How to handle TCP keepalive in application - sockets

I have a TCP application running on VxWorks. I have SO_KEEPALIVE option set for my TCP connections. My application keep track of all TCP connection and put it into a link list.
If client is idle for long time, we see that connection is closing down. Connection is not listed in netstat output.
As the connection is closed by TCP stack, resources allocated for that connection are not cleaned up. Can you please help me figure out how does application get notified if connection is closed due to keep-alive's failures.

TCP keepalive is intended primarily to prevent network routers from shutting the TCP connection down during long periods of inactivity, not to prevent your OS or application from shutting down the connection when it deems appropriate.
In most TCP/IP implementations, you can determine if a connection has been closed by attempting to read from it.

From this reference :
I quote :
This procedure is useful because if the other peers lose their connection (for example by rebooting) you will notice that the connection is broken, even if you don't have traffic on it. If the keepalive probes are not replied to by your peer, you can assert that the connection cannot be considered valid and then take the correct action.
If you have a server for instance and a lot of clients can connect to it, without sending regularly, you might end up in a situation with clients that are no longer there. A client may have rebooted and this goes undetected because a FIN is never sent in that case.
For cases like this the keepalive exists.
From TCP point of view there is nothing special with a keep alive. And hence if the peer fails to ack a keepalive, you will receive 0 bytes on your socket and you'll have to close your end of the socket. Which is the only corrective action you can do at that moment.

As the connection is closed by TCP stack, resources allocated for that connection are not cleaned up.
Only if you never use the connection again.
If client is idle for long time, we see that connection is closing down. Connection is not listed in netstat output.
Make up your mind. Either you see it or you don't. What you will see is the port in CLOSE_WAIT in netstat.
Can you please help me figure out how does application get notified if connection is closed due to keep-alive's failures.
Next time you use the connection for read or write you will get an ECONNRESET.


Keep TCP connection on permanently with ESP8266 TCP client

I am using the wifi chip ESP8266 with SMING framework.
I am able to establish a TCP connection as a client to a remote server. The code for initiating client connection to server is simple.
tcpClient.connect(SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT);
Unfortunately, the connection will close after idling for some time. I would like to keep this connection open forever permanently. How can this be done?
You will actually need to monitor the connection state and reconnect it if it failed. Your protocol on top of it will need to keep track of what got actually received by the other side and retransmit it.
In any wireless network your link may go down for one reason or another and if you need to maintain a long term connection you will need to have it in a layer above TCP itself.
TCP will continue to be connected as long as both sides allow for it (none of them disconnected) and there are no errors on the link, in this case sending keepalives may actually cause disconnects since the keepalive may fail at one time but the link could recover and if you didn't have the keepalive the link would have stayed up.

TCP connection between client and server gone wrong

I establish a TCP connection between my server and client which runs on the same host. We gather and read from the server or say source in our case continuously.
We read data on say 3 different ports.
Once the source stops publishing data or gets restarted , the server/source is not able to publish data again on the same port saying port is already bind. The reason given is that client still has established connection on those ports.
I wanted to know what could be the probable reasons of this ? Can there be issue since client is already listening on these ports and trying to reconnect again and again because we try this reconnection mechanism. I am more looking for reason on source side as the same code in client sides when source and client are on different host and not the same host works perfectly fine for us.
I found this while going through various article .
On the question of using SO_LINGER to send a RST on close to avoid the TIME_WAIT state: I've been having some problems with router access servers (names withheld to protect the guilty) that have problems dealing with back-to-back connections on a modem dedicated to a specific channel. What they do is let go of the connection, accept another call, attempt to connect to a well-known socket on a host, and the host refuses the connection because there is a connection in TIME_WAIT state involving the well-known socket. (Stevens' book TCP Illustrated, Vol 1 discusses this problem in more detail.) In order to avoid the connection-refused problem, I've had to install an option to do reset-on-close in the server when the server initiates the disconnection.
Link to source:-
I guess i am facing the same problem: 'attempt to connect to a well-known socket on a host, and the host refuses the connection'. Probable fix mention is 'option to do reset-on-close in the server when the server initiates the disconnection'. Now how do I do that ?
Set the SO_REUSEADDR option on the server socket before you bind it and call listen().
EDIT The suggestion to fiddle around with SO_LINGER option is worthless and dangerous to your data in flight. Just use SO_RESUSEADDR.
You need to close the socket bound to that port before you restart/shutdown the server!
Also, there's a timeout time, which I think is 4 minutes, so if you created a TCP socket and close it, you may still have to wait 4 minutes until it closes.
You can use netstat to see all the bound ports on your system. If you shut down your server, or close your server after forking on connect, you may have zombie processes which are bound to certain ports that do not close and remain active, and thus, you can't rebind to the same port. Show some code.

TCP IO Akka socket connection closed is not called when Internet is down

I have implemented a socket - client interaction using akka's TCP module. I am trying to make the application to detect when the socket is closed and release the resources assigned to that client's socket.
Akka has case _ : ConnectionClosed case in order to handle this kind of situation.But i have realized that it is not being called when the internet connection is down.
I couldn't be able to find anything to detect that the socket's client part is disconnected from the internet.
Is there any specifics that I am missing?
The network connection going down doesn't necessarily close any sockets, the OS is free to leave them open in case the network connection recovers. I believe this is really an issue with your OS, and not with Akka. TCP connections will eventually timeout, but this can take tens of minutes. See TCP Socket no connection timeout.

Is application level heartbeating preferable to TCP keepalives?

Is there a reason why I should use application level heartbeating instead of TCP keepalives to detect stale connections, given that only Windows and Linux machines are involved in our setup?
It seems that the TCP keepalive parameters can't be set on a per-socket basis on Windows or OSX, that's why.
Edit: All parameters except the number of keepalive retransmissions can in fact be set on Windows (2000 onwards) too:
I was trying to do this with zeromq, but it just seems that zeromq does not support this on Windows?
From John Jefferies response : ZMQ Pattern Dealer/Router HeartBeating
"Heartbeating isn't necessary to keep the connection alive (there is a ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE socket option for TCP sockets). Instead, heartbeating is required for both sides to know that the other side is still active. If either side does detect that the other is inactive, it can take alternative action."
TCP keepalives serve an entirely different function from application level heartbeating. A keepalive does just that, it keeps the TCP session active rather than allow it to time out after long periods of silence. This is important and good, and (if appropriate) you should use it in your application. But a TCP session dying due to inactivity is only one way that the connection can be severed between a pair of ZMQ sockets. One endpoint could lose power for 90 minutes and be offline, TCP keepalives wouldn't do squat for you in that scenario.
Application level heartbeating is not intended to keep the TCP session active, expecting you to rely on keepalives for that function if possible. Heartbeating is there to tell your application that the connection is in fact still active and the peer socket is still functioning properly. This would tell you that your peer is unavailable so you can behave appropriately, by caching messages, throwing an exception, sending an alert, etc etc etc.
In short:
a TCP keepalive is intended to keep the connection alive (but doesn't protect against all disconnection scenarios)
an app-level heartbeat is intended to tell your application if the connection is alive

TCP backlog exhaustion causes incoming connections not to be signaled

I am doing following:
Open a listening TCP socket.
Set BACKLOG to 10
Open 50 connecting sockets (non-blocking connect is used)
poll on the listening socket and accept the connections
Connections that are able to transfer any data are closed
What I see is that all 50 connects succeed, however, POLLIN on the listening socket is signaled only ~30 times. Which means only 30 connections are accepted.
When I run netstat is such condition I see no hanging ESTABLISHED connections. There are couple of connections hanging in TIME_WAIT state, but that doesn't seem relevant.
The above was observed on Linux, however, similar behaviour seems to happen on FreeBSD and NetBSD as well.
Anyone any experience with this kind of thing?
I've got the explanation out-of-band. Those interested in it can read about it here: