Redshift: serializable isolation error (1023) despite LOCK - amazon-redshift

I am running several batch ETL operations in parallel on my Redshift cluster.
My pipeline does the following:
Do a a bunch of stuff on temporary staging table. At the end, upsert into the final table (permanent and shared across process) by doing:
LOCK table X;
DELETE FROM X USING stage_table...
Still, when I have several process in parallel, some fail with:
ERROR: 1023
DETAIL: Serializable isolation violation on table - 142443, transactions > forming the cycle are: 388224, 388226 (pid:32012)
(where 142443 is my table X)
When I run the process one-by-one everything works like a charm. I've used the lock with success on other processes (and verified that it worked as intended) so I'm puzzled here. Any help appreciated!

This is expected. The transaction isolation level used by Redshift is SERIALIZABLE as clearly stated in the AWS Doc
operational impact and map to SERIALIZABLE in Amazon Redshift.
Concretely speaking this means that if you run SQL statements in parallel that are not SERIALIZABLE (can be run in any order with no result difference), you will get the isolation level error.
By the way, Redshift give you tools to figure out which queries are conflicting. Using the numbers you get in the above log message you can query as follows:
select query, trim(querytxt) as sqlquery from stl_query where xid = 388224;
388224 the transaction_id that form the cycle.


How does postgresql lock tables when inserting and selecting?

I'm migrating data from one table to another in an environment where any long locks or downtime is not acceptable, in total about 80000 rows. Essentially the query boils down to this simple case:
SELECT * FROM table_1
JOIN table_3 on =
All 3 tables are being read from and could have an insert at any time. I want to just run the query above, but I'm not sure how the locking works and whether the tables will be totally inaccessible during the operation. My understanding tells me that only the affected rows (newly inserted) will be locked. Table 1 is just being selected, so no harm, and concurrent inserts are safe so table 2 should be freely accessible.
Is this understanding correct, and can I run this query in a production environment without fear? If it's not safe, what is the standard way to accomplish this?
You're fine.
If you're interested in the details, you can read up on multiversion concurrency control, or on the details of the Postgres MVCC implementation, or how its various locking modes interact, but the implications for your case are nicely summarised in the docs:
reading never blocks writing and writing never blocks reading
In short, every record stored in the database has some version number attached to it, and every query knows which versions to consider and which to ignore.
This means that an INSERT can safely write to a table without locking it, as any concurrent queries will simply ignore the new rows until the inserting transaction decides to commit.

How to perform a Bulk Insert in Sybase SQL

I need to insert a Big amount of data(Some Millions) and I need to perform it Quickly.
I read about Bulk insert via ODBC on .NET and JAVA But I need to perform it directly on the Database.
I also read about Batch Insert but What I have tried have not seemed to work
Batch Insert, Example
I'm executing a INSERT SELECT but it's taking something like 0,360s per row, this is very slow and I need to perform some improvements here.
I would really appreciate some guidance here with examples and documentation if possible.
Expanding on some of the comments ...
blocking, slow disk IO, and any other 'wait' events (ie, anything other than actual insert/update activity) can be ascertained from the master..monProcessWaits table (where SPID = spid_of_your_insert_update_process) [see the P&T manual for Monitoring Tables (aka MDA tables)]
master..monProcessObject and master..monProcessStatement will show logical/physical IOs for currently running queries [again, see P&T manual for MDA tables]
master..monSysStatement will show logical/physical IOs for recently completed queries [again, see P&T manual for MDA tables]
for UPDATE statements you'll want to take a look at the query plan to see if you're suffering from a poor join order; also of key importance ... direct (fast/good) updates vs deferred (slow/bad) updates; deferred updates can occur for many reasons ... some fixable, some not ... updating indexed columns, poor join order, updates that cause page splits and/or row forwardings
RI (PK/FK) constraints can be viewed with sp_helpconstraint table_name; query plans will also show the under-the-covers joins required when performing RI (PK/FK) validations during inserts/updates/deletes
triggers are a bit harder to locate (an official sp_helptrigger doesn't show up until ASE 16); check the sysobjects.[ins|upd|del]trig where name = your_table - these represent the object id(s) of any insert/update/delete triggers on the table; also check sysobjects records where type = 'TR' and deltrig = object_id(your_table) - provides support for additional insert/update/delete triggers (don't recall at moment if this is just ASE 16+)
if triggers are being fired, need to review the associated query plans to make sure the inserted and deleted tables (if referenced) are driving any queries where these pseudo tables are joined with permanent tables
There are likely some areas I'm forgetting (off the top of my head) ... key take away is that there could be many reasons for 'slow' DML statements.
One (relatively) quick way to find out if RI (PK/FK) constraints or triggers are at play ...
set showplan on
insert/update/delete statements
Then review the resulting query plan(s); if you see references to any tables other than the ones explicitly listed in the insert/update/delete statements then you're likely dealing with RI constraints and/or triggers.

Postgres EXPLAIN never returns a result

I was trying to figure out why a query was taking so long to run. When I ran EXPLAIN on the query it doesn't return (after waiting 5+ minutes). The query is
FROM Foo JOIN Bar USING (FileNum, LineNum)
The tuple (FileNum, LineNum) is the primary key of both tables. In addition, (FileNum, LineNum) is a foreign key in Bar that references Foo.
I'm having performance issues with the database but this seems to be a new phenomenon.
I've run ANALYZE on the database and have not made any changes since then.
Does anyone have any idea why the query planner doesn't return a result?
The simplest explanation is that another session has grabbed an AccessExclusive lock on one of the tables involved in the query and won't release it.
This happens if, for instance, the other session does an ALTER TABLE in a transaction and never commits.
You might try the queries in to check if there is such a blocking transaction in progress, then possibly terminate it with pg_cancel_backend() or pg_terminate_backend().
Note that if the blocking transaction is a prepared transaction:
the locks would survive to a server restart.
the transaction would not have a corresponding session in pg_stat_activity, so any query that joins through pid would miss it.
Prepared transactions can be seen through pg_prepared_xacts.

How do transactions work in the context of reads to the database?

I am using transactions to make changes to a SQL database. As I understand it, this means that changes to the database will happen in an all-or-nothing fashion. What I want to know is, does this have any guarantees for reads? For example, suppose I have some (pseudo)-code like this:
2) INSERT INTO users ... // insert some data
3) count = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... // count something in the database
4) if count > 10: // do something based on the read
5) INSERT INTO other_table ... // write based on the read
In this code, I'm doing an INSERT, followed by a SELECT, and then conditionally doing another INSERT based on the outcome of the SELECT.
So my question is, if another process modifies the database between steps (3) and (5), what happens to the count variable, and to my transaction?
If it makes a difference, I am using PostgreSQL.
As Xin pointed out, it depends on the isolation level.
At the default READ COMMITTED level, records from other sessions will become visible as they are committed; you would see the same records if you didn't start a transaction at all (though of course, other processes would see your inserts appear at different times).
With REPEATABLE READ, your queries will not see any records committed by other sessions after your transaction starts. But while you don't have to worry about the result of SELECT COUNT(*) changing during your transaction, you can't assume that this result will still be accurate by the time you commit.
Using SERIALIZABLE provides the strongest guarantee: if your script does the right thing when given exclusive access to the database, then it will do the right thing in the presence of other serialisable transactions (or it will fail outright). However, this means that all transactions which might interfere with yours must be using the same isolation level (which comes at a cost), and all must be prepared to retry their transaction in the event of a serialisation failure.
When serialisable transactions are not an option, you generally guard against race conditions by explicitly locking things against concurrent writes. It's often enough to lock a selection of records, but you can't exactly lock the result of a COUNT(*); in your case, you'd probably need to lock the whole table.
I am not working on postgreSQL, but I think I can answer your question. Think of every query is parallel. I am saying so, because there are 2 transactions: when you insert into a; others can insert into b; then when you check b; whether you can see the new data depends on your isolation setting (read committed or just dirty read).
Also please note that, in database, there is a technology called lock: you can lock a table so that prevent altering it from others before committing your transaction.

How can I be sure that a row, or series of rows returned in one select statement are excluded from other queries to the database in separate threads

I have a PostgreSQL 9.2.2 database that serves orders to my ERP system. The database tables contain boolean columns indicating if a customer is added or not among other records. The code I use extracts the rows from the database and sends them to our ERP system one at a time (single threaded). My code works perfectly in this regard; however over the past year our volume has grown enough to require a multi-threaded solution.
I don't think the MVCC modes will work for me because the added_customer column is only updated once a customer has been successfully added. The default MVCC modes could cause the same row to be worked on at the same time resulting in duplicate web service calls. What I want to avoid is duplicate web service calls to our ERP system as they can be rather heavy, although admittedly I am not an expert on MVCC nor the other modes that PostgreSQL provides.
My question is: How can I be sure that a row, or series of rows returned in one select statement are excluded from other queries to the database in separate threads?
You will need to record the fact that the rows are being processed somehow. You will also need to deal with concurrent attempts to mark them as being processed and handle failures with sending them to your ERP system.
You may find SELECT ... FOR UPDATE useful to get a set of rows and simultaneously lock them against updates. One approach might be for each thread to select a target row, try to add it's ID to a "processing" table, then remove it in the same transaction you update added_customer.
If a thread fetches no candidate rows, or fails to insert then it just needs to sleep briefly and try again. If anything goes badly wrong then you should have rows left in the "processing" table that you can inspect/correct.
Of course the other option is to just grab a set of candidate rows and spawn a separate process/thread for each that communicates with the ERP. That keeps the database fetching single-threaded while allowing multiple channels to the ERP.
You can add a column user_is_proccesed to the table. It can hold the process id for the back end, that updates the record.
Then use a small serializable transaction to set the user_is_proccesed to "lock row for proccesing".
Something like:
UPDATE user_table
SET user_is_proccesed = pg_backend_pid()
WHERE <some condition>
AND user_is_proccesed IS NULL; -- no one is proccesing it now
The key thing here - with SERIALIZABLE only one transaction can successfully update the record (all other concurrent SERIALIZABLE updates will fail with ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update).