Why Scala compiler throws IndexOutOfBoundException while applying foreach on a mutable list - scala

I have the following Code.
import scala.collection.mutable.MutableList
val x = MutableList[Int]()
(1 to 10).foreach(x+=1)
I get the java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 error.
(1 to 10).foreach(println) this does not throw any error.
the indexOutOfBoundException can be solved by using lambda Operator as follows:
(1 to 10).foreach(_ => x+=1)
Everything works fine with this.
My questions are :
1. Why do i need to use lambda operator in first case unlike second one?
2. Why the compiler throws IndexOutOfBoundException, i suppose this is not the correct context for this Exception.

What happens is a few little conveniences in the library conspiring to bite you.
foreach signature is
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit
In your case, A is Int, so it needs a function which takes an Int and returns Unit. Fine with println. Note you have just written println, not println(something), which would not have been a function.
One would expect x += 1 to be just an instruction, so it would have type Unit, not a function, not a valid argument of foreach, and one would get a helpful compile-time error. But += in MutableList actually returns the list, which is convenient as it makes chaining operations easier:
def +=(elem: A): this.type
So the type of x+= 1 is MutableList[Int]. One will still expect a compilation error, not a function. Except that MutableLists (all Seqs actually) are functions, with Int parameters, returning the type of the Seq's elements. The function simply returns the i-th element. Again, that may be convenient, you may simply pass the seq where a function is expected, instead of having to write i => seq(i). Now you have a function, with an Int parameter, what foreach expects.
Still, it does not returns Unit, but Int. However, scala will accept that as an Int => Unit, just discarding the value. So it compiles.
Now to what it does: first, it evaluates the argument in foreach, so it calls x+=1, getting the list x, which now contains an element. It will then call this function, which is the access to the i-th element with arguments ranging from 1 to 10). Doing that, it would not add values to the list, but just access elements at the given indexes. It then fails immediately, as the list contains just one element, at index 0, so calling with 1 throws the IndexOutOfBoundException.


Scala. Need for loop where the iterations return a growing list

I have a function that takes a value and returns a list of pairs, pairUp.
and a key set, flightPass.keys
I want to write a for loop that runs pairUp for each value of flightPass.keys, and returns a big list of all these returned values.
val result:List[(Int, Int)] = pairUp(flightPass.keys.toSeq(0)).toList
for (flight<- flightPass.keys.toSeq.drop(1))
{val result:List[(Int, Int)] = result ++ pairUp(flight).toList}
I've tried a few different variations on this, always getting the error:
<console>:23: error: forward reference extends over definition of value result
for (flight<- flightPass.keys.toSeq.drop(1)) {val result:List[(Int, Int)] = result ++ pairUp(flight).toList}
I feel like this should work in other languages, so what am I doing wrong here?
First off, you've defined result as a val, which means it is immutable and can't be modified.
So if you want to apply "pairUp for each value of flightPass.keys", why not map()?
val result = flightPass.keys.map(pairUp) //add .toList if needed
A Scala method which converts a List of values into a List of Lists and then reduces them to a single List is called flatMap which is short for map then flatten. You would use it like this:
flightPass.keys.toSeq.flatMap(k => pairUp(k))
This will take each 'key' from flightPass.keys and pass it to pairUp (the mapping part), then take the resulting Lists from each call to pairUp and 'flatten' them, resulting in a single joined list.

Getting an error while passing an expression as a fucntion parameter

scala> def sum(a:Int)={a} //I have defined the function with a single parameter
sum: (a: Int)Int
sum{val b=10+20} //passing the parameter as expression block
Getting error
scala> sum{val b=10+20}
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: Int
sum{val b=10+20}
Why is it expecting Unit here?
The error is that {val b = 10 + 20} is of type Unit while sum is expecting an Int.
You can either call sum directly without assigning the variable:
sum(10 + 20)
> 30
Or make the block return an Int, like:
val b = 10 + 20
b // return b, which is an Int
> 30
You do not pass an expression but a block with one declaration. Try:
You are experiencing a weird combination of syntax error and type-system convention.
The curly braces mark a block (see e.g. the body of your sum function declaration). Function arguments can be passed in juxtaposition or using parenthesis. That is your syntax error.
The type system convention allows languages with side-effects to gently insert these effects into basically any expression. This happens by treating the composition of statements (i.e. the semicolon) as "evaluate these expression but do nothing with the result, then evaluate the next expression". The nothing as result part is combined with the unit type for statements that do not compute anything.
def sum(a:Int)={a}
What this statement does is create a method that takes one Int-typed parameter and returns it.
sum{val b=10+20}
Here you pass a value to your defined method sum. What you're passing is an expression. Scala will, effectively, 'rewrite' that expression before applying it to sum. If we write the expression being passed (val b=10+20) in the REPL we will see what it gets rewritten to:
scala> val b=10+20
b: Int = 30
But this is only part of the story, because the assignment of a value to a name returns nothing. We can see this by putting brackets around the assignment:
scala> { val b=10+20 }
Note that the REPL displays nothing when this happens.
Because the re-written expression includes this evaluation, you're actually passing a scope to the function, in which b is defined. However, that scope doesn't 'return' an Int to be bound to a. To return the result of the b assignment, you have to do one of two things. Either you have to have a call to the variable be the last call in the expression, or have the last call be the calculation itself, and don't assign that to a variable:
sum{ val b=10+20; b } // Explicitly call the bound variable
sum{ 10 + 20 } // Don't assign the variable

how scala folding works?

I am trying to understand the following code but can't.
it is supposed to create a child actor for an Event if it does not exist, otherwise says that the Event exist as it as an associated child actor.
context.child(name).fold(create())(_ => sender() ! EventExists)
But the fold here does not make sense to me. If the context.child is emtpty we get the creation and i understand that. However if there is children we are still going to create why ?
Akka's child returns an Option
As you can see from Option's scaladoc:
fold[B](ifEmpty: ⇒ B)(f: (A) ⇒ B): B Returns the result of
applying f to this scala.Option's value if the scala.Option is
nonempty. Otherwise, evaluates expression ifEmpty.
Or making it more clear:
This (fold) is equivalent to scala.Option map f getOrElse ifEmpty.
So the first parameter of fold is lazy (call-by-name) and evaluates only if Option is empty. The second parameter (a function) is called only if Option is not empty.
scala> Some(0).fold({println("1");1}){_ => println("2"); 2}
res0: Int = 2
scala> None.fold({println("1");1}){_ => println("2"); 2}
res1: Int = 1
Here's some readings about:
And some critics of that approach:
But in Option.fold() the contract is different: folding function takes
just one parameter rather than two. If you read my previous article
about folds you know that reducing function always takes two
parameters: current element and accumulated value (initial value
during first iteration). But Option.fold() takes just one parameter:
current Option value! This breaks the consistency, especially when
realizing Option.foldLeft() and Option.foldRight() have correct
contract (but it doesn't mean they are more readable).

A variable used in its own definition?

An infinite stream:
val ones: Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(1, ones)
How is it possible for a value to be used in its own declaration? It seems this should produce a compiler error, yet it works.
It's not always a recursive definition. This actually works and produces 1:
val a : Int = a + 1
variable a is created when you type val a: Int, so you can use it in the definition. Int is initialized to 0 by default. A class will be null.
As #Chris pointed out, Stream accepts => Stream[A] so a bit another rules are applied, but I wanted to explain general case. The idea is still the same, but the variable is passed by-name, so this makes the computation recursive. Given that it is passed by name, it is executed lazily. Stream computes each element one-by-one, so it calls ones each time it needs next element, resulting in the same element being produces once again. This works:
val ones: Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(1, ones)
println((ones take 10).toList) // List(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Though you can make infinite stream easier: Stream.continually(1) Update As #SethTisue pointed out in the comments Stream.continually and Stream.cons are two completely different approaches, with very different results, because cons takes A when continually takes =>A, which means that continually recomputes each time the element and stores it in the memory, when cons can avoid storing it n times unless you convert it to the other structure like List. You should use continually only if you need to generate different values. See #SethTisue comment for details and examples.
But notice that you are required to specify the type, the same as with recursive functions.
And you can make the first example recursive:
lazy val b: Int = b + 1
This will stackoverflow.
Look at the signature of Stream.cons.apply:
apply[A](hd: A, tl: ⇒ Stream[A]): Cons[A]
The ⇒ on the second parameter indicates that it has call-by-name semantics. Therefore your expression Stream.cons(1, ones) is not strictly evaluated; the argument ones does not need to be computed prior to being passed as an argument for tl.
The reason this does not produce a compiler error is because both Stream.cons and Cons are non-strict and lazily evaluate their second parameter.
ones can be used in it's own definition because the object cons has an apply method defined like this:
/** A stream consisting of a given first element and remaining elements
* #param hd The first element of the result stream
* #param tl The remaining elements of the result stream
def apply[A](hd: A, tl: => Stream[A]) = new Cons(hd, tl)
And Cons is defined like this:
final class Cons[+A](hd: A, tl: => Stream[A]) extends Stream[A]
Notice that it's second parameter tl is passed by name (=> Stream[A]) rather than by value. In other words, the parameter tl is not evaluated until it is used in the function.
One advantage to using this technique is that you can compose complex expressions that may be only partially evaluated.

interpreting function within a function in scala

I'm new to scala, and I see this piece of code:
def sum(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = ...
I know that this sum function takes a function with 2 parameters(a and b) of type Ints.
Am I correct to say that:
The sum function takes a function, because i see (f: after def sum?
I'm a bit confused with the Int => Int syntax and the last :Int before =.
What does the Int on the left of the right arrow indicate?
Does the Int type on the right of the right arrow indicate:
the return value of the sum function?
or does it indicate the return value of the anonymous function
does the last :Int = indicate the return value of sum function is of type Int??
The sum method takes 3 parameters, split between two lists, and returns an Int. The first parameter list is for a function that takes an Int and returns an Int. That makes sum a higher-order function (in the loose sense of equating methods and functions). The colon means "of type".
It's significant to note that there is a different syntax for return values of functions and methods. This is because functions are values in Scala, and therefore their arguments and return types must be captured by a single type, and the => captures this. Methods are not values, and their parameter types and return types are notated separately. You may be able to gloss over this as a beginner, but I think it's worthwhile to explore the distinction.