pydev 4.0 search tab error message 'SearchPage_wholeWord' - pydev

The latest version of pydev cannot create the search tab somehow. It shows the following error. Any solutions? Thanks.

This is really a bug if you use an older version of Eclipse with the latest PyDev (as it was relying on an internal package)... I've just fixed it:


Error configuring pipeline debugger in Eclipse

enter image description hereI have been trying really hard to configure a pipeline debugger in eclipse. After using my digital server account in server configuration when i select my site and click 'Debug' button it gives me an error
Could not initialize class com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.TreeMapConverter
I couldn't find much help online. I even tried changing the JRE version to an older version 14.0.2 but it doesn't seem to help.
[![Image attached of error][2]][2]
enter image description here
That library seems to be a core component of the Pipeline editor. I would suggest that you ensure that your Eclipse version is compatible with the plugin if you haven't done so already.
Currently, according to the documentation it only supports:
Mars - Eclipse 4.5
Neon - Eclipse 4.6
Furthermore, you must install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Eclipse. (Though in the past I've found that older plugin versions may sometimes work in newer Eclipse builds.)
This error relates to discounted class from JRE.
So my recipe for solving the issue:
used OpenJDK v11
installed latest eclipce version
SFCC plugin v4.6
Some found issues:
with new eclipce version brakepoints are not set from JS editor only via ScriptEditor
Thank you,
I had issues with running debugger, but after I installed eclipse version 2020-12 and installed UX studio plugin it started to work. maybe new versions are not compatible with plugin

Eclipse won't switch workspace

Whenever I switch workspace on eclipse, I get the error:
An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling".
Duplicate field name&signature in class file org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/ast/ASTNode
If I restart Eclipse, it then loads the new workspace correctly. Any ideas how I go about fixing this?
I'm using Eclipse Kepler on Windows 7
Yup, whoops, lombok bug. Sorry. It's been fixed; the next lombok version (looks like that'll be 1.14) will no longer have this issue. Until then, the edge release can be used if this is really cramping your workspace-switchin' style :)
Install the latest version of projectlombok.
I had the same issue. After updating Gradle and anything else that I had installed in Eclipse, it still wouldn't work. For me it actually wouldn't be fixed by restarting Eclipse, as far as I could tell. I managed to fix it by downloading the latest release of Eclipse and extracting it over my current installation. Don't know if that'll work for you or not.

Line numbers not updating on 2nd monitor - Eclipse STS 2.8.1RELEASE - OS X Lion

I'm currently developing on a Macbook Pro running Lion, and I'm having an issue where line numbers (and all other features that are on that panel including breakpoints, section hiding/expanding, etc) don't scroll with the source code in the editor.
I found this filed bug (, but what I need to do to fix this isn't clear. I'm hoping to avoid a re-install and re-import of all my projects and other plug-ins.
Thoughts? Is it an STS issue (not really sure what version of Eclipse STS relates to)?
Check what version of Eclipse you are running off of. Did you install STS from the installer or the zip? Or did you start with a vanilla eclipse and use the update sites?
This problem happened with Eclipse 3.7.0 and Lion. This was a bug in SWT, but I believe that it is fixed in 3.7.1.
To find the Eclipse version click on :
STS -> about STS -> Installation details -> plugins -> org.eclipse.swt.
It should be 3.7.0 or 3.7.1 or 3.7.2. If it is 3.7.0, then you should update to 3.7.2 (released last week).
Just to make this clearer, my "solution" was to change display settings so that my 2nd monitor was my main one.
If somebody comes up with a better solution, I'll un-check this and check the new response.

eclipse 3.7.1 update error

I'm currently using the Eclipse Indigo 3.7 IDE for Java Developers.So today I tried to update it to the latest 3.7.1 but during the update process a error downloading0 with Comparison method violates its general contract! pops out and the whole update process stucks at that process. Can someone help me with this problem?
I'm using both JDK 7x64 and JRE 7x64
Due to lack of information, I can suggest it's related to eclipse bug 317785, if you are using Java 1.7.
Possible workarounds:
* use JRE6
* when using JRE7, theres a small rarely documented feature
set system property java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true
This should use old implementation and should not bring up the bug
I was able to fix this problem by using this workaround taken from the link suggested by 4e6 and VonC (
To clarify comment #22 for those on JRE7 who can't upgrade to 3.7.1
because of this bug:
Add the following line to your eclipse.ini:
-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true Then run the update to 3.7.1 from inside Eclipse again, it should succeed now. Afterwards, you should be able to drop that line from eclipse.ini again.

Where are the preferences for HGEclipse plugin in Eclipse 3.5?

I've installed HgEclipse plugin from the update site:
From some reason, when I go to Window->Preferences, I can't find the category Mercurial under Team.
Someone knows how to solve this?
My eclipse version is 3.5 (Galileo).
My plugin version is 1.5.0
I have hg 1.4 installed on my machine.
I'm running on Fedora Core 11.
It means the installation did not complete successfully.
Could you check your logs (Windows / Show Views / Error logs) to see what gone wrong?
It seams the problem is related to a (fedora?)eclipse bug, and issues with permissions to the plugin folder.
I solved it by uninstalling hgeclipse, starting eclipse as root, installing hgeclipse, and then restarting as my normal user again.
The project URL is, when you create an account and put your issue into the prokect's bug tracker, you will get help there.