proceed and maybe some pointers to where I can find more information.
By the way this is the CE version 6.5
Thanks for the help
There's always tools like Talend to look at if you really have custom import requirements, but I'm somewhat wondering what requirements you have that can't be handled by the built in tool? It should be able to import into custom fields fine.
I used Sugar in the past and I have to say it's always been a mess. The customer service is really lacking too. To be honest with you, I canceled my account within 2 months.

How to make comment mandatory in Kaleo Workflow in Liferay 6.05?

I have created one workflow in my project. I am done with the workflow but i need to make some changes in that. In this when anyone click on Assign to Me button then it will display one pop-up for comments. Now here i need to make some validation. Currently if you don't write any comment then also it allows but i need to make the comments mandatory. How can i achieve this? I made some r&d in this and get to know that hook should be used. If anyone having any idea please kindly let me know.
you need to use hook to extend the functionality. you need to add your code to achieve this inside workflow_task_action jsp file....if u stuck anywhere feel free to ask me..

GWT - area selection/imagemap

So, I'm starting to use GWT and I am having a little problem.
I have to retrieve some information about a building and I want to show to the user a floorplan for him to choose from where does he want information to be shown.
So, I tried an imagemap, but Iit is not working. Do someone has any suggestion or example of that?
Thank you,
I'm sure there are a couple ways of going about this. You might want to try some extension of the an already existing class as was done here with ComplexPanel