vr_ad performance enhancement mode - specman

I want to use the vr_ad performance enhancement mode, VR_AD_ON_DEMAND_STATIC_INFO. What do I have to change in my register model code? What if I use a register model that was developed elsewhere – and I cannot edit it?

You should add a #define before loading vr_ad.
If it is loaded:
import vr_ad/e/vr_ad_top;


Cocoapod library and multiples configurations embedding

After googling a lot regarding my need, I finally ask to this awesome community a way to achieve my goal.
I need to create a swift library with cocoapod, and integrate multiple build configurations. I want to create 3 schemes on my project to switch easily environments variables (like target API, log level, and many more).
I really want to do this on library side, not on app-side, since it's for debug & testing purposes, and finally, applications which embed this pod will only use the "Release" build (except us, developers who maintain this library)
I tried opening the _Pods.xcodeproj and doing update in this file (create *.xcconfig files I need, mapped to configurations schemes) but disappear after ran a "pod install".
Not sure at all if you can do that hack on library side. Looks weird.
But the best practice would be:
When initializing and configuring libraries, endpoints etc (all you need to change between schemes), just check which one is used, and pass different parameters
create a file, FE Constants
struct Constants {
static var libraryApiKey: String {
return "debugKey"
return "productionKey"
And when initializing
Library.initialize(withKey: Constants.libraryApiKey)

How would I go about writing code that uses android.hardware.automotive.vehicle#2.0 Library?

I'm trying to learn to write Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
Here's the path I've taken so far, please correct me if I'm off in any step.
Downloaded AOSP and built it successfully (86%)
Located Vehicle Hal Support Library
Located android.hardware.automotive.vehicle C++ code.
Things I've attempted after that the steps below without succeeding to get those above classes recognized.
Import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle classes in Android Studio for a typical Android App that targets 29 Api Level.
Adding meta tag of android.car app
Copy/Pasting all source code under AOSP /packages/services/Car/
Partially contemplated adding android.hardware.automotive.vehicle#2.0.so Library and trying to access it through JNI (Not so sure about this one).
Please orient me, I see some repositories on github not doing anything special and somehow they're able to import the package in a java class like this.
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleHwKeyInputAction;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropValue;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleProperty;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropertyAccess;
how on earth do they get access to those classes?
Vehicle HAL is not meant to be accessed directly from apps. Car Service does that for you.
You have couple options depending on what you're actually trying to accomplish:
Learn to write HAL services - it's like writing a driver for a given hardware (in this case, something that provides car data to Car Service).
Learn to write HAL clients - try modifying EmbeddedKitchenSink app first. Please note you need to build it with AOSP and not in AmdroidStudio since this is a system app (and regular apps doesn't have access to the HAL)
Learn Vehicle APIs - that's what you need car lib for. Details on how to use it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63321234/14759774

Using only part of a class from a different target

I just created a new target for the Lite version of my app. The Lite app only uses part of a base class that I have in the main app, ie it won't need to use an option that requires it to import 4 or 5 files.
My question is, from a design perspective, what is the best way to handle this so that my Lite version can only use the part of the class that it needs? Obviously, one solution is I just import those 4 unnecessary files into Lite build phase, and just use the whole class (even the parts it doesn't need). This seems inefficient though. I know I can do an ifndef to block those files from being imported if the Lite version is running, but how do I block out the code in the class from also not being picked up by the compiler?
Would a better way just be to have my Lite version create a subclass of the Base class that only uses the options it needs? But then I believe, would I still need to import those unnecessary files?
Just a bit confused about this, first time I've ever created another target that utilizes code from the main target. Any help appreciate thanks.
Put the common/lite functionality in a super class. Heavy functionality in the sub-class.
As another answer points out, you can handle this by putting the lite functionality in a subclass and the full functionality in a superclass.
Another option is to use a single class, and add the full functionality in an Objective-C category. Essentially, you can define methods in the category to supplement – or replace – methods in the base implementation.
Unlike a subclass, however, methods defined in a category can't invoke super to get the base class's functionality. super still refers to the base class's superclass, whether that's NSObject, UIDocument, or what have you – not the implementation without the category.
The advantage is that you only have one class name, so the code which instantiates your class (or classes) doesn't need to use something like #ifdef to switch classes and #includes depending on whether you're building the lite or full version.

iPhone RestKit how to enable RKLogDebug?

I'm trying to debug RestKit object mapping and noticed that there are calls to RKLogDebug throughout the code, but it appears that that macro is undefined somewhere. How can I enable it?
You want to add something like this:
RKLogConfigureByName("RestKit", RKLogLevelWarning);
RKLogConfigureByName("RestKit/ObjectMapping", RKLogLevelTrace);
RKLogConfigureByName("RestKit/Network", RKLogLevelTrace);
to your code. See RKLog.h for the various levels. It is pretty trick.
N.B. this supports a wildcard at the end so, e.g.,
RKLogConfigureByName("*", RKLogLevelTrace); // set all logs to trace,
RKLogConfigureByName("RestKit*", RKLogLevelWarning); // set all RestKit logs to warning (leaving the app-specific log untouched).
– Thanks Kevin!
For Swift user use this syntex:
RKlcl_configure_by_name("RestKit/Network", RKlcl_vTrace.rawValue)
RKlcl_configure_by_na`enter code here`me("RestKit/ObjectMapping", RKlcl_vOff.rawValue)
– Thanks Darshit!
As described in first answer you can configure your app to specific component by calling RKLogConfigureByName.
You can also configure RestKit for specific component using Environment Variables in Xcode scheme. This is useful especially when you have your app building continuously for different environments.
Here's detailed explanation of RestKit logging http://restkit-tutorials.com/logging-in-restkit-debug-tips/

How to check if not available methods are used if deployment target < base sdk?

I would like to know how you check that your code do not call not available methods when the deployment target is inferior to base SDK ?
It is possible to run the application on a device with the SDK equal to deployment target, but I search a way more 'automatic'. Any idea ?
The easiest way to do this is to use the __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED preprocessor define.
You do this by adding
or something similar to your "Preprocessor Macros" option in Build Settings of your target. You can look up versions available in <Availability.h>.
Unfortunately if you add this define it will cause mismatch errors with your precompiled header. So, to fix that you need to turn off the "Precompile Prefix Header" option in your build settings as well.
Once you do this you'll get a bunch of errors for classes that don't exist on your targeted SDK (for instance NSOrderedSet doesn't exist in iOS 4.2). If you're trying to go back pre-iOS 4 you'll probably get so many errors that the compiler bails--I don't know of a workaround for this. In any case, ignore the errors about missing classes in the UIKit headers, and go to the bottom of the error list; there you should find an error for each time you use a method or class that isn't included in the SDK pointed to by __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED. Make sure each of these methods is enclosed in an
if( [targetObject respondsToSelector:#selector(thePossiblyMissingSelector:)]
and you should be safe. Classes that may be missing should be tested as well
if ([NSOrderedSet class] != nil)
These settings aren't something you want to accidentally forget to flip back however. To make this an automatic option for testing, do the following:
Create a new build configuration called something like "Old SDK Testing".
Define __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED and the precompiled head option only for this configuration (hit the disclosure arrow beside each line in Build Settings to access per configuration settings).
Duplicate your current Scheme and set its name to something like "Old SDK Check".
Set the Build Configuration of the Run item in this new scheme to the build configuration you created in step 1.
Select the new Scheme and build.
I make no guarantee that this will catch any/all of your issues.
Anything outside of UIKit will not be caught by this check.
This is not a substitute for testing your code on the versions of iOS you
plan to support.
use NSClassFromString();
Class cls = NSClassFromString(#"YourClass");
if (cls == nil)
is this you are looking for?
best way to do that which i found: compile code with old SDK :) link which can help
I think this question is releated with next
I belive that someday Apple allow to compile project for old SDK by simple defining #define __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED __IPHONE_3_0
upd: I found solution here
4.3 5.0 and 5.1 SDK just fail to compile after trying to redefine this macro
Are you looking for something like
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector
If you have an instance of a class, you can use the following to see if it understands the method you want to call:
if ([mipmapBrowserView respondsToSelector:#selector(setBackgroundColor:)]) {
// set the background layer since IKImageView supports it
Here, mipmapBrowserView is an instance of IKImageView, which was first introduced in Mac OS X 10.5. The setBackgroundColor: method of IKImageView was only added in 10.6, however, so I need to check before I call it. This allows me to build against the 10.6 SDK, and take advantage of the new features, yet still support OS X 10.5 as well. While this example involves OS X rather than iOS, the same method (pun intended?) works in iOS as well.
Note that things are slightly different when you are subclassing a class, and you want to know whether the superclass responds to a certain selector:
"You cannot test whether an object inherits a method from its superclass by sending respondsToSelector: to the object using the super keyword. This method will still be testing the object as a whole, not just the superclass’s implementation. Therefore, sending respondsToSelector: to super is equivalent to sending it to self. Instead, you must invoke the NSObject class method instancesRespondToSelector: directly on the object’s superclass...."