In Jaspersoft Studio, how do I use the DATEFORMAT() function? - jasper-reports

Here's a screenshot:
Here's a screenshot
I'm trying to turn the current date into July 1st of the current year using DATEFORMAT(). I learned how to do that in MySQL from this question, and I hoped it would work similarly in Jaspersoft Studio- turns out date_format( curdate(), '%Y-07-01' ) doesn't translate into
DATEFORMAT( TODAY(), '%Y-07-01' ) or DATEFORMAT( TODAY(), YY/07/01 ). Neither worked.
I could keep trying to get creative and hopefully find something that works, but I'd rather actually understand how to use DATEFORMAT().
I checked the Jaspersoft Studio User Guide, but it's not there. From the prompts on the screen, it makes a lot of sense, but I just can't figure out the "format pattern" that I'm allowed to apply, or even how to correctly write any format pattern at all. Also, this conveniently named question, DateFormat Pattern, didn't actually help at all. And is kind of a joke in my opinion. When I checked it a couple days ago, it was filled with spam linking to live hockey games.
Thanks in advance. I'm sure this is a beginner level question, so I feel dumb asking it, and I feel like I'm wasting other people's space and time with it because I should already know. So I really appreciate your willingness to care.

I am using the following to get the todays date in a danish format
"Dato: "+new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy",new
Locale("da", "DK")).format(new Date())

you can find the source code for the DateTime functions directly in JR repository:
As you can see the code is fairly simple and relies on the Joda Time library.
Therefore the second parameter you are trying to enter is a String, while the first one is a Date object.
Indeed something that could work for you is an expression like this DATEFORMAT(TODAY(), "07-01-YYYY")


I need the complete list of date format in meteor autoform

I am trying to bring up a date format of "Monday, February 2,2015" in meteor autoform, from this code
I would like to have a list like in function shows the full date format.
I believe each one of us will find few and post here so that we get the complete list. I googled and I never got the list.
I'm not sure I fully understand your question but this might help.

regarding calculating business days/holidays

does anyone know where I can download this zip file called "" which was mentioned from this link ... ... I mean is there a better way of calculating business days/holidays than what is previously written here ... ... I've tried this but method from experts-exchange, registered the dll but still not working for me. Can anyone help?
You could create a custom function that returns an array of holidays. See my answer to Crystal Report exclude time entries based on holiday rules.
In this post there is a function that takes a start date, and end date and return the number of working days in between. Also takes holidays into account.

How to make Jasper Reports programmatically determine the Name of Columns within the report it self?

I am generating a report with that will have a 7 columns where the last 6 should have the the last 6 months listed. So as of the time of this writing it should be:
NAME -> September -> August -> July -> June -> May -> April
ss the column headers. I am trying to avoid having to pass them in as parameters, and am trying to get Jasper Reports to figure it out at runtime. I can get the first month pretty easily using a Text Field Expression. It looks like:
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM").format(new Date())
The issue comes in with the other months. I initially tried
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM").format(java.util.Calendar.getInstance().add(Calendar.MONTH, new Integer("-1)).getTime())
This does not work since Calendar.add does not return a Calendar instance. I then tried using a variable and then a combination of variables which also did not work.
How to make Jasper Reports programmatically determine the Name of Columns within the report it self?
I think the best approach to solving this problem is to use Commons Lang. That package provides utilities to make calculations like this very easy. By adding one extra jar you can then use expressions like this:
DateUtils.addMonths(new Date(),-1)
I find that easier to maintain than first creating a helper Calendar class and then using the ternary operator but ignoring its results.
$P{cal}.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1)
? null : $P{cal}.getTime()
If you ever need to generalize the solution then it's a lot easier to get a Date back from a SQL query than to get a Calendar. So you can quickly change to "DateUtils.addMonths($F{MyDate},-1)". Initializing a Calendar to match a date returned by a query isn't nearly as simple. But of course there's a certain benefit to not having to add one more .jar file. So sometimes that ternary operator technique is the quickest way to get things done.
I wrote about using the Commons Lang approach a couple of years ago here:
I also needed a certain format for the previous month. I ended up combining the other two answers:
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM").format(
new java.util.Date(),
This way I don't need to add another parameter. Adding the Commons Lang jar is a non issue for me since JasperServer 5.5 comes with version 3.0 out of the box.
I hope this helps someone who stumples upon this page, just like I did.
I found a working solution that is pretty ingenious (no I did not come up with it). I found it here. The gist of it is create a parameter called call, with a default value of:
and un-check the option 'Use as a prompt'. Then in your text field expression you would do:
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMMMM").format(
$P{cal}.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1)
? null : $P{cal}.getTime()
What happens is it will set the default value for the calendar instance, then execute the add method, which will resolve to false, so then it will then return the result from getTime() method which gets formatted how I want.

Change article_custom so that 'past' doesn't exclude an event on the current date

I'm using textpattern and trying to display a list of upcoming events. I'm using article_custom.
section="events" />
The issue I have is that this is supposed to show events coming up but using 'future' means that when an event is on the current date it's not showing (it's not future anymore). Both 'past' and 'future' time options seem to exclude the current date. That means people coming on the site don't see an event on that day which is a bit of an issue.
I've had a quick look around the code but can't seem to work out how to change the SQL statement so that future includes the current date.
Any help appreciated.
Its a bit oldie, but since i've just fixed the same issue, i thought i could provide my very simple soution to this matter.
What i did was simply set article date and time to its date and 25:59:59 time, so its visible all day on current day, but disappears immeadetly when day changes.
Since i didn't want to type those times always again and again, i run small javascript on article page which sets those automaticly to fields.
You can try plugin smd_calendar -
it supports a lot of methods to display upcomming and past events.

sqlite writing a date into an email

I am exporting a date value from sqlite and placing it into an email. The date appears like this
I am using Objective C in an Iphone App. Does anyone know how to make this export out as a regular date whether it is all number like
2009-02-10 or anything legible?
Well, if you take the number 279498721.322872 and throw it into an NSDate object using +dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate, you get (here in the MDT timezone): 2009-11-09 15:32:01 -0700, which was just under 4 hours ago. If that's the time you're expecting, then formatting it is as simple as using an NSDateFormatter.
However, the thing to notice is that sqlite (by default) stores dates as textual representations (unless you specify differently in the sql statement). So the real question here is "where are you getting that number from?"
echo date("Y-m-d",time(279498721.322872));
Thanks for the responses. The answer came from my Guru Alex Cone. He told me to use the following:
NSTimeInterval tempInterval = (NSTimeInterval)sqlite3_column_double(statement, 4);
The tempInterval variable can then be loaded into the the NSDate method.